Oct 7, 2016 | Blog, MK Meredith, Octboer 2016, Robin Covington
In honor of the WRW Readers and Bloggers Luncheon this weekend I’m highlighting a few authors today on the blog.
It’s time to have a little fun – Enjoy!
Ten Tantalizing Tidbits from Ferrara with Love
1. How does it feel to be called an International tycoon?
low chuckle* It has a nice ring to it. Wouldn’t you agree? Though, The Dragon, is much more effective.
2. After reading about pastries and baked goods I think it’s fair to say that women will never look at a biscotti the same way again. Any comment?
Well, De Luca biscotti is known for giving women great pleasure. Though the only woman I prepare my biscotti for these days is Chase Huntington. Nonna would have my hide if she thought I was baking for someone else.
3. Boxers or briefs?
My absolute preference? No clothes at all and with my beautiful woman in my arms.
4. Would you pose for a pin-up calendar for charity?
I would be delighted. Art is beauty, and beauty is to be celebrated. And when we’re finished, I’d make a donation to the cause. My Nonna taught me the value of community, so I’d be happy to help in any way I can.
5. What’s your guilty pleasure? (remember we have a PG-13 audience Drago 😉
*rubs chest with a chuckle* My guilty pleasure would be a well aged Scotch and a great book by the light of a fire. Or…see question #3.
6. Hard Rock or Country?
Hard rock…with a mix of classical and techno.
7. Favorite Movie?
One of Italy’s classics… La Vita è Bella or “Life is Beautiful” .
8. Most romantic thing you’ve done?
I think, a slow, hot, cleansing massage in the shower for the woman I love for no other reason than to take care of and cherish her. But Chase might mention a trip to Rome on my private jet to see Rome by the light of the moon. As a matter of fact, I think both happened in the same evening.
9. You open up your ipod, top five songs in your playlist?
Something by Tiesto
Nessun Dorma by Pavarotti
One by Metallica
Sound of silence by Disturbed
Por ti Volare by Andrea Bocelli
10. It’s Sunday night and the TV is on, what are you watching?
Lucifer with Tom Ellis. He reminds me of someone. *wink, wink*
Thank you for having me, Miss Rae. I love spending time with a beautiful woman.
You are welcome Drago, I had a fabulous afternoon.
“Oh come now, that’s no way to start off as the new kid in town, is it? Perhaps I might be of some assistance.” A miracle came in the form of a familiar voice that skimmed down her spine for a second time that day. Her glance at his shoes was nothing more than a reflex. Immediate silence followed. “You’re my translator?” Chase looked over the heads of her motley crew and took in her tall, dark, and handsome she’d been sparring with only minutes ago. She could look at this man all day, but right now she needed his voice. “Thank God.” “No, thank Drago.” He flashed a devastating grin, then extended his hand. As she slid her much smaller one into his firm grip, she couldn’t help but feel like she were shaking hands with the devil. Because there was no way God would ever make a man this sexy on purpose.
ICYMI: Seducing the Tycoon Review
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Seducing the Tycoon
Fans of Robin Covington get to know her charming Doc Beck from Southern Nights and Secrets.
Readers want to know…
Beck insisted that he meet you in his favorite booth at the Southern Comfort Diner. When you walk in, he stands and flashes the sexy grin that every woman in the restaurant between the age of 18 to 78 responds to with smiles, shakes of the head and heavy sighs.
As you slide into the booth opposite him you catch a whiff of his spicy aftershave and his own warn scent, unsure whether he smells more delicious than the peanut butter pie and steaming coffee waiting at your place. You realize your staring and shake it off, open your notebook and ask . . .
1.You could have chosen any profession, why a Doctor?
I kind of fell into it. I was huge fu . . .uh . . screw up in school until I went to live with the Landons and then when I finally had someone giving a shit about me doing my homework, I realized that I was really good at science and math. They insisted, along with the Cantrells and Elliotts, that I apply to college and I happened to get a full-ride academic ride to the University of Virginia. Once there, the faculty pushed me towards pre-med and I got a job interning at the hospital. I loved the action and excitement and that I could help people and I figured “why the hell not?” I ended up being very good at it and I love so . . . yeah, that’s it.
2. What’s the most challenging aspect of being a Doctor and working for a woman who you have history with?
Oh man. It sucks and it doesn’t. She’s ready to bust my balls at every turns when I all want to do is have her do something else with them, if you know what I mean? She’s made work a challenge and ruined me for any other woman in my own time. Let’s just say that I’ve done a lot of airplane jumps since she arrived . . .
3. Boxers or briefs?
Probably commando but I’ll let you check if you want.
4. Would you pose for a pin-up calendar if it was for a good cause?
Uh yeah, no problem. Hell, I’d do it even if it wasn’t for a good cause. I’ll do anything once especially if I think it’s going to piss off the stuffed shirts at the hospital.
5. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Other than sex? No – scratch that. I’m never guilty about sex.
I don’t have one. I do what I want and when I want to do it. I never apologize for it and I don’t ask permission. Life is way too damn short to deny yourself pleasure.
6. What is the one thing you need to start your day?
I run. I’m addicted to the adrenaline and its better than coffee.
7. Motorcycle or Car?
I have both so . . . both!
8. Most romantic thing you’ve done?
When Ginger and I were in school together I sweet-talked the librarian into opening up her study carrel for me and I put flowers and her favorite study candy in there. She loved it . . . and showed me how much in the middle of the stacks in the back of the library. Great memory. I’ll have to see if I can get her to do that again . . .
