The Extra Shot – June 22, 2018

The Extra Shot – June 22, 2018

The Extra Shot Promo 200x300 The Extra Shot   June 22, 2018Welcome to The Extra Shot where you’ll find EXCLUSIVE content from Authors who have books releasing in the near future or just want to share a peek.  

Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits. 

Today you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from The Distiller’s Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley to jump start your weekend along with a fabulous giveaway too! This book released yesterday so one-click your copy now and get ready for a great new book adventure! 

Be sure to stop by the blog later today for my review of The Distiller’s Darling, you don’t want to miss latest installment in the River Hill series! If you read The Vintner’s Vixen you will recognize a few familiar characters. If you haven’t read The Vintner’s Vixen this book can be read as a standalone but I’m sure you’ll want to start from the beginning. Click here to get your copy of The Vintner’s Vixen, and then enter the fabulous giveaway below!

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Exclusive Excerpt 300x300 The Extra Shot   June 22, 2018

“What brings you here?”

Her mother examined her surroundings. “Do you have a place to sit down?”

Naomi sighed. “Come on in. The living room is this way.” The dining room had been converted to her office, but she’d furnished the cozy living room with a comfortable couch and a chair or two. She mostly used the space for watching ridiculous movies when she was feeling burnt out. Although she and Iain had done a few other things in there several days ago. Probably not something she should be thinking about as she watched her mother sit carefully down in the exact spot Iain had—never mind.

“So? You’re sitting. In my house. Which you’ve never visited before, let alone showed up unannounced to. Why are you here, Mom?”

“Oh, it isn’t just me, dear.” Her mother smiled at her beatifically. “Your father’s here, too. He’s just taking a little nap. You know how travel tires him.”

“You live less than two hours from here.”

“Yes, of course. It was certainly a drive. There were many interesting fields and farms.” Her mother’s tone conveyed her opinion about such things, and it wasn’t positive. “I left him at the cozy B&B we booked. So convenient that it had availability.”

Oh, no. “You’re staying? At a B&B?”

“Oh, yes. Even more charming than your little place here. I understand they’ve undergone some renovations recently.”

“Mom, are you staying at the Oakwell Inn?”

“Well of course, darling.”

“But that’s Noah’s—”

“Yes, I promised his mother a full report, of course.” Her own mother sniffed. “Angelica is a charming girl, although she seems quite busy.”

That explained why nobody had thought to warn Naomi about this ambush. Angelica was due to leave to film another segment of her popular show in a day or two. Possibly even tomorrow—Naomi wasn’t sure of the exact schedule. But Noah and Angelica would have been far too busy cooing over each other to even register this particular emergency. They probably thought Naomi had invited her parents to come.

“Why are you and Dad here? You never leave the city.”

“Darling, you didn’t answer your phone. I assumed you were dead. We came to identify your body.”

“You booked a B&B to identify my corpse?”

“Well, we certainly weren’t going to stay at a Holiday Inn.”

Naomi closed her eyes and sought patience. “You knew I wasn’t dead. What’s going on?”

Her mother leaned toward her. “It’s an intervention, Naomi.”

Naomi felt her jaw drop. “A what?”

“An intervention. Jacob and Tanya are on their way, too. We felt the whole family should be here.”

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The Vintner’s Vixen

Authors Dish With Rebecca Norinne

Coffee With Jamaila Brinkley

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28458827 1917310315247827 1883141094 n The Extra Shot   June 22, 2018Rebecca Norinne writes sexy romance from the heart. Her heroines are bold and headstrong, and her heroes will do anything for the ones they love.

When not banging away at the keyboard, she is watching rugby, enjoying a pint of craft beer, or traveling the globe in search of inspiration for her next book.

Originally from California, Rebecca currently resides in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband.


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Jamaila Brinkley writes historical romance with a hint of magic. Her Wizards of London series features thieves, duchesses, 15200311 The Extra Shot   June 22, 2018witches, and more indulging in mayhem and romance in Regency England. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and was a finalist in the Romance Through the Ages contest in 2015.

Jamaila came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Her favorite historical period is currently the Victorian era, and she’s never happier than when immersed in a multi-book family series.

Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.

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The Distiller’s Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley – Excerpt & Giveaway

The Distiller’s Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley – Excerpt & Giveaway

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Today we are celebrating the release of THE DISTILLER’S DARLING by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley. This is the second standalone title in the River Hill contemporary romance series. Check out an excerpt from the book below.

Available Now

Amazon US | Amazon UK | iBooks | Nook | Kobo

The Distillers Darling 683x1024 The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley   Excerpt & Giveaway

THE DISTILLER’S DARLING by Rebecca Norinne & Jamaila Brinkley

Available Now

Amazon US | Amazon UK | iBooks | Nook | Kobo

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“Thank you for doing this,” Iain said, the pad of his index finger tracing over the design Naomi had created for Whitman’s Revival. “To be honest, I wasn’t sure I’d hear from you again. You kind of ghosted me.”

He glanced up in time to catch her looking away guiltily. “Yeah, about that—”

“I’m not asking you to explain yourself. I get it. We had some fun, and now it’s time to move on.”

Naomi’s eyes came back around, the guilt replaced with what Iain thought looked a whole lot like contemplation. “Funny you should mention that.”

“Funny how?”

“I was thinking,” she said, her finger swirling a pattern on the table that separated them. “You’re leaving in two months, and it would be a shame if we didn’t spend that time … hanging out.” Her eyes bored into his, as if daring him to misunderstand.

His lips quirked up into a smirk. “Why, Miss Klein, are you asking me to fuck you senseless until I board a plane back to Ireland?”

She tossed him a wicked smile full of promise. “You have to admit; we’re pretty damn good at it.”

“The best,” he agreed.

He felt his chest sawing in and out as his breathing became deeper and more labored. Iain couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt such heady anticipation. Oh, wait, yes, he could. It was that night in San Francisco when he and Naomi had practically run from that dive bar to his hotel. He’d been so ready for her that he’d ripped her dress off before the door to his room had locked behind them.

“So, what do you say, Brennan? You want to spend the next sixty days seeing how many orgasms we can give each other?”

That was all the invitation Iain needed. Abruptly, he stood, his chair scraping over the black-and-white-checked linoleum and then crashing to the floor. He stalked around the fifties-style diner table and fisted his hands in Naomi’s hair. He bent at the waist and let his lips hover scant centimeters from her parted ones. He could feel the warmth of her breath mingling with his own. “What do you say we get started on that now?”

She licked her lips. “Yes, let’s.”

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The Vintners Vixen 683x1024 The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley   Excerpt & Giveaway


Amazon US | iBooks | Nook | Kobo


About the Authors

28458827 1917310315247827 1883141094 n The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley   Excerpt & Giveaway

Rebecca Norinne writes sexy romance from the heart. Her heroines are bold and headstrong, and her heroes will do anything for the ones they love.

When not banging away at the keyboard, she is watching rugby, enjoying a pint of craft beer, or traveling the globe in search of inspiration for her next book.

Originally from California, Rebecca currently resides in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband.

Author Links

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


15200311 The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley   Excerpt & GiveawayJamaila Brinkley writes historical romance with a hint of magic. Her Wizards of London series features thieves, duchesses, witches, and more indulging in mayhem and romance in Regency England. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and was a finalist in the Romance Through the Ages contest in 2015.

Jamaila came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Her favorite historical period is currently the Victorian era, and she’s never happier than when immersed in a multi-book family series.

Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.


Author Links

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Newsletter | Goodreads


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The Distiller’s Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley *Coming Soon*


The Distillers Darling Compressed 200x300 The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley *Coming Soon*

THE DISTILLER’S DARLING by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley is releasing this Thursday, June 21st!

Have you pre-ordered yet?

Click now to get your copy!

Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ iBooks ~ Nook ~ Kobo

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Giveaway 2 1 300x300 The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley *Coming Soon*

Enter to Win a SIGNED Paperback of THE DISTILLER’S DARLING, a tote bag, and an artistic surprise from Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley 

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Click here for Rafflecopter Giveaway


Rebecca Norinne writes sexy romance from the heart. Her heroines are bold and headstrong, and her heroes will do anything for the ones they love.

