Authors Dish with: NYT & USA Today Bestselling Author Samantha Chase, Bestselling Author Mariah Ankenman & Author Jeanne Adams
Welcome to Authors Dish – a time to connect with your favorite authors or discover new ones as they share a little bit about themselves. I’m always so appreciative when they take the time to chat and hang out a bit while writing all the adventures we crave. I’ll be sharing their links and bio so if they are a new author for ya, you’ll have all the info you need to check them out.
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To everyone this fall season I hope your pantries are full, your table filled, and friendships forged. May we all give thanks to those in our lives who make ours a little better. As November winds down, the holiday season countdown begins, and the festivities begin we’ve got NYT & USA Today Bestselling Author Samantha Chase, Bestselling Author Mariah Ankenman and Author Jeanne Adams ready to dish!
1. What is your favorite Thanksgiving Tradition?
Samantha: I don’t think we ever had a Thanksgiving tradition ☹ For so many years we ended up someplace different every year and it was either small and quiet or loud and boisterous. But basically, it’s just about being together with family or friends.
Mariah: The food for sure!
Jeanne: My fav Thanksgiving tradition is to have friends over who don’t have a family to get to on the holiday. Another fav is to, over dessert, have everyone say what they were Thankful for from the previous year and what they’re looking forward to in the next.
2. Do you cater your feast or cook from scratch or just contribute a side dish?
Samantha: I do ALL of the cooking and I love it. It’s my favorite meal in the world to cook! Not everything is from scratch, but at least half of it is.
Mariah: My spouse and I generally host these days and mostly cook from scratch, but a few things come from a can or box.
Jeanne: These days, I’m cooking it from scratch! Love doing that, so it’s no hardship!
3. What is your “must have” dish on the table?
Samantha: Mashed potatoes. One year we went to my husband’s aunt’s house for Thanksgiving. We had just moved 500 miles away from our parents and close family and it was our first holiday away from home. And while the dinner was fine, there were no mashed potatoes and it totally threw me! Lol!
Mariah: Mashed potatoes!
Jeanne: A big ol’ Turkey, of course! But my boys won’t consider it Thanksgiving unless there’s sweet potato casserole and pineapple casserole on the table. Hubby wants mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. I love it all!
4. So many pies … are you team Pecan, Pumpkin or Apple? A la mode, whip cream, or pass on the toppings?
Samantha: I am not a pie person at all – unless it’s a chocolate or Oreo pie! – but there is always an apple pie at the holidays. Always. My mother-in-law used to make them and now my mom makes them.
Mariah: I’m not a huge dessert person, but I do love a delicious pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top.
Jeanne: I am totally team Pumpkin! However, not everyone in my household are pumpkin fans (what is wrong with them???) so I’ve always got apple and sometimes cherry too. I’m the only fan of pecan, and sometimes it’s too much with pumpkin too, so I seldom make it anymore.
5. What is your favorite holiday movie, album to put on, or book to read?
Samantha: Favorite holiday movie is “Scrooged” with Bill Murray and “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. Those are my musts for the holiday season.
Mariah: Garfield Christmas and Muppet Christmas Carol are lifelong favorites. I also do a Christmas book advent calendar with the kiddos. We unwrap a Christmas book every night to read. Some are old ones, but I usually buy one or two news ones every year.
Jeanne: I always re-read a wonderful historical that’s a Christmas story. I’ll have to dig it out and get the name to share. It’s out of print but it’s charming. I love all the Halloween movies, of course, but Die Hard is my favorite Christmas movie, as well as A Wonderful Life and the original cartoon Grinch.
6. Holiday shopping … do you start early or wait for all the seasonal sales? Do you get up early and fight the crowds or sit in your pjs browsing the web?
Samantha: I used to get up early and do the Black Friday shopping with friends for a lot of years. Now I tend to sit in my pjs and shop online from September through December until I have everything.
Mariah: Crowded stores? No thank you! I’m an online shopper for the most part.
Jeanne: I browse from my chair in my Pjs! Grins. I do some shopping early if I see something that strikes me as being perfect for someone, but I refuse to fight the crowds.
7. As we get ready to shop and fill the e-readers, bookshelves and wish lists …. Do you have any upcoming releases?
Samantha: Such a silly question! Of course I do!!
– A MERRY MONTGOMERY CHRISTMAS – coming November 14 th
– IRRESISTIBLE LOVE (Wylder Love book one) – coming January 30 th , 2024
– TEASING YOU (Donovans of Sweetbriar Ridge book two) – coming March 26 th , 2024
– WANTING YOU (Donovans of Sweetbriar Ridge book three) – coming May 21, 2024
– INDESCRIBABLE LOVE (Wylder Love book two) – coming July 16 th , 2024
– UNDENIABLE LOVE (Wylder Love book three) – coming September 17 th , 2024
Mariah: Nothing with buy links yet, but my entire backlist is available.
Jeanne: I do! I have a wonderfully fun story coming out in an anthology November 28! The Anthology is headlined by NYTimes and USA Today bestselling author Mercedes Lackey and is set in her award wining world of Valdemar. I was so lucky and so excited to be invited to be a part of the 17 th anthology in this world The book is called Anything With Nothing.
Click here for a link to ALL of Samantha’s Books on Amazon
Click here for a link to ALL of Mariah’s Books on Amazon
Click here for a link to ALL of Jeanne’s Books on Amazon
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Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance that’s hotter than sweet, sweeter than hot. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than eighty titles under her belt – including THE CHRISTMAS COTTAGE which was a Hallmark Christmas movie in 2017! She’s a Disney enthusiast who still happily listens to 80’s rock. When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 32 years and their two sons in Wake Forest, North Carolina.
Bestselling author Mariah Ankenman lives in the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her two rambunctious children and loving spouse who is her own personal spell checker when her dyslexia gets the best of her. Mariah loves to lose herself in a world of words. Her favorite thing about writing is when she can make someone’s day a little brighter with one of her books. To learn more about Mariah and her books, visit her website http://mariahankenman.com/ follow her on social media, or sign up for her newsletter.
Jeanne Adams is an award-winning author of more than 20 thrilling suspense, wicked Urban Fantasy, paranormal romantic suspense, and dramatic space adventures which have been compared to the works of Robert Heinlein and Jack McDevitt. Both traditionally and independently published, Jeanne is a sought-after speaker for her Body Disposal for Writers Worldbuilding for Writers, Plotting for Pantzers, and her workshop on Fight Scenes in Fiction.
Jeanne helped create the Nora Roberts Writing Institute at Hagerstown Community College; served on the Board of Directors for Romance Writers of America; was featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine; and is a showrunner on ConTinual, the online Con that Never Ends. She’s currently completing her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction and has won numerous awards for both her fiction and non-fiction work. Jeanne lives in DC with her sports-mad husband and sons, as well as three large, boisterous dogs. Find links to her latest work on her website or through most online purchasing platforms!
Find her at:
Twitter: @JeanneAdams
Facebook: JeanneAdamsAuthor
Instagram: @JPAGryphon
Pinterest: JeanneAdams (Especially her Writerly Things board!)