Jul 18, 2016 | Blog, Jeanne Adams, July 2016, Nancy Northcott

Dear followers and readers who have attempted to comment in the past few days. I have left the giveaways open for another day due to a blog error that prevented many of you from commenting. The problem has been fixed and I want to allow time for those who wanted to comment to do so.
All contests for Day7 with Nancy Northcott and Day 8 with Jeanne Adams will stay open till tomorrow, July 19 at 2PM.
You must comment on these pages to be entered to win.
ICYMI: Winter Extravaganza Day 7
ICYMI: Winter Extravaganza Day 8
Thank you for your understanding and good luck to all 🙂
Happy Reading!
Jul 16, 2016 | Blog, July 2016, Nancy Northcott

****** Congratulations to the winner of the Day 7 Giveaway ******
Bube you have won the signed copies of Light Mage Wars set of Sentinel plus Warrior. (International).
Bube you have 24 hours to comment or a new name will be drawn.
It’s time to meet A Warrior, an Archaeologist and a whole lot of unexplained occurrences make this paranormal romance a must read from Nancy Northcott.
Then dive into a novella that has a whole lot of chemistry to make this one fantastic sexy paranormal way to start the series!
Either way you decide to read Nancy’s books they are perfect as a standalone too.
Happy Reading!

Warrior by Nancy Northcott is a colorful and magical tale with on sexy mage, a determined archaeologist and a lot of heat! Audra Grayson is deep in the Okefenokee Swamp hoping to keep her career alive. When her team discovers a metal object in the middle of a Native American dig site they fear someone is out to sabotage them. When she seeks out some help Will Davis, a famous archaeologist and Mage, shows up. For Will, working with the Mundanes (non-magic using folk) can be challenging but he’s determined to help her find out how the metal object appeared at a site where none should be.
A mysterious fire and magic permeating in the air send Will’s senses on overdrive. Is dark magic at work? It’s when a bronze axe is discovered that Audra’s team starts scrambling and Will’s interest is now heightened. How did it get here? For Audra the presence of a hunky man at her site creates a challenging work environment and results in an unfortunate Ghoul attack.
Is there enough trust between Will and Audra that they can confide in each other? There is fear that someone close to Audra is betraying her. Audra’s hiding something that could damage the results of her dig. Afraid to confide in anyone she’s unable to discuss her unexplained visions and the dark shadows that are surrounding her. Will she reach out to Will and let him help? Is she prepared for him to discover her secret?
Once again the dig site is attacked and destroyed. Audra fears that the park rangers will accuse her team of vandalism. With her reputation on the line and concern for her team and Will, she has to make a decision. Can she confide in Will completely? What will they do when they discover someone they both trusted has betrayed them?
Will offers a solution but is it enough? Eventually Audra decides to act when the presence yet again of the shadows come for her for what she hopes is the last time. After all this time will she find out what has left a shadow over everything?
Ghouls, Mages, secret powerful artifacts and sizzling chemistry make this another intense story. Thank you Nancy! I received this ARC from the author for an honest review and am super excited that I did! I am so happy that I did- I look forward to the next installment of the Light Mage Series soon.
“What?” Will asked, putting his phone away. “Have I grown an extra head?”
Audra smiled to show she didn’t care about his choices. “It’s not my business. Sorry I couldn’t help overhearing.”
“What’s not your business?” He strolled closer, smiling slightly. “This is honesty hour, babe. If you’ve got a question, ask it.”
Audra hesitated, but his friendly smile encouraged her to go ahead. Maybe she was imagining that hint of danger in the depths of his eyes.
“Well, if we’re being honest, I’d rather you not call me babe.” Or sugar or hon or any other name he called the women he flirted with and probably went to bed with, and, again, so not her business. “It’s not an image I find professional.”
“Fair enough. Okay.”
“Okay? Just like that?”
Will shrugged. “Why not? It isn’t as though I don’t know your name.”
Audra bit her lip. She had no right to criticize anything about his social life.
“If there’s something else,” he added, raising an eyebrow, “spit it out and let’s go.” The glint in his eyes dared her.
That glint jabbed her like a needle. “I apologize for overhearing, but I couldn’t help it.” When he nodded, she continued, “Your business is your business, but I noticed…”
Will said nothing, just watched her with that little smile and that dangerous expression. Audra steeled her spine.
“I just wondered whether you always turn on the charm when you’re trying to divert a woman.”
“Sometimes. It usually works.”
“Based on these two phone calls, it seems to, though Denise Larrabee is smart and tenacious. Whoever you were talking to a minute ago also seemed to back down when you flirted with her.”
“Flirting is an ancient human custom,” Will responded. “Do you have a problem with it?”
“No, of course not.” Audra wheeled in exasperation. “I shouldn’t have brought it up, but it’s just hard to believe they let you get away with it.”
She turned back, only to find Will less than a hand span away, still with that cocky smile.
“So you’d be impervious?” he asked softly.
Yes. Of course. No hot guy would distract her from a goal she cared about. But some primitive instinct warned her not to say so. Audra picked a point over his shoulder and stared at it. Anything was better than looking at him.
“There’s no good answer to that. Just forget I mentioned it and–”
Will used two fingers to tip her chin up. Her eyes met his, and the words died in her throat. His cocky look faded into a searching, intent one. Then he leaned down and kissed her.
A flash of heat blanked Audra’s brain. The world spun, and she reached for the nearest solid anchor–Will. He cupped her cheek as his free arm slid around her waist, steadying her and tugging her gently against him. The full body contact generated another brain-blinding flare.
Will’s mouth was warm and soft on hers. Tantalizing. Demanding.
Audra made a small sound in her throat, or maybe Will did. It seemed to restore a measure of sanity. She pulled back, breaking the kiss.
He lifted his head, and his eyes were dazed for an instant before they darkened with consternation. Releasing her, he took a step back.
Audra fought to level her breathing. As kisses went, that had been a mild one, yet her blood raced and her heart pounded. What would a serious kiss with him be like?
Not that they had any business kissing at all.
“Damn.” Will sounded slightly breathless, something she wasn’t too big a person to relish just a bit.
He ran a hand over his face. “That should not have happened. It was my fault.”
“To be fair, I didn’t exactly push you away. But you’re right that it was inappropriate.”
Mind-bending, body-flaming, and marvelous but totally inappropriate.
Audra summoned the most casual voice she could. “It was also a sneaky way to win an argument. Anyway, like I said, I can’t believe they let you get away with it.”
Will gaped at her for a second before he grinned. “Well, that shows me. You win, Dr. Grayson.”
(** re-posted from 12/5/14)

