Feb 27, 2016 | Anna Campbell, February 2016, Uncategorized

Tempting Mr. Townsend (The Dashing Widows Book 2) by Anna Campbell is seductive, witty and even better than the first book in this must read series -and I LOVED The Dashing Widows Book 1! Every time I see one of Anna’s covers I’m giddy with excitement and anticipation, this one is no exception. Check out that beautiful rich blue!
In the series second installment, we reconnect with a widow who has grown and is not afraid to take risks, even if it means potentially damaging her reputation. There is a certain amount of power with that confidence and it makes our heroine strong, despite the obstacles she must overcome to find her happy ending. Five years is a long time to be in morning and Lady Fenella Deerham has only recently packed up her mourning clothes. Does this mean she is finally ready to move on? Perhaps all she needs is a little push?
Anthony Townsend has discovered that his nephew has disappeared from boarding school. Further news reveals the boy has run off with a school mate, so he heads straight to the poor boys home looking for answers. His arrival is unannounced, beastly and demanding.
Nothing can prepare Fenella for what charges through her door. The news that Fenella could lose her son is not an option, she must find him! Time is of the essence and she insists on joining Mr. Townsend in his search for the boys. She’s determined to go into the night with our without him. I love how Anthony and Fenella are brought together and the adventure that awaits. A journey with a stranger, oh how wicked Anna ;).
Lady Fenella will discover that it’s possible to find love twice if only she would give in to her feelings. One kiss will impact Fenella and she will need to make a decision that could change everything. Mr. Townsend has pushed her buttons and the game they play is intoxicating with tension, teasing and passion.
Every book Anna writes is satisfying and her characters are compelling and oh so charming! This novella sizzles and is the perfect way to spend a chilly afternoon warming up. There are a few surprises for readers and I was thrilled with this satisfying ending. Don’t miss out on this must read series perfectly priced at just $0.99. It’s time to discover a world of hope, adventure and love.
I was given this ARC by the author for a fair and honest review. I look forward to the widow’s we’ve yet to discover and their journey too! Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long, I hear the next book will be out later this spring.
Curzon Street, Mayfair, November 1820
“What the devil have you done with my ward, madam?”
Shocked, Fenella jerked her attention from the embroidery that she’d picked up to while away a rare quiet night at home.
Good heavens. A man the size of a mountain had invaded her drawing room.
An angry mountain.
Astonishment, rather than fear, was her immediate reaction. She slid her tambour frame onto the table beside her and straightened in her chair. “And who on earth are you?”
Greaves, her butler, rushed in with two brawny footmen looming behind him. “My lady, this fellow pushed his way into the house before I could stop him.”
The fellow clenched his huge fists at his sides and shot her servants a narrow-eyed glare. Despite their size, Tom and John faltered back.
Fenella could see why. The mysterious intruder looked ready to commit murder. Ready, and more than capable. His excellent tailoring did nothing to hide his impressive muscles and the breadth of shoulders and chest.
When he focused that searing stare on her, her stomach jumped with nerves. Was this some madman escaped from confinement? Although he didn’t look unhinged. Just furious.
“Don’t pretend you don’t know who I am,” the man said tersely, a northern accent edging his deep, resonant voice. “Just stop all this blasted nonsense and take me to the lad.”
Get your copy here:Tempting Mr. Townsend (The Dashing Widows)
ICYMI: The Seduction of Lord Stone (The Dashing Widows Book 1)
Author Info:

ANNA CAMPBELL has written ten multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for book 4, A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.
**all pictures and excerpt provided by Anna Campbell**
Nov 6, 2015 | Anna Campbell, November 2015

