Feb 8, 2024 | 2024, Blog, February 2024, Xio Axelrod
Girls with Bad Reputations (The Lillys Book 2) by Xio Axelrod is the second book in the Lillys series and can be read as a standalone. However, once you meet the band … you’re gonna wanna dive into Book 1.
Kayla Larrington is living her dream and avoiding her family. If they knew where she’s been, would they be supportive of her choices and understand?
Instead of following the path of perfection her mother planned long ago, she’s living her best life. All Kayla ever wanted was to live life with stick in hand while drumming on her kit.
Despite her loss, the pain impacts her decisions. If only her family’s expectations of what her future looked like and her dreams could be aligned. Could they ever approve?
It’s time to hit the road with The Lillys with this all-access behind the scenes from their tour bus to the music stages along the way. Hopefully their bus driver Ty is able to navigate through all their personalities.
Are you ready to meet The Lillys?
Expect plenty of drama and shenanigans. Most definitely a little spicy heat, and of course lots of music.
C’mon … will Xio tell us what really happens? I think their story will unfold the way it was meant to be … drama, secrets, shenanigans, love, and the unexpected.
What about the other members? Yeah … you’ll meet them too. I expect future features for the rest of the band if we are lucky.
Oh .. and yes … let’s not forget
✔ Strangers to Friends to Lovers
✔ Pan MMC – wears a kilt!
✔ Bad-Ass Female Rockers
✔ Book Nerds in Love
✔ Tour Bus Shenanigans
✔ Secrets
✔ Found Family
Now, it’s time to kick back, settle in and meet The Lillys who are ready to rock your world.
This spicy read is best enjoyed with your favorite iced beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan. Characters comfortably express their desire with kissing and passionate exploration. If you’re looking for a medium level of heat this should be a satisfying read.
Thank you to @sourcebookscasa for an advance reader copy for an honest and fair review. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

Click on the cover for Amazon options.

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Feb 16, 2018 | Blog, February 2018, Stefanie London, Taryn Leigh Taylor, Xio Axelrod

