Feb 27, 2016 | Anna Campbell, February 2016, Uncategorized

Tempting Mr. Townsend (The Dashing Widows Book 2) by Anna Campbell is seductive, witty and even better than the first book in this must read series -and I LOVED The Dashing Widows Book 1! Every time I see one of Anna’s covers I’m giddy with excitement and anticipation, this one is no exception. Check out that beautiful rich blue!
In the series second installment, we reconnect with a widow who has grown and is not afraid to take risks, even if it means potentially damaging her reputation. There is a certain amount of power with that confidence and it makes our heroine strong, despite the obstacles she must overcome to find her happy ending. Five years is a long time to be in morning and Lady Fenella Deerham has only recently packed up her mourning clothes. Does this mean she is finally ready to move on? Perhaps all she needs is a little push?
Anthony Townsend has discovered that his nephew has disappeared from boarding school. Further news reveals the boy has run off with a school mate, so he heads straight to the poor boys home looking for answers. His arrival is unannounced, beastly and demanding.
Nothing can prepare Fenella for what charges through her door. The news that Fenella could lose her son is not an option, she must find him! Time is of the essence and she insists on joining Mr. Townsend in his search for the boys. She’s determined to go into the night with our without him. I love how Anthony and Fenella are brought together and the adventure that awaits. A journey with a stranger, oh how wicked Anna ;).
Lady Fenella will discover that it’s possible to find love twice if only she would give in to her feelings. One kiss will impact Fenella and she will need to make a decision that could change everything. Mr. Townsend has pushed her buttons and the game they play is intoxicating with tension, teasing and passion.
Every book Anna writes is satisfying and her characters are compelling and oh so charming! This novella sizzles and is the perfect way to spend a chilly afternoon warming up. There are a few surprises for readers and I was thrilled with this satisfying ending. Don’t miss out on this must read series perfectly priced at just $0.99. It’s time to discover a world of hope, adventure and love.
I was given this ARC by the author for a fair and honest review. I look forward to the widow’s we’ve yet to discover and their journey too! Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long, I hear the next book will be out later this spring.
Curzon Street, Mayfair, November 1820
“What the devil have you done with my ward, madam?”
Shocked, Fenella jerked her attention from the embroidery that she’d picked up to while away a rare quiet night at home.
Good heavens. A man the size of a mountain had invaded her drawing room.
An angry mountain.
Astonishment, rather than fear, was her immediate reaction. She slid her tambour frame onto the table beside her and straightened in her chair. “And who on earth are you?”
Greaves, her butler, rushed in with two brawny footmen looming behind him. “My lady, this fellow pushed his way into the house before I could stop him.”
The fellow clenched his huge fists at his sides and shot her servants a narrow-eyed glare. Despite their size, Tom and John faltered back.
Fenella could see why. The mysterious intruder looked ready to commit murder. Ready, and more than capable. His excellent tailoring did nothing to hide his impressive muscles and the breadth of shoulders and chest.
When he focused that searing stare on her, her stomach jumped with nerves. Was this some madman escaped from confinement? Although he didn’t look unhinged. Just furious.
“Don’t pretend you don’t know who I am,” the man said tersely, a northern accent edging his deep, resonant voice. “Just stop all this blasted nonsense and take me to the lad.”
Get your copy here:Tempting Mr. Townsend (The Dashing Widows)
ICYMI: The Seduction of Lord Stone (The Dashing Widows Book 1)
Author Info:

ANNA CAMPBELL has written ten multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for book 4, A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.
**all pictures and excerpt provided by Anna Campbell**
Feb 25, 2016 | 2016, February 2016, Uncategorized

