Mar 7, 2015 | Blog, February 2015, Jane Ashford
Jane Ashford Newlyweds Spotlight Tour – Review, Giveaway and Q & A with John and Mary

Married to a Proper Stranger, by Jane Ashford, is an historical romance story about rediscovery and compromise. John Bexley was sent to China on a Diplomatic mission and has finally returned after a two year journey. When he left Mary Fleming, his new bride, was sent off to stay with family. While she can’t stand her predicament and living arrangements, she does find comfort in her drawings. When Mary receives news that her husband has returned she finds herself in an awkward situation. Now she must leave her family and resume living with a man she hasn’t seen in two years. How bad could it be?
Unfortunately, Mary becomes frustrated they have difficulty re-connecting, and re-acquainting themselves. Even communicating becomes rather challenging. Now that they are together again, will they finally get the chance to discover how great they can be?
Usually Mary escapes into her sketchpad when life overwhelms her as it is a stress reliever. However, a few acquaintances of John’s are not so pleased with their likeness that it unsettles her. The last thing she wants is for there to be secrets between them. Tension rises as John is upset with a situation at work and his inability to reveal what he’s really up to. Secrets lend themselves to accidental involvement when Mary inadvertently must reveal what she has discovered. Will he admire her tenacity for justice and seeing things through? Will John’s co-workers respect her, or try to destroy her when she insists on helping? These secrets must be revealed, and when they emerge because of her drawings, families are pulled apart and lives are changed. Will they be able to have a fresh start and trust each other? This tender tale of love is a journey of self-discovery and worldly adventures.
This ARC was given to me by the publisher for a fair and honest review.
Rafflecoptor Giveaway Link: a Rafflecopter giveaway
**Please note that is a tourwide giveaway. Once the Rafflecoptor is over, the winner will be randomly selected by the publisher. The publisher will then notify the winner.**
Today we are pleased to sit down with John and Mary Bexley, the protagonists from Jane Ashford’s Married to a Perfect Stranger (March 2015). From February 23rd through March 20th the Bexleys will be answering questions about their relationship at each stop in their tour!
Who takes the longest to get ready in morning? John: Mary.
Mary: Well, of course I do. You don’t have to pin up your hair or lace your undergarments.
Jane Ashford discovered Georgette Heyer in junior high school and was captivated by the glittering world and witty language of Regency England. Her romances have been published all over the world. Jane has been nominated for a Career Achievement Award by RT Book Reviews. She lives in Los Angeles, California.
Buy Links:
Feb 28, 2015 | Blog, February 2015
Dear Readers,
I wanted to say thank-you to the amazing authors and publishers that provide us what we need and love- books!
Thank you for sharing your stories with us and allowing us the opportunity to dive into your world.
I’m looking forward to the new characters and books that we will be talking about for years to come!
Happy Reading and Happy Writing to all!
Feb 27, 2015 | Blog, Collection, February 2015, Laura Kaye

Covering Her Skin, by Laura Kaye, is a tale of fixing prior mistakes and having the courage to admit it needs to be done. When a tattoo is an unwanted reminder of an ex-fiancé, Emery Morgan decides to cover it up. Ronan Kane is the artist that inked her and seeks out his help to design a new tat over it. What’s a guy to do when the woman he’s had feelings for comes into his shop? Ronan feels responsible for what happened to Emery and agrees to help her fix the tattoo. What will she do when she realizes there is more to the situation? Will she admit that he’s not just an acquaintance? Will this work out?
Laura Kaye is absolutely fabulous and I enjoyed reading her tale. I plan to download a few more stories and add them to my e-reader soon!
I received this ARC for a fair and honest review and it is completely worth the $4.80 for 18 amazing authors and their must read tales!

Laura Kaye is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of nearly twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Laura grew up amid family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses, cementing her life-long fascination with storytelling and the supernatural. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.
Laura Kaye
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author
Hot, Heartfelt Romance – Because everyone longs to belong…
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Feb 26, 2015 | Blog, Coffee With, February 2015, J. Kenner

First, If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂
What would you order? I used to be a venti nonfat latte girl. Now I’m coffee, black. Or coffee with heavy cream.
Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions.
You write under two different names and across many genres. If someone is reading this today and they’ve never read one of your books, where would you recommend they start? If they are into sexy books, definitely start with Release Me. If they prefer lighter books, then Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom
Do you see the Stark Series going beyond Stark International? I think my answer to your question is yes 🙂 I envision Stark International as potentially unending. It’s conceived as a collection of trilogies featuring different heroes and heroines from the world of Stark International.
8 Tantalizing Tidbits:
1. A Must read book and why? To Kill a Mockingbird – brilliantly told, moving and a classic
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? San Gabriel Park
3. What is your favorite movie of all time and why? Star Wars (NOT the later trilogy)
it’s iconic
it’s mythic
it holds tons of fabulous memories for me from when I was a kid.
4. When you plot out your book do you know how it will end or do you figure it out as you go? I have to know how it ends before I can start it. But that doesn’t mean the ending stays the same by the time I get there.
5. Do you watch a TV show weekly or binge watch? BINGE!
6. First concert you attended? I **think** this was my first — Barry Manilow. (yes, I know. And we actually waited in the rain for tickets)
7. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere for research, where would you go? Australia
8. If you could invite Five people to dinner (not family or friends -that’s too easy ) who would you invite? It can be someone from the past or present, living or deceased.
(this list is subject to change with my whim and my mood!)
Rob Lowe
Leonardo Da Vinci
David O. Selznick
Neil Armstrong
Jimmy Stewart