Welcome to Authors Dish where your favorite authors share what they are reading. In addition, if you enjoy reading their books they have suggestions for similar book adventures by other authors. It doesn’t get better than that!
Today in the cafe are Xio Axelrod, Taryn Leigh Taylor, and Stefanie London
Rae: Who are you reading?
Xio Axelrod:
I recently discovered Santino Hassell, and I cannot get enough of him. The Five Boroughs series is so addictive, and now he has a football series. So good. Every new release from both Sonali Dev and Alyssa Cole is a must-buy for me. The same goes for Rhys Ford, Robin Covington, Sierra Simone, and Sarina Bowen. So many great books, so little time! 😊
Taryn Leigh Taylor: With the launch of Dare coming up, I’ve been indulging in some super sexy reads by Clare Connolly
(*swoon*), Jackie Ashenden (*fans self*), and Katee Robert (*oh yeah*). Also loving the delightfully raunchy Sydney Smoke rugby books by Amy Andrews and, my TBR pile would not be complete without some JD Robb, because there’s always room for Roarke!
Stefanie London: Who are you reading or have in your stash? My TBR is out of control. Seriously. I’m currently reading Princess in the Iron Mask by Victoria Parker, which came on high recommendation from my good friend Jennifer Hayward. Next on the TBR is Ruby Dixon (BEST sexy alien romance ever), Roni Loren’s The Ones Who Got Away and Alice Clayton’s Wallbanger.
Rae: If readers are a fan of your books, who should they consider reading?
Xio Axelrod: If you’re a fan of my humour, you’ll love Kristan Higgins, if you don’t already. If you love my angst, give Rhys Ford a read. She’ll break your heart and sew it back together. Susan Scott Shelley writes thoroughly satisfying hockey romance (and rock, and baseball…) And if you love my drama, check out Kim Golden’s Maybe Series. If you’re a fan of my realism, Sarah Hegger’s contemporaries will do it for you.
Taryn Leigh Taylor: If you’re a fan of Taryn Leigh Taylor, you might like the heart, humour and heat in books by likes of Jill Shalvis, Lori Foster, Amy Andrews, or Stefanie London. And vice versa. *wink* Witty snark and sexual tension FTW!
Stefanie London: If you’re a fan of Stefanie London consider reading these authors… Lauren Layne and Sarah Morgan (although you’re probably already reading them because they’re amazing!) Also check out Taryn Leigh Taylor, she writes funny, sexy books with super hot hockey players. YES. PLEASE!
Rae: Thank you so much authors! Let me know dear readers if you try any of these books. I’ll see you next week – same time for new authors and more fun!
** Author Bios **
Xio Axelrod:
Xio Axelrod is a USA Today bestselling author of love stories, contemporary romance and (what she likes to call) strange, twisted tales. She also writes erotica as Xio Nin.
Xio grew up in the music industry and began recording at a young age. When she isn’t writing stories, she can be found in the studio, writing songs, or performing on international stages (under a different, not-so-secret name). She lives in Philadelphia with one full-time husband and one part-time cat.
Author Links:
Website: https://www.xioaxelrod.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Xio-Axelrod/e/B00JCFOOHY Email Signup: https://eepurl.com/SunFL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XioAxelrod Twitter: https://twitter.com/xioaxelrod Goodreads:https://www.goodreads.com/xioaxelrod Google+: https://plus.google.com/+XioAxelrodPinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/xioaxelrod/ Instagram: https:// https://instagram.com/xioaxelrod/
Taryn Leigh Taylor: Taryn Leigh Taylor likes dinosaurs, bridges, and space, both personal and of the final frontier variety. She shamelessly indulges in cliches, most notably her Starbucks addiction (grande-six-pump-whole-milk-no-water chai tea latte, aka: the usual), her shoe hoard (I can stop anytime I…ooh! These are pretty!), and her penchant for falling in lust with fictional men with great abs (yum!)
She also really loves books, which is what sent her down the crazy path of writing one in the first place.
Website: http://www.tarynleightaylor.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tarynltaylor1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarynltaylor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarynltaylor/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13696147.Taryn_Leigh_Taylor
Stefanie London: Growing up, Stefanie came from a family of women who loved to read. Her favourite activity was going shopping with her Nan during school holidays, where she would sit on the floor of the bookstore with her little sister and painstakingly select the books to spend her allowance on. Thus, it was no surprise Stefanie was the sort of student who would read her English books before the semester started. After sneaking several literature subjects into her ‘very practical’ Business degree, she got a job in Communications. When writing emails and newsletters didn’t fulfill her creative urges, she turned to fiction and was finally able to write the stories that kept her mind busy at night. Now she lives in Melbourne with her very own hero and enough books to sink a ship. She frequently indulges in her passions for good coffee, French perfume, high heels and zombie movies. At night she writes sexy, contemporary romance stories and tries not to spend too much time shopping online and watching baby animal videos on YouTube.
Website: http://stefanie-london.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StefanieLondonAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stefanie_London
Jul 17, 2017 | Blog, July 2017, Xio Axelrod
Fast Forward by Xio Axelrod sizzles in this emotionally explosive story of two men who will discover that despite the obstacles they face, fate has already begun its plans for them.
Xio has crafted a smokin’ hot novella about redemption, acceptance, and the ability to let everything go in order to fully find love. Could you do that?
Jessen Sorensen is a rock star and has caught the attention of a very naive Ian Waters. One man knows exactly who and what he desires while the other, still searching and exploring, is unsure.
The chemistry is seriously hot, the story is tender and intertwined with an emotional passion that leaves you completely satisfied with the payout. Well done Xio.
If you could never get over the one that got away, find out if time was enough to bring these two together.
This spicy latte read is four peppers hot for full on, no holds barred sensuality and situations. It’s for mature readers 18+.
Get your copy here:Fast Forward: An Alt Er Love Novella

