Mar 30, 2017 | Blog, Coffee With, Ellen Dugan, March 2017

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Mocha Latte with Coconut milk. What would you order?
Ellen: English Breakfast Tea—I hate coffee!
Rae: Not only are you an author of paranormal romance, you have a backlist of sixteen books in non-fiction, and released a boxed set of Tarot cards. How did you make the leap from non-fiction to paranormal romance?
Ellen: Fiction was my first love. But I found success in New Age non-fiction, and I still am a part of the traditional publishing world.
Rae: What was the biggest challenge you faced?
Ellen: The biggest challenge I faced? Working in the novels around my last two non-fiction titles.
Rae: What inspired you to write The Legacy of Magick book and subsequent series.
Ellen: The Legacy Of Magick series was something I tinkered with for ten years. I always knew it would be a series, and once I let the characters “off the chain” so to speak, they sort of exploded on the page. And I’ve never had so much fun writing.
Rae: I am waiting patiently for your upcoming release with Barbara Devlin that will be released April 4, 2017. How are your stories connected?
Ellen: Sure, Bewitched & Beloved is a crossover book. That features stories from the Pirates of The Coast and Legacy Of Magick series. Barbara wrote the historical tale called The Buccaneer and I wrote the contemporary, which is entitled The Hidden Legacy.
Rae: Can you tell us without giving away too much? I love the cover and am excited to read this collaboration.
Teaser for The Hidden Legacy: A bewitched heirloom is handed down from Francie Osborne (Barbara’s heroine) to her modern day descendant (my heroine) Hannah Osborne Pogue. When Hannah inherits the heirloom she becomes the keeper of a magickal legacy that has been protected for generations.
A practical, modern Witch, Hannah is a single mother sworn to keep her Craft hidden from outsiders. Her well organized world is turned upside down when she meets Detective Henry Walker, a charming southern scoundrel.
Even as they clash their attraction grows. Leaving Hannah to struggle with the obligations of her family’s legacy, even while Henry is determined to discover whatever it is Hannah’s been hiding.
He’s feeling bewitched and she’s absolutely certain that he’d never be her beloved. Its going to take a special sort of magick to bring these two together.
Rae: What is on your upcoming release list for 2017? Are there any new series in the works that you can give us a tease?
Ellen: Spells Of The Heart: Legacy Of Magick book #7– June 2017
There is a very special holiday project, coming too…and readers should stay tuned because this is BIG. As in epic.
And I’m going to try like hell to get Gypsy Spirit: The Gypsy Chronicles Book 2 out by the end of the year .
Rae: When you are deep in writing, do you sit at your computer all day or put it on paper? Some writers work by daily word count or pages, do you have a daily goal?
Ellen: I work at my computer, and I write until I can’t focus on the screen anymore. I’d say on average 8 hours a day. Every day.
Rae: Not only are you an amazing storyteller but you are a talented artist. I adore your Etsy shop and LOVE my winter sign. I’ll be sad to put that one away soon. If readers have not visited your shop, they should check it out at
Rae: I observed that you are very into decorating during the holidays, is there one you favor more? Do you decorate and go all out for all the holidays during the year?
Ellen: Halloween- hands down is my favorite holiday, with Yuletide a close second. Yes, I decorate my home and celebrate all of the seasons.
Rae: If readers want to find you, will you be on the road at any conferences or appearances in 2017?
Ellen: Not this year. I’m staying home keeping my butt in the chair and writing as fast as I can.
Rae: I am thrilled you were able to join me today and look forward to reading Bewitched & Beloved: A Pirates of the Coast/ The Legacy of Magick Crossover. It was so much fun having you here today!
Ellen: Thanks Rae!
****** 9 Tantalizing Tidbits ******
1. What is a must read book and why? The Natural Psychic by Ellen Dugan because it answers lots of questions for lots of folks.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? The Winery!
3. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I’m a Master Gardener
4. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? I have VERY Eclectic musical tastes and make different play lists for different books.
5. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Ireland
6. What is your guilty pleasure? Dark Chocolate
7. What are you afraid of? Typs I mean typos LOL
8. Organized or Free Floating? Hello I’m a VIRGO. I live for organization
9. What play or musical do you want to see next? You mean I could leave the house? I’ve never seen Wicked- always wanted to.
Rae: Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another Latte 
Happy Reading Dear Readers.
Happy Writing Ellen
Author Info:
Ellen Dugan is the award winning author of 17 non-fiction titles, and the Witches Tarot. Well known for her candor and humor, she is also a Master Gardener. Ellen successfully branched out into paranormal fiction with her first series Legacy Of Magick. Visit her website at
Mar 25, 2017 | Blog, March 2017

In Hot on Ice: A Hockey Romance Anthology, USA Today Bestsellers Robin Covington, Desiree Holt, Kimberly Kincaid, Nana Malone and Virginia Nelson, Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller Angi Morgan, along with Xio Axelrod, Christi Barth, Andie J. Christopher, Avery Flynn, Kim Golden, Lena Hart, Robin Kaye, Katie Kenyhercz, Heather Long, Kate Meader, Susan Scott Shelley, and Misty D. Waters bring you romances with smoking hot heroes—both on and off the ice—who are all a part of the fictional Cajun Rage hockey team. In addition to being a great read at a great price, 20% of the royalties from sales of Hot on Ice will be donated to the Homes for Troops charity, a nonprofit organization that builds mortgage-free, specially modified homes for severely injured veterans
I love that 20% of all royalties earned will go to Homes for Troops. Don’t miss this AMAZING price! On March 29th the price increases to $5.99 and then April 21st it’s gone forever. One-click now!
Time to check out these super sexy hockey players!
Katie Kenyhercz is one of 18 Authors in the Hot on Ice: A Hockey Romance Anthology
I’ve been writing hockey romance for the last four years, and it’s the sub-genre of my heart! I’ve always been a hopeless romantic, but it wasn’t until I played a season of roller hockey when I was fifteen that I fell in love with the best sport around. When I ended up covered in donut-shaped bruises, I decided I enjoyed hockey more as a spectator. I started going to local games and watching the Pittsburgh Penguins on TV religiously. This was right around the time Sidney Crosby was transforming the game in a way no one had since Gretzky. I couldn’t get enough! Suddenly it became obvious to combine my new obsession with my old one.
My Las Vegas Sinners series has five full-length novels and two novellas to round it out. My heroines are strong, sassy, and a little smart-assy. My heroes are confident go-getters with surprising sweet sides. I’m currently working on a four-book, spinoff, Lady Sinners series, in which the dance team forms a hockey team of their own to play in the local intramural league and interact with fans. The first book, Vegas Baby, will release this spring!
In the Hot on Ice anthology, my standalone novella, Bear Naked, focuses on a First Nations Canadian hero, Bear Thompson as he brings the Cup back to his reserve. He hopes to win back his childhood sweetheart, Aria Paul, who happens to be the reserve’s current band chief. He needs her say-so to let the media in, something that’s never been done before. The last thing Aria wants is to spend the summer with the man who broke her heart, and she is not interested in second chances, but Bear is determined, and the more she’s with him, the more sparks are re-ignited. After three months, he’ll be back in Louisiana, and her place is on the reserve. He’ll need some magic to melt the ice around her heart.
As the new band chief of her reserve, Aria Paul pours her soul into bettering the community and improving relations with all of Canada and other First Nations tribes. When her first and only love returns the conquering hero as a hockey champion with the Cup, it’s her job to put aside a broken heart and get all the good publicity for the tribe she can manage. Time has only increased his effect on her, but a second chance is off the table. That is, until the boy she fell in love with shows her the man he’s grown to be.
Bear Thompson’s goal was always to be an elite hockey player and bring home a Cup to his people. Leaving Aria was never part of the plan but an unfortunate part of the deal. She’d never leave the reserve, and he couldn’t stay. Long distance lasted all of a year. His fault, but he’d thought he was ready to move on. Wrong. Aria had never been far from his mind, and seeing her again is an assault to the senses in all the best ways. Winning her back will be harder than winning the prize he’d finally brought home, but one thing’s for sure: she’s worth it.
The Whole Latte:
Bear Naked by Katie Kenyhercz is set on an Indian Reservation. Can Bear Thompson return to his friends and family without ignoring the past, one so rich in tradition and culture?
When the only man Aria ever loved left the reservation it was almost impossible to move on. Nine years is a long time, will she push him away or find out if there is still a spark?
If you love hockey and great romances….don’t miss this collection!
Barnes and Noble:
Mar 22, 2017 | Barbara Devlin, Blog, March 2017

Don’t miss the exciting new release from Barbara Devlin, The Iron Corsair. The second installment in the Pirates of the Coast series full of sexy pirates and thrilling adventures. Check out this excerpt and then click the link below to get your copy for just $0.99.
North Atlantic Ocean
September, 1817
Redemption proved the greatest test of a man’s patience, as he counted down the days until his liberation, often resulting in many nights spent lost in the seemingly endless depths of a bottle of cheap rum, reflecting on the mistakes of his past and reconsidering his every move toward a future that still struck him as impossible. Yet, as Barrington endeavored to win absolution, he remained focused on a singular objective.
Reclaiming Lady Florence, if only he was not too late.
As a gaping hole, as an interminable festering wound in his heart, he suffered her absence the last four years, and if he lost her, all his efforts at recovering his life were for naught. No matter what he had to do, no matter how many times he had to intercede on behalf of innocent travelers at sea, no matter how many fellow pirates he angered, he would win the full and unconditional pardon, so he could return to England and to his woman.
“Ship, two points off the larboard bow, Cap’n.” McNish, the longtime first mate of the Audacious, peered through a spyglass. “She looks to be the one.”
“Bring us about and drop anchor.” Barrington pulled the message from his coat pocket and studied the pedestrian plea, which awaited his return to Jamaica only a fortnight ago. “I wonder what he wants with me.”
“We abided by the terms of the agreement, Barry.” The seasoned tar scratched his cheek and rested his hip against the starboard rail. “Did we not defend a transport vessel against the Marooner, last month, which saved a couple hundred innocent lives?”
“And if memory serves, the Marooner was none too happy about it.” The ruthless buccaneer, known for abandoning survivors on deserted islands, raised a hell of an objection, and Barrington thought, for an instant, the two would come to blows, when they met in their usual Port Royal haunt. “This is something altogether unrelated, I suspect.”
And that was what bothered him.
After a few minutes, the Demetrius glided alongside, and the military compliment assumed a defensive position at the rail, but Lance commanded the lobsters to stand down and then waved a greeting. “Ahoy, my friend.”
“I was surprised to receive your summons.” With a nod, Barry signaled his crew. “Prepare the mainsail hull.”
As the men lowered a plank between the two vessels, he mustered courage and an appearance of ennui, given he suspected he knew the reason behind the request to assemble, and he slept little in the previous sennight, as nightmares plagued the dark hours.
At the waist of the Demetrius, Barry shared a firm handshake with Lance, and then he noticed a stunning, raven-haired goddess lingering on the quarterdeck.
Lance peered over his shoulder and groaned. “Cara, I told you to remain in our cabin.”
“But I wish to greet our guest.” With grace and elegance, and a telltale stubborn set of her chin that reminded Barry of Florence, Lady Cara descended the companion ladder and strolled to the fore. “Lord Ravenwood, it is wonderful to see you, again, after so long. I believe it has been four years, has it not?”
“Indeed, it has, Lady Cara.” Out of old habit, Barrington bowed. “I prefer Barry, given I doubt I retain my title.”
“Actually, you do.” At Lance’s assertion, Barry came alert. “Your brother lost his bid to have you declared deceased.”
“Oh?” In shock, because he had not expected that development, he stumbled back but just as quick gained his footing. So many responses swirled in his brain, yet he could not form a coherent sentence. “Why?”
“What is this? You ask why?” Lance arched his brows. “No celebration? No expression of gratitude?”
“Of course, I am thankful, yet I can hardly manage the estate from my exile.” However, Barrington pondered the revelation and counted it as an important first step toward his ultimate absolution. “What was the judge’s rationale for the ruling?”
“The Crown requires proof of your demise before declaring you dead, in absentia, and dispossessing you of your inheritance, per the right of primogeniture, which is sacred to England.” Lance drew his wife to his side and kissed her temple. “Thus you remain fully vested in your holdings.”
“I know not what to say.” Suddenly, the world seemed a much smaller place, and the familiar trappings of his former existence loomed within reach, that he might seize the much-desired prize. Then a single provoking thought struck him between the eyes. “What of my brother and Lady Florence?” Swallowing hard, he inhaled a deep breath. “Did they wed, as you mentioned when we met in November?”
“No, they have not, and I do not anticipate they will ever marry.” Something dark and chilling danced on the fringe of Lance’s reply, and Barrington met his friend’s stare.
“What is it?” He squared his shoulders and stiffened his spine. “What have you not told me?”
“I thought you should know there are rumors circulating the ton’s ballrooms, most noticeably during the Season.” Lance peered at his bride. “But I should emphasize such gossip is naught but speculation and innuendo.”
Then Lance hesitated, as he appeared at a loss for words.
“Lord Ravenwood, no one has seen Lady Florence since the Little Season.” Lady Cara averted her gaze, appeared lost in thought, and then gave him her full attention, as Lance shuffled his feet. “There is no easy way to deliver ill tidings, other than to simply state the facts.”
When Lady Cara quieted, Barrington considered, for the first time, that the ill tidings had something to do with Florence. Clenching his jaw, he fisted his hands.
“Please, tell me what is wrong.” A heavy sensation weighted his chest. “Why did they delay the nuptials? Whatever it is, I need to know, now.”
“According to the most recent reports, which we received from my mother-in-law, Lady Amanda, Admiral Douglas’s wife, the wedding has been postponed, indefinitely.” Lance twined his fingers with his bride’s. “It is said that Lady Florence is gravely ill, and Lord Braithwaite makes funeral arrangements.”
For a few seconds, the last statement echoed in Barrington’s ears.
Pain functioned as the great leveler, because it knew no marks of wealth, rank, or privilege. Without mercy, it crept up on its victim and engulfed him in the black blanket of torment, chilling every scrap of flesh, shuddering through every bone, stretching taut every muscle, winding every nerve tight as a clock spring, and leaving nothing unscathed. In that moment of realization, in that terrible sliver of time in which the verisimilitude of his situation confronted him inasmuch as he studied his reflection in a mirror, Barrington tripped and fell to his knees, as he contemplated his lady’s death.
Get your copy here:
Author Info:
Bestselling author Barbara Devlin was born a storyteller. A Texan, through and through, Barbara hasn’t been without a book in her possession since she was in kindergarten. She wrote her first short story, a really cheesy murder-mystery, in high school, but it was a Christmas gift, a lovely little diary with a bronze lock, given to her in the fifth grade that truly inspired her love of writing.
After completing part of her undergraduate studies at the University of London, where she developed a love of all things British, Barbara returned home and began a career in banking. But the late 80s weren’t too promising for the financial industry, and every bank that hired Barbara soon folded. So she searched for a stable occupation, and the local police department offered the answer to her prayers.
Initially, Barbara wasn’t too sure about her new career in law enforcement, but she soon came to love being a police officer. And then one uncharacteristically cold and icy day in December 1998, Barbara was struck by a car and pinned against a guardrail while working an accident on a major highway. Permanently disabled, she retired from the police department and devoted her time and energy to physical therapy.
Once Barbara got back on her feet, she focused on a new career in academia. She earned an MA in English and continued a course of study for a Doctorate in Literature and Rhetoric. She happily considered herself an exceedingly eccentric English professor, until success in Indie publishing lured her into writing, full-time, featuring her fictional knighthood, the Brethren of the Coast.
Mar 14, 2017 | Blog, March 2017
Did you wake up to find fresh snow blanketed on your lawn? Is your car enveloped in fresh snow? Are your children outside shoveling and sledding?
Here are a few more great reads to get you through the next few days. I can’t wait to share what I’ve been reading the past few days. Till then, put on your comfy clothes, brew a pot of fresh coffee, or tea and curl up with a new adventure.
Don’t forget to leave the authors a review on Amazon, Goodreads or e-retailer.
Check out these adventures to pass the time!
Mar 13, 2017 | Blog, March 2017
As you sit down and read this, I hope you are all safe and snug in your homes waiting for the beautiful snow to fall. At Casa Latte we are excited to have the first measurable snow despite the fact that it’s the middle of March and I have no idea if snow pants or boots fit anyone.
Dinner is on the stove and I have finished baking enough treats to last us a day or so. 😉 With the uncertainty of school tomorrow there is still time to download a few more great reads.
When I wake up I will either be able to spend time with the family, a few delicious ARC’s that appeared in my e-reader this afternoon and hopefully all in close proximity to a warm and toasty fire.
If the thought of winter weather is enough to send you to the airport on the last plane out of town, you will still need a few books to pass the time. Happy reading!
Warm up with this #SpicyLatte FREE book!
For the younger readers, or young at heart 😉
Mar 12, 2017 | Blog, March 2017
A nor’easter is about to leave a trail of snow from the Mid-Atlantic through New England. For those in it’s path I hope that you stay safe and are able to enjoy the winter weather despite the temperatures in the 70’s last week.
As you take note of last minute grocery items and sundries that you can’t live without for a few days, make sure that you have downloaded the following must read books to keep you from asking….is there school yet? Or, my favorite….has anyone seen a plow down our street? The time will pass quickly with these great reads.
Happy Reading,