Apr 13, 2018 | April 2018, Blog, MK Meredith
Honor on the Cape by MK Meredith is the second installment in her On the Cape series set in a town rich in traditions, family secrets, and lots of surprises. Let’s just look at this gorgeous cover readers. The design screams “read me” and is breathtaking and delicious.
James Astor ran away from the one thing he wanted, now he’s returned home to face the past. What will happen when he realizes that his future depends on rectifying the biggest mistake he ever made? Will he finally have the courage to embrace his past and tell the woman he loves that he can’t live without her?
Blayne MacCaffrey left her family in Ireland to find love and wound up with heartbreak. Too afraid to admit her mistake, she stayed and never returned home. Life is about to bring a Blayne a second chance, will she take it or send it out to sea? One should never have to choose between family and a lover, will Blayne risk her heart a second time around?
When making mistakes it’s hard admitting your wrong, and even harder admitting that despite the time apart you can’t imagine life without the one who got away. The connection between Blayne and James is electric and sizzles. The Cape has a tough job, this time around love is a bit messy, unplanned, and a bit off it’s projected course. Families will be tested, assumptions will be clarified, and expectations will be challenged. This book has it all.
If you have never been to New England, I have driven through coastal cities in Maine and I can assure you that MK has captured the smells and feels of a seaside town. MK has written a story with vivid details that will take you on an unforgettable journey that you don’t want to end. It’s time to book your trip to the Cape and discover a story about coming to terms with the past, finding the strength and courage to love again and living life without regret. This is a second chance romance that will give hope and prove that sometimes love is better the second time around.
This book is Scorchin – Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C.
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.
Get your copy here
The Extra Shot here
My review of Love on the Cape here
Coffee With MK Meredith here
MK Meredith: #1 Bestselling author MK Meredith promises an emotional ride on heated sheets. She’s had a lifelong love affair with peanut butter — the only two things coming close in the battle for her affections are gorgeous heels and maybe Gerard Butler…or was it David Gandy? Who is she kidding? Her true loves are her husband and two children who have survived her SEA’s (spontaneous explosions of affection) and live to tell the tale. Her newest series, CAPE VAN BUREN, is set off the atmospheric coast of Maine and made a splash with book one, LOVE ON THE CAPE. This sexy and emotional love story between Ryker Van Buren and Larkin Sinclair will make you laugh, will make you cry, and will leave you feeling happy ever after! Book two, HONOR ON THE CAPE, keeps the light burning with Blayne McCaffrey’s story in March 2018. MK loves to connect and you can find all of her social media platform links at www.mkmeredith.com. Don’t hesitate to reach out to MK at [email protected].
One more thing…MK is a lover of happy endings both in her stories and life, so as a two-time breast cancer survivor, she encourages each of you to know your body and go to the doctor when something is different. Your happy ending starts with YOU! #KnowandGo
For all things romance, sneak peeks, and first releases, join her street team! https://www.facebook.com/groups/MKandCO/
Or sign up for her newsletter, The Heat Sheet! http://www.mkmeredith.com/mks-heat-sheet/
Apr 13, 2018 | April 2018, Blog, Sawyer Bennett

One-click The Pecker Briefs by Sawyer Bennett for a courtroom romance that’s steamy and off the record fun. If you love a story with great writing, steamy scenes and characters that are loads of fun, this is for you.
What happens when an endangered bird is the only thing standing between to lawyers and a whole lot of briefs? In a few days you’ll be able to discover why a conflict of interest is not going to stop Ford Daniels from pursuing the one thing he wants. Another win for his client would be icing on the cake, but when he discovers that the secret he’s keeping from the rest of his office is about to implode, he’s going to have to make a few important decisions. Can he finally overcome his resistance to anything beyond a one-night fling? Will he jeopardize his legal career for a woman that he just met?
Viveka Jones is passionate about her job and will do anything to protect animals from being harmed. When an endangered bird leaves Viveka chained to a tree, it’s the beginning of a new chapter for justice. Viveka isn’t afraid to battle unreasonable clients with deep pockets and no sense of morality. In fact, this case will test her strength, conviction and ability to stay out of harms way. If only the opposing counsel wasn’t so sexy and able to push all of her buttons.
Can they keep their personal life separate from the courtroom? Who will be able to control their desires? Who will stop at nothing to do the right thing? I love the banter, the chemistry and the unique ways these characters attempt to navigate in hopes that no one will uncover their own secret. It’s time to fight for what you believe in and never let anyone convince you that your cause is unworthy.
Don’t miss Sawyers next release and discover how sexy saving a pecker can be!

