Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte. Today I’m feeling a bit festive and may try a gingerbread spiced Latte with Coconut Milk 🙂 What would you order?
Meredith: I’d order a Crème Brulee latte from the Gulu Gulu café in my old stomping grounds, Salem, Mass. Since I’m a Floridian now, I’m more likely to have a sweet tea 😉
Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today. I must say, your Hacker series looks fabulous! I absolutely love the covers!
Meredith: Thanks! I actually designed the original covers myself (I was a graphic designer in a past life). I love simple covers that don’t give too much of the story away and make people wonder what you’re reading!
Rae: Congrats on the Today Show mention earlier this fall. Did you know they were going to mention you? How many friends and family members texted or phoned you after the segment aired?
Meredith: I got a brief heads up that they were going to mention it. I was in back to back interviews that day, but my Facebook definitely blew up with comments when it posted!
Rae: While I haven’t yet read the Hacker series I’m fascinated with the idea that it centers around computers/software development. I’m hoping it makes it into my holiday gift stash this season.
Meredith: I ran a software company for a decade before I started writing full-time, so I had a lot of inspiration from my experiences in the tech world. I also had an amazing team of programmers and designers whose personalities made their way into the books. It was fun to weave those experiences in with a steamy love story.
Rae: I read that before you started writing you were a voracious reader. Are you still able to read as much?
Meredith: As a mom and full-time writer, I don’t have a ton of time to read but it’s an important part of the creative process. “Keep good sentences in your ears,” as they say, and once a book pulls me in, I make time to see it through.
Rae: When you first set out to write this book did you ever imagine how large it would become?
Meredith: I didn’t imagine that my readership would grow so much and so quickly, but like anyone else, I had big dreams.
Rae: As the former CEO for a software company was there anything that you had to research that came up while writing your series that you had not experienced before?
Meredith: When I was writing some of the hacker scenes, I definitely consulted with my geek squad that I used to work with at my company to make sure everything sounded legit.
Rae: I admire that you strive to keep your writing and your family life separate and hope that your fans respect that. I can’t imagine that it’ easy.
Meredith: The line between my author life and my “real life” gets blurrier with time. Being a writer is a huge part of my life, and my family is a huge part of who I am as a person, so fans get occasional glimpses into my personal world. People in the media have been really good about respecting my privacy though.
Rae: For those not familiar with your series can tell us… should we read the series in order or can each book be read as a stand alone?
Meredith: The series should be read in order, starting with Hardwired.
Rae: Will there be any additional books in this series?
Meredith: I’m tentatively plotting a spin-off story around two side characters, but I have no immediate plans to write or publish that book.
Rae: What’s next that we can look forward to?
Meredith: Right now, I’m writing Into the Fire, the second book in the Bridge Series. People who read Cameron and Maya’s story in On My Knees, Bridge book #1 have been patiently waiting for this sequel, so I’m looking forward to delivering it this coming June.
Rae: Thank you so much for hanging out with me – it’s been a blast!
Meredith: Thanks for having me! Have a great holiday!
Happy Reading Dear Readers.
Happy Writing Meredith!
***8 Tantalizing Tidbits***
1. What’s your Must read book and why?
If You Need to Cry, Go Outside, by Kelly Cutrone. This book is like an anthem for women. Sort of like Lean In meets fashion, with no corporate politeness or filter. Kelly has a great story and so many powerful points to make. She’s progressive, bitchy, and owns it. I love everything about this book, and if I loan it to you, it comes with strict instructions to return it when finished.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?
Right now I call Destin, Florida home, so I would have to advise spending a full day on the beach. Crystal white sands, emerald waters, and if you’re lucky, you’ll see some dolphins too!
3. What is one thing that readers would be surprised to know about you?
I sleep with a teddy bear.
4. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist?
Alternative mostly, but my playlist is pretty ecclectic. I have way too many favorites to name! The Neighbourhood, Tracy Chapman, Family of the Year, Bonnie Raitt, and X Ambassadors are some of what I’m listening to lately.
5. What is your guilty pleasure?
M/M romance
6. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one?
I have two tattoos. The first was a Celtic trinity knot which I had inked back when I was a rebellious college student.
7. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)?
Binge. I can never remember to watch weekly. I’ve had a crazy year so I’m behind on a ton of my favorite shows!
8. Do you love to cook or go out to eat?
I’ve recently rediscovered my love of cooking, but I can’t resist a fine dining experience with the hubby. If I had to choose, I’d always go with the latter.
Author Info:
Meredith Wild is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of romance. Living on Florida’s Gulf Coast with her husband and three children, she refers to herself as a techie, whiskey-appreciator, and hopeless romantic. After self-publishing her debut novel Hardwired in September 2013, Wild used her ten years of experience as a tech entrepreneur to push the boundaries of her “self-published” status, becoming stocked in brick-and-mortar bookstore chains nationwide and forging relationships with the major e-tailers. In December 2014, her fourth book in the series hit #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers lists, a rare feat for an indie author.
Under her own imprint, Waterhouse Press, Wild went on to sell over 1.2 million ebooks and 200,000 trade paperbacks before signing a $7m deal with Hachette’s Grand Central Publishing for the acquisition of her five Hacker Series novels. The fifth and final book, Hard Love, hit #2 on the New York Times bestsellers list and #6 on the USA Today bestsellers list its release week. While complete, the series continues to grow in popularity worldwide. Foreign rights have been sold in over 20 languages, including all English-speaking territories, most of Europe, and Brazil.
When she isn’t living in the fantasy world of her characters, she can usually be found at www.facebook.com/meredithwild. Find out more about what projects she’s working on next at www.meredithwild.com.
Rae Latte, love your blog – you always showcase interesting authors that I haven’t yet read! Can’t wait to download The Bridge Series!
Thank you so much Leslie! I’m thrilled that I can highlight new and exciting authors for you. I haven’t read the Bridge Series…let me know what you think 🙂 Happy Reading