Sentinel: A Light Mage Wars Novella by Nancy Northcott is a seamless story with on sexy mage, a talented artist with a secret and some fantastic chemistry! Rick Moore, a Mage reporter has been desperately trying to find out the truth surrounding his father’s death and refute the accusation that he was involved in dark magic. In order to get the support to uncover his family scandal from the web magazine he works for, he must first find out what happened to one of the most wanted fugitives in the Mage world, artist Caroline Dare’s brother.
Fighting ghouls and an unintended intoxicating attraction only deepens the connection between them. What will Caro do when she discovers the real story he’s after? Will he loose her forever? Rick needs to get the inside scoop on Caro’s brother Griffin Dare, but at the rate Rick’s going that could be lethal.
When Rick’s boss betrays him, in the most unforgiveable way by publishing damaging information with Rick’s name attached to it, everything changes. It now paints Rick as a callous, uncaring and media driven journalist out for blood. Caro is left questioning his feelings and intentions towards her.
Too much is at stake for Caro, with the publication of personal information can she trust Rick? Are they both being set up? Or was he just interested in her for “the story?”
With nothing left to lose, Rick seeks out help from an unexpected source. He must now have faith in the Mage judicial system, and pray that the truth will be exposed.
When I read stories I usually have a pretty good idea of how they will end but this time….whoa!!!! Dear readers you must read this book now! I gasped at the ending! I’m so grateful that no one was home as I screamed a bit loud! Absolutely superb Nancy! Well done! I received this ARC from the author for an honest review and am super excited that I did! I am so happy that I did- it was the perfect book to read on a crisp winter day!
(** re-posted from 12/3/14)

Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, science fiction, fantasy and YA romance. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes she loves in the books she writes.
Her debut novel, Renegade, received a starred review from Library Journal. The reviewer called it “genre writing at its best.” Nancy is a three-time RWA Golden Heart finalist and has won the Maggie, the Molly, the Emerald City Opener, and Put Your Heart in a Book.
Married since 1987, Nancy and her husband have one son, a bossy dog, and a house full of books.
CLOSED********* Nancy Northcott Giveaway **********CLOSED
For a chance to win a paperback of her Light Mage Wars set: Sentinel plus Warrior.
Tell us the name and/or author of the first comic book, science fiction or fantasy story you read.
Contest ends 7/17/16 at 2 PM EST. Winners will be randomly selected AND must comment on this blog post.
Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter (@RaeLatte) the blog (button on homepage) and my FB page (Books I Love A Latte ) to keep up to date on everything.
If the winners do not comment within 24 hours a new name will be drawn. Don’t miss out!
Good luck to all!
Jul 29, 2015 | Blog, J.D. Tyler, Jeanne Adams, July 2015, Nancy Northcott, Suzanne Ferrell

Capitol Danger is a collaborative story in four parts by authors Suzanne Ferrell, Jeanne Adams, Nancy Northcott and J.D. Tyler. It’s the night of the Inaugural Balls in Washington, DC and the setting is at one of the swankiest hotels in town. Everyone is there undercover and no one knows who they can trust. Which missions will be compromised? Whose paths will cross?
This joint effort begins with Unmasked (an Edgars Family Novella) by Suzanne Ferrell as we discover that the hotel is under siege and the attackers are still unknown. Luke Edgars and Abigail Whitson have one job and when the unexpected happens, will they be able to save themselves and their mission? Luke and Abigail must work as a team and when secrets surface will it distract them or keep them on point? Suzanne has written four books with sexy and edgy Edgars men.
Once again, she delivers us a great story with Luke and Abigail. Can they make it through the gunfire with their love intact? Maybe a little gunfire is what they need to put their relationship into perspective and finally commit to each other. The perfect beginning to this on-the-edge-of-your-seat story.
Looking for more from those sexy Edgars men? Check out Suzanne’s series Edgars Family Novels, there are plenty to choose from.
Death Under Glass (Deadly Charms novella) by Jeanne Adams continues the inaugural evening by introducing us to Edward Millner and Retta Geminous who are there to celebrate Retta’s glasswork that is decorating the room for the gala. Everything is sparkling and shimmering in red, white and blue until the room is attacked. When bullets fly and her work is shattered it will take everything to ensure that Edward and Retta make it out alive. Edward’s past as a Special Force medic will surprise many, can he shake what happened in his past to survive the night in one piece?
Pay attention readers. Just when you think you have it all figured out the story shakes things up and turns on the heat. Take note of the little touches in this novella, Jeanne is a master with those fine details and plot twists.
Looking for more action? Jeanne’s #FaithfulDefenders series starts with Dead Run and it’s fantastic. Check out my reviews here: everyone-needs-a-faithful-defender-that-will-protect-and-serve.
Wait, there’s more…check out this teaser for Dead Reckoning here:https://booksilovealatte.wordpress.com/2015/07/03/icymi-heres-a-teaser-for-dead-reckoning-by-jeanne-adams/
The Deadly Charms series is forthcoming. So, check out her previous books that are just as fabulous!
Danger’s Edge (An Arachnid Files Novella) by Nancy Northcott is a tale of agent versus agent. Everyone is suspect and secrets are piling up as fast as the bodies are in this siege. The tension between Greg Reed and Kelsey Mitchell is fantastic and the banter is superb. All I can say is there is a moment that I went from on the edge of my seat to laughing out loud. What will happen when Kelsey must reveal her identity to save herself? Will Greg give in to his feelings or just add her to one more body on the casualty list? After his last mission he was injured and recovering, will he be able to respond when lives are on the line?
I have read Nancy’s Mage series and she’s just as amazing at straight suspense. From sexy mage’s to edgy FBI agent’s Nancy writes stellar suspense books with edgy FBI agents in this world to sexy mage’s from beyond. While each of her books can be read as a stand alone I enjoyed reading them in order.
Check out my reviews here for Sentinel:
A Mage, an Artist and a whole lot of chemistry make this one fantastic sexy paranormal romance novella to start the series!
