

Wicked Need (Wicked Horse Book #3) by Sawyer Bennet is raw, steamy and emotionally charged romance that will send you to Sawyer’s backlist once you’ve finished. That is if you’re new to this series ;).

Once again Sawyer has written a smokin’ hot read with great characters, a seamless story and an extra level of heat in this must read series.

Rand Bishop works at the infamous Silo, his job is to make dreams come true. Yup, even at a club that delves into “refined” cravings there are plenty of fantasies to dole out.

While It’s a long way from chasing his own Olympic Dreams the lifestyle suits him and he’s enjoying the perks of the job and the financial freedom that it gives him. Even if those fantasies are for those with a specific craving.

Catherine Lyons Vaughn was a frequent member at the Silo until her husbands untimely death. With no place to go she seeks out the safety from the only place she trusts. What will Rand do when he discovers the truth?

While Rand and Cat have had interaction before, this time its outside the confines of the club. When Rand discovers that Cat is faced with a few difficult decisions regarding her future, and a few family members prefer that she disappear, he can’t stay silent. Will she accept her new fate or fight? Will she allow another man to help her?

When Rand discovers that the life Cat lived was dark and dangerous, he vows to make things right. Will Cat trust him? Or, will she continue to fight on her own? It’s time for Cat to face her past. It’s also time for Cat to find love and indulge in her secret desires.
There is a reason that fate put these two together and readers will rejoice in their story.

Get ready for another steamy story that has full on, no holds barred and go for it %name Wicked Need by Sawyer Bennettadventure. The are is sensuality and steamy situations. For mature readers, 18+

I received this ARC for a fair and honest review. From start to finish this book will leave you counting down the days until the next installment is released! Can’t wait to find out who’s story is next.

%name Wicked Need by Sawyer Bennett

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