Oct 15, 2020 | Blog, October 2020, Scott Hildreth
Misadventures of a Biker by Scott Hildreth is a second chance romance that has the perfect balance of heat, great characters, and a whole lot of misadventure ;). I was reminded of my own adventures on a Harley back in college and wondering if I’ll have the chance to ride again.
I enjoyed reading a new-to-me author and can’t wait to read another book from Scott’s backlist. Brace yourself, Devin and Teddi are taking you on a wild ride with all the feels and lots of heat. The best part, when you’re finished you’ll still want more from Scott!

This scorchin read may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C. I received a copy for a fair and honest review.
Misadventures is a romantic series of spicy standalone novels, each written or co-written by some of the best names in romance. The stories are scandalous, refreshing, and, of course, incredibly sexy. They’re the perfect bedside read, a ‘quick blush’ for the reader who loves a page-turning romance.
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Meet Scott

Scott Hildreth is an international bestselling author. He has published more than fifty novels (both traditionally and independently) and has every intention of writing many more.
His preferred careers of being a biker, military hero, mafia boss, boxer, vigilante, and tattoo artist will always be favorites, but as writing has become a full-time gig, he must live vicariously through the characters in his books who share his admiration for these professions.
He resides in Naples, Florida with his wife and children.
Oct 13, 2020 | Blog, Coffee With, Giveaway, October 2020, Pru Warren
Rae: Welcome to the blog. I’ve got a spiced Latte with Almond Milk and a drizzle of chocolate in my mug. What’s in your cuppa?
Pru: Yours sounds pretty good! At the moment, though, my cuppa is a vat of Earl Grey with an embarrassingly large quantity of half-and-half as well as my personal demon, sugar. Also – thank you. I’m delighted to be here!
Rae: Congratulations on your recent release of “Joan’s Journal” in the Anthology Love Gone Viral. I love that all the proceeds from the sale will be donated to World Central Kitchen and Feeding America. Romance fiction is so powerful and the community is so giving. I can’t wait to hear how much you all raise.
Pru: Me, too! And I love that we’re donating 100% of the proceeds to programs that combat hunger. There’s something so offensive – so intrinsically wrong – about people in this nation going hungry. I think about families with hungry kids and it makes me almost ill. Even in this bizarre economy, that’s not the world I want to live in. I hope we can sell a lot of books, to help people in need. Fingers crossed!

Click on cover to get your copy now.

1. What is your must read book and why?
I have two entire bookcases filled with the books I hope come with me if I’m ever abducted by aliens; the books I need to have if I’m trapped in a Kurt Vonnegut zoo on another planet. But if I had to pick just one… hang on. Let me go stare at them. Oh, Lordy. Don’t tell the others I chose a favorite: I’mma pick Jennifer Crusie. “Welcome to Temptation.”
2. If I visit your hometown, where am I going and what’s the best place to grab a bite?
You’re going to northern Virginia, and we’re either going to get souvlaki pitas at the family restaurant down the street or we’re hitting one of the Great American restaurants; I like Artie’s because they have insanely good hot fudge sundaes. (Sugar. My own personal demon. Comes with me everywhere.)
3. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you?
Given that I am entirely unpublished until now, I can’t imagine anyone knows anything about me in the first place… but okay: I can harmonize a ton. I always wanted to be a back-up singer.
4. What is your guilty pleasure?
It used to be romance novels instead of terrifyingly sad Book Club picks – but now I’m writing romantic comedy and I’m proud as could be of it!
5. What are you afraid of?
Snakes. I saw a black snake in the garden two years ago and abandoned the space entirely. I wish he’d do more weeding; things are looking very tatty in his kingdom.
6. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one?
No tats. I admire them – but I keep evolving. I can’t imagine choosing one image that would continue to delight me for the rest of my life.
7. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)?
Binge. Definitely. I just blew through “The Expanse” (and then all the novels), and before that I had to rewatch the entirety of “Parks and Recreation” while doing an annoyingly hard jigsaw puzzle. Before that… I think it was “Jack Ryan.” Jim from The Office cleans up NICE.
8. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )?
“Poison Princess” by Kresley Cole. It’s YA, but it’s very, very good! Wish she’d get cracking on the next one; I’ve got an envie for the sequel. (From the books. I’m making inside jokes to myself.)
9. What is the one thing you can’t live without?
Burt’s Bees pink grapefruit chapstick. I have them hidden all over the house, in the pocket of every coat, in every tote bag. There are two in the car – just in case. As addictions go, it’s pretty milquetoast… but I’m not alone. There are a lot of us chapstick addicts!
10. What’s the one career that gives you the shudders?
The job of picking up road kill on Rock Creek Parkway.
11. If I opened up your handbag/bag/briefcase, what item would I be shocked to see?
I’d be shocked to see a handbag or purse; I carry only my phone in a case where I can stick credit cards, etc. There’s nothing shocking here; maybe the Nordstroms gift card my mother gave me before she died? Will you accept sentimental instead of shocking?
12. What app on your phone/ipad gets the most use?
Would that it were something more elevated… in fact, it’s solitaire. Jeez. I should make up something better. Pretend I said THE NEW YORK TIMES APP. There. That sounds teddibleh intelligent.
Rae: Thank you for hanging out today.

Pru Warren will write a customized “first kiss” love scene staring you and your favorite celebrity.
She just needs a few details and then you can have an exclusive mini-story, just for you.
She points out that there’s a one in a million chance that one day she’ll be a huge best-seller – and on that day, won’t you be proud to have that private love scene
Contest runs 10/13/2020 – 10/23/20 at 11:59 PM
ONE winner will be randomly selected. Answer the following question … what was the first romance book you ever read?
Be sure to follow Books I Love A Latte for more giveaways and fun!
Winner will be randomly selected. If winner doesn’t claim prize within 24 hours a new winner will be drawn.
** For all giveaway rules read here.

Pru Warren (who is writing this in the third person as if she was simply too modest to toot her own horn) has been making up stories since roughly the Bronze Age; “Love Gone Viral” is her first attempt at publishing. To see the epilogue, sign up for her entertaining newsletter at PruWarren.com. Then you can download either a clean or a dirty version of what comes next for Joan and Philip! Her first rom-com, “Cyn & the Peanut Butter Cup” is scheduled for publication in January.