%name Coffee With Anna Campbell%name Coffee With Anna Campbell

earl low res 200x300 Coffee With Anna CampbellFirst, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂 What would you order?

Hi  Rae! Thanks for having me as your guest today. In Australia, we have a thing called a flat white which is like a cappuccino without the cap – so strong milk coffee basically. I didn’t realize that flat whites were a local specialty until I tried to order one at Starbucks in the U.S. and they looked at me like I was a lunatic!

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions.  I am a HUGE fan of your Sons of Sin series and see that Book 4 will be out in April, 2015. After that, how many books you anticipate in this series?

Thanks so much for saying that. Sons of Sin is my first series and I must say I’m now hooked on the concept of writing linked books. I love being able to hint at future stories and go back to revisit earlier characters. I’m not quite sure where the series goes after Leath as far as full-length stories go, but I’m planning at least two more novellas to tie up a few stray characters like Elias and Marianne and tell the story of how Richard got together with Sirius the mutt. I LOVE Sirius the mutt!


8 Tantalizing Tidbits

1. A Must read book and why? Recently a Facebook friend introduced me to Susanna Kearsley and I read her THE SHADOWY HORSES. Absolutely loved it – archeology, a romance, a mystery, suspense, a ghost story and wonderful, wonderful characters, not to mention a great and atmospheric Scottish setting.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? I live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. One of my favorite places to take visitors locally is Mary Cairncross Park up in the mountainous hinterland about half an hour away. It’s a fragment of the original subtropical rainforest that originally covered a lot of this area. It’s like another world, something from the dinosaur days, and you’ll see an amazing selection of native birds and animals. It’s also accessible for less mobile visitors. Not to mention, there’s one of the best views of the world famous Glasshouse Mountains from the car park. Here’s the link: https://www.mary-cairncross.com.au/

3. Castles or Beaches? Can’t I have both? Here in Australia we have the world’s best beaches. But when I travel, I love going to old houses. One of my favorite castles, Bamburgh in Northumberland is right on the beach: http:www.bamburghcastle.com/ That has the best of both worlds.

4. One thing readers would be surprised to know about you. I can’t drive.

5. When you are travelling do you prefer to road trip it or fly it? I prefer a road trip – you see so much more. Sadly, flying is more convenient when time is short. I’m a rotten air traveler. I get jet lag just looking at a photo of an airport!

6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Definitely the UK! I’ve been there often and use my travels to inspire my stories, but there’s so much more to see still and I’d love to go back to some of my favorite places. I’m hoping to do a UK trip next year- sadly, all the expenses will be paid, by ME!

7. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? The answer to this one would change daily, but right now my favorite movie is Dirty Dancing. I think it’s just so romantic and the characters stay in your heart.

8. Do you love to cook or go out to eat? I love eating out, especially in good restaurants. I’m fairly traditional- an authentic French bistro would probably be my choice.

 %name Coffee With Anna Campbell


ANNA CAMPBELL has written nine multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna has won numerous awards for her Regency-set stories including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice, the Booksellers Best, the Golden Quill (three times), the Heart of Excellence (twice), the Write Touch, the Aspen Gold (twice) and the Australian Romance Readers Association’s favorite historical romance (five times). Her books have three times been nominated for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA Award and three times for Australia’s Romantic Book of the Year. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with  SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time. Her website is: www.annacampbell.info

Twitter: @AnnaCampbellOz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaCampbellFans?ref=br_rs

GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/296477.Anna_Campbell


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