When not banging away at the keyboard, she is watching rugby, enjoying a pint of craft beer, or traveling the globe in search of inspiration for her next book.

Originally from California, Rebecca currently resides in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband.


Website ~  Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Newsletter ~ Goodreads ~ Amazon ~ Bookbub

Jamaila Brinkley writes historical romance with a hint of magic. Her Wizards of London series features thieves, duchesses, witches, and more indulging in mayhem and romance in Regency England. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and was a finalist in the Romance Through the Ages contest in 2015.

Jamaila came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Her favorite historical period is currently the Victorian era, and she’s never happier than when immersed in a multi-book family series.

Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.

WebsiteFacebook ~ Twitter ~ Newsletter ~ Goodreads ~ Amazon

The Distiller’s Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley – Cover Reveal

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Today we are celebrating the cover reveal of THE DISTILLER’S DARLING by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley. This is the second book in the River Hill contemporary romance series and it releases on June 21st. Sign up to be notified when the pre-order links for the book are live!

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FINAL The Distillers Darling 683x1024 The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley   Cover Reveal

THE DISTILLER’S DARLING by Rebecca Norinne & Jamaila Brinkley

Add the book to Goodreads

Coming June 21


Irish whiskey royalty has no place in Northern California, but that wasn’t going to stop Iain Brennan, the black sheep of Brennan Family Distillers, from giving it a shot. Wine Country is an unlikely place to launch a whiskey empire, but Iain’s just reckless enough to make it work. And being out from under the watchful eye of his disapproving father back home in Dublin? Even better.

Naomi Klein has spent the last ten years ignoring her society family as much as possible while building a career as a renowned sculptor. She’s found a home in River Hill, but has no interest in dipping her toes into the commitment pool. Just the idea of forever gives her hives. Which makes a rootless Irish wanderer the perfect fling. And shocking her mother? Just a bonus.

But as cozy autumn nights turn into lazy winter mornings, Naomi and Iain realize that they’re getting close to something neither of them wants: love. When Naomi discovers Iain’s not quite as rootless as he seems, she’ll have to make some tough decisions. And when the Brennans and the Kleins descend en masse to collect their prodigal children, River Hill may never be the same.

Be alerted when the preorder is live!

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About the Authors

28458827 1917310315247827 1883141094 n The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley   Cover RevealUSA TODAY bestselling author Rebecca Norinne writes steamy contemporary romance featuring strong, determined heroines and sexy, dominant heroes. If you love books filled with heart, heat, and happily-ever-afters, she’s got a story for you.

When not writing, Rebecca is watching rugby, drinking craft beer, and traveling the globe in search of inspiration for her next story. She lives in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband, but is originally from California.

You can reach Rebecca at [email protected] or at any of the social media sites listed below. You can also subscribe to her newsletter by clicking here.

Author Links

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


15200311 The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley   Cover RevealJamaila Brinkley writes historical romance with a hint of magic. Her Wizards of London series features thieves, duchesses, witches, and more indulging in mayhem and romance in Regency England. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and was a finalist in the Romance Through the Ages contest in 2015.

Jamaila came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Her favorite historical period is currently the Victorian era, and she’s never happier than when immersed in a multi-book family series.

Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.


Author Links

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Newsletter | Goodreads

InkSlinger Blogger Final 1 1024x422 The Distillers Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley   Cover Reveal
The Vintner’s Vixen by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley

The Vintner’s Vixen by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley

the vintners vixen 683x1024 The Vintners Vixen by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley

The Vitner’s Vixen by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley satisfies all the senses. An inviting cover starts the story off right giving you a hint of what’s to come so give it a quick swirl and take it all in. Sip it gently to enjoy all the flavors. How does it make you feel? It’s time to pour yourself a heavy glass of your favorite beverage and enjoy!

Noah Brandstone can’t escape the constant meddling and disapproval from his family. After years of working on his own terms, a huge mistake will force Noah to reach out to the one person he thought he’d never need to ask advise from. If that weren’t enough, his new neighbor is about to change everything, it’s about to get hot in River Hill.

