Dirty Dozen with Author Nancy Northcott

11. If I opened up your handbag/bag/briefcase, what item would I be shocked to see?

Rae: Thank you so much for joining me here at the blog. Before we start please grab a cuppa and fill it up. I’m having a cinnamon coconut almond milk latte.
What’s in your mug?
Jeanne: My usual – a grande mocha latte with extra whipped cream! (I love whipped cream)
Morgan/Gail: Coffee with cream and sweetener. I do own a latte machine, and I frequently play barista for hubby and me.
Caren: Coffee with heavy cream and coconut oil. My favorite!
Nancy: Cafe latte with a caramel shot.
Rae: With Covid impacting all of us I’m thrilled to have you all together. Don’t worry readers, we’re all socially distant, masked, and plenty of holiday scented hand sanitizer to go around.
Jeanne: I know we’re all happy to be here, talking about Trick or Treat at Caynham Castle during this fabulous spooky season.
Rae: Trick or Treat at Caynahm Castle brings us ghosts and romance, a fabulous location and another collaborative anthology dear authors. What was it like working together on this spooky edition?
Jeanne: After last year’s Christmas at Caynham Castle, we’d had so much fun with the English castle on the Welsh Marches we decided to return to Caynham Castle and Halloween was such a fun holiday, we decided to run with that.
Morgan/Gail: Lots of fun! We had such a good time doing the Christmas collection we decided that we needed to do another book, and now that we’ve done Trick or Treat, we’re looking ahead to a New Year’s edition!
Rae: How did you get in the mood while crafting your stories? Did you bake favorite treats? Listen to specific music? Drink themed beverages? Or, did you go all out and decorate your house to set the mood?
Jeanne: For me, I put on iHeart Radio’s Halloween radio. I didn’t bake, but I must confess I bought Halloween candy! (Caramels, omgosh, the caramels…) I didn’t drink themed beverages, but I considered buying some cider. As for decorating the house…you know me, Rae, it’s Halloween Town at my house from October 1 on!
Morgan/Gail: I’m always in the mood for Halloween! This time I knew my way around the castle, and the characters are ones I’ve written before, so the fun was putting them into a new location and creating some old connections for them.
Caren: Once I lit my “Stay Out Of the Forest” scented candle, which smells like pine. I suppose that could be considered inspirational.
Nancy: I drank tea, that perennial British favorite.
Rae: What can readers expect in this Anthology?
Jeanne: Readers can expect my usual paranormal suspense thrills and chills! The Christmas at Caynham Castle story, The Ghost of Christmas Past was a ghost story (Obviously! Ha!) and my story in Trick or Treat at Caynham Castle extends the discovery of a hidden passage and a secret room from Christmas of 2019 into Halloween 2020! The hero, a photographer, and the heroine, and archaeologist, team up to uncover the secrets in the secret room…but there’s magic and murder afoot! Can they solve it before Halloween?
Morgan/Gail: Readers can expect to return to the familiar people and places of the Christmas collection, but with some new faces, new relationships, and a bit more spooky stuff!
Caren: A combination of some spooky paranormal, some legends and a bit of thrilling action.
Nancy: Spies with a second chance at love, action-adventure, and international intrigue.
Rae: While crafting your stories did you chat often or just once to kick off the story and then race to the finish?
Jeanne: A mixture of both, I guess. I frequently chatted with or emailed Caren, Nancy and Gail just to be sure we weren’t overlapping stories or having characters in the same place at the same time. The collaboration in these anthologies has been one of the most fun aspects!
Morgan/Gail: Ha! We burned up the internet comparing notes, asking questions, and checking details.
Caren: We asked some questions to clarify a few things about the setting, but mostly worked on our own. Gail finished long before the rest of us, so she got to set the stage for the Halloween ball!
Nancy: We checked details with each other by email to be sure we were consistent, but we didn’t confer a lot.
Rae: Is this the end for your beloved characters or will they return in the next Caynham holiday Anthology?
Jeanne: Oh, they’ll be back! We’re already discussing which holiday to do next!
