Feb 9, 2018 | Authors Dish, Blog, Robyn Peterman, Sara Humphreys, Stoni Alexander

Welcome to Authors Dish where your favorite authors share what they are reading. In addition, if you enjoy reading their books they have suggestions for similar book adventures by other authors. It doesn’t get better than that!
Today in the cafe are Stoni Alexander, Sara Humphreys, and Robyn Peterman
Rae: Who are you reading?

Stoni Alexander: With so many talented romance writers, I’m always on the hunt for a new author to fall in love with. Sawyer Bennett, Megan March, Avery Flynn, and Julie Kenner are just a few of my favorite writers. When reading craft, I look to Jennifer Cruise, Lisa Cron, and Damon Suede for their pearls of wisdom!
Sara Humphreys: Well, I’m tackling my RITA books right now and I can’t say what they are. However, my two favorite authors are Lori Handeland and Christine Feehan.
Lori’s Nightcreature series is off the hook awesome. If you love werewolf romances then you MUST read this series. Blue Moon is my fave.
Robyn Peterman: I have Donna McDonald and Kris Calvert’s newest books sitting on my Kindle!!
Rae: If readers are a fan of your books, who should they consider reading?
Stoni Alexander: If you’re a fan of Stoni Alexander, consider Lexi Blake, Megan March, J. Kenner.
Sara Humphreys: If you’re a fan of Sara Humphreys, consider reading Christine Feehan’s Carpathian series! Dark Prince is my all-time favorite PNR.
Robyn Peterman: If you’re a fan of Robyn Peterman consider reading Darynda Jones, Molly Harper,Dakota Cassidy, and Ann Charles.
Rae: Thank you so much authors! Let me know dear readers if you try any of these books. I’ll see you next week – same time for new authors and more fun!
** Author Bios **
Stoni Alexander: Stoni Alexander writes erotic romance about tortured alpha males and independent, strong-willed females. Her passion is creating love stories where the hero and heroine help each other through a crisis so that, in the end, they’re equal partners in more ways than love alone.
In a previous life, she appeared in numerous television, film and stage productions before transitioning to a successful career in business. Stoni spent her childhood moving around like a gypsy and appreciates her deep-seated roots in the DC Metro area. She’s married to the love of her life, is an überproud football mom, and dreams of the day when her muse will inspire her at will.
Sara Humphreys: Sara Humphreys is the award winning author of the Amoveo Legend series. The third book in the series, UNTAMED, won two PRISM awards–Dark Paranormal and Best of the Best. The first two novels from her Dead in the City series have been nominated for the National Readers Choice Award. Sara was also a professional actress. Some of her television credits include, A&E Biography, Guiding Light, Another World, As the World Turns and Rescue Me.
She loves writing hot heroes and heroines with moxie but above all, Sara adores a satisfying happily-ever-after. She lives in New York with Mr. H., their four amazing sons, and two adorable pups. When she’s not writing or hanging out with the men in her life, she can be found working out with Shaun T in her living room or chatting with readers on Facebook.
I love connecting with readers on social media!
Twitter: @authorsara
Facebook: facebook.com/sarahumphreysauthor/
Instagram: @authorsarahumphreys
Robyn Peterman: Bio- NYT and USA Today best selling author, Robyn Peterman writes because the people inside her head won’t leave her alone until she gives them life on paper. She writes snarky, sexy, funny paranormal and snarky, sexy, funny contemporaries. Her addictions include laughing really hard with friends, shoes (the expensive kind), Target, Coke Zero Cherry with extra ice in a styrofoam cup, bejeweled reading glasses, her kids, her super-hot hubby and collecting stray animals. A former professional actress, with Broadway, film and T.V. credits, she now lives in the south with her family and too many animals to count. Writing gives her peace and makes her whole, plus having a job where she can work in her underpants works really well for her.
Jan 17, 2017 | Blog, January 2017, Robyn Peterman

