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Today you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from Butterface by USA Today Bestselling Author Avery Flynn to jump start your week! This book releases tomorrow, July 30th so one-click your copy now and get ready for a great new book adventure in a few short hours!
To set this up, Gina Luca and Ford Hartigan are at a wedding and there is a Kiss Cam and an open bar…yes, you read that right.
“I’m not kissing you.”
Unlike Gina, while the wedding guests continued to call for a kiss, he didn’t bother to hide his scowl. Of course, that just made him look even sexier. “Why not?”
Reasons! She clamped her mouth shut before that inanity escaped and called it a victory. Knowing the right thing to say at the right time had never been one of her gifts, so the fact that she managed to keep her trap shut was a total win. When he raised one dark eyebrow in question, she scrambled to come up with something besides because you’re too hot.
“I’m working,” she said.
Ford cocked his head and gave her some premium cop face, that blank suspicious stare that all but screamed you’re full of s%^t. “You don’t think our fine groom, Porter, was on shift when he met Meg at the emergency room after a guy he was arresting took a swing at him with a two-by-four? It’s just a kiss, and then they’ll move on to the next victim.”
She turned her attention back to the big screen display of this horribly awkward moment rather than meeting Ford’s unwavering gaze.
“Do not disrespect the Kiss Cam, Hartigan!” someone bellowed out as the chanting crowd grew more restless. And louder.
“One quick kiss,” he said, his tone grim with a thread of something more vulnerable underneath. “Then, they’ll leave us alone.”

Avery Flynn: USA Today bestselling romance author Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip.
She fell in love with romance while reading Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory books. It wasn’t long before Avery had read through all the romance offerings at her local library. Needing a romance fix, she turned to Harlequin’s four books a month home delivery service to ease the withdrawal symptoms. That worked for a short time, but it wasn’t long before the local book stores’ staffs knew her by name.
Avery was a reader before she was a writer and hopes to always be both. She loves to write about smartass alpha heroes who are as good with a quip as they are with their *ahem* other God-given talents. Her heroines are feisty, fierce and fantastic. Brainy and brave, these ladies know how to stand on their own two feet and knock the bad guys off theirs.

** CLOSED **
Books I Love A Latte is offering ONE lucky reader a signed print copy of Dodging Temptation.
What is your favorite movie or tv show first kiss between and which characters?
Winner will be posted on 8/06/18
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My favorite is the upside down kiss in the rain between Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) and Spider-man (Tobey Maguire) in the 2002 Spider-man movie after Spidey saved the day! It looks so romantic and gave me the feels *sigh*