Warrior: https://booksilovealatte.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/a-mage-an-artist-and-a-whole-lot-of-chemistry-make-this-one-fantastic-sexy-paranormal-romance-novella-to-start-the-series/
Lethal Target (An Armed and Deadly Novella) by J.D. Tyler ends our adventurous evening with Dalton McCoy and Jolie Montfort at the hotel. Jolie is a reporter looking for a scoop and will stop at nothing to uncover the truth. An Inaugural Ball is the perfect place to get a hot story from politicians and constituents while they are having a great time and drinking it up.
Dalton McCoy wants nothing more than to be back in Texas with his target apprehended and behind bars. When his mission is compromised, will he have the strength to finish it out? Can he trust Jolie to keep his identity a secret?
Who will finally be the one to catch the maniac leader of the terrorist group that everyone has been hunting for, throughout this multilayered and complex, but gripping set of connected stories?
This anthology is brilliant, well written and seamless as we journey from one story to the next. Each author brings her own voice and unique style to this collection and the collaboration is absolutely genius. Every detail is figured out from beginning to end and there are no holes or loose ends. From the hotel layout to the plot that weaves into and out of each story, it all works and leaves you satisfied with one seriously crazy Ball and a bunk of hunky agents!
If you have never read J.D. Tyler, or any of these three suspenseful Romance Bandit’s books I suggest you download this book now and then dive into each of these author’s backlists. There are so many great books to choose from, from each of these authors and they are all must read delights!
Coffee With:
Discover more about a few of these fabulous Authors in my Coffee With post.
Suzanne Ferrell
Jeanne Adams
Nancy Northcott
J.D. Tyler: Stay tuned…. 🙂
or their Bio below (Website link is in red or below bio)
Author Info:
National Bestselling Author J.D. Tyler is best known for her dark, sexy paranormal series Alpha Pack, and the popular Firefighters of Station Five and Sugarland Blue series under her pseudonym Jo Davis. PRIMAL LAW, the first book in her Alpha Pack series, is the winner of the National Reader’s Choice Award in Paranormal. She’s also been a multiple finalist in the Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, a finalist for the Bookseller’s Best Award, has captured the HOLT Medallion Award of Merit, and has been a two-time nominee for the Australian Romance Readers Award in romantic suspense.
J.D.’s books regularly appear on the Barnes and Noble, Neilson Bookscan, BooksOnBoard, and Amazon bestseller lists, among others, and she was named by BooksOnBoard as their #1 Bestselling Romance Author.
When she isn’t writing, J.D.’s idea of a good time certainly isn’t cleaning house (sniff), bungee jumping (not in this lifetime, or the next), or camping (her idea of “roughing it” is a slow bellboy). She enjoys reading, being pampered like the diva she is, and spending time with her awesome family. J.D. lives in Texas with her two kids, a spoiled Boston terrier, and two cats.
Although Jeanne Adams likes calling North Carolina home, she lives in DC, where The Tentacle Affaire is set, and often jogs on the C&O towpath with her dogs. Her favorite holiday is Halloween. She starts planning the annual yard decor on November 1. Alas, in this case however, the “Adams Family” – one husband, two sons and three dogs – is all bark and no bite.
On another spooky note, Jeanne used to work in the funeral and cemetery business, and knows a thing or two about getting rid of the body….bwhahahah! (She even teaches classes about it to other writers!)
Jeanne has written suspense novels for Kensington/Zebra Publishing since 2007. THE TENTACLE AFFAIRE, her first urban fantasy/romance, was released in Nov, 2014, along with two new Romantic Suspense Novellas, DEADLY DELIVERY and BEHIND ENEMY LINES. A short story, featured in TINY TREATS #2, St. Patrick’s Day, heralds a new series which will start next year.
She loves hearing from readers, so find her at https://www.JeanneAdams.com or on twitter @JeanneAdams or on Facebook at https://www.Facebook.com/JeanneAdamsAuthor

Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, science fiction, fantasy and YA romance. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes she loves in the books she writes.
Her debut novel, Renegade, received a starred review from Library Journal. The reviewer called it “genre writing at its best.” Nancy is a three-time RWA Golden Heart finalist and has won the Maggie, the Molly, the Emerald City Opener, and Put Your Heart in a Book.
Married since 1987, Nancy and her husband have one son, a bossy dog, and a house full of books.