9. You open up your ipod, top five songs in your playlist?
1. Come As You Are by Nirvana
2. Do You Wanna Know? By Artic Monkeys
3. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi by Radiohead
4. I’m Not the Only One by Sam Smith
5. Already Gone by Puddle of Mud
10. It’s Sunday and the TV is on, what sport are you watching? What team are you rooting for?
I don’t sit on my ass and watch sports, I get out and do it. So Sunday afternoon I’m BASE jumping or climbing or something else.
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Southern Nights and Secrets (The Boys are Back in Town)
Author Bio:
A USAToday bestseller, Robin Covington loves to explore the theme of fooling around and falling in love in her books. Her stories burn up the sheets. . .one page at a time. When she’s not writing she’s collecting tasty man candy, indulging in a little comic book geek love, hoarding red nail polish and stalking Chris Evans.
A 2016 RITA® Award finalist, Robin’s books have won the National Reader’s Choice and Golden Leaf Awards and finaled in the Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice, and the Book Seller’s Best.
She lives in Maryland with her handsome husband, her two brilliant children (they get it from her, of course!), and her beloved furbabies, Dutch and Dixie Joan Wilder (Yes – THE Joan Wilder)
Drop her a line at [email protected] – she always writes back.
Jul 14, 2016 | Allison Butler, Blog, July 2016, MK Meredith

****** Congratulations to the winners of the Day 5 Giveaway ******
Pamelattfn you have won A signed print copy of Seducing Seven (US/Canada Only).
Keri B. you have won the Lovestruck Prize Pack (US only)
Mary Preston you have one the Allison Butler bundle e-book prize
Congratulations – you all have 24 hours to comment or a new name will be drawn.
Today I’m featuring MK Meredith, Allison Butler, and Sarah Ballance. These authors write fun romance ranging from contemporary to historical and will leave you satisfied and wanting more at the same time!
Be sure to download some of their backlist today and enter the giveaways below!

Malibu Betrayals by MK Meredith is a Californian adventure with an inside look into Hollywood with this tender, witty and emotionally driven must read story. A romance for movie stars is never private and there is always someone who wants a piece of the action.
Samantha Dekker has no money and no career and wants to prove to herself and Hollywood that she can move beyond her tragic past. What will it take for her to overcome that small obstacle?
Gage Cutler is a well known actor and aspiring director and yearns to have the one woman who got away. Gage is willing to risk everything again but will Samantha let him in?
In any great romance there is pain and struggle but secrets still float between them. A long time ago Gage and Samantha were able to confide in each other, has too much time passed?
When Samantha’s family blames her for a tragedy will it push her over the edge? They have both had feelings for each other despite their circumstances. Hollywood is not known for keeping relationships quiet and the paparazzi can be cruel.
Gage has been in love with Samantha and keeps waiting for the right time to tell her. But, with threats, sabotage and deceit can Gage fix the wrong in her life and find a way to make a future with Sam?
Check out for yourself now with this excerpt provided by MK Meredith:
Settling in to having Sam next to him, he devoured the food on his plate, very aware that she merely moved the food around hers. Why’d he find that so interesting?
“You’ve been keeping busy.”
Her soft voice raced shivers down his spine, and he gripped his napkin in his fist. “How do you mean?”
“Your movies, what’s it been? Two a year?”
He eyed her, not answering right away. So, she’d been paying attention. He swallowed his smug smile with another bite of food and then washed it down with water. “Give or take.” Though, not every film was truly blockbuster status, they’d still made the list simply because he was in them. A few disappointments for him, but the best way to succeed was to fail, so he’d take the good with the bad and consider it all success. In this industry, his sordid past put butts in the seats, and that was all the studios cared about. With a jerk of his chin, he nudged her. “So which ones have you seen?”
She grabbed her water glass and gulped back half of it. “All of them.”
Barely able to hear her mumble over the din of the crowd, he leaned forward. He’d heard her, but not only did he want to make sure, he wanted to hear it again. “What was that?”
Her face flushed red to her hairline, and his gut tightened in response. She was embarrassed. He chuckled, a selfsatisfied sound that would annoy her for sure. “All of them?”
“I work in the industry. Of course I watched all of them,” she whispered.
He grinned. “Of course. The industry.” She stared at him. He’d give a year’s salary to know what was going on in that beautiful head of hers. She had the darkest eyes. They unsettled him and made him want to trust her all at the same time. And that was nuts; he didn’t trust anyone, especially women. He’d made that mistake too many times already.
She tilted her head to the side and bit her lip, the flush in her face deepening. “I especially enjoyed Dark Secrets.”
Now that movie had been a blockbuster, many would say due to the writing, and others would argue it was the gratuitous nudity. He certainly wasn’t shy, and he’d worked his ass off to be in the right kind of shape for that movie, but knowing Sam not only watched it, but enjoyed it, made him suddenly understand exhibitionism. He shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. “Is that right?”
She narrowed her eyes at him in challenge. “I’m a healthy adult female; I’m not the only one who’s watched it more than once.”
His voice lowered and took on a gravelly tone. “You watched it more than once?”
She straightened in her seat and finished off her water with a grin. “More than twice.”
His body tightened everywhere. Was she flirting with him?
“Well, then it seems you have me at a disadvantage.” He leaned closer, holding her gaze. “And that doesn’t seem quite fair.” Images of her naked flashed in his mind, sending his tension from uncomfortable to torturous. Damn woman.
