Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte with Coconut Milk and a drizzle of caramel:) What would you order?
Robin: Do they have Diet Coke? No? I’d have a caramel frappucino with extra caramel and whipped cream.
Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today.
Robin: I’m so excited!
Rae: Congratulations on your RITA nomination in the novella category for One Little Kiss. Super exciting and what an honor. Where were you when you got the call?
Robin: That’s a funny story. I was at my mother-in- law’s house which is about two hours from my house. We were visiting during my kid’s spring break and my phone completely died – nobody at Verizon or Apple could fix it – and I knew the RITA calls were going out the next day. My husband, the Main Man, joked that I would gt a nomination because my phone was dead and I gave him the evil eye and posted on Facebook about how irritated I was. The morning of the calls, I got a FB message from a RWA Board Member which said, “Please call me I have news for you.” I called her back and got the news and was completely freaking out. The Main Man hugged me and said that he was going to break my phone the night before the RITA calls every year. LOL.
Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work can you tell us a little bit your books, they take place in some pretty cool places – Nashville, Texas, Las Vegas, I could go on! Can we expect any more releases from your current series? Do you have any new series in the works that you can give us a tease?
Robin: I write sizzling, sexy contemporary romance – male/female and male/male. I have set my books all over the place – usually places I’ve visited and fell in love with. My “Boys are Back in Town” series is set in a fictional small Virginia town which is based on my own hometown, Danville, Virginia.
I have the final book in The Boys series will be out soon and I’m starting a new series based in the sports world of Crossfit MMA and Olympic swimming. And in June my first erotic romance, THIRD, will be out!
Rae: What was the inspiration for One Little Kiss?
Robin: ONE LITTLE KISS . . . this story was part of an anthology centered around romances with an Irish twist that occur on St.Patrick’s Day. I set mine over one night with the hero and heroine stranded in an airport and hotel due to a fluke St. Patty’s Day blizzard. A friend-to- lovers, second chance romance it also pays homage to a friend who had recently been dealt a blow with a hard medical diagnosis. It flew on the page in about 6 days I loved the story so much.
Rae: A quick little plug – readers should run to Amazon right now, A Night of Southern Comfort (The Boys are Back in Town Book 1) is $0.99 on Amazon and The Men of the Zodiac Series is currently on sale for $0.99. It includes 12 AMAZING stories in addition to Robin’s The Prince’s Runaway Lover. Two perfectly priced books to start your collection or add to it! 🙂
Robin: Thanks!!
Rae: What’s it like to write in a series with other authors? I enjoyed the Zodiac Series from Entangled and the Sutherlands Saga. How do you research for those and do you have any communication with the other authors when plotting?
Robin: t’s fun and challenging. I’ve done it a few times now and it’s exciting to brainstorm ideas, plots, and characters with other authors. We feed off each other and it grows and grows – I think it raises the bar for all of us. The challenges are the timelines and keeping the people straight and not contradicting each others stories but we usually have google docs where we keep group info and Facebook groups to maximize communication. The internet makes it so much easier to coordinate and as long as you communicate it can go very well.
Rae: I read that you’re a lawyer with the US Navy – how did you land that awesome job? Has that inspired any of your stories? Do you travel to any fun places?
Robin: It sound more exciting than it is! I don’t get to travel that much for work and I’m okay with it because traveling for work is not the greatest.
I started out in private practice when I graduated from law school but after a few years of a very heavy litigation schedule, I decided to move to working for the Navy (my husband was an attorney for them and he’s a Navy veteran) and I’ve been here for about 16 years. I LOVE my clients! I work with Navy pilots and Marines and in the past I’ve also worked with Navy sailors – all very exciting careers – and I’ve used so much of what I’ve learned from them and experienced with them in my books. Maybe one day I’ll set a series of books on a Naval Base . . . who knows? Right now, I do avoid writing about attorneys because it’s too much like being at work . . . LOL.