Angelica Travis needs a change from the Holllywood scene and a business investment in sunny River Hill is the perfect location. Unfortunately not everyone takes kindly to strangers or change. Can she escape and live life the way she always desired? Not even in town for ten minutes, and things are already heating up with her neighbor. Can she find a way to cool them both off? I love the opening of this book. It’s full of all the emotions to kick-start these two characters on their journey.

When reading a book it’s important to have characters that are layered and take us along with them. I don’t want to be told what’s going on, I want to see it, feel it and envelope myself in their world.  Will Noah find a way to work with Angelica to salvage his business? The attraction between them is electric and seriously intoxicating. They will have to find a way to work together without letting it get personal. Ahhh, perhaps they need to revise their contract terms and find a loophole?

Many authors collaborate and write books together, this one presents a solid story where the chapters blend so well together that I can’t tell where one writer begins and the other ends. Now, add wicked chemistry, witty dialogue and a tease of characters that you want to read more about, it’s the perfect recipe to begin a new series. If you enjoy your stories with small town charm, great food and drinks, neighbors that are sure to provide ample entertainment and a healthy does of spice, head over to River Hill.

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I received this ARC from Inkslinger PR and the authors for a fair and honest review. Spicy  – Best enjoyed with your favorite iced-beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan.

Purchase Now!

Amazon US | iBooks | Nook | Kobo



VV Square March18 The Vintners Vixen by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley
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About the Authors

28458827 1917310315247827 1883141094 n The Vintners Vixen by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila BrinkleyUSA TODAY bestselling author Rebecca Norinne writes steamy contemporary romance featuring strong, determined heroines and sexy, dominant heroes. If you love books filled with heart, heat, and happily-ever-afters, she’s got a story for you.

When not writing, Rebecca is watching rugby, drinking craft beer, and traveling the globe in search of inspiration for her next story. She lives in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband, but is originally from California.

You can reach Rebecca at [email protected] or at any of the social media sites listed below. You can also subscribe to her newsletter by clicking here.

Author Links

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


15200311 The Vintners Vixen by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila BrinkleyJamaila Brinkley writes historical romance with a hint of magic. Her Wizards of London series features thieves, duchesses, witches, and more indulging in mayhem and romance in Regency England. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and was a finalist in the Romance Through the Ages contest in 2015.

Jamaila came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Her favorite historical period is currently the Victorian era, and she’s never happier than when immersed in a multi-book family series.

Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.


Author Links

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Newsletter | Goodreads

InkSlinger Blogger Final 1 1024x422 The Vintners Vixen by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley

Happy Book Birthday Vintner’s Vixen

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Today we are celebrating the release of THE VINTNER’S VIXEN by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley. This book kicks off the brand new River Hill contemporary romance series. Check out the buy links and some teasers for the book below!

I look forward to sharing my review on Sunday!

Purchase Now!

Amazon US | iBooks | Nook | Kobo


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VV Square March18 Happy Book Birthday Vintners Vixen
28821885 1920787061566819 1256570302 o Happy Book Birthday Vintners Vixen


About the Authors

28458827 1917310315247827 1883141094 n Happy Book Birthday Vintners VixenUSA TODAY bestselling author Rebecca Norinne writes steamy contemporary romance featuring strong, determined heroines and sexy, dominant heroes. If you love books filled with heart, heat, and happily-ever-afters, she’s got a story for you.

When not writing, Rebecca is watching rugby, drinking craft beer, and traveling the globe in search of inspiration for her next story. She lives in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband, but is originally from California.

You can reach Rebecca at [email protected] or at any of the social media sites listed below. You can also subscribe to her newsletter by clicking here.

Author Links

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


15200311 Happy Book Birthday Vintners VixenJamaila Brinkley writes historical romance with a hint of magic. Her Wizards of London series features thieves, duchesses, witches, and more indulging in mayhem and romance in Regency England. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and was a finalist in the Romance Through the Ages contest in 2015.

Jamaila came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Her favorite historical period is currently the Victorian era, and she’s never happier than when immersed in a multi-book family series.

Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.


Author Links

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Newsletter | Goodreads

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