Sep 17, 2018 | Blog, R.C. Stephens, September 2018

Happy Book Birthday Big Stick by R. C. Stephens. 
A hockey romance that weaves a story around one tragic event in this friends to lovers romance.
Myles Sanders has a secret, he’s in love with his best friends sister. But there’s just one problem, he walked away from her when she needed him most. Can he find a way to explain the truth without losing her a second time?
Family secrets, love, betrayal, and a few twists and turns make this a sports romance you don’t want to miss.
This Spicy read that’s best enjoyed with your favorite iced-beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan.
I received an ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.

He takes a step toward me, and a charge of electricity runs through my body. Myles wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. His stare heats my whole body. I don’t know why my hand, which is still in a mitten, comes up to caress his face, other than I need to touch him.
“Do you remember the time we went tobogganing?” he asks out of nowhere. His voice is raspy and filled with longing.
“There were many times. You may want to specify,” I answer, a hint of my previous laughter still lacing my tone.
“It was in ninth grade, and I was home for Christmas break,” he says and cuts me such a hot glare that I know exactly what he’s talking about. We had gone out that day on our own, since Oli was home sick. I begin to see a pattern I’m only noticing now. It was at times that my brother wasn’t around that Myles and I got into these heated situations. Kind of like now.
“We went down a hill on the toboggan, and I thought it would be fun to give us a little spin along the way, and we ended up wiping out, and I landed on top of you,” Myles says, his breath ragged and his eyes trained on mine. My lips ache to touch his, and judging by his searing gaze, I know he wants it, too.
I nod and swallow.
“I wanted to kiss the hell out of you that day. I want to kiss the hell out of you now.” His face moves closer to mine. I nod, and before I can remember where we are and what we are doing, his lips press to mine. His warm skin makes my body want to combust. He wraps his arms around my back, and I wrap my arms around his head, and our lips mesh together, our mouths open as our tongues tease and taste. I want him to touch me all over, kiss me, love me, but the voices that were background noise only moments ago come to the forefront of my mind, and I hear them more closely now. We aren’t alone. Our kiss slows, and he presses his forehead to mine as we take a few breaths to gather ourselves. To tuck the unbridled heat away. This, too, is becoming a familiar motion. He presses a kiss to the top of my head. The gesture is warm as he holds me close. He releases me and looks down at me.
“That day, when I didn’t kiss you, I told you that you couldn’t be a lost boy anymore. You had to be Tinker Bell.” He smiles.
“That was the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to me,” I answer, a little breathless. But the sarcasm in my tone dominates.
“I should get points for that, right?” He chuckles. “You became my Tink that day.” He takes my hand. I don’t answer him, but in my head, I agree with what he’s said. We reach the entrance to the coffee shop. “You want to get that drink?”
I take a breath. I don’t know why I feel like I am holding my breath around him.
“Yes,” I answer, and he guides us toward the restaurant.
We are seated at a table for two off to the side. The lights in the restaurant provide a romantic glow. We order hot chocolate. I take the warm mug in my hands and watch the little marshmallows float on top. Myles is quiet. One look at him tells me he’s gone inside his head.
“In some ways this feels like déjà vu,” I say a little hesitantly. He’s been making an effort with me. Trying to break me out of my shell. Now it’s him who’s withdrawn into his shell.
“We spent a lot of time together growing up. We’re bound to have lots of these moments,” he says.
“What are you thinking now?” I ask. For the last seven years I’ve had a picture in my mind of how things would be if I ever saw him again. Only now it looks nothing how I pictured things would be. Seeing him reminds me of what I lost. I figured the feelings I once had for him were gone but they aren’t. My feelings are very real and overwhelming.
“I want you so bad it physically hurts, but inside here”— he touches his chest where his heart is—“I don’t think I’d be any better at caring for other people than my father, and that scares me to death. I can’t date you because I want all in with you.”

