Butterface by USA Today Bestselling Author Avery Flynn is a story about acceptance, love, and finding the courage to follow your heart without caring what other think. A wedding planner and a cop are about to find out what happens when they find love in the least suspecting place.
Gina Luca is tired of being the laugh of the party or the joke to laugh at. Can she finally find a man who will love her and stand up to anyone who challenges her beauty? A woman with drive, focus and passion and a family who will protect her at all costs, can they save her heart from being shattered into a million pieces?
Ford Hartigan will overcome obstacles to find love. What will happen when a plan to solve a crime implodes? The truth always comes out and sometimes even the best cops can’t see what’s right in front of them.
Games, wicked chemistry and a cast of characters make this a must read book that will hook you from the first page. I loved the opening scene, it was emotional, exciting, and full of all the sexy witty one-liners we love from Avery.
Have you ever felt inadequate with one or more features? We are all human and this book delves into that black hole, how we see ourselves and how others see us. Is it possible for the sexy hot guy to fall in love with someone who considers themselves average and the center of one to many pranks?
True love looks beyond our physical features, doesn’t care about our imperfections, it embraces them. Avery has taken a topic and made it relatable, loveable, and sexy.
This spicy adventure is best enjoyed with your favorite iced-beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan. I received an ARC from Entangled Publishing for a fair and honest
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Need a second look at The Extra Shot with an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from Butterface? Click here.

Avery Flynn: USA Today bestselling romance author Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip.
She fell in love with romance while reading Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory books. It wasn’t long before Avery had read through all the romance offerings at her local library. Needing a romance fix, she turned to Harlequin’s four books a month home delivery service to ease the withdrawal symptoms. That worked for a short time, but it wasn’t long before the local book stores’ staffs knew her by name.
Avery was a reader before she was a writer and hopes to always be both. She loves to write about smartass alpha heroes who are as good with a quip as they are with their *ahem* other God-given talents. Her heroines are feisty, fierce and fantastic. Brainy and brave, these ladies know how to stand on their own two feet and knock the bad guys off theirs.