Coffee With Courtney Milan
First, if we were meeting at a Coffee Shop I’d be drinking a Latte. What would you be drinking? I actually (blush) don’t like coffee. So you’d probably see me with a tea (English breakfast with milk in the morning, or mint in the afternoon), or if it was really cold out, a chai latte.
Thank you so much for taking time to sit down and answer a few questions. Congrats on the release of A Right Honorable Gentleman that’s in the anthology from Romance Writers of America ® , what a great collection of fabulous authors. Who’s idea was it to publish a collection like this? Romance Writers of America had the idea to put out a “romance sampler” so that fans of the genre could try multiple other sub-genres and authors. I think Sylvia Day, the editor, is the one who came up with the idea in the first place, but I’m not sure.
It’s barely the beginning of February and you’ve already had two stories published and Once upon a Marquess is due out this spring. What inspired you for this new series? Any “peek” into the book for your readers? The inspiration for this series was the idea of a family ruined by treason, and the aftermath of that. I’m holding out on peeks until I’m fairly confident that anything I say won’t change. The thing about the way I write is that I’m never sure that anything I say will actually end up in the book.
On your website you have two books and a novella, how many in total can we expect to see? I’m not going to say how many you’ll see, even though I know that number. There are five Worth siblings, and at least four of them are known to be alive. There will be books in the series where one of the major protagonists will not be a Worth sibling. That means you’ll get at least five full-length books, not counting novellas. At least five, less than ten. How’s that?
I must add that the covers on your books are fabulous. Do you design them or have any input? For the covers…now that I’m self-publishing my own books, I do all my covers myself. I wouldn’t advise it for everyone, but I really enjoy the process and find it soothing.
Thank you so much!
8 Tantalizing Tidbits:
1. A Must read book and why? This week my must-read book is Radio Silence by Alyssa Cole, which is post-apocalyptic story about Arden Highmore, who lives in Rochester, NY, and who decides to travel to her best friend’s cabin when the power, the radio– everything, really–goes out without explanation. Her best friend’s elder brother, Gabriel, though is disapproving. And hot. I really enjoyed this one!
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Well, I live in Denver, and we’re nestled right up against the Rocky Mountains. I think you should go for a walk in them. Whatever the season, however long you have. They’re beautiful!
3. When you plot out your book do you know how it will end or do you figure it out as you go? It varies a lot. I don’t plot, and I don’t write in order. I just have some idea that there are some scenes that will end up in my book, and I write them, and then put them together. Sometimes I know the ending first. Sometimes I don’t know the end for a while. Sometimes I think I know the end and then I write something else and realize I need to change it.
4. What’s your guilty pleasure? Ice cream. Always ice cream.
5. Castles or Beaches? Definitely castles! I love castles. They have so much more “scope for the imagination,” to quote Anne of Green Gables.
6. When you are traveling do you road trip it or fly it? It depends. If we’re bringing along the dog, we road trip it. We’re willing to road trip quite a ways if it means our dog can come along. Otherwise, we’re definitely flyers.
7. What are you afraid of? True fact: Everyone in my family has recurring dreams about our teeth falling out. Mine are so realistic that I wake up and have to check all of my teeth to make sure they’re still there, and sometimes, I will “remember” that time my teeth fell out, and then remember that it didn’t actually happen.
8. Do you like to cook or go out to eat? I love cooking. I end up eating out when I’m really busy, but if I had all the time in the world I’d cook every day.
Courtney Milan lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, a marginally-trained dog, and an attack cat.
Before she started writing books, Courtney experimented with numerous occupations. She has trained dogs, written legal briefs, sold newspaper subscriptions, and written computer programs. Having given up on actually being able to do any actual things, she’s taken to heart the axiom that “those who can’t, teach.” When she isn’t reading, writing, or sleeping, she can be found in the vicinity of a classroom.
Courtney loves hearing from readers. You can visit her on the web and find out more about her and her newest releases at