Mar 26, 2020 | Blog, March 2020, Sweet Sales

While many of you are struggling with the abrupt changes in our community, hopefully you are safe. We have been doing what we can to flatten the curve and staying home.
With all the things going on around us that we can’t control, check out these book adventures. You have choices of genre, heat, price, KU or one-click. If you don’t have Kindle Unlimited click for a FREE one month trial.
Confirm before you purchase and enjoy your book adventure. There is nothing sweeter than a book sale and there are many to share today. Now that the local shops are mostly closed, fill-up and support your favorite authors who are impacted with cancelled Book Conventions, Author signings, and conferences.
Let’s support romancelandia and fill-up!
Need to find that special someone in your life a gift? With one-click you can gift the readers in your life something they will really love you for!
As always, please verify the price before clicking as prices are subject to change.
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.

Nov 11, 2019 | Blog, Entangled Publishing, November 2019, Sweet Sales
Celebrate the season with some great romance deals…
Grab these steals for just 99¢!
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Nov 10, 2019 | Blog, November 2019, Sweet Sales

There is nothing sweeter than a book sale and we have a few to share with you today. It’s time to fill up your e-reader with these book adventures.
Check out the following adventures that are FREE or on SALE today for a short while. Click the book covers to start reading today!
Great idea for an early holiday gift. Send the notice to your e-mail and tuck it into a card later!
Need to find that special someone in your life a gift? With one-click you can gift the readers in your life something they will really love you for!
As always, please verify the price before clicking as prices are subject to change.

Wicked Wish by Sawyer Bennett
Another home run for Sawyer Bennett. I love the characters journey in the Wicked Horse and the plot weaves in and out of the club. In a world where the limits are self guided, Jorie and Walsh will discover just how far they can go on their journey towards love. It’s time to take a ride, there is no map, and you have a full tank of gas. Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride!
To read my previously published review click here.

Christmas in Silver Bell Falls by Samantha Chase
Do you love stories that have lots of flirty and tense scenes between the hero and heroine, a story with a plot that stands on its own, and set during Christmas? Then add this book to your e-reader now. From the first page to the last, this book will leave you satisfied. If you’ve never read a book by Samantha, then dive right in with this one and then check out her backlist.
To read my previously published review click here.

Crossing Hearts by Kimberly Kincaid
Crossing Hearts by Kimberly Kincaid is the first installment in a fresh new series that will leave you dreaming of sexy farmers. Yes, farmers are sexy ;). If you have a passion for great cooking, enjoy characters with electric chemistry, and a huge helping of spice – one-click this book! If you are a fan of Kimberly’s firefighter series than you are going to LOVE her Cross Creek series. It’s time to get out of the city (sorry Station Seventeen) and escape to the Shenandoah.
To read my previously published review click here.

My previous review of Misadventures with a Manny – click here.

Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.