The Guest Room by Chris Bohjalian has romance, international world issues, relationship doubts, blackmail, and so much more! I’m not sure how he does it but Chris managed to pack it all into 336 pages and once you start you won’t be able to put your book or e-reader down!
This story weaves human trafficking and sex slavery, a topic that is spoken about rarely or quite frankly, often enough, into a story where the characters themselves never imagined it either!
Just thinking about human trafficking and sex slavery is scary, and reading about the brutal and sometimes deadly situations for those trapped and unable to escape, leaves you running to keep those you love close to you at all times.
Human trafficking and sex slavery is a world wide concern.
Recently I’ve read countless posts from friends in the ‘burbs
regarding Social Media accounts and the trappings kids have been lured into. What we can do to protect unsuspecting children from disappearing forever?
As a society we are driven by social media and the it’s impossible to know which texts, posts and tweets published are fabricated or real. If you’re looking for a book that is thought provoking and one that will move you, then download or purchase a copy now. From the very fist page, this book delivers a compelling story that will alter the way you look at the world. It will change you.
Nothing is more universal than a Bachelor Party and the wild
shenanigans that are usually associated with it. Richard Chapman agrees to host one for his engaged brother before he ties the knot. Richard is a happily married man and he leaves the sordid details to his brother’s friends while reluctantly offering up his suburban Westchester, New York home for the night. It’s just a few guys, what could go wrong? Little does he know what’s about to happen and the unthinkable scenario that will play out.
Alexandra was promised a better life in Russia. What unfolds leaves her powerless and unable to trust. It will take all of her strength to survive this one night. Will she be able to trust anyone?
As the book moves from chapter to chapter it alternates between different characters and their points of view. The change is seamless and easy to follow. Chris has done an amazing job of bringing to life
characters that leap off the page. The reader is drawn into a world of sex slaves, the Russian mob, debauchery and secrets.
Within this heart clenching story there are twists in every chapter as desperation, revenge, love and fear will drive each of these characters to do unspeakable things to achieve their happy ending.
Will the ending they have be what they hoped for? Or, the harsh
reality that life is unpredictable, real life is doesn’t mimic reality TV shows and marriages require trust and work to survive.
Do not miss this must read! I received an ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. When you finish I recommend another book from Chris’ backlist – The Double Bind. I recommend reading The Great Gatsby first if you haven’t already. Trust me 😉 The Double Bind is one of my favorites and I hope that it makes it onto the big screen someday.
*****Get to know Chris Bohjalian with 16 Tantalizing Tidbits*****
- What is your MUST read book and why?
Oh, I could offer you a must-read shelf — but not a book. Among my favorite novels — the ones that I’ve read multiple times?
The Joyous Season by Patrick Dennis — Imagine Holden Caulfield with less angst and a better sense of humor, and you have the
howlingly funny narrator of this book. The book chronicles the near-
dissolution of one wealthy Manhattan family in the early 1960s, and what it takes to keep it intact. Nearly every page is a scream,
especially read today, because every moment feels so fabulously retro.
The Forty Days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel — an epic and
masterful novel of the Armenian Genocide, and based on the Armenians’ heroic stand atop the mountain on the Mediterranean Sea.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald — Individual sentences give me a whopper of an inferiority complex, but I love every one.
The Cider House Rules by John Irving — I savor Irving’s books
because his characters are so gloriously eccentric and idiosyncratic, and this sweeping story is filled with people I cherished.
