Coffee With Terry Spear

Coffee With Terry Spear

Terry Spear right 200x300 Coffee With Terry SpearRae: Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

Terry: Thanks for having me, Rae!!

Rae: If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a spiced latte with Coconut Milk. 🙂 ! What would you order?

Terry: White Mocha latte (peppermint mocha when in season–sometimes some places will even have it out-of-season! I love those places. )

Rae: As fall is underway, do you have any traditions? Do you decorate the house with the change of season?

Terry: Yes! I decorate for fall. Love to do that, and then for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July. 🙂 I usually gold teddy bear sleigh 900 007 200x300 Coffee With Terry Speardecorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, but since my son and his girlfriend are coming, I’ll decorate for Christmas before they arrive. My daughter and son-in-law and now baby, always get together for a special Halloween.

Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work, your backlist includes Highlanders, Shifters and stuff in-between, please tell us a little bit your series. Where do you find your inspiration?

Terry: I’m an eclectic reader so I’m an eclectic writer. I write everything from straight romantic suspense to historical romance, shifter romance, vampire, romance, and teen paranormal romance.

My Highlanders were a result of my love of all things historical–books, movies, and we have Highland heritage, both MacNeills, Campbells as the main Highland Scots. So I was doing a lot of genealogy on them, and they were inspired by the Duke of Argyle’s daughter running off with a commoner MacNeill (family history).

cheetah 900 898 300x200 Coffee With Terry SpearWith the wolf series, I had started out with vampires: everyone needs to be loved. And I felt the same way with werewolves. I had also loved reading Call of the Wild and White Fang by Jack London and loved the wolves when I was a kid. So I wanted to create a world where the werewolves were born that way, or turned, but they were wolves like the real ones, not monsters, yet still had their human sensibilities, and as humans, their wolf senses. Jaguar, cougar, and polar bear shifters have followed, and they’re like that too–I try to pattern their behavior after their wild animal, but at the same time, their human counterpart tends to override certain of their characteristics. For instance, wolves live in packs, Jaguars, cougars, and polar bears don’t. So to make it work they need to rely on their human half to be more family oriented.

I also have a popular teen fae series. If you have any trouble at all, blame the fae. They’re probably at the root of it. I have vampire teen romance also, but haven’t had enough time to write more sequels, but it’s on the agenda. 🙂

Rae: How do you keep all of your characters from crossing over into other books? Do you have a series “bible” or do you have files of notes?

Terry: I have a bible, but don’t keep up with it well enough. I either have to do find and searches, or I have a wonderful critique partner and good friend, Donna Fournier, who helps to keep me straight. I had just finished a book, she and others had proofread it and in the middle of the night she woke to remember one of the female operatives (wolf) was pregnant, and I couldn’t have her chasing down villains in the jungle. Oops. I had to write other characters and a bunch of new scenes to change that scenario, but she is an absolute godsend! lol

Rae: When you are writing a book, do you plot it out page by page, chapter by chapter? Or, do your characters guide you?

Terry: Absolutely my characters drive me. It drives me nuts when they go silent on me. If I try to force them to talk, it doesn’t work. And when they do, I have to hurry and write because they’re not going to repeat what they have to say.

Rae: What can we expect to see on the bookshelves in 2017? Do you have any new series in the works that you can give us a tease?

Terry: I’m hoping to have My Highlander available this year. Dreaming of a White Christmas is coming in October, and I hope to have another polar bear shifter story by Dec. But that’s a lot of writing and I’m running out of time. 🙂 I’m finishing up writing Billionaire Wolf Christmas for next October (2018), and I’ll be getting more edits on the other two books that are finished: All’s Fair in Love and Wolf, and Flight of the White Wolf.

magical rainbow Eilean Donan 427x640 fog bow text 200x300 Coffee With Terry SpearRae” You are a fabulous photographer posting images on social media, what do red hawk 900 San Diego 3654 300x200 Coffee With Terry Spearyou use to take them? Your cell phone or a digital camera?