“Aren’t you going to invite me in for a nightcap, or whatever?”
Ian arched his brows. “I wasn’t, actually. No.”
“Ouch.” Jessen flattened his hand over his heart as if mortally wounded. “I’m surprised by how
rude you’ve become, Ian.”
Before he could react, Jessen slipped the keys out of Ian’s hand and jogged up to the door. He
chose the right key on his first try, because of course he did, and strolled into Ian’s home like he
belonged there.
Which he most certainly did not.
This was so f*&!ed up, but Ian followed him inside and flicked on the lights.
Jessen whistled. “F&*k, Ian. This is beautiful!”
And it was. Ian had painted the walls of the main living space in Wedgewood blue, true to the
period in which the house was built, and it set off the pristine, white wainscoting beautifully.
A large bay window let in plenty of light during the day and provided a comfortable reading
spot at night. Oversized furniture in cream twill made up the bulk of the seating.
He’d transformed the formal dining room into a makeshift A-V suite, which housed his iMac and
his Mac Pro, plus his other editing equipment. Unconventional, but it suited him.
“This is really nice, Ian,” Jessen murmured, turning to him. “I’m really happy for you.”
There was awe in his voice and reverence.
Ian suppressed the wave of pride that swept over him. Jessen was the only person he’d told
about his tumultuous childhood, his deadbeat father, and disturbed mother. He was the only
person he’d told about his dream of owning a beautiful home and planting roots in a
Most people never asked about the family of a prodigy, as long as the prodigy kept producing.
Siv knew a bit about his wrecked childhood, but only Jessen knew it all. Every dark and dirty
Ian had told Jessen everything one night, overwhelmed by the emotions spilling over him after
their first time having sex. Making love. They’d done a lot before then, just about everything,
but it wasn’t until that night that they’d gone all the way.
Ian had given Jessen his all, every little bit of himself. Had spilled his heart and soul to the man
who had cracked open his hard shell for the first time in his life.
And then he had woken up one morning to an empty space in the bed next to him, and a note
on the floor.
I’m sorry.
He still had the note.
Those two words had splintered Ian into a million indiscernible pieces. Pieces he was still trying
to fit back together.
And there stood Jessen Sørensen, in his fucking dining room, glowing like he kept his own
personal sun somewhere behind his rib cage.
“Do you have any coffee?”
“Could I possibly get a cup?” A smile danced at the edges of his sinful mouth.
Jessen laughed. “Please?”
“There’s a Char-bucks on the corner if you want coffee. I am not making you coffee, Jess.”
“Aww,” he pouted prettily. “Why not?”
Why not.
Why not.
“Why not?”
“Yeah.” Jessen was grinning. No, he was smirking.
The bubbling volcano in Ian’s belly erupted.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?”
The blonde’s eyes widened and the smirk melted away. “I…”
“Seven years, Jess. Seven. F%&king. Years. You walked out of my life in the middle of the
goddamned night, no goodbye, nothing. Just ‘I’m sorry’ scratched on a piece of brown paper
“I know, and I…”
“Shut the f*&k up.”
To his credit, Jessen did shut the f#@k up.
To his credit, Ian wasn’t screaming. Yet.
He turned on his heel and stalked into the living room, throwing himself onto the couch. It was
big and plush and the first piece of furniture he’d purchased for the house.
His house.
He felt like his safe haven had been invaded by the enemy from his heartbroken past.
Ian’s chest heaved. There was so much he wanted to say, so much he’d bottled up and walledoff.
And Jessen was right there. Right there.
The other man entered the room slowly, carefully. He sat on the coffee table across from Ian.
No one sat on the coffee table. It was an antique that had come with the house and Ian was
proud of it. But he didn’t give a s%^t right then. Fuck the goddamn coffee table and the man
sitting on it in his five-hundred-dollar skinny jeans.
He wanted Jessen gone, and yet he was terrified to let him go.
“What do you want me to do?”
Ian blinked up at him, confused by this all-too-sober sounding Jessen. “What do you mean?”
“If you want me to leave, I will leave. Right now, just say the word. If you want me to give you
some time, I will.” His gaze softened. “If…if you want me to stay, I’ll stay.”
“What if I wanted you to leave Philly and never come back?” Ian eyed him carefully. “Would
you do that?”
Jessen looked pained, but he nodded. “Eventually.”
“What if I wanted you to go back in time and fix what you broke, could you?”
“God, I wish.” He’d choked out the words.
Ian frowned. Studying Jessen, he noticed a slight hunch in his shoulders. There were dark circles