Suzanne Ferrell discovered romance novels in her aunt’s hidden stash one summer as a teenager. From that moment on she knew two things: she loved romance stories and someday she’d be writing her own. Her love for romances has only grown over the years. It took her a number of years and a secondary career as a nurse to finally start writing her own stories.
Currently there are two main series she’s actively writing in: The Westen Series, a contemporary small town series based in a fictional Ohio town where “things aren’t always what they seem”, and features Close To Home, Close To The Edge and Close To The Fire. The second series is the Romantic Suspense books KIDNAPPED, HUNTED, SEIZED and VANISHED, featuring the Edgars family as they fight for justice, even if it means stepping slightly outside the rulebook.
KIDNAPPED and HUNTED were both Golden Heart finalist, and SEIZED, book #3 in the Edgars Family Novels, was a finalist in the novella category of the OKRWA’s National Reader’s Choice Awards contest.
Suzanne’s sexy stories, whether they be her on the edge of your seat romantic suspense or the small town romantic suspense stories they’ll keep you thinking about her characters long after their Happy Ever After is achieved.
You can Find Suz at:
Website: https://suzanneferrell.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suzanneferrell.author
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuzFerrell
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/suzferrell/
Blog: https://romancebandits.com/
Jul 4, 2015 | Blog, Collection, J.D. Tyler, Jeanne Adams, July 2015, Nancy Northcott

Capitol Danger
A romantic suspense anthology like no other! Four stories, one event and four dangerous missions on the same night. It’s Inauguration Night. Glamorous balls throughout the nation’s capital celebrate a landmark event. The town and nation are in the mood to celebrate. But not everyone is so pleased.
A home-grown sect known as the Red Mantle plan to make it an event to remember for their reasons. As their assault succeeds it will be up to those attending the ball to step up and face the fanatics, or die trying.
Author Info:
Discover more about a few of these fabulous Authors in my Coffee With post:
Coffee with Jeanne Adams
Coffee With Nancy Northcott
Coffee With Suzanne Ferrell
or their Bio below (Website link is in red or below bio)
National Bestselling Author J.D. Tyler is best known for her dark, sexy paranormal series Alpha Pack, and the popular Firefighters of Station Five and Sugarland Blue series under her pseudonym Jo Davis. PRIMAL LAW, the first book in her Alpha Pack series, is the winner of the National Reader’s Choice Award in Paranormal. She’s also been a multiple finalist in the Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, a finalist for the Bookseller’s Best Award, has captured the HOLT Medallion Award of Merit, and has been a two-time nominee for the Australian Romance Readers Award in romantic suspense.
J.D.’s books regularly appear on the Barnes and Noble, Neilson Bookscan, BooksOnBoard, and Amazon bestseller lists, among others, and she was named by BooksOnBoard as their #1 Bestselling Romance Author.
When she isn’t writing, J.D.’s idea of a good time certainly isn’t cleaning house (sniff), bungee jumping (not in this lifetime, or the next), or camping (her idea of “roughing it” is a slow bellboy). She enjoys reading, being pampered like the diva she is, and spending time with her awesome family. J.D. lives in Texas with her two kids, a spoiled Boston terrier, and two cats.