Terry: Thanks so much! I use my cell phone and a Nikon D750. I love taking photos!!! It’s like with writing. If I don’t get to take pictures every day, and write, I feel like my day isn’t complete! I’m not fulfilled. 🙂

Rae: It was so much fun having you here today!

Terry: Thanks so much for having me, and the mocha was delicious. 🙂
hawk sitting on fence waiting for birds 900 108 300x238 Coffee With Terry Speartabby cat watching birds on feeder 800 016 300x200 Coffee With Terry Spear

** All photos taken by Terry Spear and posted with permission

**** Tasty Tidbits ****

1. What is a must read book and why? I’m reading Tinderbox by Rachel Grant. I was in the military and the heroine is dealing with the military while she’s trying to collect fossils in the volatile region of Ethiopia. I love action, and she’s got plenty of it.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? They have the largest urban park in the States. You can walk it for miles. I love nature preserves and hikes.

3. Do you take-in or cook? If so, what is your “go-to” dish? Cook. A good steak and boiled potato and broccoli. M&Ms to top it off.

4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I love playing RPGs. I’m working on Divinity: Original Sin, love the quests, the fights, solving puzzles and mysteries, and righting the wrongs. 🙂

5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? Movie theme music, Game of Thrones

6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? I would go to Scotland for a month. 🙂 Absorb everything, see all the castles (I’ve seen about twelve, a few a couple of times), and then be able to sit and write by a babbling brook. 🙂

7. What is your guilty pleasure? Chocolate

8. What are you afraid of? Heights (Did rappelling, mountain climbing, slide for life, rope drop, but heights get to me)

9. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? No tats

10. Organized or Free Floating? * Organized!

11. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? Binge watching then don’t watch anything for a long time, concentrate on writing. The Walking Dead, The Last Ship, The White Queen, Game of Thrones, Quantico.

12. What’s on your playlist? Movie themes like the Bourne series, and game themes like Halo and others. I like the adventure, suspense music for mood when I’m writing.

13. What play or musical do you want to see next? Nutcracker

14. Are you a crafter? Award winning teddy bears!

15. What’s your favorite TV show and why? I loved The White Queen and hated that it only had the one season. Adventure, intrigue, paranormal, historical, romance, it had it all.

16. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )? Karen Moning’s The Immortal Highlander.

17. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? Romancing the Stone–he was so cocky and she was such a fun character, a romance writer who had fans even among the bad guys.

18. Would you rather see a movie in the theater or at home on DVD and why? I have Netflix now, yay! Where I lived before, we didn’t have powerful enough internet. But I LOVE to see movies with my kids when we can do it.

19. What is the one thing you can’t live without? A computer and internet

20. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would be at your table? Christine Feehan, Karen Marie Moning, Sandra Brown, Sean Connery, Gerald Butler

21. If you could try any career for a day, what would it be? I had the hardest time with this. And then I thought it’s the simplest thing ever: A world class photographer!

22. Person you admire and why? Stephen King. He threw Carrie in the trash and his wife retrieved it for him. He’s an excellent writer and speaker. One of the scariest movies I ever saw was The Shining, and I’m going to see that hotel when I go to the conference in the area.

Rae: Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another spiced latte 🙂

Terry: Thanks again, Rae!

Rae: Happy Reading Dear Readers. 
Happy Writing Terry

Author Info: Bestselling and award-winning author Terry Spear has written over sixty paranormal romance novels and four medieval Highland historical romances. Her first werewolf romance, Heart of the Wolf, was named a 2008 Publishers Weekly’s Best Book of the Year, and her subsequent titles have garnered high praise and hit the USA Today bestseller list. A retired officer of the U.S. Army Reserves, Terry lives in Spring, Texas, where she is working on her next wolf, jaguar, cougar, and bear shifter romances, continuing with her Highland medieval romances, and having fun with her young adult novels. When she’s not writing, she’s photographing everything that catches her eye, making teddy bears, and playing with her Havanese puppies and grand-baby.