under his eyes. He seemed smaller, dimmer. It was confusing, conflicting with the mental image
he’d always carried.
“Why are you here?”
Jessen exhaled and rested his elbows on his knees. He knit his fingers together and faced Ian,
his expression more serious than Ian had ever seen.
“I owe you an apology.”
Ian snorted, he couldn’t help it.
Jessen’s smile was slight. “I know, seven years too late, but…I hope…I was hoping…”
“What? Thought you’d pop back up, bat those pretty eyes of yours, and I’d bend over for you?”
“You still think my eyes are pretty?”
“That’s what you focus on?”
At least he had the grace to look contrite. “Sorry.”
“Are you?”
Jessen’s expression morphed into a mask of regret. “Yes, God. Yes. You have no idea how sorry I
am. I ran away, Ian. I ran away from you, and I’ll never forgive myself. Even if you somehow find
a way to forgive me, I’ll never forgive myself. I hurt you.”
“You hurt me?”
“I know I did.”
“No, Jess. You don’t know s#%t. You didn’t just hurt me, you broke me. You fucked up an already
fucked-up kid.” Ian ran a rough hand through his overgrown hair. “I could barely function after
you disappeared. I missed classes, had to postpone my exams, I was a total wreck when you
fucked off and out of my life.”
Ian was shaking, his jaw trembling so hard his teeth chattered. And he was pissed because it
shouldn’t affect him this much anymore, not so many years after the fact. He was beyond this
“F&*k, Ian…I’m so…” Jessen reached out as if he were going to touch him and Ian pressed
himself back into the cushions.
He could not let that happen.
“I’m so sorry. God, that sounds lame. Even to me.”
“Because it is lame. Sorry? Sorry was seven years ago. Six, maybe. I’d even give you five. But
Jessen nodded. His gaze flicked toward the door, and Ian panicked.
The thought of letting him walk out in the middle of this long overdue conversation was almost
“Don’t go.”
Jessen’s gaze snapped back to his. “What? No, I…”
“You were thinking of leaving.”
He nodded. “Yes, but only to give you some space. I had no idea I’d cause…I didn’t think
“You thought I was over you.”
Jessen’s jaw hung open, his eyes wide. For the first time since he’d first met him, Ian saw fear in
Jessen’s eyes.
“Are you?”
Ian wanted to pretend. Wished he could. He wanted to lie, but even after so long he knew it
was pointless. He was an open wound where Jessen Sørensen was concerned. He could never
hide the bleeding from him.
“No, Jess. That’s the problem. I’ll never be over you.”
Author Bio:
Xio Axelrod is a USA Today Bestselling author of love stories, contemporary romance and (what she likes to call)
strange, twisted tales. She also writes erotica as Xio Nin.
Xio grew up in the music industry and began recording at a young age. When she isn’t writing stories, she can be found in the studio, writing songs, or performing on international stages (under a different, not-so-secret name of course). She lives in Philadelphia with one full-time husband and one part-time cat.
Author Links:
Website: https://www.xioaxelrod.com/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Xio-Axelrod/e/B00JCFOOHY
Email Signup: https://eepurl.com/SunFL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XioAxelrod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xioaxelrod
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/xioaxelrod
Instagram: https://https://instagram.com/xioaxelrod/
Jun 19, 2017 | Blog, Robin Bielman, Tawna Fenske, Xio Axelrod
Tyler Hendrix is on a quest that didn’t include Ellie Sanders,and after their initial encounter, he won’t be able to remember the reasons why he shouldn’t get involved with her ;). The scene they first meet is hilarious and laugh out loud funny. Tawna is a master at one-liners that leave you begging for a screen adaption of her books!
Ellie doesn’t need a man to keep her satisfied thanks to her job and Tyler is desperate to be with her but fights his desires. Is he worthy of a long-term relationship. YES!!! They will both need to overcome a fear of commitment or risk loosing the best thing they have ever found.
Relationships are challenging, and for the majority of people they have ups and downs multiple times a day. It’s nice to read a book that portrays the little things that happen between two people who love each other with a sense of humility and humor.
Don’t miss this must read book or any of Tawna’s backlist! All three books in the First Impressions series are available for your immediate pleasure. Just click here: The Hook Up (First Impressions)
This spicy latte read is four peppers hot for full on, no holds barred sensuality and situations. It’s for mature readers 18+.holds barred sensuality and situations.
Check out my previous review of The Hang Up

