25988685 200x300 What Five Things Do You Love About Your City?Five Things I Love About You by Sarah Ballance is fresh, flirty and absolutely yummy. What do you do when you are in a city that you can’t stand? No friends in sight, no family to comfort and clearly nothing that makes it warm and fuzzy?

Leave it to Estelle Donovan to wind up in New York City having to fend for herself. Estelle is essentially one hot mess and is convinced there is nothing fabulous in or about NYC. The million dollar question remains, how did her brother convinced her to watch over his apartment?

Unhappy and frustrated, Estelle must find ways to function and cope in this hot city, if it’s even possible.  That includes grocery shopping at a store where nothing makes sense. Sarah Ballance has made this simple task absolutely memorable and charming. It’s just one of many memorable scenes in this fast paced, sinfully satisfying book!

Estelle is missing the the calm and zen of the West coast, even with an open mind. But, what if something or someone could change her mind?

Crosby Chase is dedicated to his family business and has little time for relationships or any social life. Can this career guy finally find someone to distract and tempt him? When he meets Estelle his world is turned upside down. It’s exactly what he needs, will he recognize it before it’s too late?

When you think about NYC what comes to mind? Perhaps street noise from the cars, taxis and people bustling about? How about the buildings enveloping you as you walk those long city blocks? Or maybe it’s something else you’ve been looking forward to seeing. After reading this delightful little treat, you will never walk down a city street and look at a fire escape the same way again, ever. Trust me 😉

The characters are genuine, multi-layered and completely endearing. As soon a you’re finished I challenge you to discover what’s so fabulous about your own city. When you have, let me know. I’m always looking for a great place to visit.

Relationships are supposed to be complicated, fun and unpredictable. Love can be messy, turbulent and oh so sweet Especially when you least expect it. Could you find five things to love about NYC (or any city) in two weeks? I dare you 😉

Author Info:

%name What Five Things Do You Love About Your City?

Sarah and her husband of what he calls “many long, long years” live on the mid-Atlantic coast with their six young children, all of whom are perfectly adorable when they’re asleep. She never dreamed of becoming an author, but as a homeschooling mom, she often jokes she writes fiction because if she wants anyone to listen to her, she has to make them up. As it turns out, her characters aren’t much better than the kids, but nevertheless, you’ll find her writing sexy contemporary romance for Entangled Publishing until they throw her out. To learn more, visit https://sarahballance.com.

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