Coffee With Michael Patrick Gleason
Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today. First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking an iced Coffee with Coconut milk. 🙂 ! What would you order?
MPG: Definitely an Espresso
Rae: We met this past spring in Atlanta during the RT Convention, was that your first conference?
MPG: 1st “official” conference would’ve been Love N Vegas 2014 I believe.
Photo credit: 5th elements by Charles Paz. Rae: How often do you attend conferences during the year to connect with readers and fans?
MPG: Around 3 times a year. Mostly local and then RT each year of course!
Rae: How do you stay focused on your health plan during those conferences with all the fabulous restaurants and sweets everywhere?
MPG: Planning is the only way if you must stay on track. Usually enough hard work has been put forth to allow for a little enjoyment during conventions.
Rae: When you are not shooting covers, how do you spend your time?
MPG: Hanging with the puppies/ training clients/ cooking/ lifting/ time with family/ and currently helping my beautiful fiancé plan a wedding!
Rae: Do you ever read any of the books that you appear on?
MPG: I believe I have read each of them or am working to finish.
Rae: How do you relax when you’re not working?
MPG: Movies/ Good Food/ Throwbacks on Hulu……..Cheers/ Golden Girls/ That 70s Show
Rae: What is the most rewarding aspect of working in the fitness industry?
MPG: Changing lives. It may sound a little cliché, but it really does mean everything.
Rae: What is the most challenging thing you’ve had to do?
MPG: Seeing the progress of others and understanding the struggle and commitment it takes to truly get results connects you to them.
Rae: If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out on a fitness plan what would it be?
MPG: Have a support system……..a friend or coworker to start with who will encourage and hold you accountable in the tough times. I could go on for days about this.
Rae: Reading and writing is sedentary job, any suggestions for authors and bloggers on how they can add cardio into their day?
MPG: Set timers and reminders to avoid excessive time seated. It only takes an hour a day 3-4 times a week. That’s half the week and just an hour at a time. If that isn’t a sweet deal I am lost. Where else can you put in that little to guarantee such results?
Rae: Where can readers find you on social media?
MPG: FB Michael Patrick Gleason, IG @michaelpatrickgleason and Twitter @mikeyg13
Rae: It’s your dream photo shoot, where are you and who or what is on the set with you?
MPG: Somewhere with access to a tiger that is playful enough to allow for a few images with me! PETA supervised and approved obviously!
Rae: It was so much fun having you here today!
** Photo Credits Courtesy of Eric David Battershell Photography except for where noted.
***** Tantalizing Tidbits *****
1. What is a must read book and why?
The Little Prince
A great look into innocence.
Life lessons for any culture.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?
My hometown of Cincinnati, OH- King’s Island Amusement Park
A giant grown up playground. Best of the best coasters and thrills in the world! and all of the city’s best food is there too. Skyline Chili and LaRosa’s Pizza!
3. Best vacation destination? Hoping to still find it. Taking honeymoon recommendations.
4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I smoked a pack of Cigarettes a day for 16 years!
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? Not even fair. Love it all too much to pick sides. If I were an artist it may be different, but I am not so I can love it all! Alice In Chains when I was growing up and still love. These days I really don’t have a favorite.
6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world where would you go? Ireland
7. What is your guilty pleasure? DONUTS
8. What are you afraid of? Living longer than my children.
9. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? Zero. A big fan of tats just have not pulled the trigger and don’t know that I will.
10. Organized or Free Floating?
Car- Free Floating
Drawers- Free Floating
Work/ Gym- Organized
11. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)?
Binge the shows listed above.
The Catch
This Is Us
Brooklyn Nine NIne
and on and on and on
12. What’s on your playlist?
Rick Ross
Dave Matthews
Christina Aguillera
Imagine Dragons
Steve Aoki
Jordan Sparks
it only gets better 🙂
13. What play or musical do you want to see next? Have not looked into it lately. PHX Theatre loves to send me invites and I loved The Wizard of Oz last time there so I think I will take a look at what’s to come.
14. Best tip for relaxing? Stop thinking!
15. What’s your favorite TV show and why? Archer- H. John Benjamin’s voice has made me laugh since he was Coach McGuirk on “Home Movies”. I just love the humor and non stop ego mania! Hilarious!
16. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? Drop Dead Fred. Shared interest with one of my sisters. All out ridiculousness.
17. Would you rather see a movie in the theater or at home on DVD and why? Movie for the action and ambiance……..and snacks. Home so I can hang out with my woman and dogs. Certain movies don’t need to be seen in theaters.
18. What is the one thing you can’t live without? Positive people
19. Do you love to cook or go out to eat? I cook everyday of my life and love it
20. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy)
Gordon Ramsey
James Spader
Seth McFarlane
Quentin Tarantino
Richard Pryor
John Malkovich
21. Motorcycle or bicycle? Motorcycle
22. If you could try any career for a day, what would it be? President
23. Person or persons you admire and why? Mother’s- They are responsible for putting up with S*** like mine since the beginning.
24. Best date ever? Pizza Donuts Movie Gorgeous Colombian and few words
25. If you could try one job for a day, what would it be? Formula One Racing or NFL QB
26. What theme park has the best roller coasters or thrill rides? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn’t read this before answering above! King’s Island!
27. Best site for camping or an outdoor adventure? Probably Alaska
So much diversity and contrast. Pick your pleasure.
Rae: Again, thank you so much for hanging out with me in the cafe.
Time for another Iced Latte!
Happy Reading Michael Patrick Gleason