Camden by Xio Axelrod is raw, intense and sizzles in this fast paced story of a tragedy that has pushed Camden Skinner to make amends and uncover the truth regarding a terrible mistake.
Yara Bujold was on the brink of success when she was murdered. When she shows up Camden will have a choice to make, hopefully he won’t lose his heart in the process. This is a story of a woman who risks everything when she trusts the one man who helped seal her fate.
Power, control, and fame. Sometimes the people we trust the most are the ones who can destroy us. This story will keep you reading till the very last page. There are plenty of surprises and twist to this must read story.
This two peppers spicy latte hot
delight has just enough sizzle to make you tingle and a lot of action! Oh, and yes, it’s for mature readers 18+.
Don’t miss this one man’s journey to avenge a pop star and make things right. Get your copy here: Camden
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.

Happy Book Birthday Talk British to Me by Robin Bielman. One-click this must read for your summer reading pleasure now!
Are you a fan of a man with a sexy accent? How about a British one? Do you long for a love who will talk dirty, tell you the truth and sweep you off your feet? A weekly radio show is what our heroine listens to every week while brewing coffee and dreaming of her future! It’s about to change your summer!
Bennett knows what women want and every week he’s on the air to tell all to the listeners in Los Angeles about his latest encounters. His escapades will smoosh your heart, make you weep, melt panties and scorch briefs.
Oh, Robin, you are so clever, there is a secret that Bennett carries and when he meets Teague he just might fall hard enough to risk his job at the station, everything he’s worked so hard to achieve, all in the name of love.
Teague loves her job at the coffee house but is destined to be a writer, it’s only just a matter of time. It’s the friendships she has that will provide entertainment, after all, there is nothing better than a night out with friends for food and drink. When Teague meets a handsome man at the bar and doesn’t fall for his charm, she will soon discover that he just might change the way she views men and relationships forever.
Robin Bielman I adore you and your books. This was the first book I read and I can’t wait to read more! Take Dirty to Me is an absolute must dear readers for your summer reading list! One-click this spicy, flirty, and laugh-out-loud story because it’s packed with adventure, crazy bosses, sexy men and enough heat that you’ll want to cool off in the pool or ocean. Be sure to order a plate of hot wings and a cool beer ;)!
This spicy latte read is four peppers hot for full on, no holds barred sensuality and situations. It’s for mature readers 18+.holds barred sensuality and situations. 
I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. Get your copy here: Talk British to Me (Wherever You Go)
Apr 18, 2017 | April 2017, Blog, Coffee With, Xio Axelrod

Rae: Thank you Xio for hanging out with me today.
Xio: My pleasure! Thanks for having me.
Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop, I’d be drinking a mocha latte with Coconut milk. What would you order?
Xio: I’m not a big coffee drinker, but I do drink a ton of tea. Probably a leftover from living in the UK. I’d probably order a Chai Latte or some other frothy, creamy drink.