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As far back as R.C. Stephens can remember she was a sucker for a good romance. Of course there had to be a prince charming even if he ultimately was a dark knight and there had to be a happy ending. She watched the movie Dirty Dancing way too many times growing up and Jean Claude Van Damme movies too. Go figure! After years of saying she would write a book one day, she finally put pen to paper and carved out the plot line for what would eventually become the best selling Twisted Series. Now R.C. is just finishing up her tenth book and can’t seem to stop the stories running through her mind. Visit R.C. on her Facebook page to find out what’s new in her life and what releases she has coming up.
R.C. Stephens Media Links:
Author Website ~ Author Twitter ~ Author Facebook ~ Author Instagram ~ Author Goodreads ~ Newsletter
Sep 17, 2018 | Blog, Blog Tour, September 2018, Tara Sue Me

AMERICAN ASSHOLE by New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Tara Sue Me is finally LIVE! American Asshole is the first book in the new series, Bachelor International! Grab your copy now #FREE in Kindle Unlimited.

This is a standalone romance. No cliffhanger.
Pick your E-Retailer, Get your copy.
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Enter the Giveaway

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About Tara Sue Me
Tara Sue Me wrote her first novel at the age of twelve. It would be twenty years before she picked up her pen to write the second.
After completing several clean romances, she decided to try her hand at something spicier and started The Submissive. What began as a writing exercise quickly took on a life of its own. An avid reader of all types of fiction, she soon discovered she enjoyed writing a variety as well.
Tara lives in the Southeastern United States with her family, two dogs, and a cat.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | BookBub
Sep 16, 2018 | Blog, Kerri Carpenter, September 2018
Bayside’s Most Unexpected Bride by Kerri Carpenter is the perfect end in the Saved by the Blog series. A small-town trilogy romance that’s packed with witty dialogue, romance, and lots of shenanigans.
If anyone knows a thing or two about the dangers of office romances it’s Riley Hudson. Careful to keep her past from impacting her current life in Bayside, she’s hesitant to move beyond the friends zone with Sawyer Wallace. Is it possible that she can find love at work and not have it ruin her life?
Sawyer Wallace loves his job but when his business is on the edge of ruin and a lucrative offer is put into play, will he risk everything and reveal the biggest secret in Bayside?
One hot kiss and a town full of gossip will put Bayside on the front page, but can you believe everything you read in the paper?
Don’t miss this must read series set in a small town with characters that leave you with all the feels and romance that has just the right amount of heat for a cool fall night!

Spicy – Best enjoyed with your favorite iced-beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan.I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. Note, while this can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend reading the series in order to truly appreciate the mystery that runs through the entire trilogy.
Amazon Link

Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

“Hey, boss. What’s up?”
He steepled his hands on his desk and peered at her with his dreamy hazel eyes.
Damn. Dreamy? She meant irritating. Beady even.
The weather was unseasonably cold already and he was sporting a pair of corduroy pants and a somewhat ugly argyle sweater that she knew had been a Christmas gift from his mother last year. Not the most stylish of outfits and yet somehow he looked like he’d walked out of the pages of an L.L.Bean catalog. Just because he was tall with broad shoulders and had really cute sandy-brown hair that flopped on his head because he needed a haircut. And today he was wearing his glasses. What was it about a large lumberjack-looking man who wore glasses? Why did that make her stomach twist up into knots? And then there was his lopsided smile…
What in the heck was she doing? This was Sawyer Wallace, lifelong friend and, more importantly, boss. She couldn’t size him up like a piece of meat. Especially because they worked together. Especially because of what had happened to her in New York.
“Riley,” he began.
“Sawyer,” she countered, and bit her lip in anticipation.
He reached into his top desk drawer and pulled out a colorful silk scarf. “Before I forget, Tony found this at The Brewside. Said you left it there a couple of weeks ago and he kept forgetting to give it to you.”
She reached for the bright yellow scarf with lime-green polka dots. One of her favorites.
“Thanks,” she mumbled. “Tony must have given this to you while you were on your date.” She used air quotes for the word date and wiggled her eyebrows.
Sawyer exhaled a long breath.
“What?” she asked, feigning innocence.
“‘Bayside’s forever bachelor’?” he quoted. “Really?”
She shrugged.
“I thought I told you to keep me out of the Bayside Blogger’s column.”