Morgan/Gail: We’re planning a New Year’s Eve edition for 2022…..
Caren: The characters in Murky Waters will definitely show up again. The story involves the characters from my Christmas story set at Caynham Castle, so I don’t imagine any of my characters will go into hiding!
Nancy: This story wraps things up for Dana and Blaine. The next visit to Caynham Castle will involve a different couple.
Rae: As with all chats in the cafe, it wouldn’t be complete without a few tasty tidbits. Thank you so much for hanging out and I can’t wait to chat again!
Jeanne: How fun! Gotta love some tidbits! I look forward to reading them!
Rae: Thank you Jeanne. Readers stay tuned. Over the next few days these fabulous Authors will share those tidbits.
Be sure to check back soon.
ONE winner will be randomly selected to receive an/e-copy from Amazon of Trick or Treat at Caynham Castle.
To enter, answer the following question below by commenting on the blog.
What is your least favorite candy and what to you is the spookiest sound that gives you shivers?
Contest runs 10/30/20 – 11/02/20 at 11:59 PM
Be sure to follow Jeanne Adams, Morgan Brice, Caren Crane, and Nancy Northcott on all social media platforms and Books I Love A Latte for more giveaways and fun!
Winner will be randomly selected and will be contacted. If winner doesn’t claim prize within 24 hours a new winner will be drawn.
** For all giveaway rules read here.
To learn more about each author click on their picture to check out their website.
Morgan Brice
Caren Crane
Nancy Northcott
If you’re heading to New York City July 24-27, 2019 for RWA2019 or another conference reminders and tips are always helpful. Especially when it comes to packing, and as a first timer commuting to the hotel each day I am hoping I remember to pack all the things in one suitcase ;).
Hopefully you won’t find yourself waking up in the middle of the night panicked that you now need the very thing you forgot to pack. Or, finding out moments before you have a meeting or fun place to go, you ran out of or forgot something essential.
So, to all the newbies, and seasoned travel veterans, I’m running an Authors Dish specifically targeted on what authors and industry professionals always include in their suitcases, what they stash in their conference bag to avoid hunger pains and the things they forget once and hopefully never again. While some of the authors contributing are not attending we love that they want to contribute.
May this inspire you to plan, make your lists, and triple check so you are prepared for just about anything. If you’re heading to RWA2019 I’d love to say hi. Comment below so we can be sure to meet up in NYC.
Stay tuned as we’ll have plenty of tips and tricks in the upcoming weeks so check the blog daily.
Today in the cafe are USA Today Bestselling Author Naima Simone, Author Nancy Northcott and Author Gail Z. Martin/ Morgan Brice
Rae: What five things do you have to pack when attending a conference?
Naima Simone: Let’s see… I can’t forget swag, books if I’m bringing my own, my phone for notes and pictures, a “book signing” outfit (one that will have my waist appear snatched in pictures. LOL!) and great lipstick.
Nancy Northcott:
Gail Z. Martin/Morgan Brice:
Bookmarks/swag, my iPad so I can write in the room, blingy jewelry and sparkly jackets, at least one Supernatural t-shirt, and my travel power bar so I can plug in everything that needs to be recharged!
Rae: What is your snack attack must haves in your day bag?
Naima Simone: Actually, I don’t snack during conferences! I’m usually way too nervous and excited, so I don’t have an appetite at all. But for dinner? That’s a different situation all together. 😀
Kashi cherry & dark chocolate bars
Gail/Morgan: I bring peanut butter crackers or protein bars for a quick breakfast in the room or pick-me-up in the afternoon, a refillable water bottle, a couple of cans sugar-free Red Bull, and if I don’t have to fly, a flask of good whiskey or a bottle of wine!
Rae:What’s the one thing you forget to pack and swear to remember next time?
Naima Simone: Toothpaste or deodorant. I never fail to forget to pack one of them and always have to stop by the Dollar Tree wherever I’m going. LOL!
Nancy: Pens! Luckily there’s often a selection in the goodie room.
