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Exclusive Excerpt of Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez
“Okay,” she conceded, raising her chin. “We’ll talk.” Those golden eyes took her in, assessed her. Slowly, he nodded. Then he stood up, buttoning the single button of his coat as if getting ready to leave.
Frustrated, she said, “But I thought we were going to talk.”
His eyes narrowed with a smirk as he walked around the table toward her. He tipped up her chin with a hot fingertip and searched her eyes. “You really think I’m going to trust your word, Princesa?” She could feel the warm puffs of his words against her lips. “Send the amended contract to my attorney. Tomorrow we’ll talk.” He nodded. “And since I’m feeling generous and you’ve already used up one night of your three, we’ll also do…whatever else you want to do. After we talk.”
His quick kiss was a surprise, barely a brush of skin and wine-spiced breath. Still it made her lips tingle.
Still it made her gasp a quick intake of breath. He heard her and rewarded her with his first real smile as he straightened.
His smile was glorious, a slow reveal of blinding white teeth and a dimple in his right cheek and laugh lines that pointed to eyes that seemed to glow just for her. His smile made her not care that he was laughing at her, that he’d palmed some of the power for himself and that he was gloating. His smile was beautiful, transforming her sullen, angry prince into a man who obviously felt joy enough to get laugh lines, a man who probably spent a lot of time smiling when she wasn’t around.
He turned his back on her and Roxanne watched his broad, tall silhouette leave, hands in his pockets, head probably already back in his greenhouse.
His smile—and the man himself, Roxanne was starting to realize—was very, very, very dangerous.
©Lush Money, Angelina M. Lopez 2019

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Previously published review here.

Angelina writes sexy, contemporary stories about strong women and the confident men lucky enough to fall in love with them. The fact that her parents own a vineyard in California’s Russian River Valley might imply a certain hedonism about her; it’s not true. She’s a wife and a mom who lives in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. She makes to-do lists with perfectly drawn check boxes. She checks them with glee.
Her first book, Lush Money, is available now from Carina Press. Her second book, Hate Crush, will be available June 2020. You can find more about her at her website, AngelinaMLopez.com and at @AngelinaMLo on Instagram and Twitter.
Website: http://www.angelinamlopez.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Instagram: https://www.
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