Feb 6, 2015 | Amanda Aksel, Blog, February 2015

The Commitment Test (The Marin Test Series Book 2) by Amanda Aksel is a fresh and insightful look at how far one woman is willing to go to ensure her boyfriend proposes. For Marin, it all comes down to getting that “ring.” After almost two years in a steady relationship with James, Marin thinks that he’s finally going to propose. When she misreads his “big question” at dinner on Valentine’s Day, she’s disappointed and completely devastated.
Once again, fate tempts her yet again when a friend shares with her a book that promises to get her man to commit as long as she follows a few simple steps. Is she really willing to sacrifice what she has again based on some book? What will James do if he discovers her plan this time?
As a therapist, Marin has a different perspective on relationships and marriage than most. However, she’s still frustrated that everyone else’s lives are progressing and hers is just stagnant. Can she truly be happy? Will she ever accept that she may never have a ring and be ok?
After all she’s been through, can Marin finally find what she wants? Is it possible that she can let go of the idea that a silly little “how to” book is the only way she can get what she wants? Marin needs to relax and be thankful for what she has. Unfortunately Marin has a difficult time waiting ,but that is what we love about Marin. While James is not without faults of his own , he has previous relationship baggage that is preventing him from being honest with himself and Marin. Perhaps all they both need is a good therapist who can help them get to the heart of the matter instead of the unexpected arrival of an ex-boyfriend. Hopefully Marin will figure out quickly and on her own that she too deserves to be happy and have what she wants, even if it might be a bit unconventional.
While this book can be read without reading The Man Test (Book 1) in the series, I recommend reading them in order so that you have a better understanding of Marin and her friends. As of this morning Amazon was offering Book 1 at $0.99 cents and The Commitment Test (Book 2) at $2.99 – a HUGE steal for two great books! Either way, you will still be able to follow along and enjoy a great series that details how important it is to build friendships and relationships with a solid foundation of honesty and trust. For those that chose to keep secrets and judge others, it never ends well. Especially when it can destroy any chance for a happily ever-after.
I received this ARC from the Author for a fair and honest review. I loved everything about this book- the cover, the characters and the story. I look forward to finding out what Marin will do next and see what adventures are in store for her friends too!
**Note that prices can fluctuate on Amazon and you should double check the price before purchasing**

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Amanda Aksel is an author with an affinity for love. Becoming a couples therapist was her “backup” career, and after completing her BA in Psychology she was on her way to solving love’s most complicated quandaries one couple at a time. Now she plans to solve love’s most complicated quandaries one novel at a time.
Social media links
Website: www.amandaaksel.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/amandaaksel
Twitter: @amandaaksel
Instagram: https://instagram.com/amandaaksel
Feb 5, 2015 | Amanda Aksel, Blog, Coffee With, February 2015

First, If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂 What would you order? A soy latte 😉
Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions.
How many books have you planned for this series? The Marin Test Series will be four books to conclude in 2016.
Was there anything that surprised you while writing a series with relationship issues? Nothing surprises me, but I think there were some things in The Man Test that surprised the readers.
What type of research did you do to prep for this series? I did a lot of San Francisco real estate research. There’s an apartment hunt in The Commitment Test. San Francisco is such a cool city.
Will we have to wait a while for the next book? I expect my next book to be out in the summertime, however it’s outside of the series and that’s all I can say for now. The next book in The Marin Test Series is expected to be out in winter 2015! Hope that’s not too long 🙂
Thanks so much for hanging out 🙂
8 Tantalizing Tidbits:
1. A Must read book and why? The Alchemist. It’s not women’s fiction, but it’s an incredible story that’s relevant to all people. One word. Amazing!
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? If you don’t live near an ocean, then definitely the beach. Last summer, I watched a group of dolphins play in the surf. It was pretty incredible.
3. What is your favorite movie of all time and why? I’ve had the same favorite movie since I was 5 years old. Dirty Dancing. It’s sexy romance, a coming of age, plus there’s dancing. And I love dancing. Why was I watching Dirty Dancing at 5 years old? I had a young, hip mother.
4. What is on your playlist when you write? I make a new list with every project I work on and add songs along the way. Here’s my spotify playlist for The Commitment Test: The Commitment Test
5. Do you watch a TV show weekly or binge watch? Both! I’m a huge TV fan. In fact, I hope to write a TV one day. My dream job would be writing for Grey’s Anatomy.
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? Cheese. I know that sounds weird, but I’m a non-dairy pescatarian. Cheese is a treat and I absolutely LOVE IT!
7. Biggest celebrity crush? My best friend and I keep a running top 5 list. Orlando Bloom has been at the top for over a decade.
8. If you could invite FIVE people to dinner (not family or friends – that’s too easy) who would you invite? It can be someone from the past or present, living or deceased.
Daisaku Ikeda- He’s an incredible example of a global citizen and humanitarian
Sara Bareilles- I’m a HUGE fan
Michael Jackson- Enough said!
Larry David- Someone needs to bring the jokes
Marie Forleo – She’s super smart and seems like a lot of fun

