Jul 18, 2024 | Blog, July 2024, Shana Galen
All About Genevieve by Shana Galen is the third and final book in the Misfortunes Favorites and once again we find ourselves seeking answers for a childish prank that left three friends cursed and the witch who wanted revenge.
Lord Emory “Rory” Lumlee is approaching his 30th birthday. Forced to face his parental responsibilities it’s time to focus his attention towards his daughter. Can he put aside his anger and resentment towards her mother or will it leave a dark cloud over them both? In order to connect with Francis Rory will face his biggest challenge- hiring a governess who can keep track of a precocious and imaginative child.
Genevieve Brooking is resourceful, creative, patient, and most of all has a kind heart. One who is able to connect with children and communicate without being condescending. I love the way she pays attention to Francis and can read the room figuring out what she needs.
When Rory witnesses the connection between Genevieve and Francis he will need to make a choice if he hopes to connect with his daughter while finding a way to forgive himself for the pain and deception.
Sometimes the best way to approach life is through a child’s perspective. One where games, riddles, promises, and kisses are offered without strings.
Rory must find a mother for his child, will the marriage be simply transactional? Will three childhood friends finally be rid of the curse that has plagued their lives and find true love?
This spicy historical romance is best enjoyed with your favorite iced beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan. Characters comfortably express their desire with kissing and passionate exploration. If you’re looking for a medium level of heat this should be a satisfying read.
Thank you Dragonblade Publishing for the advance reader copy for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

💬 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲?

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Jan 25, 2024 | 2024, Blog, January 2024, Shana Galen
The King and Vi by National Bestselling Author Shana Galen is the first book in the historical romance Misfortunes Favorites series and the beginning of an amazing adventure. I love that this historical begins with three friends cursed in the midst of a childish prank. When the witch vows for revenge … will she get it? Do you believe in curses?
The Marquess of Kingston or “King” to his peers is about to discover his life has changed once again, and not for the better. A decision he made decades ago has come full circle, and now turned his world upside down. With all the damage unleashed, is there a way to make things right and fix the damage? Who can be trusted?
Violet Baker must repair the damage to her tavern after it was destroyed in a brawl. As it is she’s barely surviving while taking care of her family. What will happen when a stranger turns her world upside down? Will Vi let King stay while he tries to repair the damage?
Both will discover that money can’t fix everything, but just the right amount of coin might be enough to save them from the Ferryman and risk being put out on the streets.
The only way to survive is to make amends and make things right. Will he be forgiven, or is it too late? Neither expected to find love but once they realize their feelings, will they have time to let their flame ignite and burn bright, or will it burn?
A story woven with witches and curses, the past is now colliding with the present. Get ready for a plot that pulls you into a world that is refreshing, fun, and a lots of passion, desire, devotion and love. Who will have faith? Who can be trusted? Who will find redemption? I can’t wait to read the next installment in Shana’s new world!
This spicy historical romance is best enjoyed with your favorite iced beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan. Characters comfortably express their desire with kissing and passionate exploration. If you’re looking for a medium level of heat this should be a satisfying read.
Thank you Dragonblade Publishing for the advance reader copy for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

Find it on Amazon by clicking the image below. It is also now in Kindle Unlimtied.

Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchase. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.)
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Jul 15, 2018 | Blog, Collette Cameron, July 2018, Shana Galen, The Extra Shot

