%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Double Nominee for Best First Book Finalist and Romantic Suspense   Author Scarlett Cole

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte with Coconut Milk and a drizzle of caramel and chocolate:) What would you order?
Usually, it’s an extra large, extra hot, decaf, skinny latte … but if I am hungover, then it has to be a decaf double double from Tim Hortons (usually with a sour cream glaze donut!).

Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today.
Thank you so much for inviting me over. I love your blog and am delighted to be here.

Rae: Congratulations on your RITA nomination in the Best First Book category for The Strongest Steel. Super exciting and what an honor. Where were you when you got the call?
Thank you so much. I am still in a state of shock at receiving such a tremendous honor. I live in a green home, which is massively environmentally friendly, but has the most horrid cellphone reception. There are only two places where we can get a signal. So I made sure my phone was in one of those spots all day … except for two minutes when I walked to the kitchen to make soup for lunch. And by the time I got to the other reception spot, I noticed I missed a call. At that point I was frantic, because I rarely get calls from the US. I ran upstairs and called the number back, and sure enough the amazing Julie Kenner answered and told me that I had been nominated for two RITAs – Best First Book and Romantic Suspense. I’m not ashamed to say I cried, and Julie had to remind me to breath!!

Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work can you tell us a little bit about your books in the Second Circle series. How many books can we expect? Any future standalone reads?
The Second Circle Tattoos series is set in the Second Circle Tattoo studio in the vibrant neighborhood of Miami Beach. Each book in the series centers on a character who works there. Trent Andrews, owner and local “rock star” of tattooing, prides himself on being the best there is at everything that matters. Cujo, Trent’s best friend since kindergarten, is a walking paradox (that he’s scared of maniacal dogs is just the beginning of his self-contradictions) who can’t wait to ink every beauty who steps in the studio. Pixie, their studio manager, thanks her lucky stars daily that the doorway she chose to sleep in when she moved to Miami belonged to two of the most amazing men ever. Lia, who idolizes Bettie Page and appreciates a rockin’ pair of heels, loves men who get their hands dirty (almost as much as she hates the cocktail-party-and-pearls scene she grew up in). Together, they’re a team. A family of sorts.

The series is currently four books, but there may be more in the future. The Strongest Steel and The Fractured Heart are already available. The Purest Hook is out on May 3rd, and the fourth book will be out in the fall.

Rae: What was it like to write in the Kindle Worlds – World of de Wolfe Pack? How did that evolve?
Oh my gosh. Seriously one of the best experiences of my life. I was incredibly honored to be asked by the incredible Kathryn Le Veque to write a story for the contemporary couple featured in the epilogue of The Wolfe, the historical romance story the world is based on. TOGETHER AGAIN is the story of Navy SEAL Wade Wolfe, and nurse Jeremy Scatler (named for the boy she was meant to be). A common dream of an ancient warrior pulls them together in a way neither of them wants or needs, until trouble from a mission in Colombia follows Wade home, putting them both in danger.

Kathryn is one of my idols. She is so prolific, yet writes such amazing quality stories. I want to be the contemporary romance version of her when I grow up. She’s a wonderful friend and mentor. But more than just writing Together Again, I got to meet a fabulous group of ladies who also helped Kathryn launch this world. Some of the very best historical and contemporary romance writers there are who I have read and admired for years. I chat with most of them on a near daily basis. It’s a great sisterhood that is so supportive.

Rae: Where do you draw your inspiration?
Inspiration is elusive and constant, which I know sounds like a contradiction. What I mean is, I don’t know where or when I am going to find it, but it happens everywhere. Sometimes it’s in the lines of a song, or written in a newspaper article. Sometimes it just pops into my head while I am standing in the queue at the grocery store or while I am having a drink with friends. What I do know, is that when I deliberately go looking for it, I rarely find it.

Rae: Do you get to travel to any fun places in the name of research?
I am very fortunate that in my former career, I travelled around the world extensively. I worked in Miami, where the Second Circle Tattoos series is set, for a number of months, and it’s one of my favorite cities in the world. And my next series, Preload, which is a spin off of The Purest Hook, featuring the rest of Dred’s band, is set in Toronto, where I lived for nearly fifteen years.

Rae: Can you tell us when and where you will be in the upcoming months?
I am so excited to go to RWA Annual Conference in San Diego in the summer (July 13-16) so I look forward to meeting some of the people who have been wonderful enough to read my stories. Please come up and say hi if you see me wandering around the hotel… actually please, come up and say hi, because I have the worst sense of direction, ever, and am very likely lost!

Rae: Congratulations again and I’ll be watching the #RITAGHs award ceremony via computer this summer.
Thank you so much. It’s going to be a wonderful evening, regardless of the outcome. And thank you for letting me stop by.

***** 8 Tantalizing Tidbits *****

1. What is a must read book and why? If Tomorrow  Comes – Sidney Sheldon – a gripping mix of suspense, high stakes, and romance.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Wigan Pier – it’s not as grim as George Orwell made out.

3. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? That I hold a 1st Class Honors degree in Engineering.

4. What is your guilty pleasure? Sour candy

5. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? Tats – my first one was a combination of mine and my husbands astrological symbols, and our children’s birthstones.

6. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )? Kathryn Le Veque’s historical romance L’Espada

7. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? It’s a Wonderful Life – the message, the actors, Bedford Falls, lassoing the moon … all of it. I watch it several times every Christmas.

8. Name one thing you can’t live without? My phone – I’d be lost without it.

Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another Latte 🙂
Happy Reading Dear Readers
Happy Writing Scarlett!

Author Info:

Scarlett Cole is a writer of contemporary romance and a two-time RITA finalist. Her debut, THE STRONGEST STEEL, has already become an Amazon best seller in romantic suspense, was a Best Debut Goodreads Author Finalist 2015, and Authors On The Air Global Radio Network Contemporary Romance Pick of 2015.

When Scarlett isn’t writing, she spends her time reading, hoarding mason jars, and working out to off-set an epic sour candy habit. She likes hot men, cold beer, and expensive shoes.

Having travelled the world for work and fun, Scarlett is a citizen of both Britain and Canada. A true city-dweller, she considers Toronto and Manchester home and likes to set her books in vibrant locations such as Miami and Los Angeles.

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