Oct 31, 2017 | Blog, Elizabeth Hoyt, October 2017
Duke of Desire is the twelfth book in the Maiden Lane series by Elizabeth Hoyt. While ech book can be read as a standalone I highly recommend reading this series in order for the full appreciation of Elizabeth’s magnificent storytelling.
Raphael de Chartres has one goal, to bring down the Lords of Chaos and he will stop at nothing until they are destroyed. The Lords of Chaos have haunted Raphael for decades and just when his goal is in sight, his plan is derailed.
Lady Iris Jordan must trust Raphael when he rescues her from impending harm. A plan is hatched and if she’s to stay alive, she must agree to Raphael’s demands. Can she trust the one man who could ruin her?
Dive into a story that is emotionally satisfying and everything readers expect from the Maiden Lane series. The trauma and tragedy that has plagued Raphael his entire life is what has driven him towards revenge. Will the years of plotting find him at the end of that road alive or dead? Will Iris fall for a man who is damaged or will she look beyond to the man he is today? What will happen when Raphael’s desire for Iris burns so hot that he’s forced to choose? Sometimes you can’t fight love and our dear hero will need to choose.
With the heat and intensity in this book I give it three Peppers as it’s pretty hot and might offend. For mature readers 18+
I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.
Check out the Excerpt below and see for yourself.
Iris held her head high as she stared at Raphael. “Why?”
“I’ve already told you why I choose not to have an heir. My reasons are—”
“Your reasons are patently ridiculous!” She’d raised her voice, but she couldn’t find it within herself to care. “You say you desire women, you kiss me twice, you have no struggle in becoming hard—”
Raphael closed his eyes, and a muscle jumped in his jaw. “Madam. Quit this line of questioning now, I beg of you, for if you do not, I shall not be responsible for the consequences.”
Iris watched him and saw a man with his temper barely leashed, his jaw hard as a rock, the muscles in his arms and shoulders bunched, his entire aspect so frozen he nearly shook.
He’d told her to stop. And she had—twice before. “I cannot quit my questions—I’m married to you. I have no other choice but you if I want to have children—and I do—therefore please explain to me why you won’t bed me. Why you think we shouldn’t make a child together.”
She had known that he could move quickly. Still it was a shock when she found herself pressed against the back of her seat, his face inches from hers.
“God’s blood, woman, how much control do you think I have?” he whispered, his clove-scented breath brushing her face. “You must think me a saint by the way you harangue me despite my warnings. Listen and listen well: I am no saint.”
“But I don’t need a saint,” she breathed, her voice trembling. “I don’t want a saint. I want you.”
“God forgive me,” he snarled, and pulled her mouth to his.
ICYMI: My previous reviews from this must read series…
The Duke of Sin
Darling Beast, Dearest Rogue, and Sweetest Scoundral
Thief of Shadows, Lord of Darkness, and The Duke of Midnight|
Coffee With Elizabeth Hoyt
Wicked Intentions, Notorious Pleasures, and Scandalous Desires

Author Info:

Elizabeth Hoyt is the New York Times bestselling author of over seventeen lush historical romances including the Maiden Lane series. Publishers Weekly has called her writing “mesmerizing.” She also pens deliciously fun contemporary romances under the name Julia Harper. Elizabeth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with three untrained dogs, a garden in constant need of weeding, and the long-suffering Mr. Hoyt.
Website: https://elizabethhoyt.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethHoytBooks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElizabethHoyt
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/elizabethhoyt/
Tumblr: https://elizabethhoyt.tumblr.com
Oct 30, 2017 | Blog, October 2017
Have you always wanted to write a novel? Are you a published author under a deadline and need motivation to sit in your chair and get all the words done? Whatever your reason, the time is now.
There are no requirements to sign-up. No experience, no worries. Head over to https://nanowrimo.org and sign up for National Novel Writing Month. It’s your turn to make that writing dream a reality.
Are you inspired after reading your favorite books? Convinced you can write your own? I say do it! Start your resolution November 1, 2017 and make November amazing.
Sign-up, find the support from other participants, and get started on your writing journey now. End 2017 meeting at least one goal rather than waiting for New Years Eve to start. 50,000 words stand between you and your dream, are you ready?
Good luck to all. If you have signed up and are participating, comment below.
Happy Writing!
Oct 26, 2017 | Blog, Blog Tour, Graceley Knox, October 2017
Happy release week for Throne of Secrets, the third book in Graceley Knox’s Wicked Kingdom series. This magical book is packed with even more action, sexy one-liners and colorful details than the first two books. Fear not, if you are new to this series, check out my review of Crown of Betrayal and Mark of Truth There is time to catch up.
Hold onto your e-reader for this epic adventure that has more to come! If you love reading a romance with a slow burn with characters who are just so absolutely brilliant together, then read this story. The chemistry between Ever and Dare will singe your e-reader. It’s not over the top and it’s oh so exciting.
If you love a series that has romance, fantasy, connecting worlds, characters that are rich and well written by an author who allows your imagination to run wild, one-click. It’s a journey of uncovering the truth for Ever, who is she and why was she sent away? Will her parents reveal the truth? It still haunts her, and the outcome will impact and affect more than one kingdom. A war is brewing, lines have been crossed, trust has been broken. Family members have come forward to challenge the throne, and use Ever for their own gain. Who will discover the truth first?
A family reunion might finally present details surrounding the missing pieces Ever is collecting. However, the stakes are at an all time high, pieces are slowly coming into focus. Who will unlock the mystery first? Who will survive when it is
revealed? Dare will stop at nothing to protect the one person he loves but will he find the courage to tell Ever his true feelings? Deep within their world woven of love and balanced with new formed trust, secrets still threaten to destroy generations of families. Kingdoms of innocent people, talk of a rebellion, and more riddles threaten the peace. The excitement is never ending! Will Ever return to MECA? is the Order safe? Oh Lord, I must know!
While I received this ARC for a fair and honest review I intend to purchase a few copies – they make great gifts for your friends. Now is the time to start shopping for the holidays. Cross those items off your list! At ninety-nine cents this book makes a welcome addition to your e-reader library and a wonderful new book adventure. Happy reading and watch out for those elves and goblins ;)!
While Throne of Secrets can be read as a standalone, for a deeper appreciation of the characters and their journey, I encourage you to read this series in order. There is no better time to pick up a new author as Mark of Truth is $2.99 and Throne of Secrets is $0.99 right now on amazon! Grab all three books for $9.97! I have a feeling there is more to come so one-click now.
This two peppers spicy latte has just enough to make you tingle and is it’s for mature readers 18+. 
EXCLUSIVE Throne of Secrets Excerpt:
Arela’s words from three weeks ago repeat over and over in my head like a broken record. And just like the first time I heard them, my stomach drops to my feet and my emotions spin out of control. Doubt that I can be the person to unite two kingdoms. Shock that I’m even considering that I’ll be the one to do it. Happiness that someone will unite the two kingdoms, worry that Arela is having chats with the Goddess of Faerie. And finally, determination to sort through all of it and make sure that everyone I love comes out unscathed.
I shiver and wrap the blanket I’d grabbed tightly around me. Dawn is approaching and the dark blues of the sky are slowly being replaced with streaks of orange and yellow. I’m sitting on the top of the front gate of the Goblin castle. The cool stone seeps through the blanket I’m huddled in, but I don’t mind it. I’ve come here every morning for the past week so I can sit in silence and think. Everyone around me is making plans and guessing at outcomes and I just need a few minutes to myself to process. Just a few moments to take a deep breath and clear my head. The darkness of the night matches the murkiness of my thoughts and my mood perfectly.
What I need is answers. I need someone to give it to me straight and not tack on their own political agenda. The chances of that happening are slim to none. I’m too close to all the parties involved for them to be unbiased. I need someone who doesn’t have anything invested in the outcome of my appearance in the Light Elven Kingdom. MECA could probably not care less, but then again, I recently learned they aren’t as uninvolved as they tell everyone they are. The Goblin Kingdom has given me shelter and taken care of those I hold dearest, but they hold might above all else. Allying with the Light Elven Kingdom would only make them more fearsome. Last but not least, my mother is a royal in the Light Elven Kingdom and my uncle is the current king. My mother is still missing, which adds to my worry, and my uncle is trying to make history. I’m sick of being a pawn in a deadly game of political chess. I pull at a loose string on the blanket and grumble under my breath.
“If only I could see snippets of the future. A glimpse is all I’m asking for.”
I look up into the fading darkness and pray that my wishes are heard by anyone who can help. Minutes go by and my glimmer of hope flicks out and helplessness fills my chest. Why me? Why would anyone involved in the grand scheme of things want me to help them? I’m angry most of the time and full of inappropriate sarcastic comments. I try to protect everyone around me but it seems like I mostly fail. I fail all the time and each time I do it’s like another piece of my soul crumbles into a pile of ash. I can barely make sense of my own emotions let alone help everyone else with theirs. There’s got to be a reason as to why I’m tangled up in all of this. Unfortunately, no one has any gods damned answers for me, so here I am. Sitting on the ramparts and tossing wishes into the universe like a child tosses a coin into a well.
“Perhaps I can help you with your glimpse, Ever.”
Get your copy here: 

