%name What is your salvation?


A SEALs Salvation by Tawny Weber is another sexy tale mixed with sizzle and sweet treats!  Leave it to Tawny to make baking sexy! I always find myself with a desire to bake cupcakes or cookies during and after reading her tantalizing stories!  Once again we find another member of the infamous SEAL team from Coronado this time it’s Petty Officer First Class Brody Lane.

As luck would have it we discover that Brody was once the residential bad boy that the town Sheriffs daughter lusted after.  After a Truth or Dare challenge, Genna takes the Dare and goes after Brody, her older brother’s best friend, for a kiss! Unfortunately for Brody Sheriff Reilly, Genna’s dad, finds them alone and disheveled assuming the worst.  Brody is given two choices, face jail time since Genna is not quite 18 or enlist in the military.  Realizing that he’d destroy Genna should anyone find out they’ve been alone together he makes the only obvious choice and enlists in the Navy.

As with all crushes time has passed but for Genna she’s never been able to get rid of that itch that Brody filled. Sure Brody has had a fling or two but he secretly is still thinking about Genna as well.  While on a mission something happens that ends with a man injured and a soldier left behind.  Leaving a soldier behind goes against what he stands for. The loss of a friend, soldier and team member has him questioning if he’s focused enough and able to be a SEAL.

Everything has come full circle as he finds himself back home in the sleepy town of Bedford just outside of Coronado. He’s gone back by force from his Commanding officer to recover and take care of Physical Therapy.  To many he’s revered as a hero while to others in Bedford still considered him up to no good.  Unable to deal with the tragedy along with inquiring gossips he decides to hide out at his Gramma’s place.

Have you ever wanted someone so bad that nothing else satisfies that itch?  Fulfill that void? Poor Genna has tried for the past 10 years to get over losing the one thing that she thought she wanted, Brody.  Upon hearing that he’s back because he’s been injured she wonders if this is another chance to uncover happiness?

When Genna gets frustrated she bakes and for the past 8 years she’s baked a lot!  Can she finally admit to those she loves that she is destined for greater things beyond the Mayor’s office? Will fate bring Brody and Genna together or will they continue to lust from afar? Would she be willing to sacrifice everything based on her fantasies over the past 10 years to find out if they still have that animalistic connection?  Unfortunately they both have issues with the town Sheriff, can they both resolve them and move forward? Will Brody see himself as a distinguished soldier who’s dedicated and a natural born soldier?

Reading Tawny Weber’s books are just as decadent as a triple chocolate fudge cupcake with a chocolate dipped Oreo on top! Just add sugar and spice and you have a sweet read that will surely satisfy all your cravings.  Tawny knows how to blend just the right mix of naughty with fantastic characters who draw you in.  I am salivating as I curl up to read A SEALs Kiss, stay tuned!

Coffee With Gina L. Maxwell V1 6 300x300 What is your salvation?

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%name What is your salvation?


New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of thirty books and counting, Tawny Weber has been writing sassy, sexy romances since her first one hit the shelves in 2007.  A fan of Johnny Depp, cupcakes and color coordination, she spends a lot of her time shopping for cute shoes, scrapbooking and hanging out on Facebook.

You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

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