Book Review: Hope & Harmony – A music romance Anthology

Book Review: Hope & Harmony – A music romance Anthology

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14 Best-selling Authors

Chelle Bliss @authorchellebliss
Stacey Marie Brown @staceymariebrown
Mari Carr @mari.carr
Jaine Diamond @jainediamond
Helen Hardt @authorhelenhardt
Jillian Liota @jillianliota
Kat Mizera @katmizera
Layla Reyne @laylareyne
M. Robinson @authormrobinson
Becca Steele @authorbeccasteele
Rachel Van Dyken @rachvd
Meredith Wild @meredithwild
Kaylene Winter @kaylenewinterauthor
Julia Wolf @authorjuliawolf

Within this anthology you’ll find “bite-sized” quick reads that vary from

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A Sweet Romance will have romance behind closed doors while still retaining that sweet wholesomeness that might leave readers with a pink blush on their cheeks. In this type of book characters may express their feelings by declaring they are in love, flirt, embrace, hold hands, or even kiss. Some scenes might mention a character was in a previous relationship, or they are interested in pursuing more in their current relationship in a physical nature. Those moments or romantic interludes are not graphic or explicit.


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Inside a Spicy read is exploration that is more explicit between characters that may include dirty talk, detailed intimate moments, or suggested desire of what they would like to do with their partner. This moment might also be expressed before, during, or after intimacy, spicy e-mails, letters, or texting. Readers can expect multiple detailed scenes or moments that leave no doubt there is a medium level of heat.

Each read will take you into the world of music, dreams, and love. Plenty of tropes to satisfy most readers and a few M/M stories.

I enjoyed reading familiar authors and discovering a handful of new to me reads. While I enjoyed the diverse collection especially Song in Silence by Stacey Marie Brown stood out for her seamless inclusion of ASL with a FMC deaf drummer and a MMC bass guitarist and allowing us to be a part of their world. I wish this was longer as it was a great read.

It’s time to discover a few love stories and see how music brings them all together.

Proceeds supportย @musicares

Available in Kindle Unlimited or paperback now.

Thank you Page & Vine Books @pageandvinebooks and LuvBooks Club @luvbooksclubย for the advance reader copy for an honest and fair review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
What a fabulous surprise and a great way to spend a winter afternoon!


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