cover52873 medium 190x300 A Last Chance Christmas by NY Times Best Selling Author Vicki Lewis ThompsonA Last Chance Christmas (The Sons of Chance Series) by Vicki Lewis Thompson is a Harlequin Blaze book and a wonderful post-Thanksgiving treat! When Ben Radcliffe is contracted to make a saddle and deliver it to the Last Chance Ranch for a birthday present, it’s a big secret. Only a few people know the truth about why Ben is at the ranch and are determined to keep it hush-hush. No one is to know that the saddle is a gift for the 70 year old matriarch, Sarah Chance, so “all lips are sealed!”

When Molly Gallagher, Sarah’s niece and family genealogist discovers Ben he’s playing a rendition of Silent Night on his harmonica.  It sends a jolt to her insides and she immediately melts! Molly had decided to use the party to spend a little extra time at the ranch collecting genealogy information from the family. All work and no play make this an interesting encounter and suddenly a hunky distraction.

When a hot kiss ignites a sizzling connection it leaves Molly and Ben in a liquid pool of lusty goodness. It takes them both by surprise. Molly has never fallen so quickly for a man and a little voice suddenly whispers “what if?” When Ben discloses that he’s not planning to have kids will that derail what could be between them?  Ben is reluctant coming from a troubled and devastating past, but perhaps it’s more out of fear?

Ben was just in it for the moment, or was he? Could he consider something beyond a potential one night fling? Hopefully Molly won’t push Ben away when she discovers just how serious he is about not having children. Never faced with this situation before she doesn’t have much time to process it. Maybe it won’t matter? They both need to be honest with their feelings and true desires. If they’re going to figure this new connection out they definitely don’t want  to involve the rest of the family.

This wonderfully written story is filled with fantastic characters and is blazing hot! Nothing is more special than family and friends at the Last Chance Ranch. When you add a birthday party, the holiday season, and a blizzard, it makes a magical cocktail of sweet heat and cheer! If you are craving a great cowboy holiday story and can’t wait until December 1st, there is an immediate solution dear readers! Check out Already Home (Sons of Chance) and Cowboys & Angels (Sons of Chance Christmas e-book from 2013) they are both on sale for $1.99 on most of the e-book sites thru December 1st! Download it now! This is a must read dear readers and will definitely get you in the holiday spirit.

I received this ARC from the author for an honest review and absolutely love it!  I can’t wait for the next one!!! As I mentioned in a previous blog post I don’t rate any of my reviews on my blog. However, for this “Spicy Read” I will rate it for its spiciness that way you’ll know if this little gem is for you!

%name A Last Chance Christmas by NY Times Best Selling Author Vicki Lewis Thompson

There is just enough sizzle to make you tingle, for 18+


A passion for travel has taken New York Times bestseller Vicki Lewis Thompson to Europe, Great Britain, the Greek Isles, Australia and New Zealand.  She’s visited most of North America and has her eye on South America’s rainforests. Africa, India, and China beckon.  But her first love is her home state of Arizona with its deserts, mountains, sunsets, and – last but not least – cowboys! The wide open spaces and heroes on horseback influence everything she writes. Connect with her at,, and

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