Coffee With USA Today Bestselling Author Robin Bielman
Rae: Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.
Robin: Thanks so much for having me!
Rae: If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a peppermint mocha latte with Coconut Milk. What would you order?
Robin: That sounds yummy! I’d have a peppermint vanilla latte with either almond or coconut milk. 🙂
Rae: Happy Birthday – I brought cake today in honor of your birthday! It’s never too early for sweets!
Robin: Aw, I love cake! You are absolutely right – it’s never too early for sweets. Thanks for celebrating my b-day with me a day early. 😀
Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work, your backlist includes 16 books/novellas, that’s a lot of book adventures! If a reader is new to you, what book would you recommend the start with first?
Robin: It’s crazy when I think about how many books I have out! For readers who like sweeter romances, I would recommend Kissing the Maid of Honor and for those who like higher levels of heat, Keeping Mr. Right Now or Talk British to Me are good places to start.
Rae: You write of loving the outdoors and experiencing wicked adventures, what was the most terrifying thing you’ve done that you’d repeat? I read that you’ve skydived, parasailed, and even scuba dived, were they a one-time thing or do you regularly head out for an adrenaline rush? Have any of those adventures ended up in a book?
Robin: I’d love to do these things more regularly! I’ve only skydived once, but really want to again. It was a tandem dive so I was connected to an instructor and not scared at all. I couldn’t wait to write a heroine who skydives after that, and so there’s a skydiving scene in Falling For Her Bachelor. 🙂 There are lots more adventures I’d like to take for sure.
Rae: I must confess, I am a HUGE fan of your Wherever You Go series, can you give us a tease at the next installment?
Robin: Thank you! I’m so happy you’ve enjoyed the series. The next book is releasing April 16th and is Elliot and Madison’s story. As far as a tease goes, hmm… let’s just say neither is who the other expected. 😀
Rae: When you are writing a book, do you plot it out page by page, chapter by chapter? Or, do your characters guide you? How do you stay organized with your characters in a large series so that you don’t forget the little details?
Robin: My characters guide me and I love it! To stay organized, I always write with a notebook beside me that I keep handwritten notes in about character and plots so I can refer back to it as I write – especially books in the same series.
Rae: Are you a planner girl, a digital calendar fan, or do you have your own unique system that keeps your organized and on task with every aspect of your life :)?
Robin: I used to be so organized! Not so much anymore. LOL So, let’s say I have my own unique system that somehow works. I only occasionally screw things up.
Rae: Do you have a favorite place to write, or can you write anywhere? Do you find it easier to craft on a computer or with paper and pen?
Robin: My favorite place to write is at my desk where it’s nice and quiet. I’m not one of those people who can write anywhere, and I do almost all of my writing on my computer, but do take notes in a notebook.
Rae: What advise could you give to someone who is reading this and feeling inspired to write?
Robin: Do it! Write what makes you happy and whatever story or thoughts are in your head and heart. Enjoy the process and always believe in yourself.
Rae: What can we expect to see on the bookshelves in the upcoming months?
Robin: As mentioned, the third book in my Wherever You Go Series is releasing in April, and then I’m excited to share that I’m co-writing a book with the awesome and talented Samanthe Beck that will be releasing this summer.
Rae: If readers want to meet you in person where will you be?
Robin: I don’t have any plans to do any signings, but I will be at the RWA conference in Denver, and I always love to meet up with/run in to readers. Let me know if you’re going to be there!
Rae: Thank you for hanging out in the cafe today.
Robin: Thanks again for having me!!
***** Tasty Tidbits *****
1. What is a must read book and why? Anything by Colleen Hoover because her words are amazing.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? The ocean.
3. Do you take-in or cook? If so, what is your “go-to” dish? Both! For go-to meals we love pizza, Chinese food, and sandwiches.
4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I swear a lot.
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? I’m more of a pop, electronic girl.
6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Europe! (England, France, and Italy please.)
7. What is your guilty pleasure? Watching TV
8. What are you afraid of? Scary clowns
9. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? No tats.
10. Organized or Free Floating? I’m a laid-back, mostly organized girl. 🙂
11. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? Both – current faves are Lucifer, Good Behavior, and Lethal Weapon, and I’ll binge watch shows on Netflix and movies on the Hallmark Channel.
12. What’s on your playlist? It’s been forever since I’ve updated it, but recent favorites are Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Charlie Puth, and Maroon 5.
13. What play or musical do you want to see next? Hamilton
14. Are you a crafter? Not really. When my boys were little, I did some scrapbooking and made them sports memory books, but that’s the extent of it.
15. What’s your favorite TV show and why? I’ve got lots of favorites – when it’s on, Dancing With The Stars always makes me smiley. 😀
16. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )? Ack! I don’t know.
17. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? Again, lots of favorites, mostly romantic comedies.
18. Would you rather see a movie in the theater or at home on DVD and why? It depends on my mood! It’s fun to go out, but it’s also fun to stay home in my PJ’s and get cozy with my hubby on the couch.
19. What is the one thing you can’t live without? My family
20. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would be at your table? Where would you eat? Barack Obama, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Reese Witherspoon, and Louise Bay. We’d eat at a casual burger joint.
21. If you could try any career for a day, what would it be? Anesthesiologist – I always say in my next life I’m going to be a doctor.
22. Person you admire and why? My mom for her strength, amazing kindness, and overall awesomeness.
23. What are your top five locations on your bucket? Paris, the Amalfi Coast, Costa Rica, Ireland, Fiji.
Rae: Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another spiced latte :). Happy Reading Dear Readers. Happy Writing Robin.
Robin: Thank you! And thanks for the “coffee” and chat! Happy New Year! xoxo
Still want more to know more about Robin Bielman, head over to her website and discover more!