Rae: Thank you so much for hanging out with me today. If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a peppermint mocha with Coconut Milk. 🙂 ! What would you order?
Robyn: Large coke extra ice!
Rae: Congratulations on the production of The Christmas Carol.
Robyn: Thank you, it was awesome! My husband and I started a non profit theatre and we direct shows! Since I was an actor most of my life and my Hot Hubby still is, it’s a cool way to have fun and do something cool for our community!!
Rae: With the Christmas season upon us I hope that you and your family have a happy holidays. Do you have any traditions?
Robyn: We had a great holiday. Thank you! I hope you did too! We spend the holiday with family—both sides and we eat. A lot. Then we take naps and then eat more. Rinse and repeat.
Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work can you tell us a little bit your books. What an we expect to see on the bookshelves in 2017? Do you have any new series in the works that you can give us a tease?
Robyn: I write sexy, snarky, comedic paranormal romance and sexy, snarky, comedic contemporary romance! This year you will see more from all three of my series—Hot Damned, Shift Happens and Magic and Mayhem!!
I also have three Magic and Mayhem Kindle Worlds launching this year as well (February, June and October). This is a crazy awesome collection of amazeballs authors writing stories in my Magic and Mayhem World!
AND…..I’m going to spin one of my most popular and hotter than hell characters off into a side series. Yes, LOL, Satan will have a six book arc in the next two years! YAYAYAYAYAY!
Rae: With a bookshelf of contemporary, paranormal and Kindle Worlds, is it easy to keep characters from crossing over?
It actually is easy. Each series is very different. The Hot Damned Series is primarily vampyres. Shift Happens Series is shifters (werewolves and dragons). The Magic and Mayhem Series is witches and the Handcuffs and Happily Everafters Series is real people…crazy real people—but no superpowers!
However, when I pop from series to series, I always have to look at my series bibles. Remembering names and eye color and little details is NOT my forte. I can’t even remember what I ate for breakfast…
Rae: I love your book covers, who designs them?
Robyn: I love my covers too!! Rebecca Poole designs my covers. She is outstanding at crawling into my brain and pulling out the crazy. I adore her and her wonderful talent!
Rae: Writing is a challenging task without any distractions. How do you find the time with a family and taking care of all the animals on your farm? By way, I think that’s so cool. Did you wake up one day and decide you wanted to buy a farm or was it something that you had been exposed to growing up?
Robyn: Well…I don’t sleep much for starters. I tend to write at night. I’ve also written many books in my car waiting for my kids at lacrosse/soccer/dance practice! All I need to write is quiet.
As for the farm, it’s something my husband and I love. I have a bad habit of collecting stray animals and a farm is a perfect place to indulge that addiction. LOL
Rae: It was so much fun having you here today!
Robyn: It’s been my pleasure. Thank you for having me!
***** Tasty Tidbits *****
1. A Must read book and why? Anything by Darynda Jones because she’s brilliant!
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Keeneland Race Track and a UK basketball game!
3. Castles or Beaches? Beaches.
4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I’m a really good cook and I cry a lot—movies, commercials, music.
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? Rock!! I LOVE Journey, Pink, Maroon Five, Bon Jovi, AC DC and too many more to name!
6. What is your guilty pleasure? Full sugared Coke with rabbit turd ice from Sonic and collecting stray animals!
7. What are you afraid of? Something happening to someone I love.
8. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? Tats. One. I have a gorgeous rose on my ankle. It was my warrior badge after having reconstructive surgery on my ankle.
9. Organized or Free Floating? Free floating and then some. LOL
10. What play or musical do you want to see next? I saw Hamilton this past summer, but I would see it again in a hot second!!
11. Are you a crafter? No, not at all! LOL
12. Best tip for relaxing? What is relaxing? This term is foreign to me…
13. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )? Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison. LOVED that book!!
14. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? This Is Spinal Tap. It’s all kinds of brilliant.
15. Would you rather see a movie in the theatre or at home on DVD and why? Home on DVD so I can stop it if I have to pee.
16. One thing you can’t live without? My husband and kids.
17. Do you love to cook or go out to eat? Both!!
18. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would be at your dinner table? Steve Perry of Journey fame, Fred Rogers, Meryl Streep, Jesus and Davis Sedaris.
19. Motorcycle or bicycle? Motorcycle.
20. If you could try any career for a day, what would it be? Chef of an Italian restaurant!
21. Person or persons you admire and why? My mom. She is one of the strongest, funniest and most talented women I know.
Rae: Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another Peppermint Mocha 🙂
Happy Reading Dear Readers. Happy Writing Robyn
Robyn: Thank you!! And Smooches!

NYT and USA Today best selling author, Robyn Peterman writes because the people inside her head won’t leave her alone until she gives them life on paper. She writes snarky, sexy, funny paranormal and snarky, sexy, funny contemporaries. Her addictions include laughing really hard with friends, shoes (the expensive kind), Target, Coke Zero Cherry with extra ice in a styrofoam cup, bejeweled reading glasses, her kids, her super-hot hubby and collecting stray animals. A former professional actress, with Broadway, film and T.V. credits, she now lives in the south with her family and too many animals to count. Writing gives her peace and makes her whole, plus having a job where she can work in her underpants works really well for her.
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