Aspiring social media influencer Skye Manning will do anything for Braden. Will he give her the one things she desires?
A scorching read of blind faith in the second installment of this series with a billionaire who knows what he wants and the woman who is ready to take what she needs.
Get ready for more in this series as it gets a bit darker and the heat just keeps getting hotter.
Inferno – the only way to cool off will be to turn on the A/C, your fan, and take a cold shower. The intense heat and sizzling chemistry melt the pages so settle into your cozy chairs and this is only the beginning. With five more books in the series, there are pages for days to enjoy. Happy reading.
I can’t wait for more from Helen Hardt and with a huge backlist be sure to check out the endless hours of reading from her backlist or order the next installment in this series here.
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