Although Jeanne Adams likes calling North Carolina home, she lives in DC, where The Tentacle Affaire is set, and often jogs on the C&O towpath with her dogs. Her favorite holiday is Halloween. She starts planning the annual yard decor on November 1. Alas, in this case however, the “Adams Family” – one husband, two sons and three dogs – is all bark and no bite.
On another spooky note, Jeanne used to work in the funeral and cemetery business, and knows a thing or two about getting rid of the body….bwhahahah! (She even teaches classes about it to other writers!)
Jeanne has written suspense novels for Kensington/Zebra Publishing since 2007. THE TENTACLE AFFAIRE, her first urban fantasy/romance, was released in Nov, 2014, along with two new Romantic Suspense Novellas, DEADLY DELIVERY and BEHIND ENEMY LINES. A short story, featured in TINY TREATS #2, St. Patrick’s Day, heralds a new series which will start next year.
She loves hearing from readers, so find her at https://www.JeanneAdams.com or on twitter @JeanneAdams or on Facebook at https://www.Facebook.com/JeanneAdamsAuthor

Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, science fiction, fantasy and YA romance. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes she loves in the books she writes.
Her debut novel, Renegade, received a starred review from Library Journal. The reviewer called it “genre writing at its best.” Nancy is a three-time RWA Golden Heart finalist and has won the Maggie, the Molly, the Emerald City Opener, and Put Your Heart in a Book.
Married since 1987, Nancy and her husband have one son, a bossy dog, and a house full of books.

Suzanne Ferrell discovered romance novels in her aunt’s hidden stash one summer as a teenager. From that moment on she knew two things: she loved romance stories and someday she’d be writing her own. Her love for romances has only grown over the years. It took her a number of years and a secondary career as a nurse to finally start writing her own stories.
Currently there are two main series she’s actively writing in: The Westen Series, a contemporary small town series based in a fictional Ohio town where “things aren’t always what they seem”, and features Close To Home, Close To The Edge and Close To The Fire. The second series is the Romantic Suspense books KIDNAPPED, HUNTED, SEIZED and VANISHED, featuring the Edgars family as they fight for justice, even if it means stepping slightly outside the rulebook.
KIDNAPPED and HUNTED were both Golden Heart finalist, and SEIZED, book #3 in the Edgars Family Novels, was a finalist in the novella category of the OKRWA’s National Reader’s Choice Awards contest.
Suzanne’s sexy stories, whether they be her on the edge of your seat romantic suspense or the small town romantic suspense stories they’ll keep you thinking about her characters long after their Happy Ever After is achieved.
You can Find Suz at:
Website: https://suzanneferrell.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suzanneferrell.author
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuzFerrell
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/suzferrell/
Blog: https://romancebandits.com/
Dec 5, 2014 | Blog, December 2014, Nancy Northcott
A Warrior, an Archaeologist and a whole lot of unexplained occurrences make this paranormal romance a must read!
Warrior by Nancy Northcott is a colorful and magical tale with on sexy mage, a determined archaeologist and a lot of heat! Audra Grayson is deep in the Okefenokee Swamp hoping to keep her career alive. When her team discovers a metal object in the middle of a Native American dig site they fear someone is out to sabotage them. When she seeks out some help Will Davis, a famous archaeologist and Mage, shows up. For Will, working with the Mundanes (non-magic using folk) can be challenging but he’s determined to help her find out how the metal object appeared at a site where none should be.
A mysterious fire and magic permeating in the air send Will’s senses on overdrive. Is dark magic at work? It’s when a bronze axe is discovered that Audra’s team starts scrambling and Will’s interest is now heightened. How did it get here? For Audra the presence of a hunky man at her site creates a challenging work environment and results in an unfortunate Ghoul attack.
Is there enough trust between Will and Audra that they can confide in each other? There is fear that someone close to Audra is betraying her. Audra’s hiding something that could damage the results of her dig. Afraid to confide in anyone she’s unable to discuss her unexplained visions and the dark shadows that are surrounding her. Will she reach out to Will and let him help? Is she prepared for him to discover her secret?
Once again the dig site is attacked and destroyed. Audra fears that the park rangers will accuse her team of vandalism. With her reputation on the line and concern for her team and Will, she has to make a decision. Can she confide in Will completely? What will they do when they discover someone they both trusted has betrayed them?
Will offers a solution but is it enough? Eventually Audra decides to act when the presence yet again of the shadows come for her for what she hopes is the last time. After all this time will she find out what has left a shadow over everything?
Ghouls, Mages, secret powerful artifacts and sizzling chemistry make this another intense story. Thank you Nancy! I received this ARC from the author for an honest review and am super excited that I did! I am so happy that I did- I look forward to the next installment of the Light Mage Series soon.
Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, science fiction, fantasy and YA romance. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes she loves in the books she writes.
Her debut novel, Renegade, received a starred review from Library Journal. The reviewer called it “genre writing at its best.” Nancy is a three-time RWA Golden Heart finalist and has won the Maggie, the Molly, the Emerald City Opener, and Put Your Heart in a Book.
Married since 1987, Nancy and her husband have one son, a bossy dog, and a house full of books.
Dec 4, 2014 | Blog, Coffee With, December 2014, Nancy Northcott, paranormal