Tapping her finger against her lip, she bit the tip of it, giving him a thoughtful stare. “I’m okay with that.”
Then when you’re finished with this great read dive into the second story in the series Malibu Secrets. This standalone is part of a series but can be read without worry.
The second installment in the Malibu Sights series continues with Addison Dekker and her quest for love with Roque Gallagher.
Don’t miss this emotional story if you love the movie industry and the relationships that unfold off and on camera then you will love this series.
When Addison inherits a home she never dreamed of the obstacles she’d face. Will Roque save her or complicate everything? Will they survive the secrets between them and the family expectations?
Another must read book packed with secrets, love, chemistry and excitement. MK is a fabulous writer and her stories are exactly what the weekend needs and maybe a new pair of sexy high-heels too!
I received an ARC for a fair and honest review. MK is a writer who is on my auto-buy list and I can’t wait for her next release!
Here’s an excerpt from Malibu Secrets that MK sent over:
Anyone who knew her would recognize the warning. “Life of the party, huh?” She stepped closer. “Are you coming on to me?” Shocking people was so much fun. She reached out her hand and placed her fingertips at his Adam’s apple, the heat of his skin burning into her sensitive pads, and then slid them down his chest and over the front of his shirt to his sternum. She tapped twice, then boldly held his gaze as she trailed her finger lower over the solid plane of his abs. Yum. Surely he’d stop her any minute. Tilting her head, she bit her lip and looked up at him from beneath her lashes. He did say she was infamous. Her heart slammed in her chest. Any moment he’d stop her, shocked and affronted. And she’d win. And he’d walk away so she could breathe again.
Without warning, he shot his hand around her waist and yanked her tight against him, the movement so abrupt her hair fell from its pins. The hard lines of his body pressed against her, and something warm and delicious spread through her limbs. “Make no mistake, Miss Dekker. When I come on to you, you won’t have to ask.”
Click here to get your copy of Maibu Secrets – Malibu Secrets (Malibu Sights)
(** Review re-posed from 4/24/16)
Seducing Seven (What Happens in Vegas) by MK Meredith has just the right amount of comedy, drama, romance and sizzle that I would expect from a Las Vegas contemporary romance story.
It’s Friday and a quick trip Vegas is in order. A little excitement from the lights and sounds of those famous casinos is the perfect way to start the weekend. The attention to the little details is magical and draws you in. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to book a trip to Vegas soon.
Seven Michaels is in Las Vegas for a Romance convention for work and has somehow found herself in an uncomfortable predicament. Desperate for a fast escape Seven uses her available resources, will he play along?
Blake Turner is in Vegas for a business meeting and has no time for romance. Can Seven convince this non-believer that romance books have merit? Blake isn’t convinced and makes a crazy bet with Seven that involves seduction, it is Vegas after all. What will it take for him to understand why readers are believers, and that they are a must for everyone?
Seven believes in her work, otherwise her books wouldn’t connect with her readers and she’d be out of a job. Can she convince Blake that romance is real? Will he discover that perhaps her rules aren’t so silly?
A book and series centered around romance writers, a convention and fans is brilliant! MK has taken secret crushes, convictions, handsome strangers and romance, mixed it with the thrill of sin city. Perhaps there is more to their instant chemistry .
When Seven and Blake first meet, their encounter has one of the best one-liners I’ve read in a long time. I was hooked and didn’t put the book down until the very last page. Fantastic writing, attention to detail and characters that will leave you wanting more long after the last page make this a perfect way to start the weekend.
I’ve read a few of the What Happens in Vegas books and I’m absolutely hooked. This was the first story I’ve read by MK Meredith and I’m a forever fan.
This 2 1/2 pepper spicy latte read may offend some readers and has mature content for those 18+.
I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.
Today on Amazon Kindle an e-book can be yours for just $0.99! A perfect price for a must read! Don’t miss out! Get your copy here:
(** review re-posted from 10/16/15)
Author Info:
MK Meredith writes single title contemporary romance novels which promise an emotional ride on heated sheets. A member of several writing groups, she believes the best route to success is to never stop learning.
She’s had a lifelong love affair with peanut butter — the only two things coming close in the battle for her affections are gorgeous heels, and maybe Gerard Butler…or was it David Gandy? Who is she kidding? Her true loves are her husband and two children who have survived her SEA’s (spontaneous explosions of affection) and live to tell the tale.
MK’s been reading romance long before she should have and can’t think of anything better than to fill her life with the promise of happily-ever-afters. When people ask, “Why romance?” She replies, “There is nothing more exhilarating than to write about one of the most powerful entities on earth. Love can be the fall of kingdoms and move mountains, destroy lives and create new life, inspire the dark and summon the light. Love is a challenge, a hope, and a miracle all wrapped into one. Love is life. I write about life.”
The Meredith’s live in the D.C. area with their two large fur babies…until the next adventure calls.

The Healer by Allison Butler magically sweeps you into the enchantment of Scotland. If you are stuck wondering what to read while Outlander is on their six month break then it’s your lucky day!
Through a series of unfortunate events Lynelle’s Fenwicks half brother is captured by a Scottish Clan. Desperately seeking approval and acceptance she heads out to rescue the young boy. Unfortunately she’s snuck out of the castle so no one knows she’s disappeared. It doesn’t take long to figure out that Lynelle has put herself in a precarious position demanding the release of a prisoner without anything to barter with. Realizing that she has nothing but herself the Laird Lachlan Elliot misunderstands and thinks that she’s offering herself in exchange. The thought of whoring appalls her and she must think quickly. Perhaps she can pass herself off as a Healer, get her brother released and send word back to the castle that she’s ok.