J. Kenner (aka Julie Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and International bestselling author of over seventy novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres.
Though known primarily for her award-winning and international bestselling erotic romances (including the Stark and Most Wanted series) that have reached as high as #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, JK has been writing full time for over a decade in a variety of genres including paranormal and contemporary romance, “chicklit” suspense, urban fantasy, Victorian-era thrillers (coming soon), and paranormal mommy lit.
Her foray into the latter, Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom by Julie Kenner, has been consistently in development in Hollywood since prior to publication. Most recently, it has been optioned by Warner Brothers Television for development as series on the CW Network with Alloy Entertainment producing.
JK has been praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations” and by RT Bookclub for having “cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swopn for him.” A three time finalist for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award, JK took home the first RITA trophy awarded in the category of erotic romance in 2014 for her novel, Claim Me (book 2 of her Stark Trilogy).
Her books have sold well over a million copies and are published in over over twenty countries.
In her previous career as an attorney, JK worked as a clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced primarily civil, entertainment and First Amendment litigation in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, as well as in Austin, Texas. She currently lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and two rather spastic cats.
Feb 25, 2015 | Blog, Collection, Diane Kelly, February 2015

Wrong Address, Right Guy, by Diane Kelly, is a sweet and refreshing story about a woman looking for love and wondering when it will happen. Katelyn Harrington’s boyfriend has stood her up for the last time and when he bails at the last minute she tells him via text to “take a hike.”
While walking her dog outside her apartment Katelyn runs into her party-girl neighbor Nicole who has just asked her to act as a distraction and gently let down Nicole’s her blind date for the night if he shows up. Completely irritated that she’s been asked to do this Katelyn’s caught up in thought as Trent shows up.
Curious and intrigued at the cute man before her, Katelyn quickly replies that she’s the one he’s here to meet. Sometimes you just have to have faith and take a leap! What will Trent do when he discovers Katelyn mislead him? Will he bail or welcome the unique approach Katelyn took to go out with him?
Diane Kelly has written a romantic tale that is simply sweet and refreshingly fantastic! I received this ARC for a fair and honest review and would definitely purchase this collection for myself or as a gift! At a sweet price of $4.80 on Amazon this is a must own e-book!

A former Assistant Attorney General and tax advisor, Diane Kelly inadvertently worked with white-collar criminals. Lest she end up in jail, Diane decided self-employment was a good idea. Her fingers hit the keyboard and thus began her award-winning Death and Taxes romantic mystery series. A graduate of her hometown’s Citizen Police Academy, Diane Kelly also writes the hilarious K-9 cop Paw Enforcement series.
Sign up for Diane’s newsletter at, “Like” Diane on Facebook at, and follow her on Twitter @dianekellybooks
Feb 24, 2015 | Blog, Coffee With, February 2015, Jess Michaels

First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂
What would you order? I’d do water, I’m afraid. I’m pretty much only drinking water right now and it’s actually good. I know it’s better for me. Still, I miss Diet Coke.
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions. I’m really excited for The Notorious Flynns series. This is the first book I’ve read by you and I LOVED discovering Serafina and Rafe! Oh yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed the book. Luckily there are a TON of books in my backlist to fill the time while we wait.
I will have a difficult time waiting for Books 2 and 3 to be released :). I’m not sure I will be able to wait! But it’s so soon! Book 2, The Scoundrel’s Lover (Annabelle’s book) will be out March 10.
I find it impressive that you’ve written over 50 published stories. Your published works vary in each series, do you have a specific time period that you prefer? I write exclusively in the Regency period.
What do you find the most challenging aspect of being an erotic romance author? What’s the easiest aspect? I think it’s always challenging to build a book in general. I want the story to be fresh and the characters to pop. Sometimes I’m stuck knowing where to go. But once I get my details worked out, it all comes down to just telling the story. I wouldn’t say that’s easy, but it’s fun!
How long does it take you to complete a story from start to finish?
I take about 6 weeks to write a book from beginning to end and another couple of weeks to edit. I also do some down time. So I write a book about every two months or so. I can write 5 to 6 books a year pretty comfortably.
I appreciate you taking the time to hang out – thank you so much!
Thank you for having me!!
8 Tantalizing Tidbits:
1. A Must read book and why? Well, if you like dark, sensual, emotional romances, this is your book! Plus, it’s my first fully indie book and the beginning of a great new series. All these things should make you want to BUY BUY BUY!! LOL
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? I grew up in Blackfoot, ID and I would say one of the only things you should see there is the giant potato. Otherwise, I might just drive through.
3. When you plot out your book do you know how it will end or do you figure it out as you go? Well, I write romance, so I pretty much always know how it’s going to end. 🙂 But you mean do I plot until the end, yes. Sometimes things change here and there throughout, but for the most part I know the basics of the end before I start.
4. Do you watch a TV show weekly or binge watch? I have a handful of shows on my DVR that are weekly watchers. I love Elementary (and Sherlock, but it’s not back yet), we watch Doctor Who (and have binge watched it), I also watch stuff like Archer and Adventure Time. I think the next one I’ll binge watch is probably Bob’s Burgers since I’m really enjoying that show. And I might also lock in for Supernatural.
5. What’s your guilty pleasure? True Crime. I have so many Investigation Discovery shows on my DVR. My husband calls them my Murder Death Kill shows. Also, reality shows. I just can’t… stop looking at them.
6. One thing readers would be surprised to know about you. If you meet me in person, I’m pretty friendly and open, but I’m a huge introvert. Sometimes by the end of a conference, I actually feel bruised because of the stress of being “on”. I love meeting readers, but I also like retreating to my hole.
7. First concert you attended? New Kids on the Block, 5th grade.
8. Castles or Beaches? Usually I’d say beaches, but this year we’re heading to Paris for a week. So castles may win the day.