First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte:) What would you order? A caramel Frappuccino or its equivalent. I love caramel!
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions. How many books are you planning in this Series? The Light Mage Wars continues an earlier series, The Protectors, which included two novels and a novella. The two series are part of one story arc, which has a total of seven novels in it. So there are four more novels to come. There’ll also be a couple more novellas and some short stories.
Readers who want to go through the events in the order the characters do should ignore the series labels and start with Sentinel, which is set three years before Renegade, then read Renegade, Protector, Guardian, and Warrior in that order. The books are show in reading order on my website, https://www.nancynorthcott.com/category/books .
How do you research for a series like this? I grew up in a small town, so creating Wayfarer, Georgia, was easy. Devising the magic system was also fairly easy. I wanted it to be nature-based, so I kept that in mind as I read about many different kinds of magic and energy healing. What I ended up with is an amalgamation of all of it, spun to fit my particular world.
Using the Okefenokee Swamp was more challenging. It’s not the focus of the series, but each book touches on it, some more than others. I hit upon the idea of using it because I wanted to set this series in the South but not in Atlanta, which is popping up more often as a setting now. Jana Oliver’s wonderful Demon Trapper’s Daughter series has a couple of scenes in the Okefenokee, but so far as I know, no one else has use it in any major way as a paranormal romance or fantasy setting.
I remembered visiting the Okefenokee with my family when I was in grade school, though I didn’t remember much about it other than the name and the fact that we didn’t take a boat ride because my mom was afraid a snake would fall into the boat. When I shared this with my brainstorming group, one of the members said, “The energy is different in a swamp.” That kicked off a round of ideas about how that could matter with magic, and the swamp became an integral part of the series world.
Because I hadn’t been there since childhood, I barely touched on it in the first book that sold, Renegade. Soon after that sale, I visited the Okefenokee with my family and totally fell in love with it.
This astounds my friends, who know I like my surroundings climate-controlled and my wildlife safely distant. I am seriously Not Nature Girl. But the swamp is an astounding ecosystem unlike anything else I’d ever seen. It’s a huge (about 700 square miles) blackwater peat bog, not actually a swamp. It has its share of bugs, but it doesn’t smell. When the water is undisturbed, it’s a perfect mirror, something that’s definitely going to matter in a book at some point.
I’ve taken a number of excursions with guides from Okenfenokee Adventures, the official concessionaire for the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, and talked to rangers in the refuge and at the state park on the swamp’s west side. I wanted to learn as much as possible about the swamp because you never know what’s going to spark an idea.
To flesh out the characters’ backgrounds, I reached out to a number of people who generously shared their time and expertise. Writing Warrior involved not only visiting Billy’s Island in the Okefenokee, the inspiration for Mystery Island in the book, but contacting archaeologists, a historian who has studied the swamp and its inhabitants, and a gamer.
As is often the case with writers and research, much of what I learned will never appear on a page. But having it in my head helps me immerse myself–and, I hope, the reader–in the world these characters inhabit.
I always ask every question I can think of, and I can only hope I don’t trip over the question that never occurred me!

