Oct 23, 2014 | Allison Butler, Blog, October 2014
Readers and Followers:
Thank you to everyone who entered the contest and a HUGE thank you to Allison Butler!!
Congratulations to Leslie S. for winning the kindle e-book copy along with a signed post card.
Congratulations to Keri B. for winning a signed post card and a Celtic Bookmark.
Allison will be contacting you directly using the e-mail address that you provided 🙂
Thank you for visiting and I hope that you check back to find out about other fantastic books! To be sure that you never miss a new post click the follow-me button!
Happy Reading!
Oct 22, 2014 | Allison Butler, Blog, Coffee With, October 2014

First, if we were meeting in a coffee shop I’d be drinking a latte J
What would you order? A skim mocha. Yum!
8 Tantalizing Tidbits!
1. A MUST read book and why? Simply Love by Catherine Anderson. This book opened my world to the romance genre and inspired me to begin my writing journey.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? It’s spring here in Austrailia and there’s an abundance of sunshine, blue skies and beautiful flowers, so I’d pack a picnic basket and rug and take you to Catract Dam. Built between 1902 and 1907, Cataract Dam is the oldest dam in Sydney’s water supply system. Set against a backdrop of densely wooded shores, some say it’s also the most picturesque.
3. Amusement Parks or Nature Parks? Nature Parks
4. What is your guilty pleasure? Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations Jelly Popping Beanies *sigh*
5. What is your fav orite current TV show and why? Outlander. I loved reading these books and now it’s wonderful seeing them brought to life on TV. Oh, and have I mentioned I love men in kilts.
6. Country or City Girl? I’m a country girl, but I do like visiting the city now and then.
7. First rock concert- who, where and how old were you? My first rock concert was to see the band Queen at Sydney’s Entertainment Centre. I was eighteen, and it was the best concert ever!
8. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go and why? Definitely Scotland! There’s something about Scotland that touches my heart and stirs my soul. I write Scottish historical romance and would take any opportunity to revisit Scotland and explore her glorious castles, her magnificent landscape and her turbulent history.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to chat!
Now it’s your turn readers. Let us know – What is your MUST read book and why? Comment below!!
Answer for your chance at a few fabulous prizes!
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a Rafflecopter giveaway
Oct 21, 2014 | Blog, October 2014

The Healer by Allison Butler magically sweeps you into the enchantment of Scotland. Looking to satisfy that Highlander itch and wondering what to read while Outlander is on their six month break then it’s your lucky day!
Through a series of unfortunate events Lynelle’s Fenwicks half brother is captured by a Scottish Clan. Desperately seeking approval and acceptance she heads out to rescue the young boy. Unfortunately she’s snuck out of the castle so no one knows she’s disappeared. It doesn’t take long to figure out that Lynelle has put herself in a precarious position demanding the release of a prisoner without anything to barter with. Realizing that she has nothing but herself the Laird Lachlan Elliot misunderstands and thinks that she’s offering herself in exchange. The thought of whoring appalls her and she must think quickly. Perhaps she can pass herself off as a Healer, get her brother released and send word back to the castle that she’s ok.
All goes according to plan until she discovers that he’s been released and sent back without seeing her first. Somehow she just might be in over her head, or is she? Since Laird William Kirkpatrick is in need of a healer to help fix his ailing brother she’s agreed to the task knowing that no one knows where she is or where she’s about to go! Will she survive the journey back to his castle and tell him the extent of her healing abilities or will she set out to discover the woman she’s meant to be?
William Kirkpatrick needs a healer who won’t kill him or those he loves. Someone who will be honest and not betray him. Will there still be need for her when he discovers the truth about her role as a healer? Will it matter and be enough? How long before her past is exposed and her family discovers she’s missing and declared a traitor? Everything is on the line yet somehow she finds herself drawn to this new path. Having never been around anyone who valued what she had to say is now causing her inner conflict and frustration.
With a loss so raw and devastating, William is haunted by the memories of his family dying in a tragic accident that he can’t see beyond the pain. He’s unaware they are grieving too and want to help him through this too! If he believes in folklore, about who will survive and who will perish, then can he truly recover and move forward? Can he allow himself to trust that the healer is on his side? Will he send her away too? Furthermore, can he learn to trust again?
Little does William realize that Lynelle can’t forgive herself for the death of her mother and twin brother because everyone has said it was her fault that tragedy struck her family? The way things are going they both might just be cursed. As far as her clan is concerned no one wants her around. What will it take to prove she has value and worth?
Wow! The attraction between them is flammable! Hot, sparky and sizzling with every fleeting glance or light brush between them. Allison’s words will transport you back in time to a place you feel an immediate connection to. This story is captivating and enchanting. It makes me want to get my plaid, start a fire and grab a good glass of Whisky. Her writing is seamless and has such passion infusion that I found myself yelling out loud on more than one occasion. Will they or won’t they? I needed to know what happened so much that my dinner almost burned. I swear my clock stopped for an hour or two as I lost track of time. I felt as if I’d gone back in time and was there with the Laird too! Bravo, well done! I can’t wait till your next book. I hope I’m lucky enough to snag an ARC!
Let us know – Do you believe in curses? Why?
Comment below!!
Answer for your chance at a few fabulous prizes!
Click on the link below
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Allison Butler is an author of Scottish historical romance. She spent her early years in country NSW building pretend castles with hay bales and leaping white posts with her army of two older sisters and a younger brother. Many years later, with her mother’s influence, she discovered a passion for words and history, read her first historical romance and was inspired to write her own. She writes by day and cares for the elderly by night. Her love of travel has given her the gift of many amazing sights but none more heart-stirring than the rugged beauty of Scotland. Allison lives in a small town in NSW, Australia, with her very own Scottish hero, two beautiful daughters and a Jack Russell named Wallace. She loves travelling, dancing like no-one’s watching and seeing the sights from the back of her husband’s motorcycle.
Oct 19, 2014 | Blog, October 2014, Sawyer Bennett