Gail / Morgan: Usually make-up wipes! I never seem to remember to replenish my stash.
Rae: Thank you so much authors! I’ll be keeping a running list and will post it a week before RWA2019 so that hopefully no one needs to make a quick run to the lobby market or drug store around the corner. I’ll see you soon for new authors and more ideas!
** Author Bios **
Naima Simone: USA Today Bestselling author Naima Simone’s love of romance was first stirred by Johanna Lindsey and Sandra Brown many years ago. Well not that many. She is only eighteen…ish. Though her first attempt at a romance novel starring Ralph Tresvant from New Edition never saw the light of day, her love of romance, reading and writing has endured. Published since 2009, she spends her days—and nights— writing sizzling romances with a touch of humor and snark.
She is wife to Superman, or his non-Kryptonian, less bullet proof equivalent, and mother to the most awesome kids ever. They all live in perfect, sometimes domestically-challenged bliss in the southern United States.
Nancy Northcott: Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, mysteries, science fiction, fantasy, history, and romance. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes (and sometimes the magic) she loves in the books she writes.
She’s the author of the Light Mage Wars/Protectors paranormal romances, the Lethal Webs and Arachnid Files romantic suspense series, and the historical fantasy trilogy, The Boar King’s Honor. With author Jeanne Adams, she co-writes the Outcast Station space opera series.
Nancy’s Social Media links:
Twitter: @NancyNorthcott
Gail Z. Martin/Morgan Brice:
Thank you for having me as a guest, Rae.
One of the things about writing romance that’s both fun and challenging is coming up with the right hero for a particular heroine and vice-versa. Some writers of series plan their lead couples before they write the opening to the first book. I generally prefer to let things develop organically, to see where the characters take me.
I had to pair up Griffin Dare, the hero of Renegade, because that was the first book in my Light Mage Wars series. His kickass heroine, Valeria Banning, was the Southeast Shire Reeve, or sheriff, while Griff was their most wanted fugitive. Griff had been taking covert action against the mages’ deadly enemies, the ghouls, so I gave him a group of friends who were his covert ops team. Each of them would be the hero or heroine of a subsequent book, but that was all the planning I did for them.
One of the members of the team introduced in Renegade was Natasha “Tasha” Murdock, a US Navy veteran who ran her own business as a building contractor and interior designer. Because my parents met while both were serving in the navy, I have a soft spot for that branch of the service. So I had to have a navy veteran. Since Tasha was a building contractor, I thought serving in the navy’s construction arm, the Seabees, would’ve been a good way for her to acquire those skills. I knew Tasha would be the heroine of the sixth book, but I didn’t yet have a title for it.
I also had no idea who her hero would be until I was writing the fifth book, Warrior, which features archaeologists Will Davis and Audra Grayson. The dark magic users known as ghouls were targeting their team, so a group of mages provided security. One of them was Carter Lockwood, who is a deputy shire reeve, the mage equivalent of a deputy US marshal.
Writing happily along, I had no idea what was about to happen. Then Carter entered the farmhouse Will and Audra’s team was using as a base. A moment later, Tasha walked out of the kitchen. Tasha saw Carter and stopped cold. He was equally stunned to see her. He was also delighted. Unfortunately, the delight was on his side only. Here’s what happened:
Will opened the door, and the tall deputy reeve stepped in. Although raindrops glistened on his combat boots, his close-cut, chestnut hair was dry. He must’ve magically shielded himself from the rain.
“Days like this,” Carter said, his gray eyes gleaming with humor, “I wish I were a weather mage.”
“I wish you were, too,” Will replied as Carter and Griff exchanged handshakes and heys by way of greeting each other. “You want a cup of coffee before you tell us the news?”
“Coffee’d be great.”
They all started for the kitchen as the three women emerged, Val carrying a plate stacked with brownies.
About to ask Carter a question, Will happened to be looking at him. The expression on the deputy’s face went from shocked to delighted to wary to bland in a heartbeat.
What the—? Tracking Carter’s gaze, Will found it locked on Tasha, who’d gone pale and wide-eyed. Bright spots of red suddenly bloomed on her cheekbones.
