Mar 16, 2018 | Blog, Blog Tour, March 2018, Tawny Weber

We are so excited to be sharing the release of the SEXY SEALS BOXED SET by Tawny Weber with you! Lovers of contemporary and military romance are going to want to be sure to grab this one!

Official Book Synopsis:
Being the best means making sacrifices, but do vows made at 16 hold true at 24?
3 teenagers determined to become SEALs vow to stay relationship-free so their only focus is their career. Now they’re adults. They’re SEALs. And they’ve found their perfect women.
Never underestimate a sexy, stubborn SEAL…
But passion is stronger than any vow and these men are determined to find a way to have both their SEAL career, and the women they love.
Can they handle the reality? Can they make the sacrifice? Will they go all the way for love?
Grab your copy of the SEXY SEALS BOXED SET today!

New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of more than forty-five books, Tawny Weber writes sassy, emotional romances featuring hot alpha heroes. Stories with a dash of humor and a whole lot of sexy attitude! A fan of Johnny Depp, cupcakes, and her very own hero husband, Tawny enjoys papercrafting, gardening, spending time with her family and dogs.
Fans are invited to check out Tawny’s books at her website, For extra fun, join her Red Hot Readers Club for goodies like free reads, complete first chapters, recipes, insider story info and much more.
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Goodreads / BookBub / Newsletter
Mar 16, 2018 | Blog, March 2018, Samantha Chase

We are thrilled to be bringing you the release of Samantha Chase’s GLAM SQUAD & GROOMSMEN today! This brand new story set in the Enchanted Bridal world is sure to please any and all lovers of contemporary romance. Be sure to grab your copy today!

Add GLAM SQUAD & GROOMSMEN to your Goodreads TBR here!
Grab your copy of GLAM SQUAD & GROOMSMEN today!

