Wicked my Love, by Susanna Ives, is a clever and enchanting story about self discovery, trust, and friendships. Isabella St. Vincent was raised by her father to appreciate the value and importance of numbers, especially when it comes to finances. Those skills are why she’s able to help run her late father’s bank, something her two partners still have difficulty with.
While Isabella’s educated and business savvy, she’s not as experienced and refined in the art of flirting. Most men find her clumsy nature a bit peculiar, especially conversations of a more “personal” nature. Sometimes her frankness and ability to speak the truth find her in the most precarious circumstances. Will she finally break free of her insecurities and find love?.
One of her business partners, Lord Randall, has aspirations of serving in Parliament in addition to helping out at the bank. However, he also has a family obligation to find a wife. So, when the bank becomes involved in a terrible scheme , everything suddenly seems hopeless. Now both of their dreams are in danger of crumbling. The one man Isabella can’t stand to be near, her childhood friend and business partner Lord Randall, may be the only one who can save her. They’ve both spent their entire lives teasing and torturing each other, can they finally call a truce?
This book is fabulous, witty and has the perfect amount of sizzle. Will Isabella and Lord Randall figure out a way to work together? Will they finally be able to trust each other? One minute I found myself laughing out loud with the banter and the next excited for the possible reconciliation. This story will keep you engaged, excited and absolutely enchanted. A perfect way to spend a weekend afternoon!
This ARC was given to me by the publisher for a fair and honest review and I would happily purchase this for a gift.
CLOSED Rafflecoptor Giveaway Link: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winners will be selected by the publisher after the tour is over and contacted directly from the publisher. Good luck to all. 🙂
Today we are pleased to have Susanna Ives join us for a round of Marry, Kiss or Kill! For this stop, we asked her to choose between Dr. Watson, Sherlock, and Moriarty:
I’ll marry Dr. Watson. If he could put up with Sherlock, I would be a walk in the park as a wife. I don’t do opium, research morbid subjects, or practice with weapons in my home. And Watson really has a way with words. He mesmerizes me with his stories.
I’m killing Sherlock. In fact, I’ve killed him in a previous version of Kiss, Marry, or Kill. He loves this little game of choice and deduction. It’s so revealing of our minds and weaknesses.
I’m kissing Moriarty as a consolation prize. He tried to take out Sherlock, but I succeeded.
BIO: Susanna Ives started writing when she left her job as a multimedia training developer to stay home with her family. Now she keeps busy driving her children to various classes, writing books, and maintaining websites. She often follows her husband on business trips around Europe and blogs about the misadventures of touring with children. She lives in Atlanta.
Lord Randall and Isabella. Hm… Working and loving together, even today, is a difficult proposition. But hopefully, with wit and humor and open dialogue and trust, these two will find their happy ever after. I can only hope so…for I intend to read this book! Love Susanna’s stories. Thanks for the post. [email protected]
jdh2690 I totally agree that working someone you love can be tricky but hopefully it works out! Super happy you are going to read the book – it’s a great read! I think Susanna is fab too! Thanks for visiting 🙂 – Rae
Great review.
LOL Susanna, your choices and answers to the Marry, Kiss, And Kill game is hilarious brilliant!
Thanks Ki pha – glad you like the review. Marry, Kiss, Kill was fab 🙂