Dec 16, 2018 | Blog, December 2018, Olivia Hardin, The Extra Shot

Welcome to The Extra Shot where you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE deleted scene from The Rawley Family Romances by USA Today Bestselling Author Olivia Hardin.
One-click your copy now and get ready for a great new book adventure. Three books and a holiday short under $4.50!

Have you read the Rawley Family Romances? Here’s a sweet Holiday “Deleted Scene” to whet your appetite…
Jeremy found Meg in their room, putting the finishing touches on a few gifts. She was nothing if not overzealous about gift wrapping. The three boxes were rectangular, and he imagined they must contain clothing of some sort. The paper was whimsical of the kind he knew his wife would choose for children, and there was a ribbon crisscrossed on each one with a bow in the center.
“I thought you were finished with the gifts,” he murmured, sneaking in behind her and pecking one of her rosy cheeks.
“Oh, Jeremy! You surprised me. Well, these are the Christmas Eve gifts for the boys, and at the last minute I decided to extend the tradition for Nichole… er, Michelle.”
He rubbed his hands on her arms as if warming her up, though he couldn’t imagine she would be cold in the room which had a roaring fire. His touches were ones of affection, and his wife sighed in contentment, offering him a smile across her shoulder.
“I didn’t remember you wrapping the Christmas Eve ones before.”
She bit her lip, then giggled nervously. “Well, I don’t, but… well, the truth is I just love watching little ones unwrap presents, and so I decided to wrap the baby’s, and if I wrapped hers, I should do the boys, too.” She paused and furrowed her brow. “Don’t you think?”
Jeremy didn’t dare laugh. His wonderful wife’s feelings were tender enough as it was, so he nodded seriously and gave her a little squeeze. “Yes, indeed.” She didn’t like all of the conflict going on in the house after the blow up between his sister Kay and his cousin Brennan.
Jeremy had been just as shocked as his sister when he was told the truth about Hope kidnapping baby Michelle. But for all of his shock, Kay had been furious, and the resulting argument was explosive to say the least.
For now, there was a silent truce between all concerned, but the tension was still heavy in the air, and that weighed on Meg. Her natural reaction was to do something to bring happiness and joy back into their midst.
“Oh, good. I was hoping this would be all right. We’ll let the children open them tonight after dinner then, okay?”
Meg didn’t wait for him to agree this time, just bundled up her boxes and hurried out of the room, humming some Christmas carol as she went.
He knew what the boxes would contain. Meg’s mother hadn’t been an attentive parent, but she had started a tradition that his wife decided to carry on with their children. There would be matching holiday pajamas for the boys and probably a holiday nightgown for Michelle. The little ones would go to sleep in their Christmas outfits, visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads. He could just about imagine them all the next morning, waking up with funny little bed heads and in green and red PJs.
His heart warmed, and a grin spread across his face. Even with the cloud of unsettled emotions going on in Arrington Manor, his wife found a way to shine through it all. Jeremy thought he would never stop marveling at the way his Meg could do tiny little things each day to make him fall in love with her all over again.
I hope you enjoyed that little “Return to Arrington Manor” Christmas scene.
If you haven’t met the Rawleys click HERE to join my newsletter and get your FREE ebook copy of “All for a Little Christmas.” Or, want to go ahead and dive into the series? Go to my website and use coupon code HOWDY to get 25% off any of my ebooks: GET THE BOOKS!

One ebook copy of the entire Rawley Family Romances Vol I is up for grabs for ONE lucky winner.
Just comment below and tell us your favorite holiday tradition. I’ll pick one commenter at random next week.
Contest runs 12/16/18 – 12/23/18 at 11:59 PM
Be sure to follow Olivia on all social media platforms and Books I Love A Latte so you don’t miss the announcement!
Winner will be randomly selected and must comment within 48 hours or a new winner will be drawn.
** For all giveaway rules read here.

When Olivia Hardin started having movie-like dreams in her teens, she had no choice but to begin putting them to paper. Before long, the writing bug had bitten her, and she knew she wanted to be a published author. Several rejections plus a little bit of life later, she was temporarily “cured” of the urge to write. That is, until she met a group of talented and fabulous writers who gave her the direction and encouragement she needed to get lost in the words again.
Olivia has attended three different universities over the years and toyed with majors in Computer Technology, English, History and Geology. Then one day she heard the term “road scholar,”’ and she knew that was what she wanted to be. Now she “studies” anything and everything just for the joy of learning. She’s also an insatiable crafter who only completes about 1 out of 5 projects, a jogger who hates to run, and she’s sometimes accused of being artistic.
A native Texas girl, Olivia lives in the beautiful Lone Star state with her husband, Danny and their puppy, Bonnie.
Connect with Olivia and Get information about releases, contests, news and more here:
Facebook Fan Page:

Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.

