A magical, captivating and heart stopping debut novel for Susanne Lord and her London Explorers.

%name A magical, captivating and heart stopping debut novel for Susanne Lord and her London Explorers.In Search of Scandal (London Explorers) by Susanne Lord is a fantastic debut for this new author.  I love reading historical romance books and love a great adventure. What a great beginning as we meet the first explorer in this new series.

Will Repton was out exploring the world until a tragic incident forced his return back to London.  Years later, Will is insistent that he return back East yet must solicit funds if he’s to set sail.

Upon his most recent appointment he finds himself in the den of a few suitors, all with the intentions of marrying one Ms. Charlotte Baker.

Unbeknownst to Will, Charlotte has read the published stories of his past adventures. If there is any chance for her dreams to come true she’ll need to sort out a plan to capture this elusive explorer.

Perhaps a midnight stroll isn’t the best way to begin? Maybe a kiss to figure it all out? When another suitor comes between them what will happen? Can Will forgive himself and move on from the past? Whatever it is that he’s searching for will be tested as they discover each other.

Torn between the present and the past Charlotte and Will are forced into an arrangement of sorts. When Charlotte agrees to the “proposed” plan she has a few demands of her own. But, is Will up to the challenge?

Deep within this book you will find love and a desire to embark on your own quest for great and wonderful things. Not only is this one story you wont want to put down it’s chock full of intense heat, twist and turns, and yes dear readers, lots passion!

Susanne is a talented story teller and her debut book is a journey of the heart and soul. I look forward to the next installment in this series so that I can see what will happen next.

This two peppers spicy latte hot %name A magical, captivating and heart stopping debut novel for Susanne Lord and her London Explorers.delight has just enough sizzle to make you tingle. Oh, and yes, it’s for  mature readers 18+.

I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. Do not miss out on this historical must read. Download today to discover for yourself how powerful & emotional this epic adventure is.

**In Search of Scandal Blog Tour Fact, Excerpt & Giveaway**

This December, debut author Susanne Lord releases the first in her London Explorers series, In Search of Scandal! To celebrate, Susanne is here to share one of the facts she uncovered while researching for this adventurous new series:

Explorer Fast Fact: Cholera belts were strips of flannel or wool worn about the waist of travelers and soldiers to maintain a dry and balanced core temperature, who believed the belt would help ward off cholera, dysentery and “bowel complaints.”

An Excerpt:

Charlotte caught her breath and unclenched the grip she had taken upon his hand. “You cannot pretend to like me, Mr. Repton. I just wonder—I have always wondered what I have done to offend you.”
His arm tightened and his lips were right back to hovering over her ear. “Wait…”
More silence. Honestly! She would not stand here and let him trample her heart.

She ripped herself from his arms. “It is fine. I hardly require every man to like me, Mr. Repton. Be assured I am aware of your feelings and you will not have to suffer my attentions anymore.”

She whirled to leave but a steel hand gripped her arm.

“God! Blast it! Now what have I done?” he growled, his blue eyes wintry in the moonlight. “I thought we were getting on. I wouldn’t mind being your friend, as long as you understand that’s where it ends.”

“Wouldn’t mind? I have more friends than I can count, I hardly need—”

He yanked her hard against him. “Then what do you want?”

“I…I will not argue—”

His hands gripped her waist. “What do you want, Charlotte?” He growled. “What do you want me to do?”

Her words died in the face of his rising frustration. What did she want? What had she ever wanted but him? She wanted him still. From the first sight, the first instant. Every day, every hour, she wanted him. In a deep, tender, precious place she could not touch with reason. And all he did was sneer and push her way.

“Why didn’t you ignore me as you normally do?” she asked hollowly.

“Why did you talk to me at all tonight?”

He said nothing. He didn’t move. Something furious and wild thundered through her breast. “You don’t belong here!” Her fist clenched, wanting to slap that frozen look off his face. “Say something!” She launched against him, gripping him about his hard neck. “Say anything!”

But his stubborn lips were sealed, and before she could stop herself, she mashed her mouth against them.

Instantly, she regretted it. Their chins knocked, their teeth scraped, and a grunt of surprise sounded from his throat.

Oh God, what was she doing? She didn’t know how to give a kiss and he certainly didn’t want hers. His hands dropped off her and she sobbed sharply against his mouth. Mortified, she crumpled against his neck.

Oh God, oh God, how will I face him?

A hard hand seized her neck and forced her head up. Blue eyes blazed into hers. “Damn it all!”

Warm lips clamped to hers expertly. Shocked, she sank to her heels but his arm tightened and locked her against the hard wall of his body.

His deep groan shook her.

But it was a sound of surrender.

***** TOUR WIDE RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY CLOSED for 5 copies of In Search of Scandal. The tour will run from 11/22 until 12/23 and the link for it can be found below.

Winners will be randomly selected and contacted by the publisher. Good luck to all.

Author Info:

Susanne Lord is a writer of Victorian-era romance and author of the London Explorer series published by Sourcebooks. Originally from Okinawa, off-base and on, she now makes her home in Chicago where she is an active member of Chicago North RWA. When not writing, attending theater or reading, she enjoys hiking the English countryside and visiting historic homes and gardens.

Happy Book Birthday Anne Elizabeth – your SEAL romance is a must read!

%name Happy Book Birthday Anne Elizabeth   your SEAL romance is a must read!

%name Happy Book Birthday Anne Elizabeth   your SEAL romance is a must read!