Read an excerpt from GLAM SQUAD & GROOMSMEN
It was one thing to fantasize about touching Spencer.
It was quite another to actually be doing it.
I love my job.
“How does the jacket feel?” she forced herself to ask as she continued to smooth imaginary wrinkles. “Is it too tight? Too loose? Can you move comfortably?”
Spencer’s expression was serious as he took in his reflection. Stepping back, she let him move his arms and shoulders to get the feel of the suit jacket. It looked good on him. Really good on him. But then again, Penny had a feeling that anything would look good on him. He was tall and lean, she noticed, with just the right amount of muscle – he’d filled out in all the best ways in the last ten years. And as much as she hated to admit it, he was just…
Perfect, she inwardly sighed.
“It feels all right,” he said, his voice deep and just a little gruff. “Can we try the next size up? I think it’s just a little snug in the shoulders.”
“No problem,” she replied softly as she went to pull another jacket from the rack. After taking all of his measurements – neck, sleeve, waist, outseam, and shoulders – she had been fairly confident that she picked the right size for him. But if he wasn’t one-hundred percent comfortable, who was she to argue?
Stepping over to him, she helped him remove the jacket he had on before handing him the new one. He was mesmerizing to watch. Some guys could come in and try on jackets and it would register zero on her radar, but watching Spencer Buchanan try on a jacket was borderline porn for her right now.
Quickly, she turned away, hung up the jacket and placed it to the side in case he wanted it back for comparison. She seriously needed to compose herself before going any further. If she could, she would have stepped outside to fan herself or grab something cold to drink because it suddenly felt very warm in the shop.
Pull yourself together!
Stepping back up on the platform with him, she began her tasks of smoothing and gently tugging and adjusting and helping him get the true feel of the garment. She wanted to smack herself because she knew she was being a little excessive in the touching department but…she couldn’t seem to help herself.
“How about this one?” she asked, smiling at him in the mirror and hoping he didn’t hear the slight tremor in her voice. “Is this one more comfortable?”
“This one definitely feels more comfortable,” he said, interrupting her thoughts. “I’m not crazy about these trousers, though.”
Her heart kicked a little and she felt a slight flutter in her belly at those words. It was one thing to be able to touch his back, his arms, his shoulders…but to be kneeling down and running her hands over his legs and waist? Well…it had been a little awkward when she was measuring him a few minutes ago and she wasn’t sure she’d survive it a second time.
Clearing her throat, she forced herself to focus. “All of your measurements will go to our warehouse and everything will be custom-tailored for you. The inventory we have here is just the basics, so they won’t necessarily fit you like this.”
He nodded but didn’t really look at her; he was still studying his reflection. “I think the measurements on the outseam weren’t quite right. I’d like to try a pair of different shoes and then measure again if that’s all right with you.”
Um…yes please, she thought and immediately wanted to smack herself. Honestly, she had no idea if any of this was the norm for getting a tuxedo fitting – she’d never had to do quite so much before, but right now she couldn’t find the will to stop any of it.
“No problem,” Penny replied. “Would you like to go pick out another pair?”
For a few minutes, Spencer walked around and tried on shoes while Penny made notes in his file. When he stepped back onto the platform, she was ready with her measuring tape. Standing to his left, she carefully kneeled – not an easy feat in her navy pencil skirt and heels. Doing her best to stay balanced, she carefully measured the outseam with minimal amounts of running her hand along his muscled calf. Standing slowly, she went and did the same on the right.
This time when she went to stand, Spencer stopped her.
“Isn’t it customary to measure the inseam as well?”
Oh. Right. The inseam.
“Um…yes. Yes. You’re right. Sorry about that,” she nervously stammered. “I’m not fully familiar with all the procedures.” With a steadying breath, she moved until she was in front of him. “Can you…um…just widen your stance a little?”
His gaze was a little intense as he looked down at her. Doing as she requested, he asked, “Like this?”
Was it wrong that she could barely remember how to speak because she was eye level with…well…what was a rather impressive part of him?
“That’s fine,” she murmured and did her best to hold the tape measure at the top of his inseam as she ran her other hand down his leg. By the time she got that measurement and did his other leg, she was practically sweating.
Mentally, she was about to congratulate herself on doing the job without embarrassing herself, but as she went to straighten, she lost her balance and cried out as she felt herself about to fall. “Oh!”
Spencer quickly swooped down and banded an arm around her waist to catch her and pulled her to her feet. Chest to chest, her heart racing, Penny looked up at him and knew she was blushing.
“You okay?” he asked, a small smile tugging at his lips.
She couldn’t speak. Up close, he was even more handsome than she wanted to admit. His jaw was rough with a day’s worth of stubble. His lips looked incredibly soft, and when she looked into his eyes, she noticed just a hint of gold in those clear blue depths. Swallowing hard, she nodded.
But he didn’t release her right away. And Penny certainly didn’t feel any rush to move.
It was kind of the perfect moment, she thought. She had no idea what was going on outside, but inside, it was just the two of them and she felt like her heart was beating just a little too hard. Hopefully Spencer would think she was just nervous from almost falling and not from having her hands all over his inseam!
One minute passed, then two – at least that’s what it felt like – when she finally took a step back. His grip didn’t release easily and it was a thrill to think that he was as reluctant to let her go as she was to move away. “Um…thanks,” she said softly, before walking over to the desk to mark down his measurements. “So…I think that’s everything. I have all of your measurements noted and on file. Martin will have them here for you whenever Brett comes in with the rest of the groomsmen.”
Her voice was slightly high-pitched and shaky but…dammit, he made her nervous. Normally, Penny was extremely confident – especially at her job. And yet the last thirty minutes with Spencer had reduced her to a quivering mass of hormones!
There. She said it. She was nervous being around him and beyond turned on.

Don’t miss the other books in the Enchanted Bridal series!
Author Info:
About Samantha Chase
Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
Mar 14, 2018 | Blog, Book Birthday, Jamaila Brinkley, March 2018, Rebecca Norinne
Today we are celebrating the release of THE VINTNER’S VIXEN by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley. This book kicks off the brand new River Hill contemporary romance series. Check out the buy links and some teasers for the book below!
I look forward to sharing my review on Sunday!
Purchase Now!