Nov 18, 2018 | Blog, Hildie McQueen, November 2018, The Extra Shot

Welcome to The Extra Shot where you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from The Appeal of an Elusive Viscount by USA Today Bestselling Author of Western and Highlander Romance, Author Hildie McQueen.
This book releases Tuesday, November 20th so be sure to pre-order your copy now while it’s on SALE. One-click and find your copy on Amazon. Get ready for a great new historical romance book adventure!
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

The Humphries estate was situated just a couple blocks from Brooks’. Normally, it would be a pleasant walk. However, today, she was without an escort. If she were discovered by her parents, she’d be severely reprimanded. Clara bent her head and scurried down the side of a building hoping to reach the back gate to the gardens of her home and slip inside.
“Clara.” Her father’s unmistakable voice boomed out. “Stop at once.”
From across the street, her father, Albert Humphries, glared at her. “What in the bloody…why are you out unescorted?” He rushed over to her, his arms pumping rather comically.
“Most troublesome as always.” Her cousin, Todd, walked up to stand beside her father to form a united front of disapproval.
Straightening her shoulders, Clara prepared to perform. As if blinking away tears, she sniffed loudly. “I was out with Mrs. Tattersworth, but became distracted. And when I turned around, she was gone.” She made a mental note to seek out the cook and ask her to corroborate her story.
“You’re wearing a maid’s outfit,” her father stated flatly. “Did you also become distracted when dressing?”
Crumpets, she’d forgotten about that.
Taking her arm none too gently, her father brought her to walk beside him. “We will deal with this situation at home. Your mother will be quite cross with you.”
The walk suddenly seemed much shorter. The prospect of facing her mother, after being caught out in servant’s clothing and unescorted, meant hours of lectures, lessons and being forced to remain indoors.
“Father. I promise not to do this again. Please, don’t tell Mother. I planned to attend the Lady’s Society lecture on a newly-discovered species of butterflies. It’s Friday afternoon.”
The lack of a response meant he would not be flexible. So she turned her attention to Todd. Her cousin was not only her father’s apprentice, but also almost an exact duplicate. Tall, handsome and a bit boring. She supposed actuaries had to lacking in personality to be so taken by numbers.
“Dear cousin, convince Father how important it is for young people like us to have certain freedoms.”
Todd shrugged. “You have more freedom than most. Why didn’t you get one of the servants, perhaps the one you borrowed clothes from, to accompany you?”
She had considered it. However, it would have been difficult to sneak in with a second person. Besides, Molly would hate hiding in the closet while she listened to a philosophy lecture.
They continued on, her father never once releasing her arm until they arrived at the front door. A uniformed butler, whose eyes rounded upon spotting her, greeted them. The butler, Gerard, had been with the family for decades. Although he normally coddled her, today, his disapproving gaze moved from her outfit to where her father held her arm.
“Good afternoon. Mrs. Humphries is in the tea parlor with Miss Vivian and Miss Penelope.”
“Thank you Gerard, we will join them,” her father replied, tugging her as Clara did her best to dig her heels into the floor. Unfortunately, she’d not considered exchanging her soft slippers for Molly’s more sturdy footwear. And so she glided across the polished floor as if on wheels.
“Come along, Clara. Best to get this over with.” Her father was too strong. So, seconds later, they entered the tea parlor to meet the astounded looks of her mother and sisters.
Penelope, the youngest, coughed to cover up a giggle. Vivian, the eldest, gaped, her eyes bulging.
“What is the meaning of this?” her mother gasped, jumping to her feet. “Explain at once.”
In times like these, it was best to allow someone else to speak first, so Clara looked to her father. He seemed just as terrified as she felt.
“I found Clara out near Hyde Park, unescorted and dressed in this…this…manner.”
The explanation only seemed to infuriate her mother further.
“You’ve upset Mother,” Clara informed him. “I was not unescorted. I was left behind accidentally.”
By this time, her mother was close enough to pinch her. “Why are you dressed in those rags?”
The comment was rude. “Mother, you shouldn’t be so judgmental. If Molly overheard you, she’d be hurt.”
Sarah Humphries took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Taking advantage of that opportunity, her father dropped her arm and, along with Todd, made a quick exit.
“You will go upstairs immediately. Take a bath, put on a nightgown and go to bed. I cannot remain calm and continue to speak to you right now.”
If that was to be it, her only punishment, Clara had to fight hard not to smile. “Yes, Mother.” She dipped her head to seem meek and turned to leave.
“I am not finished.” Her mother’s words stopped her midstride. A contradiction. Her mother had just stated she was too angry to speak. “You will remain in your room until Friday evening. We have agreed to attend the dinner party at Lady Barrow’s home. Remain in your room until then. You will attend and be on your best behavior.”
At the sentence, she gasped and looked past her mother to her sisters. Surely one of them would plead for leniency. Both sat with rounded eyes and mouths open.
It was only Monday. Their mother rarely punished Clara for longer than two days.
“Mother, it is impossible to remain in my room for four long days. Whatever shall I do?”
Her mother closed the distance until their noses were but an inch apart. “Not be abducted. Not be ruined in the eyes of society and also casting your shadow of ruin over your sisters. This is Vivian’s year. I will not allow you to ruin it.”
“I thought you said all three of us would be seeking husbands,” Penelope interjected, her hand shooting up as if asking for permission to speak after the fact.
Her mother whirled and Penelope shrank back, her eyes rounded. “I mean…of course Vivian should receive all the attention. She is, after all, the eldest and soon will be considered a spinster.”
“Penelope!” Vivian cried out. “I have at least another season before that could happen. I am only twenty-one.”
Her mother placed two fingers on both temples. “Enough girls. We will adjourn to Clara’s room after tea and discuss the season.” She looked to Clara. “Go to your room now.”
“About Friday…” Clara started.
“I could change it to Saturday. You’d go straight to your room after Lady Barrow’s party.”

