%name Board Games   do you have a favorite?

If you are just reading my blog today and wondering where the books are…. I’m taking a week to tackle a bunch of things and thought I’d do something fun. It’s a week of fun posts about things that I love.

Today it’s all about board games. It’s hard to find a game that will engage everyone in the house. Somehow we’ve managed to agree on a few that are sure to engage everyone. My list is a bit eclectic but it satisfies everyone.

  1. Ticket to Ride – great for all ages!
  2. Telestrations – recently played with friends and is a blast!
    (Don’t have it yet but it’s on my list)
  3. Card games  – old school classics
  4. Apples to Apples
  5. Beat the Parents
  6. Scrabble
  7. Clue
  8. Sequence
  9. Backgammon
  10. Mancala

Tell me…what’s your favorite?


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