Welcome to The Extra Shot where you’ll find EXCLUSIVE content from Authors who have books releasing in the near future or just want to share a peek.
Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.
Today you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from Seductive Surrender by USA Today Bestselling Author Collette Cameron and An Affair with a Spare by Bestselling Author Shana Galen to jump start your weekend along with a fabulous giveaway too! This book released in May and you can find this on Amazon. one-click your copy now and get ready for a great new book adventure!
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Sluggishly clawing his way to alertness from the dense fug shrouding his wooly mind, Dugall swallowed against a guttural moan. He lifted his neck an inch and double-sided jagged swords speared his head and ribs.
A rhythmic, bone-jarring rocking had bile rising high and burning the back of his throat. His stomach growled and roiled as much from hunger as the eye-crossing, thundering ache hammering his skull.
Not dead then, but probably concussed.
How badly?
He took a quick mental inventory.
I’m Dugall Kester Hugh Ferguson of Craiglocky Keep.
I’m four-and-twenty years old, and the youngest child of Hugh and Giselle Ferguson.
My brother is Laird Ewan McTavish, and I’m his solicitor and steward.
Bloody damned maggoty hell . . .
He’d been robbed on his way to Edinburgh.
Stupid as turnips, thieves.
Did they really think he’d carry Craiglocky’s monthly receipts on his person? All they’d absconded with was a pocket watch, his dirk, and a few bank notes.
And he knew at least one of their names.
With Ewan’s vast connections, they’d almost certainly be apprehended and count themselves lucky if only deported to Australia.
He’d bet his beloved stallion, Bran, he’d broken a knuckle or two—likely all—fighting off the three ambushing scunners last night.
Had they only used fists, Dugall might’ve prevailed, but they’d carried clubs and daggers, too. He’d readily dispatched one, but a blow to the back of his head ended his fight.
He dared to slit one swollen lid open and tentatively stretched his legs, seeking other injuries.
What the h—?
Eyes flying open, he jerked upright. At the abrupt movement, discordant agony speared his pounding skull again with the ferociousness of a battering ram.
Holy God in heaven.
Clutching his head lest it topple from his neck, he gulped against a crushing wave of nausea and blinked away the gray closing in, dusty black specks flitting before his eyes.
I willna pass out again.
Inhaling a restorative breath, he shut his eyes until the dervish in his head stopped spinning. His movements tentative and controlled, he again assessed his situation.
Stout rope secured his ankles and wrists, and he lay stuffed into the corner of a wagon loaded with several chests, boxes, burlap bags, and oddly shaped cloth-wrapped bundles. What looked like a carriage lap robe covered him from waist to calves.
Given his missing neckcloth, the robe and the padding behind him, someone had attempted to make him somewhat comfortable as the wagon bumped along, threatening to dislodge his head from his shoulder with each new divot in the road.
He lifted his bound hands and, jaw braced, gingerly touched his forehead. Encountering a bandage, he frowned.
Ach, his cravat.
The last thing he remembered after regaining consciousness and staggering from the forest was a coach and four barreling down on him.
Then nothing—until now.
He licked parched lips and closed his eyes for a long blink, willing the tormenting, brain piercing, thundering in his head to ease a jot.
God, what he wouldn’t give for a drink of water. Or better yet, a tot or two of Ewan’s superb whisky.
A sudden vision of coppery red hair framing a creamy, perfectly oval face from which glinted two turbulent bottle-green, umber lashed eyes, clambered to the forefront of his mind.
Ach, the ravishing ginger-haired angel.
He skewed his lips into a tiny arc—as much as he dared given his pummeled face.
No, angels abided in heaven, and haloes of shimmering red hair didn’t frame their faces.
Did they?
But she’d been far too bonny to be a deamhan.
He’d dreamed he’d gone to hell, and that exquisite face had floated over him.
He could still smell her sweet, fresh essence. Oranges and vanilla and flowers. Could see the smattering of coppery freckles on her perfect little upturned, rather saucy nose, and her peach-tinted rosebud mouth bent compassionately. The flecks of gold simmering in her arresting eyes lit a receptive, spine-jolting spark deep in his chest.
Despite his sorry state, his c&*k pulsed.
A familiar snort sounded near his ear.
Och. Thank God. Bran.
He’d feared for his equestrian friend.
Dugall’s relieved grin promptly transformed into a grimace as agony speared his face once more. He sucked in a raggedy breath. Devil take it. He might have to add a broken jaw and nose to his list of injuries.
“Ah, you’re awake. Good. You’ve had us all quite worried.”
Riding Bran, the red-haired vision patted the stallion’s withers. Head slightly cocked—the black feather in her quaint impractical hat perched at a jaunty angle atop her glorious mass of red curls—she regarded him, her vivid green-eyed gaze curious but wary.
She possessed an unusual accent; like nothing he’d ever heard before. Soothing and lyrical, soft around the edges, and the slightest bit annoying in the manner it lengthened all of her words.
Like cold heather honey dripping from a spoon, sweet and syrupy, yet maddeningly unhurried.
“Your horse is magnificent. Truly one of the grandest I’ve ever seen, and my grandpapa raised Thoroughbreds.”
Astonishment fueling him, Dugall summoned the strength to sit up straighter. Teeth clamped against the razing torture the movement caused, he raked his gaze over her shapely form.

AUTHOR BIO:A USA Today bestselling, award-winning author, Collette pens Scottish and Regency historicals, featuring rogues, rapscallions, rakes, and the intelligent, intrepid damsels who reform them. You’ll always find dogs, birds, occasionally naughty humor, and a dash of inspiration in her sweet-to-spicy timeless romances.A member of Novelist Inc., Romance Writers of America, as well as several RWA chapters including The Beau Monde, Hearts Through History and Rose City Romance Writers, Collette admits to a quirky sense of humor, enjoys trivia and inspiring quotes, adores castles and anything cobalt blue, and is a self-confessed Cadbury chocoholic.Her motto for life? You can’t have too much chocolate, too many hugs, too many flowers, or too many books. She’s thinking about adding shoes to that list.Connect with ColletteGet a free book! Subscribe to my Regency Rose Newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/theregencyrose
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In this excerpt from An Affair With a Spare, Rafe Beaumont, youngest son of an earl and former member of a special troop of British soldiers receives an unexpected assignment from his former commanding officer.
“I have an assignment for you.”
A sensation much like a mild bolt of lightning flashed through Rafe. “For me?”
Rafe could not believe his good fortune. Finally! His chance. “But the war is over.”
“There are still dangerous people about, and the Foreign Office asked if I knew anyone who could take this assignment.”
“And you thought of me?” Rafe cleared his throat. “I mean to say, of course I came to mind directly.”
“Is it dangerous?”
Rafe blinked. He hadn’t been expecting Draven to answer in the affirmative. Neil had rarely given him dangerous assignments during the war. Although Rafe had argued once or twice that slipping in and out of the bedchamber of one of Napoleon’s men, persuading his wife or mistress to reveal secrets, and slipping back out again without being caught was not without peril, it was not quite the same thing as running across a field while cannonballs exploded around you.
“Good.” Rafe clapped his hands together. “I have been wanting something to do besides chasing after women and attending social outings. What is it you need me to do?”
Draven smiled. “Attend social events and chase after a woman.”
Rafe sighed and sat back again. “And if I refuse to accept the assignment?”
“I don’t recall asking for your acceptance.”
“You’re no longer my commanding officer.”
Draven crossed his arms over his chest. “Would you like me to change that?”
“No.” Rafe knew as well as anyone Draven had connections in the highest spheres. One word to the Regent and Rafe might be back in uniform patrolling the Canadian frontier. “Tell me about my new assignment.”
Draven sat back. “Her name is Collette Fortier.”
“Fortier? Why does that name sound familiar?”
“Because her father was one of Napoleon’s most successful assassins.”
“And? If I remember correctly, Fortier is dead.”
“Yes.” The hackney slowed and Draven peered out the window. “I want you to find out more about his daughter.”
“How am I to do that?”
“We believe Collette Fortier is in London. We further believe she may be calling herself Collette Fournay and claiming to be a cousin of Lady Ravensgate.”
“Suspected French sympathizer and dear friend of Marie Antoinette’s daughter.”
“You are acquainted with Lady Ravensgate?”
“Not personally, but I’ve heard rumors. Is Lady Ravensgate taking Mademoiselle Fortier out in public?”
“I danced with the woman in question not a quarter hour ago, a woman Lady Ravensgate introduced as her cousin, a Miss Fournay. Your mission is to ascertain whether Miss Fournay is, in actuality, Collette Fortier, and if it is she, what she is doing in London. If she’s spying—and I think from my encounter this evening that there is a very good chance of that—discover what information she hopes to unearth and determine what she knows already.”
“And then?”
“And then you kill her.”
On sale now!
He’s turned seduction into an art form…
Rafe Beaumont, fifth son of an earl, uses his irresistible charm with the ladies to glean dangerous war secrets. Now he’s putting those skills to the ultimate test: capturing an elusive assassin by seducing his daughter. The problem? She’s entirely immune to Rafe’s flattery.
Never before has Collette Fortier met a man as attractive as Rafe. But her father’s life is at stake, and succumbing to Rafe would be disastrous. But when Rafe turns the tables on her, offering support and friendship instead of a fleeting affair, Collette finds herself tempted in ways she never could have imagined…
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Author Bio:
Shana Galen is a three-time Rita award nominee and the bestselling author of
passionate Regency romps, including the RT Reviewers’ Choice The Making of a Gentleman. Kirkus says of her books, “The road to happily-ever-after is intense, conflicted, suspenseful and fun,” and RT Bookreviews calls her books “lighthearted yet poignant, humorous yet touching.” She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston’s inner city. Now she writes full time. She’s happily married and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making.
Website: shanagalen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/ShanaGalen
Twitter: @shanagalen
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/shanagalen/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/93709.Shana_Galen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shanagalen/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/shana-galen

Shana is offering ONE lucky reader a print or digital (winner’s choice) of the first two books in the series, Third Son’s a Charm and No Earl’s Allowed.
*Open internationally.
**Must be able to read digital copies on Kindle, Nook, Google Play, or iBooks.
For a chance to win comment on this post with the answer to the following question: What is Rafe’s new assignment in An Affair with a Spare?
Contest runs 7/15/18 – 7/21/18
Winner will be posted on 7/22/18
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- Winners will be selected by random number. No purchase necessary to win. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning.
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- Void where prohibited by law.

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Mar 9, 2018 | Authors Dish, Blog, Christi Barth, March 2018, Sawyer Bennett, Shana Galen

Welcome to Authors Dish where your favorite authors are sharing what they are reading. Of course authors have a stash and they are revealing it today.
In addition, if you enjoy reading their books they have suggestions for similar book adventures by other authors. It doesn’t get better than that!
Today in the cafe are New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller Author Sawyer Bennett, RITA Nominee and Bestselling Author Shana Galen, and USA Today Bestselling Author Christi Barth.
Rae: Who are you reading?

Sawyer Bennett: I just finished The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas and now reading Complicated by Kristen Ashley

Christi Barth: I have the new Moonlight Sins by Jennifer L. Armentrout that I intend to gobble up this weekend. Also on deck is Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng for my book club. My gym book (aka the only thing that bribes me into getting on a treadmill) is Maybe I Do by Nicole McLaughlin.

Rae: If readers are a fan of your books, who should they consider reading?
Sawyer Bennett: If you’re a fan of Sawyer Bennett consider these authors…Lauren Blakely, Lexi Ryan, and Kendall Ryan, to name a few.
Shana Galen: If you’re a fan of Shana Galen consider reading these authors… Joanna Bourne, Kerrigan Byrne, Erica Monroe, Vanessa Kelly and Theresa Romain
Christi Barth: If you’re a fan of Christi Barth consider reading these authors…Jessica Lemmon, Lauren Layne, Tessa Bailey, Christie Ridgway, Kate Meader, and Kimberly Kincaid.
Rae: Thank you so much authors! Let me know dear readers if you try any of these books. I’ll see you next week – same time for new authors and more fun!
** Author Bios **
Sawyer Bennett: Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released multiple books, many of which have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists.
A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.
Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active daughter, as well as full-time servant to her adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or even better, both.
Sawyer also writes general and women’s fiction under the pen name S. Bennett and sweet romance under the name Juliette Poe.
Shana Galen: Shana Galen is a three-time Rita award nominee and the bestselling author of passionate Regency romps, including the RT Reviewers’ Choice The Making of a Gentleman. Kirkus says of her books, “The road to happily-ever-after is intense, conflicted, suspenseful and fun,” and RT Bookreviews calls her books “lighthearted yet poignant, humorous yet touching.” She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston’s inner city. Now she writes full time. She’s happily married and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making.
Christi Barth: USA TODAY bestselling author Christi Barth earned a Masters degree in vocal performance and embarked upon a career on the stage. A love of romance then drew her to wedding planning. Ultimately she succumbed to her lifelong love of books and now writes award-winning contemporary romance, including the Naked Men and Aisle Bound series.
Christi can always be found either whipping up gourmet meals (for fun, honest!) or with her nose in a book. She lives in Maryland with the best husband in the world.
Aug 31, 2015 | August 2015, Blog, Shana Galen

Guest Post: Top 5 Most Romantic Pick-ups by Shana Galen
We all know the story—two people from different worlds who meet under the most unlikely circumstances, and despite all the odds, fall in love. I love those stories, and at their heart, most of my books touch on this theme to some degree or another. In The Rogue You Know the hero and heroine really are from two different worlds. Gideon is a thief from the notorious Seven Dials rookery who has absolutely nothing. Susanna is the daughter of an earl, who has everything she could ever want or need. They meet when Gideon climbs through the library of Susanna’s town house. He’s looking for a friend, and she’s looking for a way out. She hits him in the head with a candlestick, which isn’t the most romantic of meetings, but it certainly makes an impression! The meeting of the hero and heroine is always my favorite scene to write. Here are my top 5 most romantic pick-ups.
1) Rapunzel Hits Flynn Rider with the Frying Pan in Tangled
If you’re thinking this sounds a lot like Gideon and Susanna’s first meet, you’d be right! The Rogue You Know is loosely based on the Disney film Tangled. From Flynn’s broken smolder to Rapunzel’s too-free use of that frying pan, the meeting of my favorite Disney couple is romantic, funny, and memorable.
2) The Pressing of Hands in Romeo and Juliet
Okay, so the ending of this story isn’t the happiest, but no one can deny that the sparks fly when these star-crossed lovers meet and fall instantly in love. Shakespeare makes the simple act of touching hands both heart-melting and sigh-worthy.
3) Hugh Grant Spills Juice on Julia Roberts in Notting Hill
I admit that I’m a huge Hugh Grant fan. He does bumbling and charming so well. Paired with Julia Roberts, Notting Hill couldn’t not be cute and romantic. Plus, it takes place in a bookstore. That’s it. I’m sold.
4) Hugh Grant (this time as Prime Minister) Meets Natalie, His New Housekeeper in Love, Actually
I know! Another Hugh Grant movie. I told you I like him. This movie has a lot of great meets, but my favorite is when the Prime Minister meets Natalie, and she’s so nervous she can’t stop cursing. Hilarious!
5) Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore Meet Over Waffles (and Meet Over Waffles) in 50 First Dates
Any movie that has this many romantic meetings between the two characters destined to fall in love deserves a mention. Sandler has to woo Barrymore every day, and he is super romantic and creative about it. One can’t even claim he’s in it for himself because he has to start over from the beginning every day and doesn’t get much except the opportunity to spend more time with the woman he’s falling in love with. I could swoon.
What’s your favorite romantic meeting from a movie, TV, or a book?
Author Biography

Shana Galen is the bestselling author of passionate Regency romps, including the RT Reviewers’ Choice The Making of a Gentleman. Kirkus says of her books, “The road to happily-ever-after is intense, conflicted, suspenseful and fun,” and RT Book Reviews calls her books “lighthearted yet poignant, humorous yet touching.” She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston’s inner city. Now she writes full time. She’s happily married and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making. Shana loves to hear from readers, so send her an email or see what she’s up to daily on Facebook and Twitter. Stop by her website at shanagalen.com.
Social Networking Links
Website: https://www.shanagalen.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShanaGalen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanagalen
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/93709.Shana_Galen
Rafflecopter Giveaway CLOSED
Apr 6, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Shana Galen
While You Were Spying by Shana Galen is a fantastic prequel in her Regency Spies series. I’m always ready to read a great spy story set in Regency England that has dashing Lords besotted by strong and resourceful women. Oh, and the cover – OMG it is absolutely fabulous! Based on a few book covers I’ve seen lately, I think purple is the new hot color!
Our heroine, Francesca Dashing, is still trying to sort out her future after her broken engagement a short while ago. No one has discovered the reason for her unmarried state and she hopes to never reveal the truth to anyone. If her parents had their way she’d be married and settled down, but that doesn’t seem to be in her future just yet.
As usual, one afternoon while out and about she plans to save yet another animal, from a neighbors farm, from a fate worse than death. Unfortunately, she falls into the arms of the Marquess Winterbourne, Ethan Caxton and discovers she may be the one in need of rescuing.
Unfortunately, Francesca is not content sitting about and learning the skills necessary to take care of domestic tasks. Much to the exhaustion of her parents, she finds herself in precarious positions of adventure that test everyone daily. When she brings home another injured animal in need of rescue, her father finally puts his foot down and tells her no. However, when Francesca’s parents discover who the gift is from, they assume there is something much bigger going on and insist on an explanation. Will she be able to find a way out of her sticky situation this time?
Ethan was hurt before and is convinced he will never be able to fully give himself to another woman ever again. No matter how pretty, smart or seductive and charming she might be. When Ethan can’t get Francesca out of his thoughts he has a decision to make, his job isn’t one that allows him to disclose personal information or matters of the heart. Still unable to trust after being hurt he has a choice to make and it’s one he can’t seem to do on his own.
When lives are in danger and a thief must be caught they will have to work together, or risk endangering everyone they care about. Will Francesca finally put herself first? Will Ethan allow himself to truly trust and be open to finding love again?
Through the sweeping countryside of England to the taverns and rustic roads of Paris, France, this book will take you on a journey of the heart and capture your soul. This prequel is the perfect beginning for a fabulous new series filled with spies, mystery, romance and lots of sizzle that will leave you breathless and wanting more from these fabulous characters! I received this ARC from the author for an honest and fair review. I loved it and know that you will too! I only hope that I hope that we don’t have to wait too long to read the next book!
Author Info:

Shana Galen is the bestselling author of passionate Regency romps, including the RT Reviewers’ Choice The Making of a Gentleman. Kirkus says of her books, “The road to happily-ever-after is intense, conflicted, suspenseful and fun,” and RT Bookreviews calls her books “lighthearted yet poignant, humorous yet touching.” She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston’s inner city. Now she writes full time. She’s happily married and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making. Shana loves to hear from readers, so send her an email or see what she’s up to daily on Facebook and Twitter.