Author Info:
USA Today Bestselling author Hildie McQueen loves unusual situations and getting into interesting adventures, which is what her characters do as well. She writes romance because she is in love with love! Author of Romance in Highland historical, Western Historical and contemporary, she writes something every reader can enjoy.
Most days she can be found in her pajamas hiding from deliverymen while drinking tea from her David Gandy coffee mug. In the afternoons she browses the Internet for semi-nude men to post on Facebook.
Hildie’s favorite past-times are romance conventions, traveling, shopping and reading.
She resides in beautiful small town Georgia with her super-hero husband Kurt and three doggies.
Visit her website at

Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.

Jul 29, 2018 | Avery Flynn, Blog, July 2018, The Extra Shot

Welcome to The Extra Shot where you’ll find EXCLUSIVE content from Authors who have books releasing in the near future or just want to share a peek.
Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.
Today you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from Butterface by USA Today Bestselling Author Avery Flynn to jump start your week! This book releases tomorrow, July 30th so one-click your copy now and get ready for a great new book adventure in a few short hours!

To set this up, Gina Luca and Ford Hartigan are at a wedding and there is a Kiss Cam and an open bar…yes, you read that right.
“I’m not kissing you.”
Unlike Gina, while the wedding guests continued to call for a kiss, he didn’t bother to hide his scowl. Of course, that just made him look even sexier. “Why not?”
Reasons! She clamped her mouth shut before that inanity escaped and called it a victory. Knowing the right thing to say at the right time had never been one of her gifts, so the fact that she managed to keep her trap shut was a total win. When he raised one dark eyebrow in question, she scrambled to come up with something besides because you’re too hot.
“I’m working,” she said.
Ford cocked his head and gave her some premium cop face, that blank suspicious stare that all but screamed you’re full of s%^t. “You don’t think our fine groom, Porter, was on shift when he met Meg at the emergency room after a guy he was arresting took a swing at him with a two-by-four? It’s just a kiss, and then they’ll move on to the next victim.”
She turned her attention back to the big screen display of this horribly awkward moment rather than meeting Ford’s unwavering gaze.
“Do not disrespect the Kiss Cam, Hartigan!” someone bellowed out as the chanting crowd grew more restless. And louder.
“One quick kiss,” he said, his tone grim with a thread of something more vulnerable underneath. “Then, they’ll leave us alone.”