All goes according to plan until she discovers that he’s been released and sent back without seeing her first. Somehow she just might be in over her head, or is she? Since Laird William Kirkpatrick is in need of a healer to help fix his ailing brother she’s agreed to the task knowing that no one knows where she is or where she’s about to go! Will she survive the journey back to his castle and tell him the extent of her healing abilities or will she set out to discover the woman she’s meant to be?
William Kirkpatrick needs a healer who won’t kill him or those he loves. Someone who will be honest and not betray him. Will there still be need for her when he discovers the truth about her role as a healer? Will it matter and be enough? How long before her past is exposed and her family discovers she’s missing and declared a traitor? Everything is on the line yet somehow she finds herself drawn to this new path. Having never been around anyone who valued what she had to say is now causing her inner conflict and frustration.
With a loss so raw and devastating, William is haunted by the memories of his family dying in a tragic accident that he can’t see beyond the pain. He’s unaware they are grieving too and want to help him through this too! If he believes in folklore, about who will survive and who will perish, then can he truly recover and move forward? Can he allow himself to trust that the healer is on his side? Will he send her away too? Furthermore, can he learn to trust again?
Little does William realize that Lynelle can’t forgive herself for the death of her mother and twin brother because everyone has said it was her fault that tragedy struck her family? The way things are going they both might just be cursed. As far as her clan is concerned no one wants her around. What will it take to prove she has value and worth?
Wow! The attraction between them is flammable! Hot, sparky and sizzling with every fleeting glance or light brush between them. Allison’s words will transport you back in time to a place you feel an immediate connection to. This story is captivating and enchanting. It makes me want to get my plaid, start a fire and grab a good glass of Whisky. Her writing is seamless and has such passion infusion that I found myself yelling out loud on more than one occasion. Will they or won’t they? I needed to know what happened so much that my dinner almost burned. I swear my clock stopped for an hour or two as I lost track of time. I felt as if I’d gone back in time and was there with the Laird too! Bravo, well done! I can’t wait till your next book. I hope I’m lucky enough to snag an ARC!
(** Re-posted review from )
The Healer – Borderland Brides Book 1
Official Blurb:
An outcast in her own home for as long as she can remember, Lynelle Fenwick will do anything to earn her father’s approval. Including exaggerating her healing skills, and setting off alone to rescue her step-brother from a band of raiding Scots.
Living under a curse that has haunted the Closeburn Clan for years, Laird William Kirkpatrick, will do anything to save his sole surviving brother. He may not believe in curses, but his clan does, and the growing number of graves seems to support their side. Having banished all healers from the clan for trickery, he has no choice but to allow an Englishwoman, claiming to be a skilled healer, into his home and into the room of his wounded brother.
Enemies by birth and circumstance, they can only succeed together. But blood runs deep, and tensions high. What matters the desires of a heart?
‘Look at me,’ he bit out, annoyed she stood docile, when moments ago she’d fought him. ‘Are you a coward as well as a fool?’
Her head snapped back, wrath-filled eyes stabbed him with fury. ‘Do not call me that.’
‘Which? Coward or fool?’
‘Neither. You do not know me, yet from the first you named me something I am not.’
‘I know more about you than you think.’
Her eyes flared wide for a moment and then she bowed her head again. God above. What secrets did she hide? What did she fear he knew?
‘I know you are unwed and have suffered the loss of a loved one.’ A tremor fluttered through her. ‘I know you are ungainly at times, though I struggle to believe it.’ He watched as she curled her unbound hand into a fist. ‘You heal quickly, too, it seems.’ His fingers flexed. ‘You cannot swim yet you risk your life to save a bairn.’ She stiffened beneath his hold. ‘And I have just discovered while you appear meek, you hide a temper behind your mildness.’ The tautness under his fingers relaxed. Was she mastering her temper even now?
‘You have been called pretty but once.’ Her arms turned rigid. ‘An offense to my mind,’ William finished softly.

The Thief (Borderland Brides, Book 2) by Allison Butler is a delicious tale of seduction, trust and acceptance.
Lachlan Elliot is frustrated and determined to catch the thief that is pillaging his land. When the identity of the thief is discovered, everything changes. A new plan is set in motion. One that’s created out of need.
In order to fulfill his duty, Lachlan must find a wife and conceive an heir. For Lachlan, the hope of finding a love match is inconsequential to him. There is no room or need for love in his world.
When Lachlan makes an arrangement of sorts for his future bride he must be discrete in order for his plan to succeed. Kenzie Irvine is not one to heel to orders. When the Laird, Lachlan Elliot, reveals his plans, this perky and feisty thief has nae but two options. Surrender to a less than romantic proposal or face the rope. Realizing that she only has one viable option, Kenzie reluctantly agrees.
Kenzie is not aware of the scheming and conniving her family has brought about to ensure her potential misery. What will Lachlan do when he discovers just how far they are willing to go to prevent her from having any happiness?
Afraid of yet another house of pain, Kenzie wonders if Lachlan will take what he rightfully claims to want? Lachlan will not force himself upon any lass. Is it possible for this Laird with a heart of stone to finally find “the one” that will soften his soul? This slow seductive tale will capture your heart and sweep you away on a journey full of men in kilts, the highlands of Scotland and the notion that love can conquer all.
