A Skinny Shot Final 300x300 A Skinny Shot: My Royal Temptation by Riley Pine


Royal Temptation 189x300 A Skinny Shot: My Royal Temptation by Riley PineMy Royal Temptation by Riley Pine is a fast read that satisfies that craving for a royal adventure. Looking for a new set of royals to follow? Try this family with all the fun and shenanigans.

A secret meeting, a Prince, and a matchmaker make this the perfect read, anytime! When you add family secrets, deception and a throne you get one wicked prince. Will Kate loose sight of her goals or risk her future for what could be? Ready to meet the Royal Family?

4 Scorchin Larger Image Final 300x300 A Skinny Shot: My Royal Temptation by Riley PineDon’t miss this Scorchin hot read. Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C.

I received an ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.

Read more about Riley Pine here.


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