81s4lgvG2CL. SY466  200x300 Review: Perfect Imperfections by Mariah Ankenman

Perfect Imperfections by Mariah Ankenman is refreshing and adorable with relatable characters who draw you into their world with ease. Love isn’t complicated when you are open, honest, and can trust the person you are with.

Ellie and Sullivan have a tenderness between them that is so touching as they navigate through OCD, and the other sensitive issues that arise while exploring their new connection. It’ is sooo sweet. Will Sullivan finally find a way to love again? Will Ellie find someone to love her for all of her?

๐Ÿง Memorable meetcut with penguins!
๐Ÿง Slow Burn
๐Ÿง RomCom
๐Ÿง Single Dad Doctor who is still working through the fallout from his marriage.
๐Ÿง Zookeeper with OCD that wants to be with someone who appreciates her and doesn’t try to fix her.
๐Ÿง Cinnamon Roll
๐Ÿง Lots of animal puns!!!
๐Ÿง Accurate mental health representation.

3 Flames 2023 300x300 Review: Perfect Imperfections by Mariah Ankenman

Do you like your reads spicy? If so, this book is best enjoyed with your favorite iced beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan. Characters comfortably express their desire with kissing and passionate exploration. If you’re looking for a medium level of heat this should be a satisfying read. Thank you Mariah Ankenman for the advance reader copy for review consideration. All opinions are my own.



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