Avery Flynn: USA Today bestselling romance author Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip.
She fell in love with romance while reading Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory books. It wasn’t long before Avery had read through all the romance offerings at her local library. Needing a romance fix, she turned to Harlequin’s four books a month home delivery service to ease the withdrawal symptoms. That worked for a short time, but it wasn’t long before the local book stores’ staffs knew her by name.
Avery was a reader before she was a writer and hopes to always be both. She loves to write about smartass alpha heroes who are as good with a quip as they are with their *ahem* other God-given talents. Her heroines are feisty, fierce and fantastic. Brainy and brave, these ladies know how to stand on their own two feet and knock the bad guys off theirs.

** CLOSED **
Books I Love A Latte is offering ONE lucky reader a signed print copy of Dodging Temptation.
*Open to US/Canada readers only.
For a chance to win comment on this post with the answer to the following question:
What is your favorite movie or tv show first kiss between and which characters?
Contest runs 7/29/18 – 8/06/18
Winner will be posted on 8/06/18
- By entering the giveaway, you’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
- Winners will be selected by random number. No purchase necessary to win. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning.
- If you win, you must respond to my email within 24 hours or another winner may be chosen. Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from Books I Love A Latte.
- Winners may be announced on the blog following the contest. By entering the contest you are agreeing to allow your name to be posted and promoted as the contest winner by Books I Love A Latte.
- Prizes will be distributed following the giveaway either by Books I Love A Latte or the person/organization donating the prize.
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- Readers may only enter once for each contest. Duplicate entries for the same giveaway will be ignored. In the event of technical problems with the blog during the contest, every effort will be made to extend the contest deadline to allow for additional entries.
- Void where prohibited by law.

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Jul 15, 2018 | Blog, Collette Cameron, July 2018, Shana Galen, The Extra Shot

Welcome to The Extra Shot where you’ll find EXCLUSIVE content from Authors who have books releasing in the near future or just want to share a peek.
Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.
Today you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from Seductive Surrender by USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron and An Affair with a Spare by Bestselling Author Shana Galen to jump start your weekend along with a fabulous giveaway too! This book released in May and you can find this on Amazon. one-click your copy now and get ready for a great new book adventure!
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Sluggishly clawing his way to alertness from the dense fug shrouding his wooly mind, Dugall swallowed against a guttural moan. He lifted his neck an inch and double-sided jagged swords speared his head and ribs.
A rhythmic, bone-jarring rocking had bile rising high and burning the back of his throat. His stomach growled and roiled as much from hunger as the eye-crossing, thundering ache hammering his skull.
Not dead then, but probably concussed.
How badly?
He took a quick mental inventory.
I’m Dugall Kester Hugh Ferguson of Craiglocky Keep.
I’m four-and-twenty years old, and the youngest child of Hugh and Giselle Ferguson.
My brother is Laird Ewan McTavish, and I’m his solicitor and steward.
Bloody damned maggoty hell . . .
He’d been robbed on his way to Edinburgh.
Stupid as turnips, thieves.
Did they really think he’d carry Craiglocky’s monthly receipts on his person? All they’d absconded with was a pocket watch, his dirk, and a few bank notes.
And he knew at least one of their names.
With Ewan’s vast connections, they’d almost certainly be apprehended and count themselves lucky if only deported to Australia.
He’d bet his beloved stallion, Bran, he’d broken a knuckle or two—likely all—fighting off the three ambushing scunners last night.
Had they only used fists, Dugall might’ve prevailed, but they’d carried clubs and daggers, too. He’d readily dispatched one, but a blow to the back of his head ended his fight.
He dared to slit one swollen lid open and tentatively stretched his legs, seeking other injuries.
What the h—?
Eyes flying open, he jerked upright. At the abrupt movement, discordant agony speared his pounding skull again with the ferociousness of a battering ram.
Holy God in heaven.
Clutching his head lest it topple from his neck, he gulped against a crushing wave of nausea and blinked away the gray closing in, dusty black specks flitting before his eyes.
I willna pass out again.
Inhaling a restorative breath, he shut his eyes until the dervish in his head stopped spinning. His movements tentative and controlled, he again assessed his situation.
Stout rope secured his ankles and wrists, and he lay stuffed into the corner of a wagon loaded with several chests, boxes, burlap bags, and oddly shaped cloth-wrapped bundles. What looked like a carriage lap robe covered him from waist to calves.
Given his missing neckcloth, the robe and the padding behind him, someone had attempted to make him somewhat comfortable as the wagon bumped along, threatening to dislodge his head from his shoulder with each new divot in the road.
He lifted his bound hands and, jaw braced, gingerly touched his forehead. Encountering a bandage, he frowned.
Ach, his cravat.
The last thing he remembered after regaining consciousness and staggering from the forest was a coach and four barreling down on him.
Then nothing—until now.
He licked parched lips and closed his eyes for a long blink, willing the tormenting, brain piercing, thundering in his head to ease a jot.
God, what he wouldn’t give for a drink of water. Or better yet, a tot or two of Ewan’s superb whisky.
A sudden vision of coppery red hair framing a creamy, perfectly oval face from which glinted two turbulent bottle-green, umber lashed eyes, clambered to the forefront of his mind.
Ach, the ravishing ginger-haired angel.
He skewed his lips into a tiny arc—as much as he dared given his pummeled face.
No, angels abided in heaven, and haloes of shimmering red hair didn’t frame their faces.
Did they?
But she’d been far too bonny to be a deamhan.
He’d dreamed he’d gone to hell, and that exquisite face had floated over him.
He could still smell her sweet, fresh essence. Oranges and vanilla and flowers. Could see the smattering of coppery freckles on her perfect little upturned, rather saucy nose, and her peach-tinted rosebud mouth bent compassionately. The flecks of gold simmering in her arresting eyes lit a receptive, spine-jolting spark deep in his chest.
Despite his sorry state, his c&*k pulsed.
A familiar snort sounded near his ear.
Och. Thank God. Bran.
He’d feared for his equestrian friend.
Dugall’s relieved grin promptly transformed into a grimace as agony speared his face once more. He sucked in a raggedy breath. Devil take it. He might have to add a broken jaw and nose to his list of injuries.
“Ah, you’re awake. Good. You’ve had us all quite worried.”
Riding Bran, the red-haired vision patted the stallion’s withers. Head slightly cocked—the black feather in her quaint impractical hat perched at a jaunty angle atop her glorious mass of red curls—she regarded him, her vivid green-eyed gaze curious but wary.
She possessed an unusual accent; like nothing he’d ever heard before. Soothing and lyrical, soft around the edges, and the slightest bit annoying in the manner it lengthened all of her words.
Like cold heather honey dripping from a spoon, sweet and syrupy, yet maddeningly unhurried.
“Your horse is magnificent. Truly one of the grandest I’ve ever seen, and my grandpapa raised Thoroughbreds.”
Astonishment fueling him, Dugall summoned the strength to sit up straighter. Teeth clamped against the razing torture the movement caused, he raked his gaze over her shapely form.