ICYMI – Previous Reviews:
Bidding on the Bachelor
Falling for the Right Brother

Award-winning romance author Kerri Carpenter writes contemporary romances that are sweet, sexy, and sparkly. When she’s not writing, Kerri enjoys reading, cooking, watching movies, taking Zumba classes, rooting for Pittsburgh sports teams, and anything sparkly. Kerri lives in Northern Virginia with her adorable (and mischievous) rescued poodle mix, Harry. Visit Kerri at her website, on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or subscribe to her newsletter.
Social Media Links
Sep 14, 2018 | Blog, IntCo, Products, September 2018, Uncategorized

Disclosure: The following product was sent to Books
I Love A Latte in exchange for a fair and honest review.
All opinions are the author’s own.
Welcome to The Latte Special which will feature great products that hopefully add a little something extra to your daily life. Today it’s all about adding style to your paper planners and as soon as I opened up my package, I was impressed. The extra care that IntCo gives to product packaging meant no damaged product upon delivery.
IntCo packages their shipment of stickers in a mini file folder that slides easily into the planner envelope in the back of my Plum Planner. Cute right? Organization simplified and a pretty blue color too!
If you use a paper planner then this is the post for you. If not, perhaps someone in your might be in the market for cute stickers to accessorize their personal planner, notes, or anything that could use a little bling.
The colors are soft and the designs offered are useful.
As for the variety, it’s quite extensive and ranges from Weekly to Monthly sticker sheets, holiday sets, Author stickers and tons of cuties to enhance your weekly planner.
Whatever styles you choose, these stickers will put a smile to your day! Organizing has never been more fun!
I recently had a chance to chat with Kurt Bennett, the owner of IntCo. IntCo is an Etsy shop that provides stickers and products for planner enthusiasts.

Rae: First, for those who don’t know anything about you or your company, can you share how IntCo came to be?
Kurt: The start of INT Co. is funny because it started as a Christmas gift for the wife of a particular cutting machine. She hadn’t asked for a specific one so I researched and purchased one I thought she would like, but it wasn’t the one she wanted. I worked with her to make it easier to use but out of frustration did buy the one she wanted with the intention of selling the first one.
Somewhere in the process she and friends thought I should open a shop selling stickers for planners, focused towards the writing and author community. I had already made several sticker sheets that she wanted for her planners.
So I began a crash course in Etsy, Instagram, and graphics design. When asked what the shop name would be I decided on INT Co, because “I Needed Tires” for my old truck and I felt I would be able to make enough to get them.
Rae: What products do you support?
Kurt: I support stickers for the Erin Condren, Happy Planner Classic, and the Jibun Techo A5 and B6 Slim Planners. I have also done custom sets for the Passion Planner Mini, and the Hobonichi Planner.
Rae: Does IntCo take customer requests?
Kurt: All of the time. Whether it is for a modification for something already in the shop or something new altogether. A lot of the designs were suggested or asked for by Int Co customers. If a customer requested something unique they don’t want to share, than they are the keeper of that design. But if they want to share it I usually will get them the first set for free as a thank you, and then make it available to everyone.
Rae: I noticed you had a Weekly Planner-Christmas Holidays Set, do you have one for Hanukkah?
Kurt: I do have a Hanukkah sticker in the current December Monthly Set, but do not have a set devoted solely to Hanukkah. As we discussed I will take a look at it, it sounds like a super idea.I am dedicated to creating useful and unique products that will help authors, writers, and planners simplify their planning
activities and have fun while doing it.
Rae: That sounds great! Do you run any promotions or giveaways for customers old and new?
Kurt: Int Co customers are simply the best and I run random drawings throughout the year to give away free prizes, as well as the Int Co Birthday Celebration in January. Its called giving it back to the folks who have made this successful.
Rae: What do you see for the future with products?
Kurt: Int Co is growing and changing as needed to meet the needs of the Planner Community. Whether its adding new planners and different themes, or even our new Planner focused T-Shirts and bags.
Rae: I understand Hilde has a line too, what products is she offering?
Kurt: I wanted to branch Int Co out into other areas and had been wanting to develop T-Shirts and Canvas Totes. Hildie stepped in and did a lot of the leg work. I still do the basic draft designs and implement her suggestions to meet what she would like to see as a Planner. She now actually makes everything herself, other than the computer work. We hope to expand this out as time permits and the demand is there. The neat thing is that everything is customizable, from the colors to the added extra’s that the customer might want on their order.
Rae: What a great idea. Thank you so much for chatting today. Readers, if you are in the market for more bling for those planners, don’t miss out on this discount code Kurt sent. Head over to IntCo and check out their fabulous products. Be sure to enter RAELATTE0918 for a 10% Discount Code.
I hope you like the designs, colors and packaging as much as I do. If you love to colorize and accessorize with cute and usable stickers add IntCo to your planner supply stash today. Now, off to IntCo so I can check out the latest arrivals for fall. I can’t wait to order and enhance my planner!