Meet The Author:
Graceley Knox is an up and coming paranormal and fantasy romance author with a serious caffeine and book addiction. She prefers to listen to music while she writes and is a former New Englander living on the Gulf Coast of Florida. By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. When she’s not reading, writing, or hanging out with her large extended family you can find her on her various social media accounts.
Visit her here: www.facebook.com/GraceleyKnoxWEBSITE Facebook Twitter Instagram

Oct 25, 2017 | Blog, Kerri Carpenter, October 2017
Bidding on the Bachelor by Kerri Carpenter is a delicious, fun, flirty story that involves bloggers, and a second chance romance. Are you ready?
Carissa Blackwell has returned to Bayside looking for a fresh start. Will her return bring clarity or will the notorious Bayside Blogger dig up the truth before she has time to sort it all out. Who is this mysterious blogger and why is everyone whispering when she walks by? Inquiring minds want to know.
Jasper Dumont is one of Baysides’ most eligible bachelors but when Carissa, his first love returns, it will throw his world upside down. What will Jasper do when the truth is revealed regarding why Carissa left town, never to return. Hearts were broken, lives were changed. Hopefully Carissa will stay for good, there is nothing better than a second chance at love, especially in Bayside.
Kerri has delivered another must read in a series centered around friendships that are all too real, family struggles, and falling in love so hard it changes you forever. Oh, and for inquiring minds, it seems the blogger might be next. I hope so. I’m dying to know who it is ;)!
While this can be read as a standalone, I recommend enjoying the series in order. It’s one to savor. Stop by the bakery and grab a sweet, a hot cuppa something warm, and find a cozy corner. This is one yummy book!
This two peppers spicy latte has just enough to make you tingle and is it’s for mature readers 18+. I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.
“I’m back in town.”
“For how long?” he asked quickly, too quickly. In fact, if she wasn’t mistaken, anger laced his question. She must have reacted to it because his features softened. “Sorry, it’s none of my business. And I do remember that today is your birthday. So, happy birthday, Carissa.”
“Thanks,” she said, and meant it. She decided to offer an olive branch because the truth was that she’d dumped him and she hadn’t been kind about it. This icy reception she was receiving was well deserved. While she knew the reasons behind her decision, she’d never let Jasper in on it. She’d been a bratty, selfish teenager, not capable of understanding her emotions. Unwilling to admit that Jasper had always reminded her of her father and that summer her dad had dropped a bombshell on her.
“I don’t know how long I’ll be in town. I’m sort of in a transition period right now.” He waited patiently. After another long drink of beer, she finished. “I just got divorced.” Saying the words out loud left an awful taste in her mouth. An acidic aftertaste of yuckiness.
First, shock flashed on his face. Then, true concern shone in his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he said.
And that might have been her undoing. Because he had every reason to be stiff and awkward with her. Instead, any kind of compassion from him loosened her lips.
“Today is my twenty-ninth birthday. I’m having a beer next to my ex-boyfriend, who hates my guts, in a dive bar in the town I swore I would never step foot in again. An ex-boyfriend I should really apologize to because I was an evil witch to him.” The words were flying now. She gripped her hand tightly around her glass. “I’m not even thirty and already I’ve been married and divorced. And I got divorced because he freaking cheated on me.”
She couldn’t miss the way Jasper’s eyes narrowed, his hands curled into fists, and there was a definite tic in his clenched jaw. “He cheated on you?”
“Yep. Apparently, the fact that I was homecoming queen, prom queen and head cheerleader did nothing to impress him. Or keep his pants zipped up when anyone wearing a skirt in the Central Time Zone walked by. That probably makes your whole day, doesn’t it?”
He slammed his hand on the bar and she jumped. But she just as quickly composed herself. “What? You have every right to revel in my misery after the way I broke up with you. I got divorced. You win.”
His eyes narrowed. “I don’t want to win at that game. And I certainly don’t want to hear that some idiot cheated on you. I’m sorry you’re getting divorced.”
“That makes one of us.”
Copyright © 2017 Bidding on the Bachelor by Kerri Carpenter
Get your copy here: 