AUTHOR BIO:A USA Today bestselling, award-winning author, Collette pens Scottish and Regency historicals, featuring rogues, rapscallions, rakes, and the intelligent, intrepid damsels who reform them. You’ll always find dogs, birds, occasionally naughty humor, and a dash of inspiration in her sweet-to-spicy timeless romances.A member of Novelist Inc., Romance Writers of America, as well as several RWA chapters including The Beau Monde, Hearts Through History and Rose City Romance Writers, Collette admits to a quirky sense of humor, enjoys trivia and inspiring quotes, adores castles and anything cobalt blue, and is a self-confessed Cadbury chocoholic.Her motto for life? You can’t have too much chocolate, too many hugs, too many flowers, or too many books. She’s thinking about adding shoes to that list.Connect with ColletteGet a free book! Subscribe to my Regency Rose Newsletter:
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In this excerpt from An Affair With a Spare, Rafe Beaumont, youngest son of an earl and former member of a special troop of British soldiers receives an unexpected assignment from his former commanding officer.
“I have an assignment for you.”
A sensation much like a mild bolt of lightning flashed through Rafe. “For me?”
Rafe could not believe his good fortune. Finally! His chance. “But the war is over.”
“There are still dangerous people about, and the Foreign Office asked if I knew anyone who could take this assignment.”
“And you thought of me?” Rafe cleared his throat. “I mean to say, of course I came to mind directly.”
“Is it dangerous?”
Rafe blinked. He hadn’t been expecting Draven to answer in the affirmative. Neil had rarely given him dangerous assignments during the war. Although Rafe had argued once or twice that slipping in and out of the bedchamber of one of Napoleon’s men, persuading his wife or mistress to reveal secrets, and slipping back out again without being caught was not without peril, it was not quite the same thing as running across a field while cannonballs exploded around you.
“Good.” Rafe clapped his hands together. “I have been wanting something to do besides chasing after women and attending social outings. What is it you need me to do?”
Draven smiled. “Attend social events and chase after a woman.”
Rafe sighed and sat back again. “And if I refuse to accept the assignment?”
“I don’t recall asking for your acceptance.”
“You’re no longer my commanding officer.”
Draven crossed his arms over his chest. “Would you like me to change that?”
“No.” Rafe knew as well as anyone Draven had connections in the highest spheres. One word to the Regent and Rafe might be back in uniform patrolling the Canadian frontier. “Tell me about my new assignment.”
Draven sat back. “Her name is Collette Fortier.”
“Fortier? Why does that name sound familiar?”
“Because her father was one of Napoleon’s most successful assassins.”
“And? If I remember correctly, Fortier is dead.”
“Yes.” The hackney slowed and Draven peered out the window. “I want you to find out more about his daughter.”
“How am I to do that?”
“We believe Collette Fortier is in London. We further believe she may be calling herself Collette Fournay and claiming to be a cousin of Lady Ravensgate.”
“Suspected French sympathizer and dear friend of Marie Antoinette’s daughter.”
“You are acquainted with Lady Ravensgate?”
“Not personally, but I’ve heard rumors. Is Lady Ravensgate taking Mademoiselle Fortier out in public?”
“I danced with the woman in question not a quarter hour ago, a woman Lady Ravensgate introduced as her cousin, a Miss Fournay. Your mission is to ascertain whether Miss Fournay is, in actuality, Collette Fortier, and if it is she, what she is doing in London. If she’s spying—and I think from my encounter this evening that there is a very good chance of that—discover what information she hopes to unearth and determine what she knows already.”
“And then?”
“And then you kill her.”
On sale now!
He’s turned seduction into an art form…
Rafe Beaumont, fifth son of an earl, uses his irresistible charm with the ladies to glean dangerous war secrets. Now he’s putting those skills to the ultimate test: capturing an elusive assassin by seducing his daughter. The problem? She’s entirely immune to Rafe’s flattery.
Never before has Collette Fortier met a man as attractive as Rafe. But her father’s life is at stake, and succumbing to Rafe would be disastrous. But when Rafe turns the tables on her, offering support and friendship instead of a fleeting affair, Collette finds herself tempted in ways she never could have imagined…
Amazon ~
Author Bio:
Shana Galen is a three-time Rita award nominee and the bestselling author of
passionate Regency romps, including the RT Reviewers’ Choice The Making of a Gentleman. Kirkus says of her books, “The road to happily-ever-after is intense, conflicted, suspenseful and fun,” and RT Bookreviews calls her books “lighthearted yet poignant, humorous yet touching.” She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston’s inner city. Now she writes full time. She’s happily married and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making.
Twitter: @shanagalen

