Dec 28, 2019 | Blog, Blog Tour, December 2019, Kate Meader

When Theo Kershaw meets Elle Butler she will test his strength both off and on the ice. There is nothing more fun than a hot cocky hockey player who wants the one thing he can’t seem to have.
Trust, hope, and the ability to determine truth from fiction will challenge Theo and test Elle. Family secrets will attempt to derail their budding relationship.
Kate writes a world that’s fun, exciting, and with a sexy team like the rebels, guaranteed to have a happy ever after that sizzles. Full on charm, witty dialogue, lots of tension and added surprises for an exiting story with lots of heat!
Caution, this Scorchin read may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C. I received an ARC from XPresso Book Tours for a fair and honest review.
Grab your holiday gift cards and one-click today. If you love sports romance and hockey don’t miss this adventure. It’s always exciting when the Rookie Rebels are in town and this is definitely worth the read ;).

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“Yes, I’ve seen those billboards for your underwear.”
“Fender bender when you did, right?”
“Oh, I have epic self-control. But seeing them made me realize that you’re a bit too pretty. I kind of like ’em rougher.” She placed a finger under his chin and tilted it for inspection. “You ever get into a fight? And I don’t mean those phony ballets you perform on the ice for your fan base.”
“I’m more a lover than a fighter.”
She scoffed, reluctantly withdrawing her touch. “Thought as much. Wouldn’t want to risk getting that perfect nose broken.”
He didn’t take offense. She wondered what in the world would ever bother The Theo Kershaw.
“So we’ve established I’m not manly enough for you. Any other comments?”
“Oh, I’d never be one to criticize.”
He waved a hand. “Help me out, Elle-oh-Elle. Give me some pointers on how to win a real woman such as yourself.”
She thought about it for a moment, her blood fizzing with the fun of sparring with him. “You’d need to be a completely different person. But don’t fret, your current vapid personality is probably cleaning up so don’t change a thing, ’kay?”
He didn’t look put out, probably because her jab carried no heat. They both knew she wouldn’t be talking to him like this if she really believed he was dumb and vain.
“Yeah, good thing I’m doing okay. It’s just you’re here and I’m here …” The implication being that only proximity would force him to lower his standards.
She patted his chest and suppressed a groan at how hard it felt under her fingertips. “I know you can’t help yourself. You’ve got a penis that seeks out the nearest vagina like a diving rod. It’s really not your fault.”
“True. I can’t be held accountable for my incorrigible flirting.”
He grinned and she grinned back, and that fizz in her veins bubbled bright. He’d figured out her game, matched her quip for quip. They understood each other and now they were … friends?
How odd.
And surprisingly sweet.
Theo Kershaw was smarter than he looked. Confusion must have registered on her face because he seemed to be closer, more present. A rush of awareness overtook her, not just of him, but of them and the sparking connection being formed in this sizzling moment, more powerful than mere sexual attraction.

Author Bio:
Originally from Ireland, USA Today bestselling author Kate Meader cut her romance reader teeth on Maeve Binchy and Jilly Cooper novels, with some Harlequins thrown in for variety. Give her tales about brooding mill owners, oversexed equestrians, and men who can rock an apron, a fire hose, or a hockey stick, and she’s there. Now based in Chicago, she writes sexy contemporary romance with alpha heroes and strong heroines who can match their men quip for quip.
Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Bookbub / Amazon

Aug 4, 2019 | August 2019, Blog, Blog Blitz, Kate Meader

In this standalone romance set in the Chicago Rebels world, a new generation of players take to the ice and learn that all’s fair in love and hockey.
Action, heat, rough hockey players with secrets, passion, and the ability to curl your toes ;). If you loved Hot in Chicago then dive into this new series and discover great characters, familiar faces, and a writer who delivers each and every time.
Levi Hunt knows how to navigate through red tape and take orders, he also knows when to take action and ask for forgiveness if needed.
Jordan Cooke is journalist looking for a break, and when an opportunity arises to get close to the one man she fears could unravel her world, she takes it.
Loss is a challenging thing, and the one thing that connects Levi and Jordan will ultimately bring them closer than they ever imagined.
This scorchin read may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C. I received an ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.

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Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
“Was this night worth your time? Don’t you have a boyfriend who’d like to see you once in a while? Or a life that doesn’t revolve around work?” They stepped into the elevator and he slapped at the lobby level button. Stab. Slap. He was angry and he didn’t know why. He hated not knowing something.
“This is my life, Hunt.” She giggled, the sound going straight to his dick where it proceeded to tease, caress, and kiss the traitor wide awake. “God, playing video games with you guys is gold. And then when your pal showed up proving you’re not such a cold-hearted, friendless Terminator type after all and that you might have a personality underneath that hard-ass demeanor? Icing on the cupcake.”
He opened the door to his building, ushered her out, and tried not to enjoy her bobbing pony-tail.
“So is it true?” she threw out over her shoulder.
“Is what true?”
“The Disney ice cream cake thing?”
“Where are you parked?”
“Around the corner. You don’t have to—”
But he was already eating the ground with every stride like it had offended his honor.
“Levi, what is your problem?”
“Nothing. Just making sure you get in your car and leave.” He was pissed and horny and only now realizing that he had no idea what Jordan’s car looked like.
“Here I am.” She stood by a Honda Civic, two cars back.
Retracing his steps, he tried to get his emotions under control which should not have been a problem. Emotion-wrangling was his bag. Controlling the narrative was his forte. At least, he’d thought so until he met Jordan again.
“I don’t have a boyfriend.” She pushed her key into the lock.
“Say again?”
“You seem to be under the impression that I had someone I could be spending time with tonight instead of enjoying Erik’s weird winking and odes to herring, or Theo’s conspiracy theories as to why Chicagoland has so many mattress stores, or your curmudgeonly ways with hints of Tin Man.” She hummed If I only Had a Heart from The Wizard of Oz.
He passed over the Tin Man reference, probably because he was inexplicably relieved at the implication of her other statement. “Don’t have an opinion on your dating practices. Just something Kershaw mentioned.”
“And you believed him?”
“I didn’t not believe him. Strange thing to make up.” Especially with the graphic detail of naked photos. If she wasn’t seeing someone, then what was all that about?
She opened the door a couple of inches but still stood there. Pertly perking. “You know, the sooner you cooperate the sooner I’ll be out of your hair.”
“I’m doing everything management has ordered.”
“Under sufferance.”
“What you see is all you’re getting.” He was done here. Done with her teasing scent and dick-springing laugh. Done with trying to negotiate a truce between his hands and his c&*k. Just. Done. “Safe home now.” He turned to walk back, but didn’t get far.
He pivoted. “What?”
“You’ve never liked me for some stupid, God-knows-what reason and now you can’t be man enough to sit still for a few questions.”
He ignored the last part which was half—okay, all—true, and focused on the first part. “I’ve liked you fine.”
She took a step toward him, then another until she was right in his space. She looked up at him, her expression filled with fury and spirit. Typical, maddening, heart-stoppingly gorgeous Jordan. “Admit it. You can’t stand me. When I kissed you five years ago—”
“We’re not talking about that.”
“When I kissed you five years ago,” she insisted, her voice rising with each word, “it was as if I ripped out a piece of your mind! You didn’t like me. You certainly didn’t think I was right for Josh and then when we had that moment, when we were at our lowest, we were drawn to each other. You hate that of all people, it was me who made you go to this fragile, needful place. It happened and you need to get over it so we can do this interview and you never have to see me again!”

Author Bio:
Originally from Ireland, Kate cut her romance reader teeth on Maeve Binchy and Jilly Cooper novels, with some Harlequins thrown in for variety. Give her tales about brooding mill owners, oversexed equestrians, and men who can rock an apron or a fire hose, and she’s there. Now based in Chicago, she writes sexy contemporary romance with alpha heroes and strong heroines who can match their men quip for quip.
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Goodreads / Bookbub / Amazon
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Dec 3, 2018 | Blog, December 2018, Kate Meader

Down with Love by Kate Meader has courtroom tension, witty banter, and lots of goodness.
A divorce lawyer, a wedding planner, and a love match that will prove love isn’t always doomed.
This is the first in Kate’s new series A Laws of Animal Attraction series and I can’t wait to read the next installment early next year!
Don’t miss this Scorchin hot read. Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C.
I received an ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.
Read more about Kate Meader here.
Note the cover has been update by the Author as of 2023
Amazon Link

Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Jul 14, 2018 | Blog, July 2018, Kate Meader
Hooked on You by Kate Meader is the latest installment in the Chicago Rebels series about hockey, love, and sisters who will stop at nothing to prove they are worthy to own a hockey team.
Violet Vasquez will face the toughest obstacle of her life. How will her family deal with the news? What will happen when she returns? Violet is a strong and determined woman who will need the strength of a strong man to truly find love. Can she let down the fortress she’s created when she meets Bren St. James?
I was filled with all the emotions as I read this story. Two people will come to terms with their past, their actions and the way that people treat them. Sometimes first impressions aren’t always the best and sometimes people judge you by the style of dress or how you express yourself.
Kate does a stellar job creating a world of sassy, spicy, and all that goodness in-between.
While this is the fourth book in the series, it can be read as a standalone, and yes there is a happy ending! The entire series takes place during the same time period so you will definitely appreciate it more if read in order ;).
This Scorchin read is the perfect way to end a series. Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C. I received an ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. Get your Amazon copy HERE:
Discover more about Kate Meader here.
Apr 5, 2018 | April 2018, Blog, Kate Meader
Undone by You is a M/M standalone novella in Kate Meader’s Chicago Rebels Series. This is an emotionally satisfying romance of one man’s journey to tell the world he’s not changing for anyone. There is also a ton of serious hot hockey action making this your next must read!
From the first novella that introduced us to The Chicago Rebels, In Skates Trouble, this series has been a one-click for me. I’m all about a great hockey romance with characters that just stick with you and plots that are relevant, memorable, and leave you with all the feels.
Readers, I’ve been waiting for Dante’s story and Kate delivered beyond my wildest expectations. Dante Moretti is the GM for The Chicago Rebels and his ability to charm those around him draws you in. Dante has worked hard to be where he is and when Cade unravels him, it will bring him to his knees. Be prepared to have your heart squeezed! Every series has a character that you hope will have their own story, and Kate listened to my prayers!
Cade Burnett has idolized Dante since he was a young hockey player. What will happen when Cade discovers that Dante needs there to be more? Can he have a relationship with his GM, is that even an option? Cade will have to decide if he’s ready to tell the world how he feels. Will he risk everything? Kate tackles the issue of secrets, expectations and desires with a smokin’ hot story that will tick all the boxes.
True love is something to cherish. When you find it, hold on tight, and never let it go. Dante and Cade will have to be true, honest and unafraid, if they want the love they desire. Will Cade put himself first? Dante has this “thing” that I want more of. Readers rejoice, there is a sweet little nugget Kate for fans of the Hot in Chicago series. It’s a win-win!

Inferno – Will cause you to turn on the A/C, the fan, and take a cold shower.
This can be read as a standalone or enjoyed along with the rest of the must read series with hockey, passion, and temptation. I received an ARC for a fair and honest review.
Discover more about Kate Meader here.
Feb 23, 2018 | Authors Dish, Avery Flynn, Blog, February 2018, Graceley Knox, Kate Meader

Welcome to Authors Dish where your favorite authors are sharing what they are reading. C’mon, even authors have a stash too!
In addition, if you enjoy reading their books they have suggestions for similar book adventures by other authors. It doesn’t get better than that!
Today in the cafe are USA Today Best Selling Authors Kate Meader, Avery Flynn, and Graceley Knox.
Rae: Who are you reading?

Kate Meader: I’m currently reading super-sekrit contest entries for the RITAs (Oscars for romance).

Avery Flynn: My stash is epic and I’m totally on a historical romance with Tessa Dare kick.

Graceley Knox: Shayla Black is top of my list. Then I’ve got Holly Black, S. Jae Jones, Sarah J. Maas and Jeaniene Frost.

Rae: If readers are a fan of your books, who should they consider reading?
Kate Meader: If you’re a fan of Kate Meader consider reading Lauren Layne, Julie James, and Rachel Gibson (yes, I’m shooting high here!)
Avery Flynn: If your a fan of Avery Flynn consider these authors… Kate Meader, Louise Bay & Lauren Blakely.
Graceley Knox: If your a fan of Graceley Knox consider reading these authors… D.D. Miers, Amelia Hutchins, Laurell K. Hamilton,and Sherrilyn Kenyon.
Rae: Thank you so much authors! Let me know dear readers if you try any of these books. I’ll see you next week – same time for new authors and more fun!
** Author Bios **
Kate Meader: Originally from Ireland, USA Today bestselling author Kate Meader cut her romance reader teeth on Maeve Binchy and Jilly Cooper novels, with some Harlequins thrown in for variety. Give her tales about brooding mill owners, oversexed equestrians, and men who can rock an apron or a fire hose, and she’s there. Now based in Chicago, she writes sexy contemporary romance with alpha heroes and strong heroines who can match their men quip for quip.
website // facebook // twitter // pinterest // newsletter // reader group (kate’s kittens)
Avery Flynn: USA Today bestselling romance author Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip.
She fell in love with romance while reading Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory books. It wasn’t long before Avery had read through all the romance offerings at her local library. Needing a romance fix, she turned to Harlequin’s four books a month home delivery service to ease the withdrawal symptoms. That worked for a short time, but it wasn’t long before the local book stores’ staffs knew her by name.
Avery was a reader before she was a writer and hopes to always be both. She loves to write about smartass alpha heroes who are as good with a quip as they are with their *ahem* other God-given talents. Her heroines are feisty, fierce and fantastic. Brainy and brave, these ladies know how to stand on their own two feet and knock the bad guys off theirs.
Graceley Knox: USA Today bestselling author, Graceley Knox, suffers from a serious caffeine and book addiction-and she’s not apologizing for it. She writes wicked paranormal and fantasy romance with snarky heroines and sexy heroes. By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. Her free time is spent with her fabulous family and Bengal kitties. She loves to connect with fans on social media, so stop by and say hello!
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