Rae: I am thrilled you are here today. Congratulations on Hot on Ice being on the USA Today bestselling list!
Xio: Thank you! We’re all pretty stunned and, of course, thrilled. The support for this project has been tremendous.
Rae: The collection was fantastic. What was it like to work with 17 authors collaborating and writing about hockey?
Xio: Thanks! It was an amazing experience, and I have to give a shout out to Avery Flynn for inviting me to be a part of it. I learned so much from each one of those ladies.
Rae: Are you a hockey fan?
Xio: I am a HUGE hockey fan, actually. (Go Flyers!) Even if the anthology hadn’t been filled with some of my favorite authors, I still would have jumped at the chance. Sports romance isn’t my forte, but I loved combining two of my favorite things: hockey and romance.
Rae: Readers…check out my review of Hot On Ice for this fabulous story! You also write erotic romance, is it easy to switch genres?
Xio: Yes and no. Erotic romance is where I let my hair down, so to speak. I basically throw the rules out the window and weave rather lyrical stories when I’m playing in that particular sandbox. They tend to be a bit more abstract if that makes any sense. It’s something I’d like to do more often and hope to do again soon, time permitting.
Rae: I understand that you write music and perform, when do you have time to do everything?
Xio: That’s the million dollar question. I was a full-time singer and songwriter until 2013. There was a mini-recession in Europe, where I toured the most, and it decimated the Indie music venues that I frequented. Places either closed, changed hands, or stopped booking original music. I knew it would eventually recover, but it forced me to take a break. It was during that break that I learned about Romance Writers of America and started to pursue (what was supposed to be) a secondary career as an author. Of course, it’s all reversed now. I don’t tour much anymore, but I still record and perform. And I’ve found a way to incorporate music into my books, recording soundtracks/singles for some of them. Still, it’s a juggling act.
Rae: Do you have the same creative process for writing books and songs?
Xio: I suppose I do, yes. I’m fascinated by what-ifs. With a song, I might hear a guitar lick or a bit of harmonized vocals and wonder “what if I build a chorus around those few notes?” My books often start the same way. I’ll read an article or overhear a conversation and think “what if…?”
Rae: What can we expect to see in 2017?
Xio: The Warm Up, from Hot On Ice, comes back to me soon, so I will be releasing that with some bonus scenes. After that comes Camden, and I am crazy excited about that book. Later in the year, I’ll have the long awaited follow up to The Calum, a/k/a “the book that will be the death of me,” and also a story I co-wrote with Kim Golden called Crossing Paths. I have some other things on tap, including my first LGBTQ series, but I’m not sure what will come this year and what will get pushed to 2018.
Rae: If readers want to find you, where will you be in the upcoming months?
Xio: I’ll be at the RT Booklovers Convention in Atlanta in May, and then at RWA’s Literacy Signing in July. That’s in Orlando. I’ll also be at the Baltimore Book Festival in September, though I’m not sure if I’ll be on a panel or just hanging around. Either way, it’s a great event.
Rae: You have posted that you’ll be at RT in Atlanta next month with Stu Reardon attending as your guest. Please tell me how that evolved. 🙂
Xio: Six months ago, I was in Dublin, Ireland for an author event and ran into Stu. For those who don’t know, Stuart is an ex-rugby player-turned-fitness guru and cover model. (He’s a sweetheart, by the way.) Anyway, Stu asked me about my career as an author and joked that I
should put him on the cover of one of my books. Well, I thought it was a joke, but Stuart wasn’t joking. So we exchanged info, chatted a bit, and viola – Camden was born. It’s very different from anything else I’ve released, and I’m anxious to see how Camden’s story will be received. After Stu had planted the idea of being on one of my covers (actually, he’ll be on two), he offered to come to RT with me to help promote it. Again, I thought he was kidding. One thing I’ve learned in my budding friendship with Stu is that he’s a very serious business man. He loves to have fun, but he’s all business when it matters. I’ve learned a lot from him and hope that some of his drive rubs off on me. He would be a great life coach.
Rae: I am thrilled you were able to join me today and look forward to your next release.
Xio: Thanks again for having me! I had a blast.
Rae: Thank you again
***** 8 Tantalizing Tidbits *****
1. What is a must-read book and why?
Maybe Baby by Kim Golden is a book I return to again and again. I’ve known Kim for years, but we’d lost touch. When we re-connected, she’d just released Maybe Baby, and I bought it as a friend. I totally fell in love with Mads and Laney. Kim’s writing is so intimate and descriptive, and the story is so unique. I think I’ve read this book six or seven times.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?
Philadelphia is America’s best-kept secret, lol. Everyone knows about the Liberty Bell and all the historical stuff, but when people come here, I take them to the Art Museum area. The scenery is gorgeous, with the Schuylkill River snaking its way through the heart of the city. You get a taste of what makes Philly so unique. It’s a naturally, almost sumptuously green city.
3. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you.
I read my first romance novel in 2013.
4. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist?
Hard rock though I love classical too, especially Bach and Debussy. I have way too many modern favorites to pick one, but I’ve recently discovered a Norwegian artist named Cezinando. He’s sort of a cross between Die Antwoord and Eminem. Such a clever lad.
5. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go?
Right now, Oslo, Norway. My current muse is a Norwegian actor named Henrik Holm. He inspired my new work-in-progress, so I’m obsessed with all things Norwegian at the moment. I’m even learning the language.
6. What is your guilty pleasure?
I’ve learned not to feel guilty about my pleasures. 😉
7. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one?
I have three, with two more planned. My first was the Cyrillic letter D (a nod to my husband).
8. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)?
My DVR is heavily used, and I tend to binge between manuscripts. Faves include The Walking Dead, Outlander, Colony, Game of Thrones, Preacher, and Sense8. But my absolute favorite show is SKAM. It’s Norwegian, lol. See a pattern there?
9. What play or musical do you want to see next?
Like everyone else on the planet, I’m dying to see Hamilton. I’m still kicking myself for not going it when it was in preview. The annual RWA conference was in New York that year, and the theater was right next door.
Rae: Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another Latte 🙂 Happy Reading Dear Readers.
Happy Writing Xio
Xio: Thanks!
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Author Info:
Xio Axelrod is a USA Today bestselling author of love stories, contemporary romance and (what she likes to call) strange, twisted tales. She also writes erotica as Xio Nin.
Xio grew up in the music industry and began recording at a young age. When she isn’t writing stories, she can be found in the studio, writing songs, or performing on international stages (under a different, not-so-secret name). She lives in Philadelphia with one full-time husband and one part-time cat.
Author Links:
Website: https://www.xioaxelrod.com/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Xio-Axelrod/e/B00JCFOOHY Email Signup: https://eepurl.com/SunFL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XioAxelrod Twitter: https://twitter.com/xioaxelrod Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/xioaxelrod Google+: https://plus.google.com/+XioAxelrod Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/xioaxelrod/ Instagram: https:// https://instagram.com/xioaxelrod/
Book info:
Title: Camden
Blurb: Sometimes there’s a moment when you know you’ve screwed up. For Camden Skinner, it’s the night a dead pop star walks into his pub.
As one-half of Skin, an agency which specializes in cleaning up behind the ultra-rich and infamous, Cam has gotten used to getting his hands dirty. A little too used to it. After the young singer at the center of a client’s controversy is found dead, Cam decides he’s out. He walks away from Skin in search of a simpler life. Maybe even a shot at redemption.
Redemption arrives in the form of Yara Bujold.
The singer’s meteoric rise to the top surprised no one more than Yara herself. All she ever wanted was to make music. Caught up in the dark underbelly of the industry, Yara is forced to fake her own death. But she can’t hide forever.
Yara tracks down one of the principals at Skin, the very people that helped to tear her down. She’ll force Camden Skinner to make it right, whatever it takes. What she doesn’t expect is remorse from the man that helped to ruin her. And she certainly doesn’t expect to lose herself in him.
Cam finds himself sucked right back into a world he’d hoped never to step foot in again, but he can’t walk away. He has to fix this. Not only for himself, but for her. For Yara. Because she might just be everything he didn’t know he needed. She just might be everything.
**Blurb provided by Xio Axelrod
Get your copy of Hot on Ice before it disappears forever on April 21st….here:
Mar 26, 2017 | Andie J. Christopher, Avery Flynn, Blog, Robin Covington, Xio Axelrod