Author Bio:
Award-winning romance author Kerri Carpenter writes contemporary romances that are sweet, sexy, and sparkly. When she’s not writing, Kerri enjoys reading, cooking, watching movies, taking Zumba classes, rooting for Pittsburgh sports teams, and anything sparkly. Kerri lives in Northern Virginia with her adorable (and mischievous) rescued poodle mix, Harry. Visit Kerri at her website, on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or subscribe to her newsletter.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub
Oct 24, 2017 | Blog, Blog Blitz, Eliza Knight, October 2017

USA Today bestselling author Eliza Knight is back with the first in an all new swashbuckling series, Pirates of Britannia: Lords of the Sea. SAVAGE OF THE SEA features a daring pirate brotherhood, high-seas adventures, and unforgettable romance…
The Whole Latte:

This series as of now will have four books, books one and three are written by Eliza Knight and books two and four are written by Kathryn Le Veque. The blog tour features Eliza’s new release, which is the first book in this one-click worthy series.
Are you ready for a swashbuckling high seas adventures? A story packed with enough plot filled twists to keep you on the edge of your seat? Don’t miss Eliza Knight’s book in this fresh new series, Lords of the Sea. It’s a must read.
Shaw “Savage” MacDougall is a pirate and must save members of his crew. There is only one snafu, he must make a deal to commit an act he vowed never to perform, ever. If he doesn’t its possible he might never see those crew members again, at least in one piece.
Oh, if only it were that easy. Nope. Remember, this is a story with pirates, and with Eliza at the helm, this pirate has one hell of a story to tell.
Savage is ruthless, but despite the rumors, he has a moral compass and a few notable traits that have so far prevented him from losing his own head. At first sight of Lady Jane Douglas he will violate every pirate code to save her, despite his instructions. How? Now where would the fun be in that? You are going to have to pre-order this must read story and pour a dram, or two. If you are looking for a pirate that will curl your toes and take you on an adventure of a lifetime, or at least for a few hours of reading enjoyment, Savage is your pirate.
Lady Jane might be young, but she is strong, stubborn, and will prove herself to be an equal match for Savage. The sacrifices that Savage takes to keep Lady Jane safe will result in many readers placing ads across social media in search of pirates.
Assumptions have been made and when Savage discovers the secrets Jane has been keeping, will he cast her aside or keep her close? Most pirates live to pillage and plunder, will Savage take what he wants and cast her aside, or love her till the end of time? The excitement of Jane discovering her true purpose is thrilling and inspiring. The excitement of Savage finding a true soul mate kept me turning page after page.
From the halls of Edinburgh castle to the majestic ship sailing the vast sea it’s time for a new series. It’s thrilling, romantic and has the perfect amount of spice. This brotherhood of pirates is seamless and the little nuances of castles, ships and travel are written with precision and such care you feel you are there with them.
Don’t miss this new series from Eliza Knight and Kathryn Le Veque and find out who will survive? Who will surrender? Who will find love? Whose story will be next? The first three are up on Amazon for pre-order now. Just click on the book covers:
A two and a half spicy pepper read. It has enough
heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.
I received an advance copy from Barclay PR and the author for a fair and honest review. At a bargain price of $2.99 it is the perfect gift for yourself or a friend! One-click now and in just two sleeps you can set sail with Savage and his crew!

Exclusive excerpt from SAVAGE OF THE SEA
Copyright © Eliza Knight 2017
Isle of Iona
October 1445
The nights were normally quiet at the abbey. Lady Jane Lindsay walked the open-air cloisters between compline and matins when everyone else was sleeping, because sleep rarely came to her.
It was an issue she’d dealt with ever since that horrible night five years before, this inability to rest. And the only thing that seemed to help was walking in the nighttime air, no matter the weather, with no one present so that she could clear her mind, stare at the stars and think of a world outside these confining walls.
Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it did not.
She was Lady Marina now, her birth name of Jane a secret between herself, her aunt and the Mother Superior. Well, and her gentle warrior. She’d not written him since that day he’d warned someone else was reading her letters. And ever since she’d stopped, the scornful gazes she’d been receiving from Mother Superior had subsided. Was it she who read the letters?
Marina had been on Iona since the day the pirate prince had left her at the shore just before dawn so none of the sisters at the abbey would be able to identify her rescuer. And though five years had passed in the company of the devoted women of God, Marina had yet to take formal vows herself. Though not for Mother Superior’s lack of trying. She wasn’t certain what held her back, only that she felt destined for something, and she’d yet to figure out what. Perhaps the overarching fear of discovery had been at the heart of that desire to keep herself free and separate from the women who had taken her in.
She’d once thought that she might like a life at sea. Those few days upon the Savage of the Sea had been the most peaceful of her life. No one had looked at her as though she were a pawn. No one had expected to use her, as had been her lot since the day she was born. Surprisingly, not even Shaw MacDougall, who she owed a debt.
For now, she knew that their lives could be in danger.
Even that rakishly handsome devil prince of pirates did not know the true danger she was in. The secret that would have made Livingstone want her dead. She’d kept that from Shaw. The less people who knew, the better.
Get your copy here – click on the cover:

Book 1- $2.99 
Book 2- $2.99

Book 3 – $2.99
Rafflecopter for Savage of the Sea Blitz Tour Giveaway:
One (1) lucky winner will receive a Celtic jewelry box plus a signed print copy of SAVAGE OF THE SEA! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Direct Link:
About the Author:
Eliza Knight is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of over fifty sizzling historical, time-travel and contemporary romance novels. Under the name E. Knight, she pens rip-your- heart-out historical fiction. While not reading, writing or researching for her latest book, she chases after her three children. In her spare time (if there is such a thing…) she likes daydreaming, wine-tasting, traveling, hiking, staring at the stars, watching movies, shopping and visiting with family and friends. She lives atop a small mountain with her own knight in shining armor, three princesses and two very naughty puppies.
Connect with Eliza at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram
Oct 22, 2017 | Blog, Kira Archer, October 2017
A wager, one irritatingly sexy boss, and a whole lot of wicked shenanigans make way for funny scenes and hilarious one-liners. Those are just a few reasons why 69 Million Things I Hate About You by Kira Archer is one-click worthy!
A story packed with characters that make you laugh, a plot that moves fast, and scorching hot chemistry. You don’t want to be the only one who hasn’t read this story.
Kiersten should quit her job with her good fortune. However, the thrill of annoying Cole Harrington, her smokin’ hot boss, means that you will laugh, scream and toss your book at Cole. This sexy boss has demands that are over the top, and expects you to respond with just one text or ring.
When Cole and Kiersten try to best each other the competition is fierce. Only one will come out on top. Will Kiersten give him the thrashing that he needs
Well played Kira! What would you do if you won the lottery? Readers, run to your computer, drag out your e-reader, and download now! Best. Story. Ever. Happy Reading.
I give the collection a spicy 2 1/2 pepper read. It has enough
heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.

His gaze roved over her face, focusing for a moment on her lips. She sucked the bottom one into her mouth, more to wet it from the sudden desert her mouth had become than to be sexy, but if it worked for both, more power to her.
“You know, I’m happy to take my shirt off for you anytime. You just have to ask. I know how much you enjoy
the view.”
Oh hell yes, she did. Wait. She frowned slightly. “What do you mean, you know I like the view?”
“The day you became my first assistant,” he said, leaning in closer. “You came into my office and I was on the
treadmill. Sweaty. Shirtless.” He leaned in even closer and took her chin in his fingers. “You couldn’t keep your eyes off me.” His voice had hit a husky, low level that had her belly tightening.
“I’m afraid you’re mistaken,” she said, though her voice came out far too breathy for someone who wasn’t supposed to be affected by her boss. “I was merely concerned you were getting dehydrated. With the amount of sweat I saw, I was afraid you were going to dry up like a cockroach and die.”
She smiled sweetly at him. He hadn’t released her face yet. He opened his hand to trail his fingers along her jawline, cup her cheek. “It was good of you to be concerned. No worries though. I have amazing stamina.”
Her face was so hot he could surely feel it flaming in his hand.
“I’m…sure you do,” she said, trying to force herself to stay unaffected. Mind over matter and all that. Her mind, however, was going AWOL. Along with the rest of her traitorous body.
Get your copy here, just click on the cover for $2.99. Prices are subject to change on Amazon.

Kira Archer resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kiddos, and far too many animals in the house. She tends to laugh at inappropriate moments and break all the rules she gives her kids (but only when they aren’t looking), and would rather be reading a book than doing almost anything else. Most of her non-writing hours are spent hanging with her family and running her kids around because they are busy and she’s the taxi driver. She loves her romances a little playful, a lot sexy, and always with a happily ever after. She also writes historical romances as Michelle McLean.