About the Authors
USA TODAY bestselling author Rebecca Norinne writes steamy contemporary romance featuring strong, determined heroines and sexy, dominant heroes. If you love books filled with heart, heat, and happily-ever-afters, she’s got a story for you.
When not writing, Rebecca is watching rugby, drinking craft beer, and traveling the globe in search of inspiration for her next story. She lives in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband, but is originally from California.
You can reach Rebecca at [email protected] or at any of the social media sites listed below. You can also subscribe to her newsletter by clicking here.
Author Links
Jamaila Brinkley writes historical romance with a hint of magic. Her Wizards of London series features thieves, duchesses, witches, and more indulging in mayhem and romance in Regency England. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and was a finalist in the Romance Through the Ages contest in 2015.
Jamaila came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Her favorite historical period is currently the Victorian era, and she’s never happier than when immersed in a multi-book family series.
Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.
Author Links
Mar 13, 2018 | Blog, Book Birthday, Chris Bohjalian, March 2018
The Flight Attendant by Chris Bohjalian is a thriller with a dash of romance, international travel, and enough twists and turns to leave you on the edge of your seat until the last page. There is a certain expectation when reading a thriller that the secrets should be challenging enough to not reveal too much or the story isn’t worth reading. Fear not, there are enough secrets that the minute you flip the first page you are hooked and need to know…. you just need to know.
Cassie Bowden thrives on the thrill of adventure and lives on the edge, a lot. One night in Dubai gives way to an impulsive decision that impacts everyone on this global journey.
As Cassie’s layers unfold, she becomes so entwined in a web that leaves you with all the feels of your own personal thrill ride. Will it slow down? Only if I put the book down. Will it speed up? Remind yourself to breath. Can you anticipate the next move before the characters make it? I dare you ;).
Where there are secrets, there are those who can’t keep them. Betrayal is never from those you expect and admission of wrongdoing is a slippery slope to navigate. Every detail in this novel was thought out and when you are finished you will discover that Chris left nothing to chance.
Are you ready for an international thriller full of spies, travel, and intrigue? At some point you as the reader will come to a conclusion based on the facts, but have you looked at all the evidence? Do you really know who they key players are? Chris Bohjalian created a world where the reader, even one that is so aware of every little detail, will still not see the reveal until that final “BAM” moment.
As the book moves from chapter to chapter you will be presented with details as they unfold, in real time, and the cast of characters that Cassie meets is colorful and adds to her journey. Everyone has a purpose. Chris has created a world so vivid it’s as if they have extended their hands out of your e-reader and pulled you into their world. Bravo!
Chris, it’s an experience reading your novels, one that keeps me coming back again and again. It’s time for readers to take their seat and enjoy their flight with Cassie. I received and ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.

Spicy – Best enjoyed with your favorite iced-beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan.
Get your copy here: 

About Author:
Mar 11, 2018 | Blog, Delancey Stewart, March 2018, The Extra Shot
Welcome to The Extra Shot, a weekly Sunday post featuring EXCLUSIVE content from Authors who have books releasing in the near future.
Books I Love A Latte is a book review blog focusing primarily on the romance genre, fiction, and women’s fiction. In addition, we periodically review products to keep you organized and more productive as writers and readers.
Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.
Today we’ve got TWO EXCLUSIVE excerpts and a few giveaways to jump start your week. Each author has brought there own giveaways so be sure to read for details within each feature!

The solid wood door swung out easily when I pulled, and my heart began beating a quicker rhythm as Chance’s distinctive low voice rolled out the open door of an office adjacent to the lobby.
“If it gets any worse, let me know, John. We’ll lend a hand.” I could see Chance’s back as he stood looking out the window behind his desk, the phone to his ear.
“Miranda. What’s up?” There was an office on each side of the small reception space, and Sam appeared from the side opposite Chance’s office, no doubt summoned by the bell above the front door.
“Hey Sam.” My eyes were locked on Chance’s broad back, a dark flannel pulled tightly across the muscles just below the curls that were beginning to form at the top of his tanned neck. I pulled my gaze away to land on Sam instead. His familiar face was hardly a comfort. Chance and Sam’s eyes were almost identical, and the angular cut of their cheekbones and jaws were similar too. Both Palmer brothers could have been carved from stone—they were that good looking.
Despite their similar faces, I swooned when Chance looked at me, and I definitely felt something when my eyes met Sam’s—only I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. He made me nervous. Not in a good way, but in a way that kept me on my toes. And the way he was staring at me now made me uncomfortable. Like he was trying to figure something out. I was suddenly regretting wearing my hair down.
Best get to the point. “I came in to ask about that job. The administrative one?” My fingers found the tassel on my purse and began pulling at it.
Sam stepped out of his office and squinted at me as one side of his mouth lifted in a half-smile. He looked confused, his face crinkling up. “Why?”
Annoyance flooded me. This was the problem with Sam. Nothing was straightforward. I sighed, turning to see if Chance might be done with his call and come out so I could speak to him instead. Of course then I’d be nervous instead of annoyed. “I thought I might be able to help out with that.”
“It’s not a ‘help out’ type of thing. It’s a job. And you already have a job. And you’re in school.” Sam leaned his tall body against the door jam of his office and crossed his big arms over his broad chest. He gave off an air of judgment that put me on edge. And of course he was being difficult about something that could be simple.
“But Chance said it was part time?”
“What part of the time do you see yourself being here?” He was smiling now and I got the distinct impression he was toying with me. I shifted my weight uncomfortably as I stood there, in Maddie’s khaki pants and flowered blouse. The clothes had me feeling a bit unlike myself, and now I was standing here like an idiot in the middle of the room and Sam was being difficult. I had no doubt Chance would have offered me a seat. He was the polite brother. Sam was just watching me, like I was put there to amuse him.
“The part of the time when you guys need me, I guess.” My voice didn’t carry the confident edge I wanted it to, so I cleared my throat and continued. “I can rearrange my diner shifts if I need to, and college is online. I do most of my work at night anyway.”
“Right.” Sam chewed on his bottom lip for a second and then something about his fingernails caught his attention. He brought his hand to his face and rubbed his thumb against his index finger, looking intently at it. Finally he tucked his hand back under the opposite elbow and looked back up at me. “Okay.” He stood upright again and turned around to head back into his office, leaving me standing in the middle of the room.
Okay? What did that mean?
Love Reimagined © Delancey Stewart 2018. All rights reserved.