Kenzies family can’t be trusted and all she desires is to be seen for who she really is. Will she let them snuff that fire out too? Lachalan is a forgiving man most of the time and we get to see a compassionate side to this tough and strapping Laird. Allison has a gift of slowly cultivating her characters so that we feel we are right there with them on their journey.
If you previously read the Borderland’s Bride by Allison Butler please note that The Thief is a reissue. I don’t want you to be upset that it seems familiar. Thanks to Allison Butler and Escape Publishing, this book had a cover make-over. I just love a man in a kilt, don’t you? In addition, the story now fits nicely into the series as the author originally intended. Lucky for us dear readers, it’s a fabulous read. Something to sink your teeth into while basking away in the sun by the pool or on a beach perhaps?
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.
The Thief – Borderland Brides Book 2
To fulfil his father’s dying wish, Border laird Lachlan Elliot must marry and sire a legitimate heir, cementing his family’s name in the tumultuous borderlands. But his marriage will be one of convenience. Lachlan has no time for the pain and betrayal of love, and his land and position must always come first. So even when the spirited thief he catches stealing his horse turns out to be breathtaking – and appropriate – he vows to marry her, bed her, but never love her.
Kenzie never wanted an arranged marriage, but to be forced to wed the domineering laird who catches her thieving from his lands is even worse. Feisty, strong-willed and determined to make her own way, Kenzie may have no choice but to agree to the marriage, but she will never give up her independence. Lachlan may own her body, but he will never own her heart.
Hell’s fire. With an indrawn breath, he stopped and stared at his slashed sleeve and the gash beneath. Blood welled, spilling over and dripping down his elbow.
Ignoring the sticky warmth, Lachlan turned and glared at the woman he’d underestimated. Her head slowly shook from side to side as she backed away from him, still brandishing her weapon – his dirk. When he’d set her on her feet, the little thief had stolen his blasted knife.
Lachlan gave her his best laird’s glare. She tilted her chin and glared back.
The sound of galloping hooves echoed behind him. Wiser now, Lachlan refused to take his eyes off the bloodthirsty wench.
‘You caught the thief, laird?’
‘In a manner of speaking,’ Lachlan said, recognising Lundy’s voice. Lachlan continued to watch the knife-wielding woman. Her gaze darted between Lachlan and his clansman.
‘You’re bleeding, laird,’ Lundy said from beside him.
‘Aye. A token from our thief.’
The woman looked from Lachlan’s face to his arm, and then to the drops of blood staining the ice near his feet. All trace of colour leached from her elfin face and her huge brown eyes looked into his. The clatter of steel sounded as his dirk dropped from her hand to the frozen ground.
‘Ah, Christ,’ Lachlan muttered, lunging forward to catch her.
The Protector by Allison Butler is a must read historical romance that is full of seduction, change and acceptance.
If you’re looking for a highland adventure this has it all – a sexy Scot, a woman who wants and needs to be taken seriously, and a family who thinks they know best.
With Outlander (Season Two) having just wrapped up it’s second season, it’s time to find another Laird to fall in love with. Thank you Allison for giving us something yummy to curl up to!
I received the book from the publisher for a fair and honest review.
The Protector – Highland Brides Book 1
Official Blurb:
Heiress of clan Gordon, Mairi has been given a gift: the choice of her husband. Her father has found three worthy suitors and each is coming to the Keep. She will spend time with every man and make her decision. But love is not a luxury Mairi allows herself: she is driven by duty, driven by the memory of the failure eleven years earlier that cost her father everything. She will choose a worthy husband, one who will serve the clan wisely, and take nothing for herself – especially not the dark-haired stranger tasked with her protection while she makes her decision.
Lowlander Duff may not know his origins, but he knows how to wield his sword. Granted one year’s leave from his duties to the Elliot Clan, Duff travels to the Highlands in search of his past. Instead he finds an arrogant beauty in need of rescue. Impressing her father, the head of clan Gordon, he is named her temporary protector and must keep her safe as she is courted by three potential husbands. What Duff doesn’t expect is the low hum of jealousy and the rising wave of attraction that makes protecting Mairi easy, but keeping his distance impossible.
Mairi’s heart pounded in time with her horse’s urgent stride. Nearly there. Almost …
Thundering hooves approached. She pulled the reins hard to the right, veering away from her pursuer, and her escape route. But it made no difference. Her actions proved useless. No matter what she did he was always there, with her, closer.
Her heart’s reckless beat thudded in her ears, battered her temples.
The ridge loomed closer. Not far now. A tug at her throat made her gasp. The rebel had caught the trailing end of her cloak. Her chest tightened.
Calm. Think.
With a swift pull she loosened the ties about her neck and the garment slid free of her body.
She heard the deep-voiced command. She’d escaped his hold, but not the man. Did he expect her to stop because he asked her to? Was he mad?
She cast a quick look his way. Glimpsed his full, shapely mouth. Saw the dark stubble crowding his granite-hard jaw. Was close enough to look deeply into his thick-lashed brown eyes. Deepest, darkest brown.
‘I wish you nae harm.’
His shout brought her to her senses.
‘Then leave me-‘
Her horse stumbled. She faced forward. No, not now. Don’t slow. She must never give-
A strong arm snaked about her waist. Mairi lost her breath. Her shocked gaze dropped and caught sight of a tanned forearm a moment before she was plucked right out of her saddle.
Coming Soon
August 8th 2016 – Borderland Brides Anthology
The Healer and The Thief together in one book.
December 2016 – Highland Brides Book 2
Dear Rae,
Thanks so much for having me 🙂
Allison Butler xx
Author Info:

Allison Butler is an author of Scottish historical romance. She spent her early years in country NSW building pretend castles with hay bales and leaping white posts with her army of two older sisters and a younger brother. Many years later, with her mother’s influence, she discovered a passion for words and history, read her first historical romance and was inspired to write her own. She writes by day and cares for the elderly by night. Her love of travel has given her the gift of many amazing sights but none more heart-stirring than the rugged beauty of Scotland. Allison lives in a small town in NSW, Australia, with her very own Scottish hero, two beautiful daughters and a Jack Russell named Wallace. She loves travelling, dancing like no-one’s watching and seeing the sights from the back of her husband’s motorcycle.
Five Things I Love About You by Sarah Ballance is fresh, flirty and absolutely yummy. What do you do when you are in a city that you can’t stand? No friends in sight, no family to comfort and clearly nothing that makes it warm and fuzzy?
Leave it to Estelle Donovan to wind up in New York City having to fend for herself. Estelle is essentially one hot mess and is convinced there is nothing fabulous in or about NYC. The million dollar question remains, how did her brother convinced her to watch over his apartment?
Unhappy and frustrated, Estelle must find ways to function and cope in this hot city, if it’s even possible. That includes grocery shopping at a store where nothing makes sense. Sarah Ballance has made this simple task absolutely memorable and charming. It’s just one of many memorable scenes in this fast paced, sinfully satisfying book!
Estelle is missing the the calm and zen of the West coast, even with an open mind. But, what if something or someone could change her mind?
Crosby Chase is dedicated to his family business and has little time for relationships or any social life. Can this career guy finally find someone to distract and tempt him? When he meets Estelle his world is turned upside down. It’s exactly what he needs, will he recognize it before it’s too late?
When you think about NYC what comes to mind? Perhaps street noise from the cars, taxis and people bustling about? How about the buildings enveloping you as you walk those long city blocks? Or maybe it’s something else you’ve been looking forward to seeing. After reading this delightful little treat, you will never walk down a city street and look at a fire escape the same way again, ever. Trust me
The characters are genuine, multi-layered and completely endearing. As soon a you’re finished I challenge you to discover what’s so fabulous about your own city. When you have, let me know. I’m always looking for a great place to visit.
Relationships are supposed to be complicated, fun and unpredictable. Love can be messy, turbulent and oh so sweet Especially when you least expect it. Could you find five things to love about NYC (or any city) in two weeks? I dare you.
Author Info:

Sarah and her husband of what he calls “many long, long years” live on the mid-Atlantic coast with their six young children, all of whom are perfectly adorable when they’re asleep. She never dreamed of becoming an author, but as a homeschooling mom, she often jokes she writes fiction because if she wants anyone to listen to her, she has to make them up. As it turns out, her characters aren’t much better than the kids, but nevertheless, you’ll find her writing sexy contemporary romance for Entangled Publishing until they throw her out.
(** re-posted original review from 9/18/15)
CLOSED********** MK Meredith GIVEAWAY **********CLOSED
A signed print copy of Seducing Seven
Open to US/Canada only
********** Lovestruck Prize Pack GIVEAWAY **************
One Print Book Bundle of :
Five Things I Hate About You by Sarah Ballance
The Wedding Hoax by Heather Thurmeier
The Hookup by Heather Thurmeier
Open to US only
********************* Allison Butler GIVEAWAY *********************
ONE Winner will get an early holiday present e-book bundle that includes:
The Healer, The Thief and The Protector!
Open Internationally
For a chance to win one of these amazing prizes please comment and tell us – Which destination would you prefer to visit if you could only choose one?
Would it be New York City, Las Vegas or Scotland?
Don’t forget to let us know if your US/Canada or International when you comment:)
Contest ends 7/15/16 at 2 PM EST. Winners will be randomly selected AND must comment on this blog post.
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If the winners do not comment on this post within 24 hours a new name will be drawn. Don’t miss out!
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Apr 23, 2016 | April 2016, Blog, MK Meredith
Malibu Betrayals by MK Meredith is a Californian adventure with an inside look into Hollywood with this tender, witty and emotionally driven must read story. A romance for movie stars is never private and there is always someone who wants a piece of the action.
Samantha Dekker has no money and no career and wants to prove to herself and Hollywood that she can move beyond her tragic past. What will it take for her to overcome that small obstacle?
Gage Cutler is a well known actor and aspiring director and yearns to have the one woman who got away. Gage is willing to risk everything again but will Samantha let him in?
In any great romance there is pain and struggle but secrets still float between them. A long time ago Gage and Samantha were able to confide in each other, has too much time passed?
When Samantha’s family blames her for a tragedy will it push her over the edge? They have both had feelings for each other despite their circumstances. Hollywood is not known for keeping relationships quiet and the paparazzi can be cruel.
Gage has been in love with Samantha and keeps waiting for the right time to tell her. But, with threats, sabotage and deceit can Gage fix the wrong in her life and find a way to make a future with Sam?
Check out for yourself now with this excerpt provided by MK Meredith:
Settling in to having Sam next to him, he devoured the food on his plate, very aware that she merely moved the food around hers. Why’d he find that so interesting?
“You’ve been keeping busy.”
Her soft voice raced shivers down his spine, and he gripped his napkin in his fist. “How do you mean?”
“Your movies, what’s it been? Two a year?”
He eyed her, not answering right away. So, she’d been paying attention. He swallowed his smug smile with another bite of food and then washed it down with water. “Give or take.” Though, not every film was truly blockbuster status, they’d still made the list simply because he was in them. A few disappointments for him, but the best way to succeed was to fail, so he’d take the good with the bad and consider it all success. In this industry, his sordid past put butts in the seats, and that was all the studios cared about. With a jerk of his chin, he nudged her. “So which ones have you seen?”
She grabbed her water glass and gulped back half of it. “All of them.”
Barely able to hear her mumble over the din of the crowd, he leaned forward. He’d heard her, but not only did he want to make sure, he wanted to hear it again. “What was that?”
Her face flushed red to her hairline, and his gut tightened in response. She was embarrassed. He chuckled, a selfsatisfied sound that would annoy her for sure. “All of them?”
“I work in the industry. Of course I watched all of them,” she whispered.
He grinned. “Of course. The industry.” She stared at him. He’d give a year’s salary to know what was going on in that beautiful head of hers. She had the darkest eyes. They unsettled him and made him want to trust her all at the same time. And that was nuts; he didn’t trust anyone, especially women. He’d made that mistake too many times already.
She tilted her head to the side and bit her lip, the flush in her face deepening. “I especially enjoyed Dark Secrets.”
Now that movie had been a blockbuster, many would say due to the writing, and others would argue it was the gratuitous nudity. He certainly wasn’t shy, and he’d worked his ass off to be in the right kind of shape for that movie, but knowing Sam not only watched it, but enjoyed it, made him suddenly understand exhibitionism. He shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. “Is that right?”
She narrowed her eyes at him in challenge. “I’m a healthy adult female; I’m not the only one who’s watched it more than once.”
His voice lowered and took on a gravelly tone. “You watched it more than once?”
She straightened in her seat and finished off her water with a grin. “More than twice.”
His body tightened everywhere. Was she flirting with him?
“Well, then it seems you have me at a disadvantage.” He leaned closer, holding her gaze. “And that doesn’t seem quite fair.” Images of her naked flashed in his mind, sending his tension from uncomfortable to torturous. Damn woman.
Tapping her finger against her lip, she bit the tip of it, giving him a thoughtful stare. “I’m okay with that.”
Now click here to download your own copy of Malibu Betrayals –Malibu Betrayals (Malibu Sights)
Then when you’re finished with this great read dive into the second story in the series Malibu Secrets. This standalone is part of a series but can be read without worry.
The second installment in the Malibu Sights series continues with Addison Dekker and her quest for love with Roque Gallagher.
Don’t miss this emotional story if you love the movie industry and the relationships that unfold off and on camera then you will love this series.
When Addison inherits a home she never dreamed of the obstacles she’d face. Will Roque save her or complicate everything? Will they survive the secrets between them and the family expectations?
Another must read book packed with secrets, love, chemistry and excitement. MK is a fabulous writer and her stories are exactly what the weekend needs and maybe a new pair of sexy high-heels too!
I received an ARC for a fair and honest review. MK is a writer who is on my auto-buy list and I can’t wait for her next release!
Here’s an excerpt from Malibu Secrets that MK sent over:
Anyone who knew her would recognize the warning. “Life of the party, huh?” She stepped closer. “Are you coming on to me?” Shocking people was so much fun. She reached out her hand and placed her fingertips at his Adam’s apple, the heat of his skin burning into her sensitive pads, and then slid them down his chest and over the front of his shirt to his sternum. She tapped twice, then boldly held his gaze as she trailed her finger lower over the solid plane of his abs. Yum. Surely he’d stop her any minute. Tilting her head, she bit her lip and looked up at him from beneath her lashes. He did say she was infamous. Her heart slammed in her chest. Any moment he’d stop her, shocked and affronted. And she’d win. And he’d walk away so she could breathe again.
Without warning, he shot his hand around her waist and yanked her tight against him, the movement so abrupt her hair fell from its pins. The hard lines of his body pressed against her, and something warm and delicious spread through her limbs. “Make no mistake, Miss Dekker. When I come on to you, you won’t have to ask.”
Click here to get your copy of Maibu Secrets – Malibu Secrets (Malibu Sights)
A quick thank you to MK for hanging out on the blog and joining us for this two day blitz!
ICYMI: My review of Seducing Seven
Day 1 of MK Meredith Blitz: Coffee With
Author Info:
MK Meredith writes single title contemporary romance promising an emotional ride on heated sheets. She believes the best route to success is to never stop learning.
Her lifelong love affair with peanut butter continues. Only two things come close in the battle for her affections: gorgeous heels and maybe Gerard Butler…or was it David Gandy? Who is she kidding? Her true loves are her husband and two children who have survived her SEA’s (spontaneous explosions of affection) and live to tell the tale. The Meredith’s live in the D.C. area with their two large fur babies…until the next adventure calls.
Apr 22, 2016 | April 2016, Blog, Coffee With, MK Meredith

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte with coconut milk 🙂 What would you order?
MK: I order a Grand Breve Misto…easy on the Breve. (Basically, coffee with steamed half and half) So boring. LOL!
Rae: I absolutely loved Seducing Seven from the What Happens in Vegas series. Your book takes place during a Romance Lovers convention in Las Vegas and gives us a glimpse into the life of the fans who want to meet their favorite authors. It was fabulous and I love Seven. There are a lot of books in this series, whose idea was it? I’ve read most of the books in this series and they are all amazing. Did you do any planning together?
MK: I believe the idea came from Liz Pelletier, or a collaboration between herself and her talented kingdom, but I’m not positive. My answer is total speculation. LOL! We all didn’t plot together, but we created a ‘bible’ as we went that helped tie in different information from different books. Really clever IMHO.
Rae: For any readers who missed my review here is a link to the review. Congratulations on your newest release Malibu Secrets. Were you able to get a few trips for research out to Malibu?
MK: Thank you so much. I think this story is so fun. Addi is full of it and Roque is delicious. Heehee…right up my ally. A couple of years ago, my husband, kiddos, and I went to the west coast and I got to spend a day in Malibu. I loved it so hard! That was after writing Malibu Betrayals but before Malibu Secrets. It was really cool seeing all the places my characters hung out. And to be honest, it is fascinating how accurate I was able to be through google and YouTube!
Rae: Do you have any more books planned this series? I am excited to share with readers my thoughts on Malibu Sights tomorrow for the conclusion of my two day blitz!
MK: I have more book ideas, and I have the third book, tentatively titled Malibu Chances plotted out, but for right now we are moving forward with a spin off series called Tempted Abroad. The first book, Tempted in Ferrara, stars hotel heiress, Chase Huntington, Addi’s best friend from Malibu Secrets. It is delicious, decadent fun surrounded by the fantasy backdrop of Italy.
Rae: What and when is your next project? I hope we won’t have to wait too long 🙂
MK: My next book coming out is Tempted in Ferrara this summer, then Tempted in Barcelona in 2017. I hope to have more contracted by then too! Fingers crossed. I really love this writing life.
Rae: I enjoy following your writing journey on Facebook and Twitter and I hope everyone reading this today connects with you too!
MK: Are you kidding?! The pleasure is all mind. So much so, I feel bad. I owe you a hug and a coffee next time we meet!! This was so much fun. Thank you!
Rae: Thanks again for hanging out – I had a blast! Happy Writing!
MK: Squee! Happy reading!
***** 18 Tantalizing Tidbits *****
1. What is a must read book and why? Anything by Deepak Chopra…he makes you look inside yourself, and I think that is really important in all phases of our lives.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Instead of a place, I would recommend visiting Waterford PA during Waterford Days. There is so much rich history of the whole area. George Washington spent time there, and in fact, delivered a letter to the French Fort prior to the French and Indian War. Oh! And don’t forget the Eagle Hotel, and the covered bridges – there are many and they are beautiful. Dang it. I’m not good at only picking one anything…unless we’re talking food, and then I can confidently say peanut butter. And husbands…I really like the one I got! Ha!
3. Castles or Beaches? Dang it! Why are you doing this to me? A castle…on a beach!
4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I’m not sure readers would be surprised unless we’ve met, but for anyone who knows me…I used to be painfully shy. I totally grew out of that!
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? Again with the either or. I love Metallica and Andrea Bocelli. How can I choose?! Right now I’m listening the heck out of Melody Gardot and Of Monsters and Mumford and Sons.
6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Europe! That way I can be sneaky and visit all the countries there! LOL! If I really, truly, can only pick one, then I guess New Zealand.
7. What is your guilty pleasure? Movies. I love them. And I am not a picky critique. I usually love all of them. I also love that I can say “I’m doing work.” when watching them, because, you know…research and analysis.
8. What are you afraid of? That something will hurt my children, or take me from them too soon.
9. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? I have a red rose on my right hip that I got when I was 18. It was the first rebellious thing I ever did. I was terrified. I’ve always loved it and sometimes I think I may add to it. I really want a dragon fly designed with my children’s names as the veins of each wing. Someday maybe! I also had my lips tattooed and eyeliner. Just FYI…lips are very painful for something that wears off after a few years because of how much our lips exfoliate.
10. Organized or Free Floating? Probably not surprising considering my other very non-committing answers, but somewhere in the middle. It completely depends on what we’re talking about.
11. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? I love binge watching, but weekly viewing keeps me more productive.
12. What’s your favorite TV show and why? Again with the favorite! LOL! I only complain because I’m not good at picking just one. Right now I think my favorite TV show may be Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce…which is funny ‘cause this chick *jabs thumbs to chest* is happily never leaving her husband. LOL! I always tell him, if he leaves, I’m going with him.
13. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )? Tessa Dare’s Spindle Cove series. Loved them!
14. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? PS I Love You. This movie killed me! Still does, and I’ve seen it AT LEAST 50 + times. No joke. There is something so powerful to me when a loved one could know you so well that they can figure out a way to help you find YOURSELF again. That is so powerful! And my husband very much does this for me. It also inspires me to go after my passions. Anytime I feel discouraged with writing, I watch this movie, and I’m ready to go!
15. Would you rather see a movie in the theatre or at home on DVD and why? Aaack! I’m so bad at choosing. I love the theater experience, but I LOVE cuddling on my couch. It has to depend on the movie. PS I Love You on my couch, snuggled with a glass of wine and a spoonful of peanut butter, but The Force Awakens at the movie theater. There is no better way to watch that Millennium Falcon scene!
16. What is one thing you can’t live without? Hugs. I crave them.
17. Do you love to cook or go out to eat? I love to go out to eat!
18. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would you invite? It could be anyone past or present. Joan of Arc, Kevin Spacey, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, & Alec Guinness.
Thank you again MK and Happy Writing! Don’t forget reader to check back tomorrow as I share my thoughts and an excerpt for the Malibu Sights series!