Apr 29, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Blog Blitz, Kat Latham
Taming the Legend (London Legends Book 4) by Kat Latham is a journey of self reflection, discovery, growth and another sexy footballer. Life is short, do what you love and most of all – be honest to those you love.
When Ash Trenton retires from ruby he’s unsure of what his future has in store for him. Everything he’s ever wanted he’s either been given or received, except one. When Camila Morales slams back into his life, he wonders just exactly what he left behind on that Barcelona beach all those years ago. Why is she back now?
In order to convince him to help her in her request, he’s going to have to tell her exactly why he stayed away. Camila has tried to leave the past alone but unfortunately she needs Ash’s help. Camila assumes he wants nothing to do with her so she’s hesitant to approach him, fearful he won’t listen to her plea.
After all these years can they ignore those repressed feelings? Mila takes a risk and hopes that the truth won’t need to be revealed. Can they both finally discover what it is that they’ve been missing and move forward with what they want?
When they discover they were intentionally kept apart, both have a rough time trying to figure out why anyone would do that. Can they still trust each other? This story is filled with secrets, first loves and determination to succeed. I absolutely love this series because it mixes heartfelt issues and superb writing with a twist. It’s that twist that I love in each and every London Legend series book.
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review. If you don’t think you can read this book because you are unfamiliar with the lingo, don’t worry you won’t be lost. Kat provides a simple explanation before the story if you need a quick reference.
As I’ve said throughout this London Legend Blitz, this is a rugby romance filled with H-O-T rugby men and a superb story. This one especially is moving and truly feeling like are right there on the pitch with them.
Fans will rejoice as this will release on May 11th. For those wondering, yes this book can be read as a stand alone. Every book in this series moves up a notch on the sizzle factor.
Kat Latham has generously donated an e-book (Amazon or B & N) of Taming the Legend for todays giveaway to one lucky reader who comments below on the following:
What would you do if someone you cared about kept a huge secret from you?
One winner will be randomly selected at the end of the Blitz.
Comment for a chance to win – contest ends on 4/29/15
at 11:59 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail so please be sure we can reach you.
Contest open to US and International – Good luck to all!
Author Info:
Kat Latham is a California girl who moved to Europe the day after graduating from UCLA, ditching her tank tops for raincoats. She taught English in Prague and worked as an editor in London before she and her British husband moved to the Netherlands, where they are surrounded by miles and miles of green pasture, canals and Shetland ponies. Kat’s slowly adjusting to life in a place where bicycles and cows seem to outnumber people.
With degrees in English lit and human rights, she loves stories that reflect the humor and emotion of real life. Kat’s other career involves writing and editing for charities, and she’s had the privilege of traveling to Kenya, Ethiopia and India to write about the heroic people helping their communities survive disasters.
You can usually find Kat on her blog (katlatham.com), Twitter (@KatrinaLatham), Facebook (facebook.com/KatLathamRomance) and Goodreads. She hopes you’ll hang out with her there!
Apr 28, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Coffee With, Kat Latham

First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂
What would you order? I’d probably have a latte, too, unless we’re in my hometown (San Diego), in which case I’d be having a Mexican hot chocolate. I live in the Netherlands now, and I can’t find Mexican hot chocolate anywhere. I crave it! (And fresh tortilla chips, and guacamole, and cheese enchiladas… What were we talking about?)
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions. I love Sport Series Romance books. Your series about the London Legends Rugby Team sounds delicious. Thank you! I have to admit, I do love my rugby boys. 🙂
How many books do you anticipate in this series? Well, the fourth full-length book (Taming the Legend) comes out on May 11. There’s also a Christmas novella (Unwrapping Her Perfect Match), so that’s five books so far. I’m planning to write two more books, one about Alfie Hardwick (known as Hardy), who had to retire suddenly when a tragedy struck his family, and one about a young alpha stud named Sean Castells. Both Hardy and Sean first made an appearance in Tempting the Player, and readers have been asking me for their stories ever since!
How much research did you do for this? Each book is different, but I’ve been lucky enough to do some cool things for research. My husband’s cousin just retired as the team doctor for a pro rugby team in Dublin, so he has been a huge help with behind-the-scenes info (like what a typical practice looks like, what a weekly schedule is like, the players’ diets, training regimens, fall-back careers, etc).
In Tempting the Player, the heroine is a pilot who teaches the hero how to fly in order to help him overcome the terror he feels every time he gets on a plane. For that book, I interviewed two pilots and even took a flying lesson with one of them! You can see a short video on my website.
For Taming the Legend, I was really struggling with the story, and I talked about it with my good friend Lise. She works with a mega-famous rugby player, Ben Cohen, who retired and founded the Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation to fight bullying and promote respect. Lise took me over to his house and told him I write romance novels about rugby players and was struggling with my story. He was so incredibly kind and generous with his time (and funny! Oh my God, funny, funny, funny). He made me a cup of coffee and asked what I wanted to know. Of course, my brain went completely befuddled, so I probably just babbled something at him, but later on I looked at the notes I’d taken and discovered that he’d given me two key pieces of info that completely changed the story. It was like he unlocked something in my head, and the story started coming together. So I owe him and Lise a lot!
Were you a fan of rugby before you started writing this series? Yes! I can’t imagine writing five books about something I don’t enjoy.
I’ll be honest, though: I’ve never been the kind of person who follows sports news or can remember details about games. My husband can see a clip on TV and within two seconds say, “Oh, yeah, that’s the match from 1992 when So-and-So did Whatever, and Blah-Blah team won by three points with 42 seconds left on the clock.” I can watch a match, completely enjoy it, scream till my lungs bleed, and then–two hours later–forget who won. Also, I didn’t grow up watching or playing rugby, so I learn new things all the time.
What was the inspiration for writing a Rugby series? I can only imagine how much fun that would be! Were you able to hang out with any hunky Rugby players? Other than that time Ben Cohen took pity on me, the only hunky rugby player I’ve hung out with is my husband. When we first met, he played for a local (non-professional) team in the Czech Republic (though he’s British, not Czech. We met when we were living in Prague, teaching English at the same school). I loved watching him play, and he’s really my inspiration for writing a rugby series. It might sound strange, but my memories of learning about rugby are entwined with my memories of falling in love, so rugby seems like a very romantic (not to mention very sexy!) sport.
Other than that, it’s more like I’ve been in the general vicinity of hunky rugby players. 🙂 Remember I mentioned my husband’s cousin, the now-retired team doctor from Dublin? Years ago, before I started writing, we met up with him at a hotel in London, where he was staying with his team the night before a match. The three of us were having a drink together, and my attention sorta wandered to a guy in gym shorts, sitting on the other side of the hotel lobby. His legs… I just… I can’t even describe them. They were phenomenal. After some time, I realized my husband and cousin had gone totally silent, so I looked at them and they were both staring at me, grinning, like “You are so busted.” My husband said, “Finished perving over Jamie Heaslip’s legs?” And I thought, “No, never…”
The only Rugby player I follow is Stuart Reardon, a North Wales Crusaders footballer. Not only is he a talented athlete, he’s a model and VERY easy on the eyes 😉 Did you see the calendar he put out? OMG!
I follow Stu, too, and yeah, his calendar is…distracting. Fortunately, staring at pictures of hot rugby players is a perfectly valid form of research for me…right? 😉
He’s also a personal trainer, and there was a brief moment when I lost my mind and considered signing up for one of his courses. Then I remembered that the most strenuous thing I’ve done in the past two years is give birth, and that mostly just involved me lying on my back and gurning, so trying to keep up with a professional athlete would probably kill me. Either that, or I would end up sitting on the couch munching my way through a bag of potato chips while watching Stu work out–which would also end up killing me, but much more slowly.
Congrats on your upcoming release of Taming the Legend (London Legends Book 4). Fans must be anxious! Lucky for them they won’t have to wait much longer. Thank you! I hope it lives up to fans’ expectations!
Ok, before you go I just want to mention that you also have a new series, The Wild Montana Nights series that released March 27th. It sounds interesting – a complete switch from Legends. Was that easy?
Thank you! It’s been easy in some ways, difficult in others. The first book in the series, One Night with Her Bachelor, was such a joy to write. I love the story, the characters and all the intense problems they face. But these books require quite a bit of research into areas I’m not familiar with–all really interesting stuff, like Air Force pararescuemen, search and rescue, wilderness adventure sports, but it’s easy for me to get distracted and discover I spent my whole writing time watching videos of pararescuemen jumping out of helicopters.
How many books do you anticipate in this series? Three. One Night with Her Bachelor, Two Nights with His Bride (June 8), and one later this year that I don’t have a title for yet but will undoubtedly revolve around a couple spending three nights together. The series is also related to Taming the Legend.
Looks like you have a lot of great reads coming out soon – super excited and look forward to spreading the word soon!
Thank you so much, Rae! I really appreciate all your support!
Thanks again, I had a blast! Happy Writing! Thanks for having me! *downs the rest of her latte*
8 Tantalizing Tidbits:
1. A Must read book and why? The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter. It’s a collection of feminist retellings of classic fairy tales. “The Company of Wolves” is one of my favorite stories ever.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? The La Jolla Cove. It’s a small beach surrounded by cliffs. I used to spend my summers snorkeling and body surfing there. It also has some caves that I used to imagine hid pirates’ treasure, so it’s a great place for storytellers!
3. Castles or Beaches? Beaches!
4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I’m actually quite shy in real life and have to push myself hard to introduce myself to people I don’t know. Social media makes it much easier. Now when I go to conferences, there are dozens of people I’ve already had conversations with, even though I haven’t met them yet in person.
5. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Right now? New Zealand. I just re-read Nalini Singh’s Rock Hard, and it made me really want to visit the Land of Rugby.
6. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? No tats, though I love looking at other people’s tats. I just can’t do anything that permanent. If I chose one, it would be the Greek word agape, which is a pure, selfless kind of love.
7. What is one thing you can’t live without? These days it’s my phone. Sad, I know.
8. Do you love to cook or go out to eat? My husband does most of the cooking. I’d much rather eat out or get take-out!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your time.
*******Giveaway CLOSED*******
Kat Latham has generously donated an e-book (Amazon or B & N) for todays giveaway.
Today’s giveaway is winner’s choice – any published e-book by Kat Latham to one lucky reader who comments below on the following:
Thanks for joining us for coffee. What’s in your mug (coffee, tea or something else)?
One winner will be randomly selected at the end of the Blitz.
Comment for a chance to win – contest ends on 4/29/15
at 11:59 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail so please be sure we can reach you.
Contest open to US and International – Good luck to all!
Don’t forget to enter the other contests on the following posts. Read and comment at the bottom of each.
A **Spicy Latte** for this Christmas Novella, Book 3.5 of the London Legends series – Review and Giveaway
A **Spicy Latte** for Book 3 of the London Legends series – Review and Giveaway
A **Spicy Latte** for Book 2 of the London Legends series – Review and Giveaway
The London Legends series is a must read **Spicy Latte** series – review & #giveaway
Author Info:
Kat Latham is a California girl who moved to Europe the day after graduating from UCLA, ditching her tank tops for raincoats. She taught English in Prague and worked as an editor in London before she and her British husband moved to the Netherlands, where they are surrounded by miles and miles of green pasture, canals and Shetland ponies. Kat’s slowly adjusting to life in a place where bicycles and cows seem to outnumber people.
With degrees in English lit and human rights, she loves stories that reflect the humor and emotion of real life. Kat’s other career involves writing and editing for charities, and she’s had the privilege of traveling to Kenya, Ethiopia and India to write about the heroic people helping their communities survive disasters.
You can usually find Kat on her blog (katlatham.com), Twitter (@KatrinaLatham), Facebook (facebook.com/KatLathamRomance) and Goodreads. She hopes you’ll hang out with her there!
Apr 27, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Blog Blitz, Kat Latham
Unwrapping her Perfect Match: A London Legends Christmas Novella by Kat Latham is a a bite sized holiday treat. If you like to stock up on holiday reads and save them for the season be sure to download this must read rugby romance. At $1.40 on Amazon it’s a steal! If you just want to find out what adventure is next for the Legends you won’t be disappointed. It’s perfect whatever your reason is!
During the annual Legends player auction tension is high and competition is fierce while the men wonder who will bid on them for a date. It puts everyone’s egos on the line and everyone wonders who the big winner will be. That is, who will bring in the most money. All is well during the auction until a winning bid silences the room. Looks like Gwen Chambers has some explaining to do. Big sister Tess is as shocked as the rest of the players.
No rugby romance is complete unless someone gets injured or involved in a skirmish of some kind. For “Little” John, a sturdy and strong-willed player , this injury forces him to admit he needs help recovering. Now, all eyes are on who will step-up to do the job. After all, it’s almost Christmas. Staying in the hospital is not an option and he’s adamant that he needs to get home.
Since Gwen must beg forgiveness from her sister, will she find herself helping John? Unsure of how they both feel about each other, confessions about the past seem risky. Sometimes life doesn’t always work out the way you plan. For Gwen, she wonders if her wishes are just that, ones you only dream about. Maybe this time, her wishes will come true.
This novella is absolutely charming, fun and super smokin’ hot. Fans will rejoice that Little John finally has his own story. This little holiday treat will delight fans of the London Legends and is a perfect escape even now on a crisp spring day. The writing is absolutely splendid and Kat’s world is absolutely fun and full of heart.
Dive into the world of H-O-T rugby men that make you feel you are a part of them team out on the pitch with them.
While this book is set just before Taming the Legend, it can be read as a stand alone. Every book in this series moves up a notch on the sizzle factor. Fans will rejoice when Book 4, Taming the Legend will be released on May 11th. The wait is almost over.
Come back tomorrow when I sit down for coffee with Kat – it’s going to be a fantastic day!
Kat Latham has generously donated an e-book (Amazon or B & N) of
Unwrapping Her Christmas Present: A London Legends Christmas Novella to one lucky reader who comments below on the following:
What have you done to make the holidays amazing for someone special?
One winner will be randomly selected at the end of the Blitz.
Comment for a chance to win – contest ends on 4/29/15
at 11:59 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail so please be sure we can reach you.
Contest open to US and International – Good luck to all!
Author Info:
Kat Latham is a California girl who moved to Europe the day after graduating from UCLA, ditching her tank tops for raincoats. She taught English in Prague and worked as an editor in London before she and her British husband moved to the Netherlands, where they are surrounded by miles and miles of green pasture, canals and Shetland ponies. Kat’s slowly adjusting to life in a place where bicycles and cows seem to outnumber people.
With degrees in English lit and human rights, she loves stories that reflect the humor and emotion of real life. Kat’s other career involves writing and editing for charities, and she’s had the privilege of traveling to Kenya, Ethiopia and India to write about the heroic people helping their communities survive disasters.
You can usually find Kat on her blog (katlatham.com), Twitter (@KatrinaLatham), Facebook (facebook.com/KatLathamRomance) and Goodreads. She hopes you’ll hang out with her there!
Apr 26, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Blog Blitz, Kat Latham
Tempting the Player (London Legends Book 3) by Kat Latham soars in this third installment of rugby romance fun. This time fullback Matt Ogden has an a chance to show the team his amazing skills. Instead he blunders out on the pitch (the playing field). Things couldn’t possibly get any worse for him until the team realizes his fear of flying. Afraid it might be the end of his career he finds comfort in his best friend, Libby. While Matt has thought of Libby in a more intimate way, he’d never risk complicating their friendship. Sex always complicates things, most of the time. Matt was burned before, he couldn’t risk a broken heart again. Could he trust another woman ever again?
Unfortunately, there’s just one little glitch. Matt and Libby are attracted to each other, but won’t admit it. Both are career driven and can’t see what’s right in front of them. It’s the one thing they desire the most. This book tackles the “should I or shouldn’t I” really well with fantastic banter, smokin’ hot encounters and memorable scenes.
Finally, Matt has a chance to move up to a starting position on the team. Now he must now take a hard look as to what has prevented him from giving it his all. Something needs to change. Can he finally focus and tackle his fears?
If only he could get over his fear of flying. If he doesn’t it just might be the end of his career. Can Libby, a trained pilot for a major airline, help him work though it? Or, will he forever be grounded on the tarmac? They come up with an arrangement that proves just how far Libby is willing to go to help her best friend.
Discover what happens when friends wonder, is it possible to be lovers without ruing the friendship? Can they survive this game of chance? I absolutely love the blend of friendship, teamwork, family and fear in this book. Not just the daily fear of the unknown, but phobias and a creative way to approach this particular one. I know plenty of people who would be interested in this method of conquering a fear.
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review. If you don’t think you can read this book because you are unfamiliar with the lingo, don’t worry you won’t be lost. Kat provides a simple explanation before the story if you need a quick reference.
As I’ve said throughout this London Legend Blitz, this is full of H-O-T rugby men and fabulous writing that truly makes you feel you are right there on the pitch with them. While this book is the third in the series, it can be read as a stand alone. Every book in this series moves up a notch on the sizzle factor. Fans will rejoice when Book 4, Taming the Legend will be released on May 11th. The wait is almost over.
Kat Latham has generously donated an e-book (Amazon or B & N) of
Tempting the Player to one lucky reader who comments below on the following:
How did you conquer a fear and did it prevent you from doing your job?
One winner will be randomly selected at the end of the Blitz.
Comment for a chance to win – contest ends on 4/29/15
at 11:59 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail so please be sure we can reach you.
Contest open to US and International – Good luck to all!
Author Info:
Kat Latham is a California girl who moved to Europe the day after graduating from UCLA, ditching her tank tops for raincoats. She taught English in Prague and worked as an editor in London before she and her British husband moved to the Netherlands, where they are surrounded by miles and miles of green pasture, canals and Shetland ponies. Kat’s slowly adjusting to life in a place where bicycles and cows seem to outnumber people.
With degrees in English lit and human rights, she loves stories that reflect the humor and emotion of real life. Kat’s other career involves writing and editing for charities, and she’s had the privilege of traveling to Kenya, Ethiopia and India to write about the heroic people helping their communities survive disasters.
You can usually find Kat on her blog (katlatham.com), Twitter (@KatrinaLatham), Facebook (facebook.com/KatLathamRomance) and Goodreads. She hopes you’ll hang out with her there!
Apr 25, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Kat Latham
In Playing it Close (London Legends Book 2), Kat Latham continues her rugby romance with super sexy rugby players once again getting into a bit of mischief along with the women they can’t get enough of.
When a family tragedy gets the best of Liam Callaghan, rest and relaxation are what’s needed for this team captain. Far away from England he expects very little to distract him at a Venezuelan resort, that is until he has an unexpected encounter upon his arrival. Just once Liam wants to meet a woman who doesn’t care about the fame and fortune that goes along with dating a professional rugby player. Can he find her?
Tess Chambers is trying to escape from her own misfortunate events and is searching to find herself. When Tess finds herself stuck in an elevator in the middle of the night with the notorious Legend Liam, will she admit she recognizes him? It doesn’t take long for her to cast that thought aside and just live for the moment. If Liam is remotely interested in her, then she’s not wiling to fess up just yet.
As both are quick to give a fake name, the adventure begins. The games and madness continue when Tess must leave Liam in the middle of the night without an explanation, figuring their paths will never cross again.
If it were that simple, the story would end. So, when their paths do collide in England Liam thinks he’s been played. Now Tess must make a decision that will affect her career and her personal life too. When they were together it was absolutely sinful and smokin’ hot. Can they forget the past and be near each other without jeopardizing everything? What will he do when he discovers where she works and who she really is?
I absolutely love the way this story blends the corporate and sports world together. The details are spot on both with the rugby experience and the angst of discovery. This series is a quick and easy read with rowdy rugby men wearing super sexy kits (their uniforms of course ;)). Some scenes will have you laughing out loud and frustrated the next.
What makes this a great read is the way Kat fuses the friendships, family tragedy, and the harsh reality of business vs. pleasure. Thereby allowing us to fall in love with these delicious characters. There is even a lot of talk about food and cooking that will leave you hungry and running out to the grocery store! Like I said, there is something for everyone.
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review. If you don’t think you can read this book because you are unfamiliar with the lingo, don’t worry you won’t be lost. Kat provides a simple explanation before the story if you need a quick reference.
As I said yesterday, this is full of H-O-T rugby men and fabulous writing that truly makes you feel you are right there on the pitch with them. While this book is the second in the series, it can be read as a stand alone. Fans will rejoice when Book 4, Taming the Legend will be released on May 11th. The wait is almost over.
There is just enough sizzle to make you tingle, for mature audience, 18+
*******Giveaway CLOSED*******
Kat Latham has generously donated an e-book (Amazon or B & N) of
Playing it Close to one lucky reader who answers the following:
What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with a handsome stranger?
One winner will be randomly selected at the end of the Blitz.
Comment for a chance to win – contest ends on 4/29/15
at 11:59 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail so please be sure we can reach you.
Contest open to US and International – Good luck to all!
Author Info:
Kat Latham is a California girl who moved to Europe the day after graduating from UCLA, ditching her tank tops for raincoats. She taught English in Prague and worked as an editor in London before she and her British husband moved to the Netherlands, where they are surrounded by miles and miles of green pasture, canals and Shetland ponies. Kat’s slowly adjusting to life in a place where bicycles and cows seem to outnumber people.
With degrees in English lit and human rights, she loves stories that reflect the humor and emotion of real life. Kat’s other career involves writing and editing for charities, and she’s had the privilege of traveling to Kenya, Ethiopia and India to write about the heroic people helping their communities survive disasters.
You can usually find Kat on her blog (katlatham.com), Twitter (@KatrinaLatham), Facebook (facebook.com/KatLathamRomance) and Goodreads. She hopes you’ll hang out with her there!
Apr 24, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Blog Blitz, Kat Latham
Knowing the Score (London Legends Book 1) by Kat Latham is a rugby romance rich in full body contact, devotion to the game and a commitment to seeing things through. The story is easy to read and has the perfect blend of humor and relationship fumbles. I fell in love with this series right away and absolutely love the book cover.
Spencer Bailey is a typical young, sexy, rugby player who’s cocky and loveable in all ways. When a devastating tragedy occurs the night before the World Cup Games, his life changes in an instant. A decade later, it still haunts him.
Work brought American Caitlyn Sweeney to London and by sheer luck she was in the right place at the right time to aid an elderly man who just happens to have a connection to Spencer.
When Spencer discovers the identity of this angel in the hospital, he can’t seem to get her out of his mind. Desperate for a short term, non committed woman, he wonders what Caitlyn would say to a “no strings attached” fling. Fearful of getting too attached it seems like the perfect option for both of them, or is it?
Will this smokin’ hot rugby stud cast aside his principles and work ethics for a pretty woman? Spencer has worked so hard to rebuild his career to let another situation jeopardize his career ever again.
There is more to Caitlyn that she’s revealed, will she finally be able to open up to Spencer about her past? Will they both find their happy-ever-after or discover their worst fears have been realized?
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review. I’d been waiting to read a great Rugby story and am thrilled to get the chance to review this amazing series. If you are fearful that you won’t understand the lingo- you will. It’s the total package – great writing, fantastic characters, H-O-T rugby men and immediate gratification knowing there are four other books to read as soon as you’re finished with this one. Taming the Legend (London Legends, Book 4) is almost here – it will release May 11th so the wait won’t be too long ;).
While I don’t rate any of my books on the blog, I do however give a “Pepper review” so you know how “Spicy” and sensual the book is. I will still review it but again, keep it clean with just enough details that you’ll hopefully want to read it.
There is just enough sizzle to make you tingle, for mature audience 18+.
*******Giveaway CLOSED*******
Kat Latham has generously donated an e-book (Amazon or B & N) copy of
Knowing the Score to one lucky reader who answers the following:
Would you have a no-strings attached fling?
One winner will be randomly selected at the end of the Blitz.
Comment for a chance to win – contest ends on 4/29/15
at 11:59 PM. Winner will be contacted via e-mail so please be sure we can reach you.
Contest open to US and International – Good luck to all!
Author Info:
Kat Latham is a California girl who moved to Europe the day after graduating from UCLA, ditching her tank tops for raincoats. She taught English in Prague and worked as an editor in London before she and her British husband moved to the Netherlands, where they are surrounded by miles and miles of green pasture, canals and Shetland ponies. Kat’s slowly adjusting to life in a place where bicycles and cows seem to outnumber people.
With degrees in English lit and human rights, she loves stories that reflect the humor and emotion of real life. Kat’s other career involves writing and editing for charities, and she’s had the privilege of traveling to Kenya, Ethiopia and India to write about the heroic people helping their communities survive disasters.
You can usually find Kat on her blog (katlatham.com), Twitter (@KatrinaLatham), Facebook (facebook.com/KatLathamRomance) and Goodreads. She hopes you’ll hang out with her there!