Delancey Stewart GIVEAWAY #1

ONE SIGNED copy of Love Rebuilt is up for grabs if you sign-up to
Delancey’s newsletter today!
Delancey Stewart GIVEAWAY #2

Already signed up? There are THREE e-books of Love Reimagined waiting to find a new home. Will it be you?
a Rafflecopter giveaway

In case you missed it, my review of Love Rebuilt.
My review of Love Reimagined.

Author Info:
Delancey Stewart is an award-winning author who writes romantic fiction with humor and heart.
Stewart has lived on both coasts, in big cities and small towns. She’s been a pharmaceutical rep, a personal trainer and a wineseller.
A wife and the mother of two small boys, her current job titles include pirate captain, monster hunter, Lego assembler and story reader. She tackles all these efforts at her current home outside Washington D.C.
Find her at

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Mar 9, 2018 | Blog, March 2018, Michelle Hazen, Uncategorized

Playing the Pauses is your VIP ticket for The Red Letters as they embark on a rock & roll tour of self discovery and adventure. Are you ready for an all-access, exclusive VIP behind the scenes ticket?
As a last minute replacement, new Tour Manager Kate Madsen discovers that the only thing that might jeopardize her current working situation will be living with her 24/7. Armed with funny one-liners, a creative imagination and a little self control, she Kate lays it all on the line. If the band wants to salvage their financial future, they’re going to need to trust her to clean up what her predecessor has left for her, a teeny tiny mess. Will they take her advice? Will she earn their trust?
Congrats to Michelle as the chemistry between the characters is fluid. Danny O’Neil is the perfect rockstar hero, covered in sexy tattoos, a musical genius with his guitar, he is bold and up until now, stayed mysterious.
Kate’s job is to take care of the band, but when her cravings tempt her into one night of sin, will she give in or play it safe? who will tempt who? Oh…let the games begin.This book adventure is every rock groupies fantasy, a glimpse into the life of a musician on the road. Are you ready?
One little secret will have the power to end the tour or destroy a few careers, will it stay under wraps? Will Danny jeopardize his future or push the one person he loves away? Will they resist the pull or will they find a way to explore the explosive charge between them.
Michelle writes witty dialogue with layers of surprises like a dark chocolate cake. It’s smooth, rich, and every bite entices you for more. I will never look at a hotel balcony the same way again and neither will you. Note this story contains elements of BDSM and is for mature readers 18+, and is sure to lead to a one-click for the first installment in this series.

Scorchin – Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C.
I received this book from Barclay Publicity for a fair and honest review. ** While I have not read previous books in this series, this book can be read as a standalone. Please note that it does contain spoilers for earlier books in the series. **
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** Books I Love A Latte is not responsible for selecting and notifying winners **

Author Info: Michelle Hazen is a nomad with a writing problem. Years ago, she and her husband ducked out of the 9 to 5 world and moved into their truck. As a result, she wrote most of her books with solar power in odd places, including a bus in Thailand, a golf cart in a sandstorm, and a beach in Honduras. Currently, she’s addicted to The Walking Dead, hiking, and Tillamook cheese.
Follow Author: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | Pinterest | Instagram