In Hot on Ice: A Hockey Romance Anthology, USA Today Bestsellers Robin Covington, Desiree Holt, Kimberly Kincaid, Nana Malone and Virginia Nelson, Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller Angi Morgan, along with Xio Axelrod, Christi Barth, Andie J. Christopher, Avery Flynn, Kim Golden, Lena Hart, Robin Kaye, Katie Kenyhercz, Heather Long, Kate Meader, Susan Scott Shelley, and Misty D. Waters bring you romances with smoking hot heroes—both on and off the ice—who are all a part of the fictional Cajun Rage hockey team. In addition to being a great read at a great price, 20% of the royalties from sales of Hot on Ice will be donated to the Homes for Troops charity, a nonprofit organization that builds mortgage-free, specially modified homes for severely injured veterans
I love that 20% of all royalties earned will go to Homes for Troops. Don’t miss this AMAZING price! On March 27th the price increases to $5.99 and then April 21st it’s gone forever.
What would you do if you had the Stanley Cup for one day? Time to check out these super sexy hockey players! The spicy factor ranges from two peppers to four in these must read stories!
In Skates Trouble by Kate Meader is a flirty and hot introduction into her new Chicago Rebels series. Discover Chicago, it sizzles!
Ford “Killer” Callaghan is not prepared for his reaction to Addy and the ice may melt in this steamy must read. Can Addy handle the heat? Two strangers, an intimate moment and a desire for change turn Chicago smokin’ hot.
What will Addy do when she discovers the identity of her midnight encounter? Can she move past her own insecurities to open up and finally find love?
I can’t wait to read how steamy it gets in Kate’s new hockey series! .