For more information, please visit, or follow her on Twitter, @TerrySpear. She is also on Facebook at And on WordPress at: Terry Spear’s Shifters Terry Spear’s Shifters

Holiday Spice by Samantha Chase

Holiday Spice by Samantha Chase

cover114294 medium 1 183x300 Holiday Spice by Samantha ChaseSamantha Chase is a master story-teller transporting readers into a book adventure with a supportive and reliable family, relationships built on a love that comes from acceptance and trust, and no matter how many curves the path towards that finish line takes, if you stay true to yourself you will get there.

Every book in The Shaughnessy series has swept us up into romance. It’s the same feeling I had after watching Mary Poppins, I wanted to hop into the chalk painting on the sidewalk. Oh, if that were only possible. Holiday Spice is the latest installment in The Shaughnessy family. While I hope that there is more from Samantha Chase and these fabulous characters, I raise my glass and pray that Hallmark or Passionflix picks this up and brings it to the big screen for more enjoyment. It can’t be the end of this journey.

Throughout this series, Darcy has been the one character to link everyone together. With five overbearing brothers and a protective father, she has been a constant amidst the sea of chaos. Now it’s her turn to find love, without interference, and oh is it ever so sweet!

Darcy finds herself helping out a friend of her sister-in-laws while waiting for her “real” job to come along. Perhaps she will find her true passion, what she really wants. Darcy is emotionally vulnerable and still searching for answers. Can she find the one thing she’s desperate to have at a snowy cabin?

Benjamin Tanner is an artist working at his own pace, honing his craft, and desperately needs an assistant for his next project. Fate will bring it in the form of Darcy Shaughnessy, and she’s about to turn his world upside down like a beautiful snow globe. Secrets are never healthy, and for Ben, they have prevented him from truly finding love.

When Ben’s family legacy is at risk of crumbling, he’s left with a heavy weight of obligation. It comes with a price, is he willing to negotiate the terms to find someone who will walk with him on that path? Will Santa bring him what he truly desires this Christmas season?

If you are looking for a story with a rich history in family, clarification of faint memories, and a holiday season that ends with love, laughter, and one last squeeze of your heart, one-click this book. If you are a reader who likes to wait and read holiday romance closer to the season, pre-order and save this. It will make your holidays one to remember.

Click on the cover and start reading it tomorrow! If this truly is the last book in the series then I bid adieu as I have laughed, cried, and celebrated along with each member of the Shaughnessy family. The ending will satisfy fans and while this can be read as a standalone, consider reading Samantha’s backlist and get to know those sexy brothers of Darcy.

I receive this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. Holiday Spice is out tomorrow. Click on the cover and pre-order your copy now:
%name Holiday Spice by Samantha Chase%name Holiday Spice by Samantha Chase

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Coffee With The Shaughnessy Crew – Holiday Spice
Coffee With Samantha Chase and The Shaughnessy Crew
Coffee With Samantha Chase

Author Info:
%name Holiday Spice by Samantha Chase

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40’s to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.

When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.

For more information, please visit Samantha’s website –


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Coffee With the Shaugnessy’s – Holiday Spice

Coffee With the Shaugnessy’s – Holiday Spice

Promo1 300x162 Coffee With the Shaugnessys   Holiday SpiceRae: Good morning guys, let’s just jump right in. What’s your favorite Christmas Memory?

Darcy: Oh my goodness! There are so many! Christmas morning is one of my favorite days of the year!