A SEAL Forever (West Coast Navy SEALs Book 3) by Anne Elizabeth is sensual, captivating and absolutely amazing. I’m always up for a SEAL story and this must read delivered a spicy dose of punch from the amazing cover to the last page. Yes, I love a great cover. Especially when it is done so well ;).

Right away we meet our heroine Maura Maxwell  who has a few issues that need to be worked through. First order of business is confronting her issues and actually talking to her sexy neighbor. Beyond a grunt or head nod she’s been unable to have a conversation until she finds herself in need of rescuing.

Master Chief Declan Swifton is part of SEAL Team Five and focused on his job. It’s not often that a women captures his attention for more than a night. When his thoughts are consumed by his sexy neighbor will it affect his concentration on the job?

Both desire each other but will Maura survive his sudden silent departure?  Can she survive his job? When a mission goes terribly wrong can Declan come to terms with what happened? How will Maura react?

This sensual and intense story shows us just how strong love can be and how deep we need to look to find what truly matters.

Both Maura and Declan must come to terms with their past. Hopefully they can lean on each other.

I am absolutely in love with the men of SEAL Team Five and need to do some serious catching up.

There is intense heat in this must read story in this spicy late, two peppers hot %name Happy Book Birthday Anne Elizabeth   your SEAL romance is a must read!delight. There is just enough sizzle to make you tingle and for mature readers 18+.

I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review and look forward to the next installment in this series.

*****A Navy SEALs Fun Fact from Anne Elizabeth*****

Kindness matters—whether it is shown in a simple act or with a smile. Coming home is sweeter when the heart answers the door.

Take a quick peek with this excerpt.

Master Chief Declan Swifton of SEAL Team Five rolled over the side of the Rigid-hulled Inflatable Boat and slid soundlessly into the Pacific Ocean. The RIB took off without even a comment from the operator, leaving Declan to sink farther into the drink.

The temperature cooled as he swam away from the surface. Fish skirted the edges of his thighs, small shimmers of movement against his skin. He scissor-kicked his way forward. The ocean currents caught him, dragging him in the direction they wanted to go, toward shore. He lay with his arms at his sides, frog-kicking only. Above him, he could see the afternoon sunlight glistening and frothy foam chasing away the glassy surface. Down here things were different…calmer. Peaceful, in a way few souls would understand, and yet he knew that even he would have to surface soon.

His lungs would start to ache and burn, his gut would begin to feel as if it would cave in, and that would force him to either head topside or drink in the salt water. But there was still time. This was the water in front of Imperial Beach and the apartment he lived in. He knew it very well.

Scanning the ocean floor, he gauged it would be about thirty seconds until he reached one of the many rocky sandbars out here. He’d have to pull up before then, or the force of the current would smack him against the side.

As his body began to complain, he used both arms and legs to draw himself upward. Breaking the surface, he opened his mouth and drew in air like a thirsty man would gulp water.

The waves bounced him like a buoy. The tide was coming in and the wind was picking up momentum. Looking at the sky to the east, he could see that there would most likely be a storm today. Over his should, to the west, he spied a wave coming his way large enough to take him to shore. It would reach him in about thirty seconds.

Dec took a long, slow breath and appreciated the sun dropping into the horizon. The colors were extraordinary; orange and gold dappled the horizon as the blazing ball of light attempted to sink before the moon lifted higher in the sky.

His hands flexed, cupping the water. It had been a hot day, and the sun’s rays had heated the top of the ocean, making the surface feel like a warm bath, loosening his muscles. Three months ago, he’d been in waters so frigid, with actual ice caps—the memory still made him cold. But here, the Pacific Ocean off California’s Imperial Beach, was a slice of heaven.

Coming in from the east were some nasty-looking cumulonimbus clouds. Seeing the lightning arc way off toward the distant desert, he decided it was time to go in, and right on cue, here came a perfect wave.

Swimming at top speed, Declan pushed his way through another changing current, one that sought to drag him into faster-moving waters. He went over a higher sandbar, having no intention of going to Mexico today, and increased the reach of his stroke. With single-mindedness he worked his way into the more placid surf as he homed in on a large stretch of beach.

The SEAL felt a few sea lions swimming around him, and one nosed him in the gut and another in his back a few times, assessing whether or not he’d play. Not this time, my friends. He continued swimming without engaging. If he stopped to play, he’d be out there for hours.

Switching to the breaststroke, his arms protested. His platoon had switched their training this month to desert-warfare techniques, and he’d been sweating his balls off in the heat. He managed to learn a thing or two, even now, after all of his years in the Teams. But it felt good to be back in the ocean, his element. He’d live in the deep blue like a Jules Verne character if he could.

*****Blog Tour GIVEAWAY*****

Enter for your chance to win.
5 copies of Anne Elizabeth’s A SEAL AT HEART are up for grabs. Winners will be randomly selected by the publisher after the tour is over.

Click on the link below and good luck to all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author Info:

%name Happy Book Birthday Anne Elizabeth   your SEAL romance is a must read!

New York Times bestselling author Anne Elizabeth is an award-winning romance author and comic creator. With a BS in business and MS in communications from Boston University, she is a regular presenter at conventions as well as a member of The Author’s Guild and Romance Writers of America. Anne lives with her husband, a retired Navy SEAL, in the mountains above San Diego.

Social Networking Links

Website: https://www.anneelizabeth.net/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aeauthorfanpage/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/aeanneelizabeth

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/732316.Anne_Elizabeth

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