Room by Emma Donahue — a surprising, ingenuous, and authentic voice. And the story itself? Page after page of the most moving and wrenching. . .dread.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee — There is obviously so much to savor in this book and so many ways to examine it, especially
knowing what we know now of the first draft. Among the elements that I cherish is what a beautiful father-daughter love story it is.
The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje — I love novels that teach me something, and in this book I learned a bit about Africa, archeology, and Egypt in the years immediately before the Second World War.
Sophie’s Choice by William Styron — Perhaps the most sad and wrenching novel I’ve ever read.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?
The Lincoln General Store — and their peppermint brownies. Or their chocolate chip scones. Or their salted caramel bars. Every bite is worth every calorie.
3. Castles or Beaches?
Beaches — with a book.
4. One thing readers would be surprised to know about you.
I begin my writing day by watching movie trailers.
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist?
Hard rock when I am lifting at the gym. But I like both. Favorites vary. Might be 10,000 Maniacs one day, System of a Down the next. My iPod also has a lot of Taylor Swift, Beyonce, and the Beatles.
6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go?
Back to the Syrian border. I have been there twice in the last two years.
7. What is your guilty pleasure?
Sugar Free Red Bull.
8. What are you afraid of?
Plane crashes.
9. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one?
No tats.
10. Organized or Free Floating?
11. Binge watcher or weekly viewer?
12. What’s your favorite TV show and why?
Mad Men because it channels me back to my childhood. Breaking Bad because it is breathtakingly rich with dread.
13. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )?
Right now? City on Fire. But that might change.
14. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why?
Impossible to choose one. This moment it might be Birdman. Tomorrow it might be The Right Stuff.
15. Would you rather see a movie in the theatre or at home on DVD and why?
Depends on the movie. I just saw The Revenant on Imax – utterly breathtaking.
16. Do you love to cook or go out to eat?
To read an EXCERPT click on the title: Guest Room excerpt
The publisher has donated one signed copy of The Guest Room to one reader. Contest open till 2/26/16 at 12 noon EST.
Winner will randomly be selected and is open to US Residents only.
Please leave a comment below for a chance to win! Winner must notify Books I Love A Latte by 2/28 12 noon EST or a new winner will be selected.
**For Book Clubs the publisher has provided a reading guide. Spoiler Alert – Only click if you want to read detailed questions regarding the book. – RGG, Guest Roomfinal **
Additional Info:
To learn more and become part of the solution, visit www.castla.org, the site for the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking. CAST is one of the many important organizations that work to assist persons trafficked for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery, and other instances of appalling human rights violations.
Facts About Human Trafficking and Sexual Slavery
- According to the U.S. State Department, perhaps three-quarters of a million people are trafficked across international borders every year—and then there are the millions trafficked within their own countries.
- The International Labor Organization estimates that 14.2 million people are victims of forced labor exploitation in economic activities, such as agriculture, construction, domestic work, and manufacturing. The ILO also estimates 4.5 million people were forced into sexual exploitation globally in 2014.
- About two million children every year are exploited in the global commercial sex trade.
- The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children estimates that one out of every six runaways is a likely sex trafficking victim.
If you are in an emergency situation or have a credible tip, call the CAST 24-hour hotline to speak to an emergency responder: 1 (888) KEY-2-FREEDOM.
About the Author:

Chris Bohjalian is the author of eighteen books, including Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands; The Sandcastle Girls; Skeletons at the Feast; The Double Bind; and Midwives, which was a number one New York Times bestseller and a selection of Oprah’s Book Club. His work has been translated into more than thirty languages, and three of his novels have become movies (Secrets of Eden, Midwives, and Past the Bleachers). He lives in Vermont with his wife and daughter. Visit him at www.chrisbohjalian.com or on Facebook.
*****Guide written by Amy Clements*****
Pictures, Book Excerpt and Guide provided by publisher
Feb 22, 2016 | 2016, Cathryn Fox, February 2016, Kathy Lyons, Uncategorized

The Player Next Door by Kathy Lyons is a sizzling basketball romance story that’s cute, funny and refreshing.
Tori Williams has the perfect job, a family that wants only the best for her and a boyfriend. Too bad the people in her life don’t think so highly of her or trust her not to walk into trouble. A no-fear attitude when it comes to getting the job done, she is willing to tackle just about anything.
Insistent upon renovating a recent inheritance, Tori manages to get herself into the most hilarious and crazy situations, all in the name of home remodeling. Can she get the job done before the end of the summer and prove everyone wrong. Will the time apart from her boyfriend finally give her the courage to make her own decisions?
Mike Giamaria is injured and can’t play in the NBA for a few weeks. In order to stay out of the paparazzi he’s decided to house sit and recover peacefully, out of sight. The rest and relaxation would be great if only he wasn’t next door to Tori.
One look at Tori and Mike has new issues to deal with – she’s hot, always around and most of time needing a little help. Will she let him get close enough or will she push him away?
Mike has a code he lives by and Tori will test him and his sacred code. Will he have to choose between basketball and Tori? When someone close to them discovers a hilarious little secret how will they explain and recover from it?
As soon as you’re finished don’t be surprised if you start walking around the house looking for a few things to fix. Power tools? Hammers? Just make sure you have a ladder and someone to help. 😉
With the heat and intensity in this book I give it 3 Peppers as it’s pretty hot and might offend. For mature readers 18+
I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. I loved this book and look forward to Kathy’s next release. At a sale price of $0.99 it’s a steal – get your copy now. Check it out:The Player Next Door
Author Info:

KATHY LYONS writes light, funny, sexy stories for Brazen. She loves the faster pace of category books and that her humor can shine through. She leaves the dark, tortured love stories to her alter ego, Jade Lee. Visit them both on the web at www.kathylyons.com or www.jadeleeauthor.com!

Betting on the Wrong Brother by Cathryn Fox is a must read from the Entangled Lovestruck What Happens in Vegas series. A romance writer in Vegas, fans and all the craziness of sin city make this book sizzle.
Andi Palmer is a romance author on her way to a meeting and the last thing she’s prepared for is a surprise. When the elevator malfunctions and she finds herself stuck, it provides us with the most hilarious opening scene.
Andi thinks this sexy man, in the elevator with her, is the grown-up version of her childhood crush. The one who devastated her and destroyed her heart years ago. Why doesn’t he recognize her? Is he for real?
Deciding it’s some sort of a game, she hatches her own plan. Too bad Ryan Wheeler is who he says he is and not the man in question. Now it’s game on and he has a few surprises for her too!
Ryan is curious as to what his younger brother could have done so he decides to play along. Andi insists that their time together be just a “Vegas thing” leaving out the clutter of formality. The less they know the better. Will Ryan go along with it or reveal the truth?What will Andi do when she discovers who really rocked her world?
Once again I’m’ hooked on a Vegas story – the series is amazing and I’ve read almost every one. Will our Andi and Ryan find their happily ever after? Or, will the ghosts and convention chaos end their trip too soon?
With the heat and intensity in this book I give it 3 Peppers as it’s pretty hot and might offend. For mature readers 18+
I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. At a sale price of $0.99 you won’t want to miss out on this fabulous deal. Check it out here: Betting on the Wrong Brother (What Happens in Vegas)
If you haven’t read this series you are missing out on some serious fun! There are thirteen books in this series and I’ve reviewed most of them.
Author Info:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cathryn Fox is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. Cathryn has two teenagers who keep her busy and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. When not writing, Cathryn can be found laughing over lunch with friends, hanging out with her kids, or watching a big action flick with her husband.
FIND THE AUTHOR HERE: @writercatfox Facebook Website Good Reads Pinterest Tumblr
Feb 17, 2016 | 2016, Blog, February 2016

Are you in need of another adventure? Not sure what to read? Check out these February releases, a few pre-orders you won’t want to miss and a few others to add to your e-reader.
Most of these are either in my TBR pile, I’ve read or the price can’t be missed!
February Releases

Taking the Score (Tall, Dark, and Texan)
by Kate Meader -$2.99

Recipe for Kisses
by Michelle Major – $3.99

Accidentally in Love with the Biker (What Happens in Vegas)
by Teri Anne Stanley – $0.99

Betting on the Wrong Brother (What Happens in Vegas)
by Cathryn Fox – $0.99

Emergency Engagement (Love Emergency)
by Samanthe Beck – $2.99

If You Can’t Take the Heat
by Melissa Brown – $5.99 (pre-order releases 2/15/16)