Rae: Your bio mentions that you husband built you a writing cave. You are one lucky lady and we all need to thank him! What a beautiful place to escape at the end of the day to write!
Robin: He did! I love my writing hideaway. My client is 8 feet wide and 22 feet long and in 2013 my husband suggested that I could organize the closet and create an office at one end of the space. I decided that the first 11 feet would be my closet and the last 11 feet would be my office. I have a window and gorgeous black glass chandeliers and red walls. I adore it.
Rae: I know you were recently at RT2016 in Las Vegas – how was that? Would you recommend it to readers/bloggers? Can you tell us when and where you will be in the upcoming months?
Robin: I didn’t get to go this year! The day job would not free me up but I have been in years past and it is an amazing convention. It is geared to give authors and readers every chance to interact and discuss their love of books. And they promote fun, fun and fun at every turn. It is a really wonderful convention – with really hot cover models!
I’ll be at the Romance Writers of America conference in San Diego the week of July 13th. On Wednesday I’ll be signing at the Literacy Book Signing which will be open to the public.
In September, I’ll be at the Baltimore Book Festival in Baltimore, MD.
I’ll be on panels and signing books and generally getting up to no good and eating way too many deep-fried oreos!
***** 8 Tantalizing Tidbits *****
1. What is a must read book and why? SUTPHIN BOULEVARD by Santino Hassell. It’s a recent discovery and I loved it.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? I currently live in MD and I would send you to a restaurant located on the river and order a bunch of crabs to eat as the sun sets. Yum.
3. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? Country! I grew up in a house where everyone played country music and my family had a band. It’s in my blood, I guess. My favorite artist of all time? Holy moly. That’s impossible to say but I know that I always have Dolly Parton and Patsy Cline on my iPod.
4. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Australia! I have always wanted to go there and I want to go for an extended time – a month to six weeks. I want to see every part of it because I think its ethnically diverse, geographically diverse and so rich with history. And I love the accent. It makes me smile. And it has Australian Rules Football . . . have you see the uniforms? Oh man . . . .
5. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? None right now but I plan to get one on the inside of my left wrist. An eternity symbol with my kid’s names
integrated in the design.
6. Organized or Free Floating? I am a planner freak so I am crazy-organized. I have the Erin Condren Planner and I write everything down because if I don’t then I will forget it. And it gives me the perfect excuse to buy all the fun stickers on Etsy.
7. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? Netflx and on-demand have made me a binge watcher – I have a hard time waiting week-to- week. We gave up cable TV last year and so we use amazon prime, Netflix, and Hulu to catch our entertainment and I get my money’s worth.
8. What’s your favorite TV show and why? Roswell. It was on for three seasons at the end of the 1990’s on the CW and was like Romeo and Juliet but with an alien boy and a human girl. It was odd, and high school, and sexy, and romantic and addictive. I own it on DVD and digitally. . .because I love it so hard. (I actually got my start writing romance Roswell fan fiction forums. I still love them and the show.)
Thank you again Robin. It’s time for another Latte 🙂
Happy Reading Dear Readers
Happy Writing Robin!
ICYMI: Day 1 Robin Covington Blitz – Review of One Little Kiss
ICYMI: The Prince’s Runaway Lover (Men of the Zodiac)
ICYMI: Shadow Ranch (The Sutherlands)
Author Info:
Bestselling author Robin Covington loves to explore the theme of fooling around and falling in love in her bestselling books. When she’s not writing sexy, sizzling romance she is collecting tasty man candy, indulging in a little comic book geek love, and stalking Joe Manganiello.
You can find Robin at her website (robincovingtonromance.com), Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Don’t send chocolate . . . send eye candy!
Robin lives in Maryland with her hilarious husband, brilliant children (they get it from her, of course!) and her beloved furbabies.
I’m so happy you were nominated, Robin! Love your sizzling stories full of heat, humor, and snark.
Thank you for having me! I had so much fun.