A Pirate for Christmas by Anna Campbell is a magical story rich with warmth, love and curiosity. It’s exactly what the book fairy should deliver to your e-book reader now to get you into the holiday spirit. I can’t think of a better way to kick-off your holiday reading list than to start with this sweet gem. A novella with a Scottish pirate, a donkey, a snowstorm and a holiday party is perfect.
Rory Beaton has recently inherited his brothers estate and can’t believe that the rumor mill has started, he hasn’t been in town for very long. Everyone seems to be gossiping about his pirating ways, it’s creating quite a stir.
Bess Farrar is focused on making sure the holiday performance is ready for Christmas. If only she could find the donkey. The daughter of the vicar is still unwed and can’t reason with her brain that the sexy new man in town is a pirate. Definitely not suitable for marriage, or is he?
Yet, their intense attraction and desire for each other lends way to some memorable moments. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas with lots of snow and fresh cut decorations from the forest? How about moments of passion and desire infused with great dialogue?
As always Anna draws us into regency England through the sounds, smells and warmth of the time as the words leap off the page and envelope us in our comfy chair.
What will happen to Bess when Rory reveals the truth surrounding his high-seas adventures? Will they finally give into their feelings? Will mother nature intervene?
If you are dreaming about a sexy Scottish hero with a dash of pirate then you must download this e-novella. At 99 cents it’s the perfect price to treat yourself or gift a few to your closest friends. Don’t miss out on all the holiday fun 🙂 I can’t believe I’ll have to wait another year before the next holiday adventure! Anna you must consider a Christmas in July next summer – perhaps a summer holiday party in one of your books?
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review and hope that you will download this into your favorite e-reader today.
Anna’s takeover about this novella from October.
Coffee With Anna
Three Proposals and A Scandal Sons of Sin Novella
A Scoundrel by Moonlight
Her Christmas Earl
The Seduction of Lord Stone
What A Duke Dares
Author Info:

ANNA CAMPBELL has written ten multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for book 4, A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.
Oct 25, 2015 | Anna Campbell, Blog, October 2015
Congratulations to Shaila and Leslie! Each one an e-book of The Seduction of Lord Stone.
** winners have been contacted and we hope that you enjoy your copy of The Seduction of Lord Stone. **
A reminder that A Pirate for Christmas is out 1st November and is only 99 cents on Kindle. You can read an excerpt on Anna Campbell’s website
Coffee With Anna
Three Proposals and A Scandal Sons of Sin Novella
A Scoundrel by Moonlight
Her Christmas Earl
The Seduction of Lord Stone
What A Duke Dares
Author Info:

ANNA CAMPBELL has written ten multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for book 4, A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.
Oct 23, 2015 | Anna Campbell, Blog, October 2015

When Is a Pirate Romance NOT a Pirate Romance? By Anna Campbell
When the hero is actually a gallant captain of the Royal Navy, that’s when.
Hi Rae! Thanks so much for having me as your guest today to talk about this year’s Christmas novella. This is the fourth year I’ve written a story specially for the festive season—they’re always such fun, and this one is my Christmassiest yet!
The problem for Rory Beaton, the hero of A Pirate for Christmas, is that when he unexpectedly becomes Earl of Channing, everyone in the tiny, isolated village of Penton Wyck is convinced of his buccaneering past. Including the lovely vicar’s daughter Bess Farrar, the woman he wants to make his countess.
I’ve read a lot of pirate romances in my time—back in the 1970s and 1980s they were a staple of the romance genre, and you can still find plenty now if you know where to look—and I thought with this latest story, I’d have a little bit of fun with this particular trope. I hope you have fun too as poor Rory is saddled with an undeserved reputation as the dread pirate earl of Penton Abbey.
Here’s the blurb:
Pursued by the pirate…
Bess Farrar might be an innocent village miss, but she knows enough about the world to doubt Lord Channing’s motives when he kisses her the very day they meet. After all, local gossip insists that before this dashing rake became an earl, he sailed the Seven Seas as a ruthless pirate.
Bewitched by the vicar’s daughter… Until he unexpectedly inherits a title, staunchly honorable Scotsman Rory Beaton has devoted his adventurous life to the Royal Navy. But he sets his course for tempestuous new waters when he meets lovely, sparkling Bess Farrar. Now this daring mariner will do whatever it takes to convince the spirited lassie to launch herself into his arms and set sail into the sunset.
A Christmas marked by mayhem.
Wooing his vivacious lady, the new Earl of Channing finds himself embroiled with matchmaking villagers, an eccentric vicar, mistaken identities, a snowstorm, scandal, and a rascally donkey. Life at sea was never this exciting. The gallant naval captain’s first landlocked Christmas promises hijinks, danger, and passion – and a breathtaking chance to win the love of a lifetime.
A Pirate for Christmas is out 1st November and is only 99 cents on Kindle. You can read an excerpt on my website here: https://annacampbell.com/books-2/novellas/pirate-christmas/
I not only enjoy writing Christmas romances, I love to read them too. There’s such a lovely warm feeling in a good Christmas story, isn’t there? Any recommendations for favorite seasonal romances? I’m ready to pack my Kindle with tales of goodwill to all men and kissing under the mistletoe!
A Pirate for Christmas isn’t out for another week or so, but I’d like to offer two people who comment today Kindle downloads of the first Dashing Widows novella, The Seduction of Lord Stone. Good luck!