Shana is offering ONE lucky reader a print or digital (winner’s choice) of the first two books in the series, Third Son’s a Charm and No Earl’s Allowed.
*Open internationally.
**Must be able to read digital copies on Kindle, Nook, Google Play, or iBooks.
For a chance to win comment on this post with the answer to the following question: What is Rafe’s new assignment in An Affair with a Spare?
Contest runs 7/15/18 – 7/21/18
Winner will be posted on 7/22/18
- By entering the giveaway, you’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
- Winners will be selected by random number. No purchase necessary to win. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning.
- If you win, you must respond to my email within 24 hours or another winner may be chosen. Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from Books I Love A Latte.
- Winners may be announced on the blog following the contest. By entering the contest you are agreeing to allow your name to be posted and promoted as the contest winner by Books I Love A Latte.
- Prizes will be distributed following the giveaway either by Books I Love A Latte or the person/organization donating the prize.
- By entering you are agreeing to hold Books I Love A Latte harmless if the prize or giveaway in some way negatively impacts the winner.
- Readers may only enter once for each contest. Duplicate entries for the same giveaway will be ignored. In the event of technical problems with the blog during the contest, every effort will be made to extend the contest deadline to allow for additional entries.
- Void where prohibited by law.

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Jun 22, 2018 | Blog, Jamaila Brinkley, June 2018, Rebecca Norinne, The Extra Shot
Welcome to The Extra Shot where you’ll find EXCLUSIVE content from Authors who have books releasing in the near future or just want to share a peek.
Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.
Today you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from The Distiller’s Darling by Rebecca Norinne and Jamaila Brinkley to jump start your weekend along with a fabulous giveaway too! This book released yesterday so one-click your copy now and get ready for a great new book adventure!
Be sure to stop by the blog later today for my review of The Distiller’s Darling, you don’t want to miss latest installment in the River Hill series! If you read The Vintner’s Vixen you will recognize a few familiar characters. If you haven’t read The Vintner’s Vixen this book can be read as a standalone but I’m sure you’ll want to start from the beginning. Click here to get your copy of The Vintner’s Vixen, and then enter the fabulous giveaway below!