Carter set his hands on his hips. “Hey, Red.” His easy tone belied the intent look in his eyes. “Good to see you again.”
“That’s Murdock to you, mister.” Despite the whipcrack in Tasha’s voice, it was higher than normal, and she was minutely trembling.
Will had never seen Tasha rattled, and he would bet Griff and Val hadn’t either. Val moved a half-step closer to Tasha, into her space. A clear move of support.
“What are you doing here?” Tasha demanded, glaring at Carter.
His expression hardened. “My job.”
The answer made her eyes flash, as though the words had some significance. Will eased between them on Carter’s left at the same time Griff was stepping forward on the right.
“Do we have a problem?” Will asked, glancing from Carter to Tasha.
“I don’t,” she snapped.
Carter shrugged. “No problem here.”
Yeah. And the Easter Bunny ate steak for breakfast.
This clicked for me, so I built Tasha and Carter’s story, the latest in the series, off of it. That involved figuring out why Tasha and Carter reacted the way they did. It also gave me the book’s title, Nemesis, because she saw him as her nemesis in the service.
In the excerpt above, Carter and Tasha obviously already knew each other. Her use of mister, a navy term my parents used, implied they’d served together. It was also obvious that he’d been attracted to her and she had strong feelings of some kind about him. All that suited me. Navy regulations would’ve precluded a relationship while they served together, so mutual attraction would’ve left them both wondering what might’ve been.
But why was Tasha not nearly as happy to see him as he was to see her? I settled on the idea that she had done something well-intentioned but not strictly within regs that caused a political firestorm. If Carter was the one to uncover and report that, resulting in a blot on her record, it would’ve torpedoed any attraction on her part. Or so she would tell herself.
All this gave me an old conflict that would start them off on uneasy footing, but that wasn’t enough to drive the story. Holding grudges is not sympathetic. Since Carter was, however reluctantly, bound by duty to act as he did and Tasha knew she was skating the regs and thus in the wrong, she wouldn’t come across very well if she couldn’t get past that. So I needed more.
Tasha and her twin brother, Nate, grew up in a rundown trailer with parents who’d had a shotgun wedding and resented their children and each other because of it. Tasha reacted by running wild. She acquired a very bad reputation, including a scandalous criminal charge.
Carter, on the other hand, comes from a wealthy and socially prominent family. His dad was their town’s mayor, and his mom serves in the US House of Representatives. Tasha believes they would be appalled by her history and not want Carter anywhere near her. She also believes that knowing the truth would shatter his good opinion of her, and she wants to avoid that pain.
But she also wants him. And he wants her. In the service, she was attracted to his leadership skills and his kindness. He admired her perseverance and courage. Of course each of them also found the other hot. The regs that kept them apart no longer matter, and the sizzling attraction burns as strongly as ever.
Unfortunately, the chance she and Carter might actually have something important ramps up Tasha’s fears about her past. She thinks he’s the worst possible guy for her and she can’t bring him anything but disappointment. Can she overcome her own self-doubt and open up to this man who yearns for her? Or will she drive him away to protect him?
We all know romance is about the journey rather than the destination, so I’m sure you know the answers to those questions. I hope you have as much fun going along on Tasha and Carter’s bumpy road through Nemesis as I did.
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Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, mysteries, science fiction, fantasy, history, and romance. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes (and sometimes the magic) she loves in the books she writes.
She’s the author of the Light Mage Wars/Protectors paranormal romances, the Lethal Webs and Arachnid Files romantic suspense series, and the historical fantasy trilogy, The Boar King’s Honor. With author Jeanne Adams, she co-writes the Outcast Station space opera series.
Nancy’s Social Media links;
Twitter: @NancyNorthcott
The Deathbrew Affair is the first book in Nancy Northcott’s The Lethal Web series and its a page turner with non-stop action that delivers a thrilling plot, great one-liners, a slow burn romance that delivers in spades, and an ending that satisfies any reader. Well…we always want more and lucky for us dear readers, there are at least two more headed our way.