With plenty of designs to choose from your planner is about to kick it up a notch! Here is a page from my Plum Planner with some of the stickers I used from the sample that I received. If you’re looking for a new planner be sure to check out my previous review of Plum Planner and comment or DM me for a 10% referral code!
Happy Planning and Happy Organizing

Sep 14, 2018 | Authors Dish, Blog, Cat Johnson, Jennifer Probst, Laura Kaye, September 2018

Welcome to Authors Dish where your favorite authors are sharing what they are reading. Of course authors have a stash and they are revealing it today.
In addition, if you enjoy reading their books they have suggestions for similar book adventures by other authors. It doesn’t get better than that!
Today in the cafe are New York Times Bestselling Author Lauren Kaye, New York Times Bestselling Author Jennifer Probst, and Cat Johnson
Rae: Who are you reading?

Jennifer Probst: I just finished reading Anything for Love by Melissa Foster, Atticus by Sawyer Bennett, and The Woman in the Window by AJ Flynn. Next up is The Outsiders by Stephen King and Kissing Jenna by Kristen Proby!

Cat Johnson: Currently, open on my Kindle is Beloved by Corinne Michaels. I just finished Prince Charming by CD Reiss, Escort by Skye Warren, and Pucked by Helena Hunting

Rae: If readers are a fan of your books, who should they consider reading?
Lauren Kaye: Jennifer Probst, Tessa Bailey, Melissa Foster, Corinne Michaels, and Lexi Blake
Jennifer Probst: Jill Shalvis, Melissa Foster, Kristen Proby, Sawyer Bennett, Marina Adair and Emma Chase
Cat Johnson: If you’re a fan of Cat Johnson, consider reading these authors…
For hot military men like my Hot SEALs and Red Hot & Blue series heroes, check out Susan Stoker, Lynn Raye Harris, and Cristin Harbor.
For hot bull riding cowboys like my Studs in Spurs, you can’t beat Lorelei James.
Rae: Thank you so much authors! Let me know dear readers if you try any of these books. I’ll see you next week – same time for new authors and more fun!
** Author Bios **
Lauren Kaye:
Laura Kaye is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of over thirty books in contemporary romance and romantic suspense and has sold more than one million books in the U.S. alone. Laura grew up amid family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses, cementing her life-long fascination with storytelling and the supernatural. A former college history professor, Laura also writes bestselling historical women’s fiction as Laura Kamoie. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband and two daughters, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.
Jennifer Probst:
Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She holds a masters in English Literature and lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley in upstate New York. Her family keeps her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean. Her passions include horse racing, Scrabble, rescue dogs, Italian food, and wine—not necessarily in that order.
She is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of sexy and erotic contemporary romance. She was thrilled her book, The Marriage Bargain, spent 26 weeks on the New York Times. Her work has been translated in over a dozen countries, sold over a million copies, and was dubbed a “romance phenom” by Kirkus Reviews. She is also a proud three-time RITA finalist.
She loves hearing from readers. Visit her website for updates on new releases and her street team at
Sign up for her newsletter at for a chance to win a gift card each month and receive exclusive material and giveaways.
Cat Johnson:
Cat Johnson is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance that usually features hot alpha heroes (who often wear combat or cowboy boots) and the sassy heroines brave enough to love them. Known for her unique marketing she has sponsored pro bull riders, owns a collection of camouflage and western wear for book signings, and has used bologna to promote romance novels.
Sep 10, 2018 | Blog, Blog Tour, Lauren Blakely, September 2018

