%name Sara Humphreys Blitz Day 1: Coffee With%name Sara Humphreys Blitz Day 1: Coffee With%name Sara Humphreys Blitz Day 1: Coffee With%name Sara Humphreys Blitz Day 1: Coffee With%name Sara Humphreys Blitz Day 1: Coffee With%name Sara Humphreys Blitz Day 1: Coffee With

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking an iced Coffee as I’m ready for the summer 🙂 ! What would you order?

Sara: Well, it’s summer, so I’d get a large iced coffee with extra skim milk and one splenda.

Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today.

Sara: Thank you for having me!

Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work can you tell us a little bit your books. You have multiple series, stand-alone and anthology reads in your backlist. Can we expect any more releases from your current series? Do you have any new series in the works that you can give us a tease?

Sara: Sure. I write hot paranormal and contemporary romance with suspense elements. My paranormals are all connected, meaning they’re part of the same closed society. Most humans don’t know about the vampires in New York City (Dead in the City) or the Amoveo shapeshifters in Montana (Amoveo Legend), or the demons, Fae and witches (Princes of Hell) but they all know about each other. Well, except for the dragons (Amoveo Rising and Dragons Rising)….they’ve been hiding out for half a millennium but will be making their return shortly.

I decided to branch out into hot contemporary romance with my McGuire Brothers series. The five hottest bros around are all men in uniform. They’re bound by duty, honor, and family but so far, none of them have settled down. However, in BRAVE THE HEAT (#1) Gavin’s old flame comes back to town and the passion between them still burns. She’s divorced and has two little girls in town and he’s the fire chief in their hometown. Add an arsonist into the mix…and there are all kinds of sparks.

Rae: With a bookshelf of contemporary and paranormal reads, is it easy to keep characters from crossing over?

Sara: Since all of my paranormal series are connected, many of the characters from one series show up in another. UNDONE (Amoveo Legend #4) is the big crossover book. It introduces the vampires and the demons. In terms of keeping supernatural powers straight, it is getting a little dicey now, so I just hired an assistant to create a Character Bible for me.

As for the McGuire Brothers, I have a list of each guy and his physical qualities. They’re related, so obviously there are similarities but I don’t want they to be too alike.

Rae: Your covers are fabulous and I LOVE how your publisher decided to change the first book in your McGuire series after the designed Trouble Walks In. You are one lucky gal – they are sooo sexy! Love the change in direction. Don’t get me wrong the first cover for Brave the Heat was great but I really love the cover now!

Sara: YES! I am super lucky! I absolutely LOVE the new cover for BRAVE THE HEAT! One of the reasons I love Sourcebooks so much is because they’re willing to take chances and hit the reset button if necessary. I’ve had a lot of support. The Art Director, Dawn Adams, creates the most delicious covers and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with for UNDISCOVERED (Amoveo Rising #1), this is a bridge book that connects two series–Amoveo Legend and Dragons Rising.

Rae: As a blogger I know how difficult it is to stay fit while sitting in my office chair to get my work done. I think its fabulous how much you speak out on social media about staying fit, healthy and aware. Writing with commitments is a challenge, do you have a writing ritual or secret location to get the work done?

Sara: My writing location jumps between my office (aka writing cave), my kitchen table, and my deck. If the weather is too nice, I hate being stuck inside! Staying fit while writing is a challenge. I’ve struggled with my weight all of my life but I knew I wasn’t alone. I started Romance Fit Club for Readers and Writers (you can find us on Facebook) as a way for folks in the romance community to find support for their health and fitness journey. It’s a NO JUDGEMENT ZONE! If you want tough love…you’ll have to find it somewhere else! LOL.

Rae: Now that summer has finally arrived do you have any traditions or trips you are excited about?

Sara: YES! Every summer, my family spends a week or two in Rhode Island at our family beach house. I feel so blessed to be able to escape there and share quality time with my parents, my siblings and their families and my clan. This summer, I have an extra special trip planned! Author Samantha Chase and I are going on a book tour! Our Road Tripping with Romance Tour is from August 17-20. We’ll be signing books, giving away goodies, chatting about writing, publishing, hot heroes, and more! Big thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca for sending us out on the road!

AUGUST 17: B&N Brier Creek Commons– Raleigh, NC 7pm-9pm
AUGUST 18: Park Roads Books– Charlotte, NC 7pm-9pm
AUGUST 19: Fiction Addiction– Greenville, SC 5:30pm-7:30pm
AUGUST 20: B&N Forum at Ashley Park –Newnan, GA 2pm-5pm
**We may be adding up to 2 more locations to the tour. Stay tuned!**

Rae: Congratulations to your and your family on your son’s recent graduation from High School – 🙂

Sara: Thank you! We have four sons, ages 21, 18, and our twins are 15. Life around here is never ever dull!

Rae: It was so much fun having you here today!

Sara: Are you kidding? Thank YOU for hosting me xx By the way, here’s are the new video trailers for BRAVE THE HEAT https://youtu.be/x7rT0ppjYlk

and TROUBLE WALKS IN https://youtu.be/EUZVuXZovYQ

Rae: Dear readers be sure to stop by for more fun Friday and Saturday.

Happy Reading!


Sara Humphreys is the award winning author of the Amoveo Legend series. The third book in the series, UNTAMED, won two PRISM awards–Dark Paranormal and Best of the Best. The first two novels from her Dead in the City series have been nominated for the National Readers Choice Award. Sara was also a professional actress. Some of her television credits include, A&E Biography, Guiding Light, Another World, As the World Turns and Rescue Me.

She loves writing hot heroes and heroines with moxie but above all, Sara adores a satisfying happily-ever-after. She lives in New York with Mr. H., their four amazing sons, and two adorable pups. When she’s not writing or hanging out with the men in her life, she can be found working out with Shaun T in her living room or chatting with readers on Facebook.

For a full list of Sara’s books and reading order, please visit her website.

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