Katherine “Casey” Billings is a sassy, kick-ass heroine who isn’t too fond of plans, doesn’t care what other people think, and will do anything for those she considers family or friend. When she’s set on an assignment to assimilate in a world that is vastly different that the one she grew up in, will she blend in or stand out? If unexpected feelings can be set aside, she might survive. Be sure to tell that to her heart or Casey just might compromise everything she’s set out to accomplish. Oh I just love a romantic suspense!
Lord “Jack” Bainbridge, is a man who gets what he wants, most of the time. Working for MI5 his latest assignment requires him to have a partner. The plan is simple, assume a new identity and infiltrate to expose the source. On paper it all sounds simple, however, his new partner is driving him crazy and if he doesn’t get a grip on his feelings he might discover that his heart isn’t made of stone. Can he complete the mission before his actions become real? Will they stop a global threat in time?
One-click this must read and enjoy a thrilling opening sequence, spot-on details that pull you into a vivid world of family expectations, spies, and what promises to be a global adventure. Are you ready to cozy up in your favorite chair? At 433 pages, this page-turner is one that proves why Nancy is must read romance. The details in this book allow the story to unfold in my head like an action movie with a well built world, sharp dialogue, witty characters, and the perfect amount of sexual tension.
Put on a pot of coffee, spice a little eggnog, or a make a plate of sweets. This book will satisfy any lover of romantic suspense and put Nancy Northcott on your autobuy list! At a price of $4.99 you get 433 pages of action, romance, and great writing. Still need convincing? Check out the excerpt below and then one-click.
This two peppers spicy latte has just enough to make you tingle and is it’s for mature readers 18+.I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.
Read an excerpt of Chapter One here.
About the Author:
Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, mysteries, science fiction, fantasy, history, and romance. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes (and sometimes the magic) she loves in the books she writes.
She’s the author of the Light Mage Wars/Protectors paranormal romances, the Lethal Webs and Arachnid Files romantic suspense series, and the historical fantasy trilogy, The Boar King’s Honor. With author Jeanne Adams, she co-writes the Outcast Station space opera series.
Nancy’s Social Media links;
Twitter: @NancyNorthcott
Facebook: https://facebook.com/nancynorthcottauthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3468806.Nancy_Northcott
Today I’ve got Jeanne Adams to share a little bit about her recent release Outcast Station. Thanks for stopping by Jeanne and sharing the whole latte with us!
Hi Rae! I’m excited to join you. I got a frappacino though…it’s hot today! I appreciate you giving a shout-out to my new release, Welcome to Outcast Station though, because I know you really prefer romance to straight science fiction.
While Outcast Station is a departure from my Romantic Suspense and Paranormal Romance roots, it was great fun to create this fast-paced space adventure. The stories will continue with Christmas on Outcast Station, out later this year. There will eventually be love interest, but for right now….adventure is the key!
Joining me in this fun endeavor is my Romance Bandits pal, Nancy Northcott. Both my story and Nancy’s are thrillers with strong protagonists that harken back to the golden era of Science Fiction. In fact, Nancy and I were thrilled when reviewers compared Welcome to Outcast Station to Robert Heinlein’s best and the works of Jack McDevitt.
If you like science fiction with strong leads, and a diverse cast, then you may want to join us out in space on Outcast Station. While decidedly NOT ROMANCE, these stories are nevertheless worth the read!
The Accidental Plague by Jeanne Adams
Outcast Station is a backwater, but for BVax Scientist Ravinisha Trentham, any posting is better than washing dishes. Ravi is top in her graduating class, but only Outcast would hire a McKeonite. Someone on station wants her dead, but when a plague breaks out, Ravi may be their only hope. If the murderer gets to her first, everyone will die.
The New Badge by Nancy Northcott
Deputy Marshal Hank Tremaine crosses the wrong person and lands at Outcast Station, the armpit of Terran space. His hostile boss promptly assigns him to a backcountry murder. Solving it will help redeem his reputation and get him posted somewhere more civilized. But failing to find the killer will bury his career once and for all.