Scorchin – Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C.
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.
Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Google Play | Kobo | Goodreads
To receive an email notification when THE PECKER BRIEFS go live, sign up here: http://sawyerbennett.com/signup/

Contest is now CLOSED.
The peckers are coming April 17–THE PECKER BRIEFS, that is! A smart, sexy, and fun contemporary romance from Sawyer Bennett, THE PECKER BRIEFS is a standalone novel within the Legal Affairs series.

You can get this pecker in your hands early! Enter to win an e-ARC of THE PECKER BRIEFS now!
➡️ Add THE PECKER BRIEFS to your TBR: http://bit.ly/Pecker_GR
➡️ TAG a friend and/or SHARE (not required to enter, but appreciated)
➡️ COMMENT when you’re done!
* e-ARC will be delivered direct-to-kindle
See the rest of the Legal Affairs series here: https://sawyerbennett.com/bookstore/legal-affairs-series/
About the Author:
Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released multiple books, many of which have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists.
A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.
Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active daughter, as well as full-time servant to her adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or even better, both.
Sawyer also writes general and women’s fiction under the pen name S. Bennett and sweet romance under the name Juliette Poe.
Connect with Sawyer:
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Apr 8, 2018 | April 2018, Blog, Samantha Chase, The Extra Shot
Welcome to The Extra Shot, a weekly Sunday post featuring EXCLUSIVE content from Authors who have books releasing in the near future.
Books I Love A Latte is a book review blog focusing primarily on the romance genre, fiction, and women’s fiction. In addition, we periodically review products to keep you organized and more productive as writers and readers.
Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.
Today we’ve got an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from Until there was Us by Samantha Chase to jump start your week along with a fabulous giveaway too!
One quick note, the pre-order price of Until there was Us has been REDUCED to $5.99 so be sure to one-click your copy here before it goes up!

Okay, so maybe hanging out with Alex wasn’t the smartest choice for the day, Megan thought as soon as Alex walked out the door.
She already felt emotional and overwhelmed from thinking she’d lost the dog, and it wouldn’t take much more for her to do something ridiculous—like throw herself at him.
Yeah, she was already teetering on the edge.
With a sigh, she paced the small living room and tried to force herself to think about something else—like how she should have opted to go out with him rather than staying in. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the guesthouse. She did. The place was cute, and Summer had impeccable taste. All in all, she was happy here, but it was one thing to be hanging out there alone and another to do so with Alex.
So many things were swirling in her mind where he was concerned. The obvious was how the attraction not only was still there but felt even stronger than it had before. Keeping her distance when he was near was a total act of self-control. But she wasn’t stupid. There were issues that had to be dealt, with and confrontation was something she tended to avoid at all costs.
It was one of the most un-Montgomery things about her.
Her family was known for going after what they wanted and not being afraid to get in people’s faces. Megan preferred to fly under the radar and blend in.
Normally that wasn’t an issue. Honestly, she didn’t ruffle feathers at home or at work. Her relationships with men tended to end amicably.
Except with Alex.
Yeah, she’d really screwed that one up, and she knew it was time to deal with it.
Or distract him with seduction. That could work, right?
“No, no, no,” she sighed as she walked over to the kitchen table and began clearing away the decorative placemats and napkins to make room for their food. As appealing as seducing Alex was—really, truly was—this was something that had to be dealt with first.
Then she could seduce him.
Or hope he’d seduce her.
A small grin crossed her face at the thought of how thoroughly he’d seduced her the day of Zach and Gabriella’s wedding.
Tugging at the hem of her dress for the hundredth time, Megan silently cursed the fact that she’d let her mother talk her into it. The navy-blue fabric clung to every ample curve and was shorter than the dresses she normally wore, and all in all, she was feeling very self-conscious about the whole thing.
She was surrounded by family and knew she shouldn’t be feeling anything but happy to be here, but old insecurities still lingered. Okay, maybe they had resurfaced thanks to her ex constantly harping on her about losing weight. Megan wasn’t fat—she knew that—but she was definitely not slim. She envied her cousin Summer. She had the kind of body Megan had always wished she had—slim—and she looked good in everything. Whereas Megan had to worry about how every article of clothing she had would fit or if it would be too clingy.
Another tug at the hem of her dress as she looked around to see where Summer was. They didn’t get to see each other nearly enough and maybe…
“Excuse me?”
Megan turned and saw the most attractive man she had ever seen in her life. He was tall with sandy-brown hair and a smile that seemed almost too perfect. She swallowed hard, convinced he couldn’t possibly want to talk to her.
“Would you like to dance?” he asked, and Megan’s heart beat wildly in her chest.
She looked around and wondered whether someone had put him up to this. But he didn’t look the least bit insincere. If anything, he seemed slightly amused by her confusion.
She cleared her throat and nodded. “Um…yes. Thank you.”
His smile broadened, and it was almost lethal. He had dimples too. She had to stifle a sigh when she noticed them.
“I’m Alex Rebat,” he said, extending his hand to her. “I’m a friend of Zach’s. And you are?”
Blushing because his voice was as magnificent as the rest of him, she replied, “I’m Megan Montgomery. Zach’s cousin.”
She shook his hand, but he didn’t release hers. Instead, he led her onto the dance floor where a slow song was playing. At first, Megan felt a little self-conscious about dancing with a stranger, but as soon as Alex gently wrapped his arm around her waist, all negative thoughts disappeared.
They swayed together to the music as if they’d danced together for years.
They talked as if they’d known each other forever.
And they were both more than ready to move off the dance floor and find someplace quiet to talk after their fourth dance.
Alex kept her hand in his as he led her from the banquet room to the lobby and finally out to the garden. The sun had gone down, and the entire area was lit with hundreds of soft-white twinkly lights. To Megan it looked like something out of a fairy tale while she felt like she was living in the middle of one.
Hand in hand they walked along the paths as Alex told her about his job as a physical therapist, and the more he spoke, the more she wanted to know about him. He had confidence and passion as he spoke about his work and his life, and she found herself hanging on his every word. And when he asked about her—her job, her life—she felt inferior in comparison.
So she’d given him a brief overview of her IT career and her life in Albany before turning the conversation over to him. The smile he gave her told her he knew what she was doing.
“Not big on talking about yourself, huh?” he asked with a knowing smile.
Megan blushed as she shook her head. “There isn’t much to tell. My job is fairly boring compared to yours. What you do really makes a difference in people’s lives—and after seeing all you did for Zach, I’m in total awe of you.”
They stopped walking, and Alex moved so he was standing in front of her. “Don’t,” he said, his voice a little gruff. “Zach did all the hard work. I was merely there to help. Not every case is as successful as his. He had the drive to do it, and he worked hard to make it happen.”
Both his words and his voice were so intense that Megan was overwhelmed with the urge to reach out and touch him—not just hold his hand but…soothe him. Comfort him.
And she did.
Reaching up with her free hand, she gently caressed his face and heard his sharp intake of breath. This wasn’t her—she didn’t do things like this, wasn’t this forward—and yet she couldn’t help herself.
“Megan,” he said softly as his head lowered toward hers.
She wasn’t an overly romantic person and didn’t believe in things like this actually happening, and yet the instant Alex’s lips touched hers, Megan swore she saw fireworks. Normally she was a little more timid, inhibited, but something about Alex changed that. Wrapping her arms around him, she melted against him—reveling in the heat of his body, the feel of his lean frame against hers. The feeling must have been mutual because she heard a low growl come from him as he pulled her even closer.
Never before had she been kissed like this—it was the kind of kiss that started slowly, and they both sank into it until it kept going and neither wanted it to end. Megan’s hands raked up into his hair, and when they were finally forced to break apart for breath, in only a matter of seconds they dove in for another taste.
For a few glorious moments, they had been cocooned in their own little world out in the garden, but it didn’t take long for other wedding guests to start coming out and walking around, and the mood was broken. Alex never stopped touching her though—everywhere they went her hand was in his, and she found she was thankful for the constant connection.
Over the course of the wedding reception, they danced again and talked and laughed, and Megan was nearly bristling with anticipation by the time Gabriella threw the bouquet. At that point, she knew she and Alex could leave. When she noticed other guests getting up to go, she looked over at Alex and said, “So…”
He was sitting beside her, and the expression on his face told her everything she needed to know.
He wanted to leave.
And he wanted to leave with her.
Casually they walked around and said their goodbyes separately. Out in the lobby, Alex took her by the hand—or maybe that time she took his—and they made their way down the massive hallway that connected the banquet hall to the hotel. Several times Megan had looked around to make sure no one saw them—and not because she was embarrassed but because she didn’t want the interruption. If she didn’t get Alex alone soon, she swore she’d spontaneously combust!
The ride in the elevator seemed to take forever, and she swore the walk to her room was a mile long. But once they were inside and the door was closed?
ONE signed copy of I’LL BE THERE – which is readers first meet Alex!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Coffee With Samantha Chase
In case you missed any Montgomery Series goodness
Wait for Me and Trust in Me
More of Me and Stay With Me
Return to You and Meant for You
Meet Zach Montgomery in I’ll Be There

Author Info:
Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Newsletter / BookBub

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Apr 5, 2018 | April 2018, Blog, Kate Meader
Undone by You is a M/M standalone novella in Kate Meader’s Chicago Rebels Series. This is an emotionally satisfying romance of one man’s journey to tell the world he’s not changing for anyone. There is also a ton of serious hot hockey action making this your next must read!
From the first novella that introduced us to The Chicago Rebels, In Skates Trouble, this series has been a one-click for me. I’m all about a great hockey romance with characters that just stick with you and plots that are relevant, memorable, and leave you with all the feels.
Readers, I’ve been waiting for Dante’s story and Kate delivered beyond my wildest expectations. Dante Moretti is the GM for The Chicago Rebels and his ability to charm those around him draws you in. Dante has worked hard to be where he is and when Cade unravels him, it will bring him to his knees. Be prepared to have your heart squeezed! Every series has a character that you hope will have their own story, and Kate listened to my prayers!
Cade Burnett has idolized Dante since he was a young hockey player. What will happen when Cade discovers that Dante needs there to be more? Can he have a relationship with his GM, is that even an option? Cade will have to decide if he’s ready to tell the world how he feels. Will he risk everything? Kate tackles the issue of secrets, expectations and desires with a smokin’ hot story that will tick all the boxes.
True love is something to cherish. When you find it, hold on tight, and never let it go. Dante and Cade will have to be true, honest and unafraid, if they want the love they desire. Will Cade put himself first? Dante has this “thing” that I want more of. Readers rejoice, there is a sweet little nugget Kate for fans of the Hot in Chicago series. It’s a win-win!

Inferno – Will cause you to turn on the A/C, the fan, and take a cold shower.
This can be read as a standalone or enjoyed along with the rest of the must read series with hockey, passion, and temptation. I received an ARC for a fair and honest review.
Discover more about Kate Meader here.