Alex: A Cold Fury Hockey Novel (Carolina Cold Fury Hockey) by Sawyer Bennett is a fantastic first book in a new series. I love hockey and romance books so when I saw this ARC I knew I’d scored big. This was the first time I’d read a Sawyer Bennett book and wasn’t sure what I was going to discover. After blasting through this book in less time than it takes to watch a hockey game I can say I’m hooked on this series and would welcome future books to read.
Alex Crossman has a reputation for being a bad boy, heart-of-stone ice hockey player. It seems that his troubled past molded him into a heartless and damaged man who doesn’t really care about the consequences of his actions both on and off the ice. If you are a hot woman and have any interest in pursuing a romantic relation steer clear. If not you might just find yourself in the penalty box especially if you show signs of expressing romantic notions.
Listen up ladies, this is one bad boy you aren’t going to change or so he wants you to think. Unfortunately that “I don’t care” attitude” is what finally finds him in a “need of a change or get fined” position by his coach with his career in jeopardy. The Coaches and Management have had enough of his careless ways and insist he change. But will their threats and sudden interest in his well being resonate? Will it be enough to help coax him into being a better player? It’s time to stop being selfish and show’s he’s a team player and in such a public and newsworthy way – outreach! Management has decided he will be a shining example and help reach out to troubled teens who are using drugs and/or alcohol or someone in their home is using drugs. Yup, good old fashion community service As he’s not in a position to choose, he must participate in this community service outreach or hang up his skates. Once he sets eyes on the woman in charge of his service time he has a feeling that this will be anything but boring or a waste of his time. When he meets his supervisor, Sutton Price, he realizes that she’s anything but ordinary. Within minutes he realizes that she’s not one to be crossed and that she may actually be his savior! But Sutton has secrets of her own and her own take on relationships that will give Alex something to fight for. That is if he can open up and let himself work through his past. What will she do when she encounters his aggressive side? Will it satisfy her needs or push her away? As a professional counselor her job is to help, but will her skills be enough to reach through and rescue Alex? Will they both trust enough to open up about their past and their own needs? And if so, will it bring them closer together or send them skating in the opposite direction?
Discover Alex Crossman and see how wicked he is both on and off the ice! This story will keep you wondering what happens until the end. It’s a steamy page turner that is both a bit spicy and unpredictable. Alex will make your insides melt one minute and then fill you with frustration the next. Even Sutton will have you questioning her actions knowing that she’s a counselor and should know better in how to handle most situations. I found myself more than once questioning her actions and then thrilled that she shows us she’s only just starting to find her voice!
Only four more months until we meet Garrett! Don’t wait! Get your copy now! The cover alone is enough to burn your kindle out! Now to get my hands on an autographed post card for my Kindle Keeper 😉

USA Today Best-Selling Author, Sawyer Bennett is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. Her husband works for a Fortune 100 company which lets him fly all over the world while she stays at home with their daughter and three big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn’t have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.
Sawyer is the author of several contemporary romances including the popular Off Series, the Legal Affairs Series and the Last Call Series.
Sawyer Bennett
USA Today Best-Selling Author
Oct 17, 2014 | Blog, Margaret Mallory, October 2014