“What brings you here?”
Her mother examined her surroundings. “Do you have a place to sit down?”
Naomi sighed. “Come on in. The living room is this way.” The dining room had been converted to her office, but she’d furnished the cozy living room with a comfortable couch and a chair or two. She mostly used the space for watching ridiculous movies when she was feeling burnt out. Although she and Iain had done a few other things in there several days ago. Probably not something she should be thinking about as she watched her mother sit carefully down in the exact spot Iain had—never mind.
“So? You’re sitting. In my house. Which you’ve never visited before, let alone showed up unannounced to. Why are you here, Mom?”
“Oh, it isn’t just me, dear.” Her mother smiled at her beatifically. “Your father’s here, too. He’s just taking a little nap. You know how travel tires him.”
“You live less than two hours from here.”
“Yes, of course. It was certainly a drive. There were many interesting fields and farms.” Her mother’s tone conveyed her opinion about such things, and it wasn’t positive. “I left him at the cozy B&B we booked. So convenient that it had availability.”
Oh, no. “You’re staying? At a B&B?”
“Oh, yes. Even more charming than your little place here. I understand they’ve undergone some renovations recently.”
“Mom, are you staying at the Oakwell Inn?”
“Well of course, darling.”
“But that’s Noah’s—”
“Yes, I promised his mother a full report, of course.” Her own mother sniffed. “Angelica is a charming girl, although she seems quite busy.”
That explained why nobody had thought to warn Naomi about this ambush. Angelica was due to leave to film another segment of her popular show in a day or two. Possibly even tomorrow—Naomi wasn’t sure of the exact schedule. But Noah and Angelica would have been far too busy cooing over each other to even register this particular emergency. They probably thought Naomi had invited her parents to come.
“Why are you and Dad here? You never leave the city.”
“Darling, you didn’t answer your phone. I assumed you were dead. We came to identify your body.”
“You booked a B&B to identify my corpse?”
“Well, we certainly weren’t going to stay at a Holiday Inn.”
Naomi closed her eyes and sought patience. “You knew I wasn’t dead. What’s going on?”
Her mother leaned toward her. “It’s an intervention, Naomi.”
Naomi felt her jaw drop. “A what?”
“An intervention. Jacob and Tanya are on their way, too. We felt the whole family should be here.”

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The Vintner’s Vixen
Authors Dish With Rebecca Norinne
Coffee With Jamaila Brinkley

Rebecca Norinne writes sexy romance from the heart. Her heroines are bold and headstrong, and her heroes will do anything for the ones they love.
When not banging away at the keyboard, she is watching rugby, enjoying a pint of craft beer, or traveling the globe in search of inspiration for her next book.
Originally from California, Rebecca currently resides in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband.
Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Newsletter ~ Goodreads ~ Amazon ~ Bookbub
Jamaila Brinkley writes historical romance with a hint of magic. Her Wizards of London series features thieves, duchesses,
witches, and more indulging in mayhem and romance in Regency England. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and was a finalist in the Romance Through the Ages contest in 2015.
Jamaila came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Her favorite historical period is currently the Victorian era, and she’s never happier than when immersed in a multi-book family series.
Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.
Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Newsletter ~ Goodreads ~ Amazon

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May 17, 2018 | Blog, May 2018, Tawna Fenske, The Extra Shot
Welcome to The Extra Shot where we bring you EXCLUSIVE content from Authors who have books releasing in the near future.
Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.
Today you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from Chef Sugarlips by USA Today Bestselling Author Tawna Fenske to jump start your weekend along with a fabulous giveaway too! This book releases tomorrow so one-click your copy now and get ready for a great new book adventure tomorrow!
Be sure to stop by the blog later today for my review on Chef Sugarlips, you don’t want to miss the first book in the Ponderosa Resort Romantic Comedy series! If you read Studmuffin Santa you will recognize a few familiar characters who have their own standalone read! Haven’t read Studmuffin Santa? Be sure to check out the giveaway below!