Amanda Aksel is an author with an affinity for love. Becoming a couples therapist was her “backup” career, and after completing her BA in Psychology she was on her way to solving love’s most complicated quandaries one couple at a time. Now she plans to solve love’s most complicated quandaries one novel at a time.
Social media links
Website: www.amandaaksel.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/amandaaksel
Twitter: @amandaaksel
Instagram: https://instagram.com/amandaaksel
Link to buy Amanda’s first novel The Man Test (The Marin Test Series: Book One)
Feb 4, 2015 | Amanda Aksel, Blog, February 2015

The Commitment Test
(The Marin Test Series: Book Two)
By: Amanda Aksel
Release Date: February 4th, 2015
Publisher: Elephantine Publishing
Genre: Women’s Fiction
When a Valentine’s Day proposal doesn’t come with an engagement ring, Marin Johns begins to wonder if she and James will ever get married. As her closest friends begin to move forward with their lives, she refuses to be left behind.
Hope is restored as she devises a plan to get James down on one knee by becoming the ideal mate. Everything seems to fall into place until her college boyfriend resurfaces after a decade with his own ideas about their future. Will Marin be forced to choose between the man of her dreams and the diamond ring she’s always dreamed of?
Amanda Aksel Bio

Amanda Aksel is an author with an affinity for love. Becoming a couples therapist was her “backup” career, and after completing her BA in Psychology she was on her way to solving love’s most complicated quandaries one couple at a time. Now she plans to solve love’s most complicated quandaries one novel at a time.
Social media links
Website: www.amandaaksel.com
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/amandaaksel
Twitter: @amandaaksel
Instagram: https://instagram.com/amandaaksel
Link to buy Amanda’s first novel The Man Test (The Marin Test Series: Book One) on sale for $.99
Aug 22, 2014 | Amanda Aksel, August 2014, Blog

The Man Test by Amanda Askel takes a hardcore look at men and relationships. It asks the big question, will all men cheat? Marin Johns is a couples therapist and believes there is someone for everyone. While at a bachelorette party in Las Vegas, NV for her best friends younger sister she decides to leave the party early and go home. Marin misses her fiancé and wants to get back to be with him and start her own future. Upon her return she discovers she’s been betrayed and calls off her wedding.
After her fiancé does the unthinkable she comes across a book that declares all men are cheaters and decides to put her next boyfriend to the test. Unfortunately when Marin decides to put the next man to the test she gets more than she bargained for. James, a simple guy from Montana is nothing like her previous boyfriends. While trying to put the pieces back together she uncovers some hard truths about herself and her past relationships. Can she salvage her relationship with her judgemental brother while overcoming her assumption that all men are cheaters? Just because a book says that all men will cheat doesn’t mean they will, does it? If they havent’ yet she’s convinced they will, it’s just a matter of time. Ultimately she must come to terms with her ex-finance and discover what happens if she can learn to trust herself in and out of a relationship. All men can’t be dishonest and if they are did she give them a fair trial before being judged?
Unfortunately that little voice that usually guides us from taking that turn towards a huge cliff has a hard time getting through to Marin. Not only is her trust in men shattered but her friends can’t seem to get through to her either. Now Marin is faced with trusting her boyfriend and convincing her friends that she knows what she’s doing even though people are going to get hurt. Friendships are family are tested as she decides to push the limits and ultimately challenge the foundation of all of her relationships. Is infidelity gender specific or are women equally at risk too?
Find out if Marin and James can survive The Man Test. Is this test truly capable of predicting a wandering eye that leads to the ultimate transgression? This fast paced book has it all, friendships, romance, humor and takes a different approach about relationships. When reading a book I need to believe the characters and be able to get lost in the book. Amanda Askel accomplished them all her characters were believable and the writing was fantastic. This is a must read for everyone whether you are in a relationship or not!
AMANDA (ah-MAHN-dah)- Latin- Meaning lovable or worthy of love. Fitting. I’ve always had an affinity for love. Being born in sunny San Diego in the mid 80’s to a young military couple gave me plenty of insight into the dynamics of a romantic relationship. Somewhere between moving coasts every three years, I found myself engrossed in fairytale romances and dressing up like a bride. My first real love was writing. By my sophomore year in a new high school in Virginia, I had a slew of short stories, songs, poems, and articles to my name. Writing was fun. It was a way to get the emotions, dialogue, and pictures out of my head, and create a destiny for my characters. I had no intention of making a career in writing, because it wasn’t what I did, it was who I was. In reality, I wanted to be an actress. Ah, to be the face of someone else’s authored story. The plan was to move in with my aunt in L.A. after graduation, but had a change of heart. Instead, I stayed with my high school sweetheart (now husband) and attended a film school in Norfolk, VA. It was at this school that I discovered my love for writing screenplays and felt compelled to follow that path. But…as the practical girl I was brought up to be, I decided to go to a real university. While working full time, I completed my BA in Psychology in four and a half years. Becoming a couple’s therapist had always been my “backup” career and there I was on my way to solving love’s most complicated quandaries one couple at a time. With all my new free time after graduation, I decided to turn my full-length screenplay into a novel in hopes it would help my screenplay sell. I think I was in the middle of writing chapter two when I realized that everything I had ever written was to prepare me for that moment when I knew I was a novelist. Talk about the affirmation of my life. Now my plan is to solve love’s most complicated quandaries one novel at a time.
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