**Here is a photo of the Okefenokee, showing what a perfect mirror the water is**
Nancy, this is so fascinating! I’m not a nature girl myself but would probably dive in for the safe of research 😉 I hope your readers are as excited as I am to read this too! Thank you for the insight into your series and reading order. For some, the only way the read a series is in sequential order!
8 Tantalizing Tidbits:
1. A MUST read book and why? To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s my all-time ever favorite book. The family relationships and the friendships are beautifully drawn. It also depicts most of its characters as nuanced, caught between the social imperatives of their time and their senses of what is right. It’s a also a brilliant portrait of small-town life in the South during the Depression.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? I’m from Davidson, North Carolina, a college town about 20 miles north of Charlotte. It has burgeoned in size but still has it’s old-fashioned Main Street, with various shops and eateries, so I’d pick that. Though parking might be a challenge.
3. Castles or Beaches? Oooh, toughie! I love both. Since it’s easier for me to get to a beach than to a castle though, I’ll go with castles. I love the history that reverberates from the walls.
4. One thing readers would be surprised to know about you. I eaerned an FCC third-class radio operator license. When I was in college, I worked at the campus radio station, and the station manager arranged for a bunch of us to take the test. I think it was so we could be unsupervised in the control room or sign our own logs or something, but I’ve forgotten the exact reason now.
5. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Hawaii. I’ve always wanted to go there, and I would be more than happy to set many stories there to justify the trip. Nature-based magic, which my mages use, would have a lot of fuel there. I sent one of my mage couples to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Too bad I couldn’t check locations for them ahead of time!
6. Organized or Free Floating? That depends on what day of the week you ask me. Some days, when I have a lot that has to be done at a specific time, I’m very organized. That’s the only way I can check off the entire list. Other days, I tend to go at a slower pace and am open to sudden ideas like going to the bookstore to see what came in.
7. What’s your favorite TV show and why? I love NCIS-LA. The plots are usually interesting, often with unpredictable twists, and I enjoy the banter among the characters. The evolving Kensi/Deeks relationship (#Densi on Twitter) intrigues me. I’m rooting hard for them to get together. On top of that, the explosive action element feeds my need for boom, as we call it in the Romance Bandit’s Lair.
8. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family- that’s too easy) who would you invite? It could be anyone past or present.
Hmmm. There are so many people I’d like to interrogate–uh, talk to! This list might be different on a different day, but for now, let’s go with these:
I would invite Richard III of England because I’d like to know the truth about how he came to the throne in 1483. I don’t subscribe to the traditionalist view, but I don’t think the man was purer than the driven snow, either. So I have lots of questions he could answer. Assuming a king would condescend to do so.
Next would be whoever carved the word Croatoan on a tree on Roanoke Island, North Carolina, in the late 1500s. The mystery of Sir Walter Raleigh’s Lost Colony has intrigued me since childhood. There are many theories about the colonists’ fate, and it would be great to learn what actually happened to them.
Elizabeth I would round out the historical contingent. I’d like to know how she managed the delicate dance that kept her both unmarried and on the throne for 70 + years. Queen or not, she might welcome a chance to brag after all this time.
Nathan Fillion would be welcome because I adore both Firefly and Castle. I think he would add a lighter note to balance the weightiness of the historical figures.
Finally, I would have Amanda Tapping of Stargate: SGI and Sanctuary to round out the table. She’s a terrific actress and is funny and quick enough to keep up with Fillion as well as helping to lighten the atmosphere. Her character on SGI, Captain (and then Major and then Colonel) Samantha Carter was an action heroine when they weren’t so common. She was also the science geek of the team, an unusual role for an attractive woman on TV in the series’ early days.
Of course, these people might not care to talk to each other, or even be able to, seeing as how pronunciation changes over the centuries, but I would find a way to talk to all of them! If we were having imaginary people, the DC Comics universe would come into play, and that would make choosing even harder. But I figured you wanted me to stick to actual people.
Thanks for having me, Rae, and for taking the time to review my books.

Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, science fiction, fantasy and YA romance. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes she loves in the books she writes.
Her debut novel, Renegade, received a starred review from Library Journal. The reviewer called it “genre writing at its best.” Nancy is a three-time RWA Golden Heart finalist and has won the Maggie, the Molly, the Emerald City Opener, and Put Your Heart in a Book.
Married since 1987, Nancy and her husband have one son, a bossy dog, and a house full of books.