Wrecked (Axle Alley Vipers)
by Sherliee Gray – $2.99

The Millionaire Makeover (Bachelor Auction)
by Naima Simone – $2.99

Fighting Dirty (An Ultimate Novel)
by Lori Foster – $6.49 (Pre-order releases 2/23/16)

How to Wed a Warrior (Broadswords and Ballrooms)
by Christy English – $7.19

Highland Spitfire (Highland Weddings)
by Mary Wine – $6.09

A Gentleman’s Game (Romance of the Turf)
by Theresa Romain – $7.49

One with You: A Crossfire Novel (Crossfire Series Book 5)
by Sylvia Day $9.99

Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane)
by Elizabeth Hoyt $7.99
Demetrius (Brethren Origins Book 2) by Barbara Devlin – $0.99
Romancing the Ranger
by Jennie Marts $2.99
Tempting Mr. Townsend (Dashing Widows)
by Anna Campbell – $0.99

Hawke: A Cold Fury Hockey Novel (Carolina Cold Fury Hockey)
by Sawyer Bennett – $4.99

Sugar Daddy: A Sugar Bowl Novel
by Sawyer Bennett – $3.99

Hot in the Hamptons
by Liz Matis, Wendy S. Marcus and Jennifer Probst – $0.99 GREAT DEAL. Right now each book is $2.99 Get this pre-order price before it goes up!!!

Tall, Dark, and Medieval: Four full length romance novels by Victoria Zak, Elizabeth Rose, Barbara Devlin and Laurel O’Donnell -$0.99

Brethren of the Coast: Volume I
by Barbara Devlin -$4.99

Brethren of the Coast: Volume II by Barbara Devlin – $0.99

Arucard (Brethren Origins Book 1) by Barbara Devlin -$3.99

Capitol Danger
by J.D.Tyler, Jeanne Adams, Nancy Northcott, and Suzanne Ferrell – $0.99

SEAL Wolf In Too Deep
by Terry Spear – $7.49

Dead Run: Faithful Defenders #1
by Jeanne Adams – $2.99
Deadly Delivery
by Jeanne Adams – $0.99

The Tentacle Affaire: A Slip Traveler Novel – Book 1 (The Slip Traveler Novels)
by Jeanne Adams – $2.99

Charming the Professor: A Charm Gates Time-Travel Romance
by Donna MacMeans – $3.99

The Moor’s Tear (Charm Gates Time-Travel Romance Book 1) by Donna MacMeans – $0.99

The Education of Mrs. Brimley by Donna MacMeans – $6.99
Knowing the Score (London Legends Book 1)
by Kat Latham – $3.99
Earls Just Want to Have Fun (Covent Garden Cubs Book 1)
by Shana Galen $6.15

A Dangerously Sexy Affair (The Dangerous Bachelors Club)
by Stefanie London – $4.49

A SEAL’s Touch (Uniformly Hot!)
by Tawny Weber -$4.49

Smart Girl (The Girl’s Series Book 3)
by Rachel Hollis- $5.99

Flirting with Sin (A Noble Pass Affaire) by Naima Simone – $0.99

A Perfect Compromise (The New Jersey Ice Cats)
by Anna Sugden – $3.99

A Perfect Trade (The New Jersey Ice Cats)
by Anna Sugden – $3.99

A Perfect Catch (The New Jersey Ice Cats)
by Anna Sugden – $3.99

A Perfect Distraction (The New Jersey Ice Cats)
by Anna Sugden – $3.99

I’ll Be There (Montgomery Brothers)
by Samantha Chase $6.15

Wait for Me (Montgomery Brothers Book 1)
by Samantha Chase – $3.82

Hope Falls: Wildest Dreams (Kindle Worlds Novella)
by Samantha Chase $1.99
The Guest Room: A Novel by Chris Bohjalian – $12.99

Highland Guard (Murray Family Series Book 20)
by Hannah Howell – $1.99

Tangled Up In Love
Heidi Betts – $7.99

Big Rock: (A Sexy Standalone Contemporary Romance)
by Lauren Blakely – $3.99
Feb 10, 2016 | Blog, February 2016, Naima Simone

The Millionaire Makeover (Bachelor Auction) by Naima Simone is a passionate modern ugly duckling tale that sizzles from the cover to the very last page. Be prepared to cry, laugh and forget about that pesky list of tasks as you devour this story in one sitting.
Niall Hunter is used to being in control and is about to discover that when it comes to love his rules will be tested. This time, he can’t control everything and that’s a good thi.
Devastated over the loss of his best friend and riddled with guilt it’s been a struggle to survive. When a letter is discovered and the contents reveal one simple request, it will force him to make a difficult choice. One that could destroy the heart of the one woman he truly needs.
Khloe Richardson can’t get over what Niall did to her three year ago and it’s affected every decision she’s made. Struggling to be noticed when your confidence is shattered makes it difficult to approach a crush. Watching how Khloe handles her anger and slowly transforms is magical.
All Khloe needs is a fairy godmother or in this situation, a BFF/co-worker who has the means to intervene. Will it be enough for her prince charming to notice her now?
A bachelor auction to acquire a date is crazy AND perfect, Khloe reluctantly agrees. When the winners meet the bachelors and the masks are untied, Khloe’s worst nightmare has come true. Niall is her prize and she’d rather have a date with Lucifer.
Nialls touch once ignited a fire deep within Khloe and now all that burns between them is the bitter anger over why he left her without a word. Is the raw, intense passion still there between them?
When Niall discovers Khloe is attempting to make her crush jealous who will fall first for the “new” Khloe? Will Niall finally give in to his feelings despite the promise he made to her brother all those years ago? Can he admit the reason he left her and tell her the truth? How will she handle the news?
Life is full of challenges and when it comes to love, we all want a happy-ever-after. Khole has hidden behind her simple appearance and it’s prevented her from truly being “seen” and taken seriously to get what she wants. Will a makeover work?
I will proceed with caution near dressing rooms after reading this Naima ;)! Wow. Niall is one strong alpha-male who will surprise and tease. Ladies watch out, he’ll capture your heart too!
If you’re a reader that judges a book by it’s cover then you will LOVE this one. The sexy bachelor in a suite with a hint of color just radiates mystery and seduction. At an e-book price of $2.99 it makes it a must read. Discover yourself how much fun a bachelor auction can be! Especially one filled with secrets, surprises, and second chances.
I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. I look forward to reading the next installment to find out who the next lucky bachelor will be.
This super sizzling three pepper read is priced just right
at $2.99 and is for mature readers 18+. Proceed with caution, it’s pretty hot and may offend.
ICYMI: Beauty and the Bachelor
Author Bio:

Naima Simone’s love of romance was first stirred by Johanna Lindsey, Sandra Brown and Linda Howard many years ago. Well not that many. She is only eighteen…ish. Though her first attempt at a romance novel starring Ralph Tresvant from New Edition never saw the light of day, her love of romance, reading and writing has endured. Published since 2009, she spends her days—and nights— creating stories of unique men and women who experience the first bites of desire, the dizzying heights of passion, and the tender, healing heat of love.
She is wife to Superman, or his non-Kryptonian, less bullet proof equivalent, and mother to the most awesome kids ever. They all live in perfect, sometimes domestically-challenged bliss in the southern United States. Come visit Naima at https://www.naimasimone.com.
Feb 8, 2016 | Blog, February 2016
Dear Readers and Authors,
If you’ve sent me a book please know that I appreciate you thinking of me to read and review them. I look forward to sharing them with you soon.
While I’m busy with heroes and heroines being seduced, enlightened and tamed, I hope that you are having your own wild adventures both in and out of your great reads.
I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery -“I think you may be a kindred spirit after all.”
Happy Reading