Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂
What would you order?
Samantha: Okay, don’t laugh…but I would drink hot chocolate. It’s my addiction.
Rae: Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions. Your Montgomery Brothers series is fantastic and a must read! Do you have any more books or novellas planned for this series? I love how each book in the series updates the reader on where past characters are, as well as introducing us to another fabulous Montgomery sibling.
Samantha: I am excited to say that I am getting ready to start writing a seventh Montgomery book! The sixth one – “I’ll be There” – will be out in December and it will conclude the current trilogy. There are three more books (so far!) being planned. They have been such a fun family to create that I think it’s going to be hard to see it end.
Rae: Congrats on your newest release, Made for Us, the first book in your next series he Shaughnessy Brothers. I was hopeful Aidan would get his own story and am thrilled that he has! The Shaughnessy Brothers Series involves construction, were you able to visit any sites to gather research?
Samantha: My husband is in the construction business so a lot of what I wrote about comes from personal experience. It was a lot of crazy lingo and things that the average person doesn’t think about but it was fun to put that knowledge to use.
Rae: Can you tell us how many books will be in this series? Will we see the Montgomery Brothers sprinkled in this new series?
Samantha: The series will have six books total – one for each sibling. And although the series is entitled The Shaughnessy Brothers, we do have one lone Shaughnessy sister. I haven’t put any of the Montgomerys in the stories but all of the stories aren’t written yet so you never know!
Rae: By now in the Blitz I’ve posted my reviews for each book in the Montgomery Series and for those who missed it I’ve included the links below. I’m looking forward to my review tomorrow of Made for Us – I absolutely loved it!
8 Tantalizing Tidbits:
1. A Must read book and why?
Ooo…good question. If I had to tell someone to read one of MY books, I’d say The Christmas Cottage – just because it’s a fun, light-hearted holiday romance. However, if I had to choose another book/another author…I think I would have to choose Nora Roberts Bridal Quartet. I know it’s technically four books, but it’s one of the few series I’ve read that every book is just amazing and the flow of them is so well done. Great contemporary romance with enough heat that will leave you sighing happily.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?
I actually have a LOT of hometowns! I moved a lot when I was growing up. But for the sake of the interview, we’ll go with my current hometown – Wake Forest, NC. There is an amazing park not too far from me that has multiple walking trails, creeks, historic cabins…it’s simply beautiful. Any time you go there, you’ll see bridal parties or prom guests there taking pictures because it’s all so pretty. Definitely a must see.
3. Castles or Beaches?
I’ve always wanted to go and see a castle in person but never have! I do love the beaches, but I burn almost instantly in the sun! Decisions…decisions…can I have a castle on the beach???
4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you?
I’m terrified of the cartoon “Underdog”. And yes, it’s okay to laugh.
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist?
Hard Rock definitely. I’m an 80’s hair band girl all the way. Although I will admit to listening to a lot of Taylor Swift lately! Favorite band? It’s a tie – Bon Jovi and Def Leppard. Love them both!
6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go?
Australia. I’ve always wanted to go and everything about it fascinates me and it’s probably a trip I wouldn’t do on my own so…yes. Definitely Australia.
7. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one?
I actually have three! The first is on my ankle and the artist designed it on the spot for me – it’s very scroll-y and has a cross on the side and wraps around like an ankle bracelet. My husband and I went and got our first tats together for our thirteenth wedding anniversary. He researched for YEARS to find the perfect tat and I walked in and looked at the artist and said, “I kind of want something like this…” and she drew it. The next one I got is on my wrist and says “Chasing Romance” because that’s my logo and then on my forearm I have the enchanted rose from “Beauty and the Beast”. I think I still want one more…
8. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)?
Weekly viewer. It’s funny because I can sit in front of a computer all day and yet an hour in front of the TV and I get antsy! I don’t watch a whole lot of TV but I will faithfully watch “Modern Family”, “The Big Bang Theory” and several HGTV shows – “Love it or List It”, “Fixer Upper” and “Flip or Flop.”
Thank you so much for hanging out – I had a great time 🙂
*******Giveaway CLOSED*******
Samantha Chase has generously donated an autographed
book of your choice from The Montgomery Brothers or The Shaughnessy Brothers for todays giveaway.
Answer the following question in the comments below for a chance to win!
What’s your must read book and why?
One winner will be randomly selected at the end of the Blitz.
Comment for a chance to win – contest ends on 8/5/15 at 12 Noon.
Winner will be contacted via e-mail.
Author Info:
New York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40’s to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well. When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
For more information, please visit Samantha’s website – www.chasing-romance.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/SamanthaChaseFanClub
Twitter – https://twitter.com/SamanthaChase3
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/samanthachase31/
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Samantha-Chase/e/B006CZWRGC/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
Instagram – https://instagram.com/samanthachaseromance/
I’m with you on the hot chocolate.
As to must read I want an entire series: OUTLANDER for me thanks.
So many great books! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Little Women is a fav too – still have my copy
Outlander – always a great choice. I’m a bit new to that series and decided to read it before each season on Starz. Fingers crossed there are many seasons ahead for that series!
My must read book is Jordan’s Return. I’ve read it at least 4 times. I have other must reads but the list would go on and on!
I just re-edited that one, Bev!! It will be cleaner when it’s re-released. And by cleaner, I mean less grammar mistakes! Love you!!
My must read book is Little Women…I’ve read it numerous times since I discovered it as a preteen. I’ve been to Orchard House many times, too…wish I could talk to LMA 🙂
But I also agree to NR’s bridal quartet….I think my wedding would have been so different if I’d read those first 🙂
I am hooked on anything by Marie Force.
[email protected]
I don’t have a must read book honestly. I recommend anything by Nicole Edwards and Tara Sivec.
They are both my go to authors along with a handful of others.
My must read is Little Women. Reading it as a young girl, you relate more to the youngest girls. As a teen, you relate to the crushes. As an adult, you relate to the grown up issues. One of my most favorite books ever.
Aaaaw, I giggled a lot reading the interview! Haha. My must read book? Okay, it’s kind of hard to choose but I’ll go with Diana Palmer’s book, The Winter Soldier. It’s actually the first book I read when I was 15 that made me realize that there’s a real romance in book. 💜 Thank you so much for the chance, guys! Have a great day!
Marie Force’s Fatal series!! Sam and Nick together wow!!!
Oh, and a must read book? THE EDGE OF NEVER by J.A. Redmerski. I have it BAD for Andrew Parrish!
Okay Lady, I have been obsessed with Australia since I was a teenager! I seriously considered doing one of those foreign exchange student things after high school, but it didn’t pan out. I have the greatest JBJ story for you after I get back to work next week, I of course love Bon Jovi and Def Leppard too, and a fear of Underdog! That is the BEST! You must have run from the room during the FRIENDS episode where “Underdog got away”. Thanks for the insights!! You ROCK!!!
Any chances of you just moving to North Carolina???
Samantha – Happy you are here! *Blushing* thanks so much 🙂
I agree – Nora Roberts Bridal Quartet series is AMAZING. I wish Lifetime would make it into a movie 🙂 Can you imagine how awesome that would be?
I would probably have that on a continuous loop on my TV!
Thank you so much for having me here today!! You rock!!