Coffee With Anna
Three Proposals and A Scandal Sons of Sin Novella
A Scoundrel by Moonlight
Her Christmas Earl
The Seduction of Lord Stone
What A Duke Dares
Author Info:

ANNA CAMPBELL has written ten multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for book 4, A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.
Sep 8, 2015 | Anna Campbell, Blog, Historical Romance, September 2015

The Seduction of Lord Stone (The Dashing Widows Book 1) by Anna Campbell is charming, seductive and absolutely sublime. Every time I sink into one of Anna’s books it gets better and better. This is no exception.
In her latest novella series it’s all about the widows, and these ladies are not your typical widows. After a loveless and non romantic marriage, widow Lady Caroline “Caro” Beaumont is desperate for love and excitement now more than ever. This time it will be on her own terms without the chains and legal commitment of marriage.
After all, she’s done duty and obligation. All it did was leave her with a void when her husband died. Now as a widow she has the power to change everything. If only fear wasn’t standing in the way.
Silas Nash, Viscount Stone, is shocked when his sisters friend confides key details of her newly devised plan for happiness. When Silas realizes that his feelings towards Caro are anything but friendly, it unhinges him. This devilishly handsome “stud” is sought after by many women of the ton and yet his desire is just set on one woman. When Caro insist on seducing his best friend will he survive the sordid details?
Can Silas win the heart of a woman who has no intentions of ever marrying again? With no strings and no attachment, can he persuade Caro to follow her heart?
Dear readers the payoff is perfect! Discover for yourself now and download this must read book that has passion, heat and lots of romance for just $0.99!
I was given this ARC by the author for a fair and honest review. This is one book that you won’t want to miss and a series that is a must read. Add it to your gift list, wish list and TBR pile now. As for the other two widows, I look forward to their journey too. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long.
Get your copy here: The Seduction of Lord Stone (Dashing Widows)
Author Info:

ANNA CAMPBELL has written ten multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for book 4, A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.
Jun 30, 2015 | Anna Campbell, Blog, June 2015

Fall in love with Anna Campbell all over again, or for the first time. Three Proposals and a Scandal: A Sons of Sin Novella delivers a decadent novella rich with seduction, pleasure and scandal.
Lady Marianne Seaton is one lucky gal who has three men vying for her affection. However, some are more honest than others and some are a bit unsavory. Who can she trust to put her heart first? Will any of them prove that love exists and from there, fill her nights with pleasure?
When Marianne’s father insists that she marry to improve the family status and fortune, what will she do? Leave it to a few medling souls to try and urge Marianne along as they partake in a bit of matchmaking. In the end, who will win Marianne’s affection? Three men are vying for her hand, who will win her father’s approval? Let the games begin! Everyone deserves a chance at love, sometimes it just needs a helping hand and in this wonderful quintessentially Anna Campbell novella, love does, indeed, find a way.
While I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review I would absolutely purchase this for myself or gift it. If you haven’t read Anna’s series Sons of Sin – you must. This novella can be read as a stand-alone or any time if you’ve read the series so far.
At 155 pages this love story packs so much into a short read. Bravo Anna for giving us all the emotions – fear, anger, betrayal, desire, deception and lust in a fast paced and yummy novella.
This booklover is patiently waiting for Anna’s next book which I hope isn’t too long a wait. What a perfect book to start the work week. I did, you should too!
Author Info:

ANNA CAMPBELL has written ten multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for book 4, A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.