Once Upon a Real Good Time by New York Times Bestselling Author Lauren Blakely is every woman’s dream, to fall in love with their childhood crush. What would you do if you discovered that the man who gave you more pleasure than you’d ever experienced was the same man whose poster was above your bed?
Mackenzie is a strong and determined woman who will stop at nothing to raise her son, even if it means doing it mostly on her own. Sure the father is in the picture but it’s left her unfulfilled and craving a real romance. What will happen when she meets a sexy guitarist and he wants to compose his own masterpiece with her?
Campbell has spent his adult life doing what he loves, teaching. When a one night stand quickly creates a situation that becomes awkward and conflicting, will he stick to the strictly platonic encounter?
This story involves single parents and what happens when they attempt to stop dating because they need to put their kids first. To date or not to date? Life is full of unexpected surprises and Lauren has delicately tackled the arena of what looks to be a difficult path – do you date your child’s teacher?

I received a copy for a fair and honest review.
Scorchin – Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C.
Get your copy of ONCE UPON A REAL GOOD TIME today!

✮✮✮ONCE UPON AREAL GOOD TIME is here! Grab your copy today! ✮✮✮

I’m not checking him out.
I am solely focused on answering the next trivia question. The game emcee spouts it out for the four teams vying for the prize at The Grouchy Owl bar. The prize being bragging rights.
The hostess clears her throat, brings the mic to her mouth, and asks the question: “Which Las Vegas hotel did the bachelor party stay at—”
I’m perched forward in the chair whispering the answer to my teammate—Caesars, Caesars, Caesars—so we can write it on the answer slip before the hostess even finishes.
“—in the 2009 moving The Hangover?”
“So easy,” I say to Roxy as she smacks my palm and mouths ringer while filling in the answer.
I’m not a ringer.
I was simply fed a steady diet of Trivial Pursuit, trivia books, and endless facts about the world as a kid.
That’s all.
Also, I love trivia. Trivia helped me through some tough times as an adult, and by tough, I mean anxiety-ridden, sleepless, and stressful. That kind of tough.
As the hostess flips her cards to the next question, the guy on stage—the one I’m not at all checking out—adjusts the amp for his guitar. The Grouchy Owl has a little bit of everything—from darts, to pub quizzes, to pool, to live music from local bands. It’s like a Vegas hotel right here in the West Village. Big Ike doesn’t want patrons to leave, so she makes sure the entertainment options are plentiful.
And if that handsome hottie stays on the stage, I won’t want to head home for a long, long time. Except that I’ll have to. I’m Cinderella, and I turn into a pumpkin in minutes.
But for now…Hello, nice view.
As the guy turns the knob on the amp, his brown hair flops over his eyes. He flicks it off his forehead with a quick snap then runs his fingers down the strings on his guitar. Those fingers fly.
I bet they’d fly other places too.
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

The Heartbreakers is a series of standalone rom-coms and will be narrated by Sebastian York and Andi Arndt!
Grab your copy of ONCE UPON A REAL GOOD TIME today!
We’ve got your next binge read right here! Don’t miss the next two standalone full-length novels in The Heartbreakers Series!

Three brothers. Three rock stars. Three standalones.
The Heartbreakers Series—full-length, standalone romantic comedies with no cliffhangers releasing within one month so you can binge read these sexy novels! You can indulge in three delicious romances — a sexy one-night stand with an off-limits woman, a best-friends-to-lovers tale, and a falling-for-my-buddy’s-sister love story.All come with banter, sexy times, and single parents! So get your one-clickers ready for these sexy & charming men! Each love story will make you laugh, swoon and fan yourself from the heat!
About Lauren Blakely:
A #1 New York Times Bestselling author, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author, Lauren Blakely is known for her contemporary romance style that’s hot, sweet and sexy. She lives in California with her family and has plotted entire novels while walking her dogs. With fourteen New York Times bestsellers, her titles have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Lists more than 100 times, and she’s sold more than 2.5 million books. In September she’ll release ONCE UPON A REAL GOOD TIME, a fun & sexy rock star romance. To receive an email when Lauren releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter!