New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!

%name New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!    %name New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!    %name New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!    %name New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!

%name New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!%name New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!%name New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!

Happy Book Birthday Anna Sugden on the release of A Perfect Compromise.  Get your copy now! I did and it’s a must read. I can’t wait to share it with you later this week.

Be sure to check in each day this week for reviews, excerpts,  and much more. Anna will also be stopping by sometime this week so be sure to say hi or leave questions.

%name New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!

A Perfect Distraction by Anna Sugden is the first book in a wonderful series full of ice hockey, sexy players, adoring fans and lots of action. Both off and on the ice, this book draws us magically into this captivating and fantastic story.

Maggie Goodman left England and an abusive ex behind to protect her daughter and herself. In search of a better life for the two of them, she crossed the pond to be with her sister. Maggie vows to never put either of them in harms way ever again and begins to rebuild her life. There is an element of domestic violence and Anna tackles this brilliantly.

Jake “Bad Boy” Badoletti loves hockey but is unable to get over a tragic accident and the loss of his dear friend. A trade to NJ means re-locating and that’s never easy. A moving service was hired to ease Jake with the changes. What will happen when he sets his eyes on Maggie, the woman sent to help him with those needs?

Maggie works for her sisters re-location company and the job has been helpful giving her a fresh start. When Jake decides he wants a change to his contract, he insists it occur just days before the season starts. Can Maggie and her company make it happen or will they loose their client and the contract?

Committed to her daughter, Maggie is focused on improving her image and new life. Men however, are not a part of her plan and that includes Jake. Will a few days of “togetherness” with the residential “Bad Boy” change that? Can they ignore the intense attraction and still work together?

All men are not created equal and Maggie isn’t convinced that Jake is only interested in maintaining an honest and respectable image. When secrets from the past surface it shakes things up for both of them. How will he react to her past? Will it affect everything? Find out if Jake will have to choose between hockey and a women that just might be his “forever.”

If you’re looking for a fresh series that includes hockey, a team with sexy players that are a family both on and off the ice, then you must read this book. Anna’s attention to details is fantastic and her world of hockey is vivid, exciting and packed with hockey goodness.

I received this book from the author for a fair and honest review. I can’t wait to bring you each book in this series over the next few days. If you’re not a hockey fan you will be after you read this book.  Now to go find a Cadbury Milk and biscuits,  and dream of a few sexy New Jersey Ice Cats. 😉

At a price of $2.99 you will want to download this e-book today.  Hurry the price wont’ last!

Author Info:

%name New Jersey Ice Cats Blitz Day 1: Time for a little distraction!

Award-winning, Harlequin SuperRomance author, Anna Sugden, loves reading romance novels and watching films with happy endings. She also loves watching hockey and football, where she prefers a happy ending for her teams (Go Devils, Man UTD, Exeter, ‘Skins!). When she’s not researching hockey players (for her books, of course), she makes craft projects and collects penguins, autographs and memorabilia, and great shoes.

A former marketing executive and primary teacher, Anna lives in Cambridge, England, with her husband and two bossy black cats. Learn more about Anna, her books and her shoes at .

You can also follow her on Facebook ( , Twitter (, Pinterest( and on the Romance Bandits blog (

** All photos were provided by Anna Sugden**

Coffee With Anna Sugden


%name Coffee With Anna Sugden %name Coffee With Anna Sugden

%name Coffee With Anna Sugden

First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂
What would you order? A skinny latte with a shot of mint or a chocolate mint frappuchino – depends on how I’m feeling.

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions. My pleasure – delighted to take part!

I LOVE books about hockey and your series about The New Jersey Ice Cats is on my wish list 🙂 Aww thank you. And yay to finding another person who loves books about hockey!

How many books do you anticipate in this series? The plan at the moment is for six books, a few novellas and some shorts. I’m currently writing book 4 and have book 5 outlined.

How much research did you do for this? Lots! Aside from watching a lot of hockey J, attending a number of NHL team hockey practices, I read a lot of hockey non-fiction, especially biographies, and watched some behind the scenes documentaries like 24/7: The Road to the Winter Classic. I was lucky enough that my favourite team (for whom we had season tickets) – the New Jersey Devils – graciously agreed to help me with my research. The then-owner, Jeff Vanderbeek, set me up with a ‘backstage’ tour of the arena and an interview with former Devils great, Ken Daneyko. You can read about those on my website ( and even see me on my Zamboni ride!

Were you a fan of hockey before you started writing this series? Definitely!

What was the inspiration for writing a hockey series? It actually started with the inspiration for writing about one player, Jake ‘Bad Boy’ Badoletti (the hero of A Perfect Distraction). I was intrigued by the difference between the on-ice and off-ice personas of several great hockey players – especially one of my favourite players, Scott Stevens. How someone who was a hard man of the ice and caused numerous concussions, could be a quiet, humble, generous and kind person off the ice. And once I got to thinking about him, the rest of the team followed!

I can only imagine how much fun that would be! The best!

Were you able to hang out with any hunky ice-hockey players? Oh yes! Of course, the best was actually hanging out with Scott Stevens himself!

8 Tantalizing Tidbits 🙂

1. A Must read book and why? OMG just one?! I can’t even pick just one author or even one genre, let alone one book! It’s hard enough to choose a top ten! So, I’m going to cheat and give you two – Tess Gerritsen’s The Surgeon and Lisa Gardner’s Say Goodbye. Both are beautifully crafted romantic suspense/thrillers which gripped me from the first word and which stayed with me for a long time after. They did what few books do and surprised me, with really clever twists.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Cambridge is a beautiful, historic city and the colleges that make up the famous university are awe-inspiring. A tour of those would be well worth it!

3. Castles or Beaches? Beaches. Castles are interesting, but we have the odd one or two here in England J. I LOVE a beautiful beach. I think there is something about water that speaks to my soul because I feel at peace when I’m on a beach with my toes in the sand and water lapping around my ankles.

4. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? Rock chick all the way – though I admit to having very eclectic tastes (which includes classical!). I don’t have a particular favourite, but if there was one band I could have seen in its heyday, it would have been Queen.

5. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? I’d actually like to do a trip which took in everywhere that penguins live, including Antartica. So Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Falklands etc.

6. What is your guilty pleasure? Hmm which one to choose? LOL shoes or opals? Probably shoes, because I can’t feel too guilty about opals 😉

7. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? I don’t have any, but wish I was brave enough to have them. If I could have one, it would be a red gerbera daisy with a K in the middle (for my husband) and I’d have it high on my thigh.

8. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would you invite? It could be anyone past or present. Cary Grant, Errol Flynn, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn and Paul Newman. Wouldn’t that be a fun evening?!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your time.


%name Coffee With Anna Sugden

Award-winning, Harlequin SuperRomance author, Anna Sugden, loves reading romance novels and watching films with happy endings. She also loves watching hockey and football, where she prefers a happy ending for her teams (Go Devils, Man UTD, Exeter, ‘Skins!). When she’s not researching hockey players (for her books, of course), she makes craft projects and collects penguins, autographs and memorabilia, and great shoes.

A former marketing executive and primary teacher, Anna lives in Cambridge, England, with her husband and two bossy black cats. Learn more about Anna, her books and her shoes at .

You can also follow her on Facebook ( , Twitter (, Pinterest( and on the Romance Bandits blog (

Harlequin SuperRomance at it’s best – Anna Sugden once again delivers an exhilarating and sexy must read hockey story!

%name Harlequin SuperRomance at its best   Anna Sugden once again delivers an exhilarating and sexy must read hockey story!


A Perfect Catch by Anna Sugden is perfect! This flawless and thorough story is filled with sexy hockey hunks, great dialogue and lots of sizzle. This time it’s all about Ike, Ike Jelinek, goalie of the New Jersey Ice Cats. For Ike, his world is centered between the poles. When a serious injury takes Ike off the ice and sends him to the hospital, everyone questions if he’ll ever be able to play again.  After careful evaluation the Doctor assures him he will need some assistance at home, if he wants to recover without any additional damage.

Unfortunately Ike is not one to take orders very well and has a superhero complex because well, he’s convinced he’s invincible and doesn’t need much help. Ike attempts to negotiate a deal with the Ice Cat’s top get-it-done mavin to help him out. If she’ll keep him company and will provide basic services for him, the Doctors will release him quicker from the hospital. The thought of staying any longer in the hospital makes a man do desperate things.  If she can do this one little thing for him, he’ll put the word out that her company is the “go to” company and it’s a “win-win” for all!

Tracy Hayden is currently the team’s independently contracted relocation and personal “go to girl.” Tracy is the best when it comes to getting things done.  If you need help with practically anything, Tracy and Making Your Move are there to help! Now she’s trying to expand and that means being available at all times making sure her clients are happy. This leaves very little free time to focus on anyone besides her family and close friends who begin to doubt if she’ll ever settle down. If only Tracy could stop thinking about what happened between her and Ike and the way “it” ended. Unfortunately, they both wanted different things. Whatever it was that they had, “it” quickly smoldered out.  Yet, somehow there is still a spark between them, an intense connection that both refuse to admit is just waiting to re-ignite and explode. Clearly they both still have unresolved feelings but are too strong willed and independent to pursue it.

Leave it to Ike to prove that he’s impervious to rules due to his superhero complex. When Ike refuses to abide by the Doctor’s orders, even with provisions in place that he agreed to, he re-injures himself.  He’s managed to risk his health yet again and this time winds up jeopardizing his career.  As much as Tracy doesn’t want to be near Ike, she takes pity on him, and on the situation. Besides, she has a vested interest in keeping the Ice Cat’s organization happy. Once again she agrees to help him, but strictly as a client.

Will she open up to Ike about why they really failed? Tracy can’t deny the intense connection they have. However, she’s still not interested in getting married and having a family, or is she? Exactly who needs convincing? Ike, Tracy, or both?

There is nothing better than a great story that’s filled with amazing characters and hockey – Yum! I am an avid hockey fan and the world of the NJ Ice Cats is sexy and exhilarating. This was the first book I’ve read by Anna Sugden and I can’t wait to read more. This ARC was sent to me by the Author for an honest review. I enjoyed Ike and Tracy’s story and can’t wait to see who’s next!


Anna Sugden Bio:

%name Harlequin SuperRomance at its best   Anna Sugden once again delivers an exhilarating and sexy must read hockey story!

Award-winning, Harlequin SuperRomance author, Anna Sugden, loves reading romance novels and watching films with happy endings. She also loves watching hockey and football, where she prefers a happy ending for her teams (Go Devils, Man UTD, Exeter, ‘Skins!). When she’s not researching hockey players (for her books, of course), she makes craft projects and collects penguins, autographs and memorabilia, and great shoes.

A former marketing executive and primary teacher, Anna lives in Cambridge, England, with her husband and two bossy black cats. Learn more about Anna, her books and her shoes at .

You can also follow her on Facebook ( , Twitter (, Pinterest( and on the Romance Bandits blog (

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