I watch her exit my office in the corner of the barn and make her way to the side door and out into the crisp spring afternoon. The second the barn door closes, I yank my sweater off one shoulder and sniff my bra strap.
Nothing. It just smells like the lilac body lotion I’ve been wearing lately.
But I know I smell something, and I’m pretty sure I’m on the right track. I pull both arms inside my shirt sleeves and contort my hands behind me to unhook my bra. Mission accomplished, I snake it through the left sleeve of my sweater and pull it out at the wrist cuff like a deranged magician.
I hold up the bra for inspection, but it looks fine. Lavender and lacy, it’s one of my nicest pieces of lingerie. But when did I last wash it?
I hold it to my nose and have just started to inhale when the barn door flies open.
“Amber, hey—oh.” Sean freezes halfway to my office, blinking against the dim light of the barn. And at the sight of me smelling my bra.
Slowly, I lower my cupped hands to the desk and lay the lacy scrap there like a dead pet. “Sean.”
He looks at me, then at the bra, then back to my face, detouring only a little at my unsupported assets hidden beneath magenta cashmere. “I—uh—” He steps forward, hesitating at the door of my office. “Your sister said you were out here. I came by to grab my coolers?”
A quicker-thinking woman might shove the bra in a desk drawer or try to pass it of as a hanky.
I’ve never been that quick.
“So—I—right.” I take a deep breath and gesture toward the lavender lace laid out on my desk with the cups pointing jauntily at the ceiling. “I suppose you’re wondering why I’m smelling my bra.”
“The thought did occur to me.” He leans against the doorframe, and I can tell he’s trying not to smile.
I drop into my desk chair with a little more bounce than expected. Sean’s eyes flicker, but he keeps them on my face.
“Right, see, there are certain things no one really tells you when you’re a girl.”
He hesitates, then settles into Beth’s vacated seat. “Okay.”
“Like everyone knows you wash your panties every day, right?”
“One can assume.” He’s having a harder time holding back laughter, I can tell.
“But no one ever sits you down and says, ‘here’s how often you should wash your bras.’ Like is it once a week? Every few days? Monthly? I honestly don’t know, and then how do you remember which ones you washed when and whether there’s this one random bra in the back of the drawer that got skipped the last time you did delicates, and now you’re pretty sure it’s been years since the damn thing saw soap and water?”
My voice has risen to the pitch of a crazy person, to say nothing about my actual words. My God, he must think I’m insane.
Slowly, the smile spreads over his face. He folds his hands on the desk, and I’m conscious of the fact that his knuckles are scant inches from my favorite bra. Is it wrong that I’m wishing my boobs were still in it?
“You remember what I said in the chapel?” he asks. “About how you’re way different from Ethereal Mermaid Amber I used to imagine?”
I nod, not trusting myself not to say another damn word.
“I like this Amber better,” he says. “The quirky one who says stuff other people are probably thinking, but don’t actually say? I’m digging that about you.”

a Rafflecopter giveaway
- By entering the giveaway, you’re confirming that you are at least 18 years old.
- Winners will be selected by random number. No purchase necessary to win. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning.
- If you win, you must respond to my email within 24 hours or another winner may be chosen. Please make sure that your spam filter allows email from Books I Love A Latte.
- Winners may be announced on the blog following the contest. By entering the contest you are agreeing to allow your name to be posted and promoted as the contest winner by Books I Love A Latte.
- Prizes will be distributed following the giveaway either by Books I Love A Latte or the person/organization donating the prize.
- By entering you are agreeing to hold Books I Love A Latte harmless if the prize or giveaway in some way negatively impacts the winner.
- Readers may only enter once for each contest. Duplicate entries for the same giveaway will be ignored. In the event of technical problems with the blog during the contest, every effort will be made to extend the contest deadline to allow for additional entries.
- Void where prohibited by law.

Coffee With
Authors Dish

Tawna Fenske: When Tawna Fenske finished her English lit degree at 22, she celebrated by filling a giant trash bag full of romance novels and dragging it everywhere until she’d read them all. Now she’s a RITA-nominated, USA Today bestselling author who writes humorous fiction, risqué romance, and heartwarming love stories with a quirky twist. Publishers Weekly has praised Tawna’s offbeat romances with multiple starred reviews and noted, “There’s something wonderfully relaxing about being immersed in a story filled with over-the-top characters in undeniably relatable situations. Heartache and humor go hand in hand.”
Tawna lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband, stepkids, and a menagerie of ill-behaved pets. She loves hiking, snowshoeing, standup paddleboarding, and inventing excuses to sip wine on her back porch. She can peel a banana with her toes and loses an average of twenty pairs of eyeglasses per year. To find out more about Tawna and her books, visit

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