Captured by a Laird by Margaret Mallory is a story that you must read if you are obsessed with anything Scottish that involves men in kilts, castles, and conflicted love. Oh, and the occasional Clan issue or two.
Alison Douglas of the Douglas Clan has just lost her husband who was the Laird of the Blackadders and is finally free to choose a man she loves rather than one she’s been bartered or exchanged for. At the tender age of 13 she was betrothed to an Ogre who’s favorite sport included embarrassment, ridicule and daily unwanted wifely obligations. Seen only as a means to an end she spent a decade with a man that didn’t appreciate her and was anything but nice.
Finally, Alison can now express her needs and wants without fear of being punished. Unfortunately she discovers that the men of Blackadder Castle have little to no respect for her. After a ceremonious burning of her bed in the Castle courtyard for the Clan to see there is now even more concern and whispers around the castle.
Nothing is more important to Laird David Hume of Wedderburn than revenge and retribution against the beheading of his father and uncle. It is David’s intention to capture Blackadder Castle as Alison vows never to be treated like a possession by any man ever again. To his surprise he discovers a youthful, vibrant woman who is making him think lustful and wanton things which are not on his agenda. While he’s anything but trustworthy she can’t deny the obvious. A stubborn, gorgeous and vengeful man has just pushed his way into her life and he will stop at nothing to protect what is his. One should be wary not to cross him as he is not afraid to make an example out of those who commit crimes against him. After all he does have a Beastly reputation to live up to.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and while seeking help from her brother who also happens to not have her best interests in mind she unknowingly puts herself into the hands of the Devil himself. It is difficult to comprehend that her family is anything but loyal or safe and this sets her on a journey for justice and revenge. Will the Douglas Clan finally rise up and defend her giving her the help she so desperately needs? Or, will this new “Beast” of a Laird be the savior she has yet to realize she might need?
Perhaps her stubbornness and inability to trust will help her avoid ruination again or perhaps her salvation? Unfortunately she has a determination that sometimes gets the best of her as she is fearful of succumbing to a fate worse than death. So, she sets out to make things right and protect those she loves.
Only when David makes a decision that ultimately proves she’s nothing more than property does Alison insist that he’s only thinking of himself. What she doesn’t see is that there is so much more to his decision if she would just allow herself to trust. With everyone out for themselves trust becomes paramount as no one is safe and a sealed letter is just that, sealed. No one knows for sure if the contents are real or forged.
Once again Margaret Mallory has written a must read book filled with spies, deceit, battles and conquests that will leave you counting down the days until her next book with tales from the Douglas Clan. This book sizzles and will warm you up on a cold night almost as much as a toasty fire! Oh, and the cover *gasp* !! It’s enough to make your heart leap and your mind race wishing you were in 1517 with the Laird David Hume himself! If you love Scottish Highlanders check out her other books too! They will surely satisfy that craving and more. Slainte mhath (Cheers!)!!!

Margaret abandoned her career as a lawyer to become a romance novelist when she realized she’d rather have thrilling adventures with handsome alpha warriors than write briefs and memos. She has won numerous honors for the books in her two previous series, THE RETURN OF THE HIGHLANDERS and ALL THE KING’S MEN, including RT Book Reviews‘ Best Scotland-Set Historical Romance Award, a RITA© nomination, the National Readers’ Choice Award, and two Maggies. CAPTURED BY A LAIRD is the 1st book in her new Scottish historical series, THE DOUGLAS LEGACY.
Margaret lives with her husband in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Now that her children are off on their own adventures, she spends most of her time writing, but she also loves to read, watch movies, hike, and travel. Readers can find information on Margaret’s books, photos of Scotland, historical tidbits, and links to Margaret on Facebook and Twitter on her website, www.MargaretMallory.com.
Oct 10, 2014 | Blog, October 2014
As you know if you read my blog, I LOVE to read! If this is your first time here and you are a writer if you want me to review your book or novella, please ask! If you like my style (which you must because you just asked me to review) and your book falls into a category that I will read and review please send me your book!
So how would you feel about receiving a gift card for a review? For instance, being told, “If you review, as a thank you, we’ll send you a gift card” would you do it?
I recently received an e-mail offering giftcards to any reviewer/reader that could post their review to amazon and goodreads on a first posted, first rewarded basis. I was asked in a direct, personal e-mail if I would do this and to then post my review. Once done I should send the link and if any giftcards were left, I’d receive one.
I was going to review the book anyway, and so I agreed to do this because, hey, giftcard! I was thanked and told that once I send the link to the posted review, a gift card would be sent. I had computer problems so I gave them my review name for both sites in the original e-mail. They could’ve easily looked up my review. So when I didn’t hear back from them for 24 hours I asked if they’d received it. They had not and was told all the gift cards were gone. In an interesting side note, all correspondence but the one with the link to the review was received. Hmmm. It made me a little suspicious of the whole deal, but…whatever. So while this clearly did not work out in my favor it really made me think about this process. So what do you think? As a writer, would you attempt to gain reviews by offering a gift card or perhaps another monetary reward? As a blogger I already feel I’ve scored big when I receive a book free in the hopes I’ll give an honest, non-paid, and in my case, positive review. I just love to read! I can’t say that enough. My review was both favorable (I happened to like this book) and non-plot revealing as are all my reviews. If I really, really dislike a book, I don’t review it. I’d rather not say something bad, because someone took a lot of time and energy to WRITE the book. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean other people won’t like it. In those cases, I don’t review, I don’t say anything at all.
So, when I posted my reviews first and then was told I’d receive a sweet reward I thought for sure that there was nothing wrong with this. However, the more I thought about it, I now I feel that I should take my review of this book, favorable and honest though it was, down because it wasn’t done with the best intentions on my part or theirs. This isn’t sour grapes about not getting the gift card, but the way in which it happened made me realize that it’s probably a bad practice to take “pay” for a review. In the end I’ve decided that I want a clean conscience and will gladly accept books for review (e-books are fantastic by the way!) But I’ve decided I will no longer be tempted by those e-mails that come in offering up an enticing treat!
To those authors and bloggers out there, how do you feel about this? Is this truly an honest review if you know in advance that you are being rewarded with a sizeable gift card (and I’m not talking about the random raffle promotion) for a book review?