Quinn: That’s because you always got the most stuff…
Darcy: (rolls eyes hard) That’s not even a little bit true.
Riley: Actually…
Aidan: Hold on. Before this turns into some sort of argument, I think we can all agree that Darcy did get the most stuff because she was the youngest…
Quinn: And the only girl…
Aidan: (sighs wearily) Yes, she was the only girl, but because of the age difference, it just seemed like there was more for her.
Quinn: Or she was just spoiled…
Darcy: Any-way…My favorite Christmas memory is making breakfast on Christmas morning with my dad. As soon as I was old enough to help him, we’d stand side-by-side in the kitchen while my brothers would clean up all of the wrapping paper from our gifts and Dad would share stories about Mom and how much she loved Christmas.
Hugh:  Yeah.  She really did.  But Christmas breakfast was always the best.  Mom had a way of making each of us feel special and she was able to have a one on one conversation with us even over all of the other conversations going around.
Everyone nods in agreement.

Rae: What’s your favorite Christmas Recipe? Darcy you love to bake – where do you find your inspiration for yourbake 1838364 640 300x225 Coffee With the Shaugnessys   Holiday Spice unique ingredient combinations.

Darcy:  Baking is a serious obsession.  I love following a recipe and thanks to Pinterest, I find all kinds of inspiration for baking.  Some recipes are keepers, others I just chalk up to curiosity. 

Riley:  But we are all seriously thankful for her baking skills.  Dad has never been a great cook, but we all knew we could choke down a home cooked meal as long as Darcy baked dessert.

Darcy:  Awww…it’s official.  You’re my favorite brother.

Hugh, Aidan, Quinn and Owen:  Hey! 

Quinn:  How is that fair?

Hugh:  I was just going to say…you know…all the stuff Riley said.

Darcy:  (laughing) So my favorite Christmas recipe?  Hmm…I don’t know if I have one yet.  I love making cookies the most.  All kinds of cookies.  I have the most fun with a simple sugar cookie but I make them in different shapes and then decorate them.  Decorating makes everything better.

Quinn:  And more delicious.

Rae: When it’s time to find a tree, do you head out to a special place or the street vendor down the road?

Aidan:  We are creatures of habit and there’s one particular tree lot that we’ve gone to for easily the last twenty years.  It’s a family-owned lot and we always have good luck there.

Hugh:  It was hard when Aubrey and I finally settled into our place and I had to find a lot to get a tree since we live a little over an hour away from all of you.

Darcy:  Admit it.  You considered driving the hour to look though.

Riley:  Don’t even try to deny it!

Hugh:  What can I say?  If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Owen:  I don’t think that phrase particularly fits in this instance.  And I don’t think ‘ain’t’ is what you meant to say and…

Darcy:  Moving on!!

Rae: Darcy, how do you select your ornaments? Is there a theme each year?

Darcy: There really isn’t! I tend to find ornaments a lot of times when I’m traveling to visit one of my brothers – or at least that’s how it used to be – so most of the ornaments represented places I’d been to. I have a real thing for snowmen, though. I love a good snowman ornament! (adds a wink) Because I am just fascinated – for lack of a better word – with ornaments, if I find a shop that is selling them, I try and look for ones that have a special meaning or reflect something about my life or my family.

Rae: What is it about ornaments that makes the holidays so special?

Darcy: For as long as I can remember, whenever we put up our Christmas tree, my dad and my brothers would share some sort of story or memory for so many of the ornaments on the tree. I used to love sitting and listening to them talk about them and couldn’t wait for the year when there was a story about me to include. Those few hours while we decorated, no one fought, no one argued, it was just a great time to sit and share some happy thoughts. Plus, it was another time where they would talk about my mom and it made me feel a little bit closer to her.

gift 1283316 640 300x200 Coffee With the Shaugnessys   Holiday SpiceRae: You have a tree in your room that you decorate. How come you don’t include your ornaments on the family tree?

Darcy: (Laughs) To be honest, the first few I collected did make it onto the tree. That’s how I got to have a story about me when we decorated. But then I sort of got a little…shall we say…obsessed with collecting them and my dad is very particular about our family Christmas tree. He likes that he’s carrying on the tradition that my mom started with one new ornament a year and having these sentimental ones, and there I was coming up with things that didn’t go! So in order to make me happy, he surprised me with a tree of my own that I could decorate however I wanted. That first year that I did that, I had so many lights on it and there was maybe only a dozen ornaments, but to me it was the most beautiful tree in the world!

Rae: Any new traditions for the brothers now that you are all married?  How do you find the time to visit all the family?

Riley:  Christmas has always been a bit chaotic for us and now that we’re all married with kids, it’s gotten a little crazier.  Luckily with Aidan and Quinn both still living close to Dad’s, we can spread out and still be at home for Christmas morning.

Darcy:  I still have my own room so not much has changed for me.  Except I sometimes sneak one of the kiddos in with me to snuggle and read Christmas stories.

Aidan:  Like with the tree, we’re big on keeping with tradition.  I know there’s going to come a time when someone’s not going to make it for Christmas – especially since we all have in-laws now – but even if we don’t get to celebrate all together on Christmas Day, I know we’ll find time to do it on another date.

Darcy:  And then we’ll all get to celebrate twice!  How cool is that?

Rae: How has Christmas changed the most now that you are all grown? joy 1823939 640 300x200 Coffee With the Shaugnessys   Holiday Spice

Aidan:  As the oldest, I think I can answer that the best.

Riley:  For the love of it…

Quinn:  You’re not that much older, Aidan.  It’s not like we haven’t noticed the changes.

Hugh:  And you and I are close enough in age that I think I’m a pretty good authority too.

Darcy:  I think we can all agree that Christmas got way better with the addition of all the girl stuff, right?

Owen:  I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much pink in one place as we had on Christmas mornings after you were born. christmas decoration 1921569 640 300x200 Coffee With the Shaugnessys   Holiday Spice

Aidan:  You have no idea how clueless we all were about that.  The girl stuff.  When you were old enough to give us a list, it helped.  But before that, I think Dad would break out in a cold sweat when he prepared to go shopping.

Darcy:  Okay, dramatic much?

Hugh:  it’s true.  Dad was great about picking out sports equipment and video games, but he had no clue about dolls.

Darcy:  I didn’t only play with dolls…

Aidan:  Well, that’s what he thought.

Quinn:  And who knew there were so many of them.

Owen:  I think what’s changed the most about Christmas as we’ve grown up is…nothing.

Aidan:  What does that mean?  Of course things have changed!

Owen: (Shakes his head) Christmas has always been about spending time together.  Just us.  Mom, Dad and the six of us.  That hasn’t changed.  We still have a traditional Irish dinner on Christmas Eve…

Quinn:  Thank God Zoe and Anna took over cooking it though.

Owen:  We still all get together on Christmas morning to open gifts, then we clean up while Dad makes breakfast…

Hugh:  And our lovely wives assist with that now too…

Owen:  And even though Mom isn’t there with us…she is.  We spend the day not only making memories, but remembering all of the Christmas’s we had with her.

(Everyone grows quiet)

Aidan:  There weren’t enough of them.

(They all nod)

Darcy:  I think what’s changed is that we all appreciate one another more.  I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing family and even though they all share memories of a time that I never got to experience, they have made sure that I always had a great Christmas.  (looks at her brothers) And I love you all for it.  So…thank you.

Rae: Thank you all. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and can’t wait to meet up again soon.

Holiday Spice is out tomorrow. Click on the cover and pre-order your copy now:

%name Coffee With the Shaugnessys   Holiday Spice
%name Coffee With the Shaugnessys   Holiday Spice


pattern 4 elements 0005 Layer 4 copy 2 Coffee With the Shaugnessys   Holiday SpiceCoffee With Samantha Chase and The Shaughnessy Crew
Coffee With Samantha Chase

Author Info:
%name Coffee With the Shaugnessys   Holiday Spice

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40’s to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.

When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.

For more information, please visit Samantha’s website –


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