Welcome to The Extra Shot where you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from In the Pocket by Jessica Ruddick.
Without thinking about it, I reached for her hand and traced her fingertips. Her nails were perfectly shaped and covered with clear polish. Her skin was so damn smooth, her fingers long and graceful. I wondered if she played piano. If she didn’t, she should. She had the hands for it.
Her breath hitched, causing me to look over at her. Her eyes were wide, and she looked shaken. “Why do you do that?” she whispered.
My instinct was to drop her hand, but I didn’t. Instead, I studied her hand. Why the hell did I do that? The answer was simple—I wanted to touch her. I’d never been the affectionate sort, but she brought it out in me. She brought a lot of things out in me, like a newfound need to throw all my past dating rules out the window. Don’t get attached. Don’t get serious. Don’t get close. Following those rules had kept things clean and simple, but I was starting to wonder if simple necessarily meant better. I took a deep breath. “Does it bother you?”
“No…yes… I mean no.” She sighed. “Apparently, I don’t know what I mean.”
“If it bothers you, I’ll stop.”
She swallowed. “Don’t stop.”
©In the Pocket, Jessica Ruddick 2020

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Previously published review here.
Award-winning young adult and romance author Jessica Ruddick lives in Virginia with her college-sweetheart husband, two rambunctious sons, and two rowdy but lovable rescue dogs. Since her house is overflowing with testosterone, it’s a good thing she has a healthy appreciation for Marvel movies, Nerf guns, and football. Learn more about Jessica at jessicaruddick.com.
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