Blocked by Heather Long sizzles from the cover to the last page in this reality star meets hockey hero story.
Hoshi Sato is thrown into a family scandal, will her knight in shining armor save her or throw her to the paparazzi wolves? Protected for most of her life she will discover that Archer Durham is not the same man the media portrays.
Will they move past their family disapproval and find happiness? A day with the Stanley cup and a mountain resort is a bit spicy. I’m ready to book my vacation getaway now!

Blade by Avery Flynn thrusts us into the world of a thief with a chance for redemption and to save the one man who broke her heart. Can Gillie Pike leave her shady past?
Flynn Kazakov has just won the Stanley Cup and everyone want’s a piece of him. There’s just one problem, he needs to pay off a debt. When it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes those debts are harder to repay.
Gillie and Flynn have unfinished business, will they be able to walk away unscathed this time?
The sexy hot tension off and on the ice is enough to put your senses into overdrive!
If you enjoyed The Thomas Crown Affair and love hockey…sit back and enjoy the fun!

Deep Check by Kimberly Kincaid delivers hot hockey players with a few surprises from her sexy firefighters in this must read novella.
Finn has just won the Stanley Cup and it’s time to return home. There’s just one problem, he must make amends with his past. Will it be too much? There is something he has wanted and even after winning the cup, it still might be out of reach.
January had it all until she lost the two people she cared for the most. When one returns, will she be able to finally find peace?
Finn and January still burn hot for each other despite the tragedy in their past. Can they find a way to open up and trust in each other? What will Finn do when he finds out he had it wrong all along, or was he too afraid?
Kimberly writes gritty, raw, hot stories with characters that you crave long after the last word on the page.

Full Contact by Andie J. Christopher is a story of one man’s quest to stay true to his beliefs and not give in. Among the team, the bounty on his virginity is the most coveted prize second to winning the cup.
When Anders Sorenson meets Dahlia he questions the bounty and wonders is she out for the money or his heart?
Dahlia has a past that won’t let her move on and when her family doesn’t take her seriously she wonders if she’ll ever have her dream job.
Can they both get what they want? This story sizzles and I look forward to reading more from Andie!

Free Agent by Robin Covington is a M/M romance that is full of steamy heat off the ice as the Stanley Cup travels to Washington, DC.
Jamie Watson has not forgotten his roots, and his trip home with the cup is proof that he’s ready to live his life out in the open. In order to be a positive role model, first he needs to be true to himself.
Etienne has not been shy about his feelings for Jamie, but they’ve never tested the waters. Will he finally succeed in his quest when an opportunity lands in his lap?
Both men will have to take a leap of faith or risk losing the one thing they both desire the most, each other.
Don’ miss another must read from Robin, her stories are not to be missed!

The Warm Up by Xio Axelrod is fresh and exciting in the city of love, Philadelphia.
When Suji decides to take control and start over, she has the support of her sister and friends.
I love it when the heroine is strong, determined and a force to be reckoned with. If only she could channel that into a relationship instead of her job.
A devastating loss has driven Constantine Zimin to do something no one would expect, least of all Suji. Just when you think love is not going to find you, it shows up in the most unusual way.
When Zim returns home with the Stanley Cup he will challenge Suji and force her to make a few decisions that could change her life forever. Trust is paramount, not all men are out to hurt her.
This spicy story is sexy, witty and hot. I look forward to reading more from this must read author. Everyone should have a sister like Suji and a man like Zim in their lives.

Check My Heart by Christi Barth has it all. A smoking cover and check out the hockey puck! I would love one of those!
Kurt has just won the Stanley Cup and is preparing to throw the most amazing party, if only he could have the one thing that he desires most.
Lisette has a job that gives of herself, taking care of those who can’t take care of themselves. That job forever changes her and is the reason she pushed Kurt away.
The hockey season is officially over, but Kurt might land in the penalty box and throw everything away. Will he fix it in time? It will take a leap of faith, trust and forgiveness to discover their hearts can be mended.
This was the first story I read from Christi Barth and I look forward to reading her backlist!

There are other fabulous stories in this collection and I look forward to posting my thoughts soon. For now…don’t miss out on the sale price of #99cents. Today is the last day to enjoy 18 stories in a collection that won’t be around much longer.
Be sure to give a few as gifts, your friends will thank you! Get your copy here: