Jun 30, 2016 | 2016, Blog, June 2016, Sabrina Jeffries

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking an iced Coffee as I’m ready for the summer 🙂 !
What would you order?
Sabrina: An iced coffee, too! I drink a lot of iced coffee at Starbucks—a venti with no syrup and a splash of heavy cream.
Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today.
Sabrina: Thank you for having me!
Rae: Congratulations on your RITA nomination in the Historical Romance: Long category for If the Viscount Falls. Super exciting and what an honor. Where were you when you got the call?
Sabrina: At home, as usual. I was thrilled, to say the least.
Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work can you tell us a little bit about this book? I’m looking forward to posting my review tomorrow on the blog.
Sabrina: Dominick (Dom) is the owner of Manton Investigations. In his youth, he was disinherited by his older legitimate brother for helping his younger bastard half-brother and half-sister. Cut off without a farthing, he became an investigator, but he knew he couldn’t afford a wife, so he rather foolishly forced his fiancee into the position of jilting him (in the Regency era, if a man jilted a woman it would result in ruin for her, but if she jilted him, it was more socially acceptable). They’ve been apart for twelve years, and he’s missed her for all twelve. Meanwhile, Jane has finally moved on with her life, despite what happened with Dom, and has accepted a proposal for a marriage of convenience to a friend. But she still cares for Dom, so when a case throws them together and they realize they still desire each other, they have to decide if they can get past what he did, if they’re even the same people anymore, and if they can make a marriage work after all these years.
I had so much fun writing them. Dom is one of those men used to doing everything his way, and Jane just won’t stand for it. He has to learn to compromise and she has to learn to forgive. But she gives him a run for his money first!
Rae: What was the inspiration for this?
Sabrina: As for the inspiration, I seem to love to rewrite Romeo and Juliet. I like lovers torn apart but brought back together (as opposed to lovers torn apart who both end up dead).
Rae: You have multiple series and standalone reads in your backlist, what can we expect in those lines?
Sabrina: Most of my books these days are in series because I prefer a wider canvas, and series give me that. The standalone reads tend to be from my early writing. I don’t really do them much anymore.
Rae: With multiple series, is it easy to keep characters from crossing over?
Sabrina: Actually, I don’t keep them from crossing over. They show up in each other’s series all the time. I feel like my series are still all part of the same world, so sometimes the characters stumble into another series and have fun..
Rae: Each book has fantastic covers – do you have a part in the design?
Sabrina: I often suggest a concept, but for the most part Pocket’s art department is responsible for those covers. They do a great job, thank God, because I’m not much of a designer.
Rae: I love your website – I hope readers check it out – here. I even LOVE your playlist section.
Sabrina: Thanks!
Rae: I read that you love to work on puzzles, what is the largest puzzle you have ever attempted?
Sabrina: I just completed my largest puzzle recently—5000 pieces. And I will never do another.
Rae: Did you finish it?
Sabrina: Yes, I finished it, but it was more stressful than therapeutic, and I do tend to do puzzles because they soothe me.
Rae: Do you have a favorite theme you like to work on? I hear they can be very therapeutic.
Sabrina: As for themes, I tend to like bright colors and fairytale images. Or quirky ones. I really can’t stand landscapes. I’d rather see a pretty landscape in person.
Rae: Writing with a day job and other commitments is a challenge, do you have a writing ritual or secret location to get the work done?
Sabrina: Well, I don’t have a day job other than writing. I do more work, though, when I use Mac Freedom to block out the internet. Does that count as a ritual?
Rae: Can you tell us how you tackle plotting your series, is it on a massive board, sheets of paper or just write as you go with a simple outline?
Sabrina: As for plotting, I spend a lot of time with a jigsaw puzzle thinking through my plots. Sometimes it takes me as much as six weeks to come up with my plot. Once I’ve got it straight in my head, however, I use a good ol’ synopsis format. That works for me. And then I refer to the synopsis often.
Rae: Thank you so much for being here today.
Sabrina: I enjoyed it!
***** 8 Tantalizing Tidbits *****
1. What is a must read book and why? Lord of Scoundrels. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the best historical romance ever written.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? My home town is New Orleans, so that’s easy—you have to see the French Quarter!
3. Castles or Beaches? Castles, definitely. I’m not a beach person. Too hot and too much sand.
4. What is your most memorable vacation and why? My husband and I went to London for the first time together for our thirtieth anniversary. It was spectacular. I finally got to see all the places I write about!
5. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Anywhere in England. I’m just an Anglophile, what can I say? Why do you think I write Regencies?
6. Are you a binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? Weekly, except for old shows I’ve just discovered, and then I binge watch. I enjoy all the NCIS’s, Criminal Minds, Outlander, Poldark, Sleepy Hollow . . . If it has crime or history, I’m there.
7. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )? The Iron Duke from Meljean Brook’s Iron Seas series. I’d love to see that series made into movies..
8. What is the one thing you can’t live without? Coffee. I’m a serious coffee drinker. I never have less than 32 ounces of coffee a day, and that’s a minimum.
Rae: Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another Iced-Coffee 🙂
Happy Reading Dear Readers.
Happy Writing Sabrina!
About the Author:
Sabrina Jeffries is the NYT bestselling author of 38 novels and 9 works of short fiction (some written under the pseudonyms Deborah Martin and Deborah Nicholas). Whatever time not spent writing in a coffee-fueled haze of dreams and madness is spent traveling with her husband and adult autistic son or indulging in one of her passions—jigsaw puzzles, chocolate, and music. With over 7 million books in print in 18 different languages, the North Carolina author never regrets tossing aside a budding career in academics for the sheer joy of writing fun fiction, and hopes that one day a book of hers will end up saving the world.
She always dreams big.
You can find Sabrina online at:
Jun 29, 2016 | 2016, Blog, June 2016, Samantha Chase
Always My Girl by Samantha Chase is the third installment in the Shaughnessy Brothers series, and it is AMAZING! Another satisfying and very refreshing story that dives into the lives of the Shaughnessy family with Quinn Shaughnessy. I must admit, he’s one of my favorite brothers because of he loves cars!
Quinn has always craved things that go fast since he was a young boy. At the beginning of the book there is a tender scene that takes me back to being a kid and it just melts my heart. Samantha sums it up perfectly with this image.
All grown up Quinn has had his share of fun, women and a fantastic career. One that included racing cars until something happened that found him walking away from it all. Even then Quinn couldn’t figure out what exactly it was that he was chasing. All he knew was that there was a void that couldn’t be filled, that is till Anna Harrigan finally got his attention.
Anna and Quinn have been friends since she was six years old, and I love that their friendship has weathered through the tough times. If only Quinn would notice the woman she’s become he might finally find an everlasting love. Anna isn’t the little girl he once knew. Now grown up she’s finally ready to do something about her crush and be noticed.
With a little coaxing from her best friend, Anna decides to change things. But they are both in for a surprise when they realize that their feelings run deeper than they ever expected. What will Quinn do when he discovers how Anna really feels, will he stay or push her away?
Check out this teaser and you’ll see exactly what Anna’s up against.
Sometimes it takes a push from a friend to make you realize what your looking for is right next door. How many of us grew up loving the one person they thought they’d never be able to win? What will Quinn do when Anna begins to change and her interest in cars takes a surprising turn? Is it that she’s changing or is that he’s finally admitting how he really feels? Perhaps the reason he hasn’t quite found that someone special yet is because he hasn’t realized what’s been in front of him his entire life.
Samantha has written a story that so many readers can relate to, one that’s written so tenderly that it will make you laugh, cry and rejoice when you read the last page.
There are at least three more books that we can hopefully expect from this series – Owen, Riley and Darcy. I hope they each have their story shared soon! A bonus with this series is that you the reader become part of this amazing family and love when everyone pops up from previous books.
I had so much fun having Samantha on the blog this week and I hope you all enjoy Always My Girl as much as I did.
I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and hones review.
Still not convinced? Check out this excerpt Samantha sent over and see for yourself.
He high-fived you?”
Anna nodded. “He high-fived me.”
“Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction too.”
Zoe sat back in her seat and frowned. “I don’t even know what to say to that. Even when Aidan was being a complete jerk when we started dating, he never would have…”
“High-fived you when you were looking to hug him?”
Raising her glass of iced tea, she saluted Anna. “I give you props for not picking up a bat and slugging him.”
“It was tempting but there were too many witnesses.”
Zoe chuckled. “So…now what? What happened when you guys got home?”
“Nothing. I came back here alone and Quinn?” She shrugged. “I have no idea where he went. Probably to the pub with everyone.”
“You didn’t go?”
“Between the high-five and Mark’s comment…I just needed to get away.”
“Okay, but you’ve talked to Quinn since then, right? I mean, it was four days ago.”
Anna shook her head. “He texted me the next day and said he needed to put in some serious times on the restoration job.”
“I still can’t believe he’s doing it,” Zoe said with disgust. “After everything Jake did…”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Anna interrupted. “I told everyone I didn’t mind and I don’t. Sort of.” She cursed. “Not really.”
“Anna, come on! How can you sit here and tell me you honestly don’t care? That guy was a creep! And what he tried to do to you was criminal! How can you sit here and tell me you want to encourage Quinn to do this job? There will be other restorations! Does he really want the recognition so badly he’s willing to do a job that is nothing but a constant reminder of what Jake Tanner did?”
Anna hadn’t really thought of it that way. With a sigh, she rested her head on the back of the sofa. “He’s only doing because I told him to. I know how important getting this restoration part of the business is to Quinn. This job was not only a big deal because of the kind of cars they are, but because Jake had already lined up magazine interviews and deals for the big reveal. How could I take that away from him?”
“How could he not offer to?” Zoe snapped. “Honestly, out of all the Shaughnessys, Quinn really is the most clueless. And that’s saying something!”
“He did, but I talked him out of it. So I’m partially to blame. I’ll be all right,” Anna said, but she didn’t honestly believe it and the look Zoe gave her said she wasn’t buying it either.
“So what are you going to do?”
“I don’t really know. We had a couple of weeks where we were inseparable and that’s never happened before. I know he has a lot of work with the new shop that needs his attention and I guess when he has the time, he’ll let me know.”
Zoe stood, clearly agitated. “You’re too good to him. Too forgiving.”
“What am I supposed to do?” She paused. “And besides, I told him to leave me alone.”
“Oh, please. You were upset. Now you’re supposed to drive over to the shop and demand he talk to you, for starters! Then you get in his face and tell him to man up and stop hiding when things get tough! And lastly, tell him if he ever high-fives you again instead of accepting the hug you’re requesting, I’ll come over there and hit him over the head with one of those giant wrenches!”
Anna chuckled. “Man…does Aidan ever win an argument with you?”
A slow smile crept across her face. “Not if he knows what’s good for him.”
Author Info:

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40’s to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.
When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
For more information, please visit Samantha’s website – www.chasing-romance.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/SamanthaChaseFanClub
Twitter – https://twitter.com/SamanthaChase3
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/samanthachase31/
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Samantha-Chase/e/B006CZWRGC/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
Instagram – https://instagram.com/samanthachaseromance/
Jun 28, 2016 | 2016, Blog, June 2016, Samantha Chase
*********** Winner*************** Winner ************Winner ********
Congratulations Keri B. Mr. Random has drawn a name and you are the winner of the Autographed set of Made for Us AND Love Walks In!
Thank you so much to everyone who commented.
Keri – you have 24 hours to comment on this post or another name will be drawn!

Rae: I want to welcome back Samantha Chase to the blog. Samantha is here to dish all things Shaughnessy Family as we celebrate the release of her third book in the series which will hit your e-reader July 5, 2016.
Rae: Can you tell us what inspired you to write about the Shaughnessy Family? Will any of the Montgomery Brothers (another must read series – I’ll insert a link for reviews 😉 )
Samantha: You know, it’s going to sound weird, but this is the truth – I was talking to my agent a couple of years ago and he was like “You need a new series.” I totally agreed. And then he added, “Soon.” We were pitching the Montgomerys to publishers but I was already mid-series with it and most of them were turning me down because they didn’t want to pick up a series in the middle. I am a HUGE fan of Bella Andre’s series The Sullivan’s and I would have to say that she inspired me the most. I love a good family drama and I was already loving the Montgomerys, but I liked the idea of all the siblings being very diverse. I’m having a great time with them too!
As for the Montgomerys showing up, that had kind of been my intention in the beginning but it’s never happened. There was never a time or a scenario where it fit. Which is crazy because I did manage to mention the Shaughnessys in the Montgomery books! Bad author moment!
Rae: So far we’ve met Aidan and Hugh. One man can build us a dream house and the other can take us to a resort and melt our worries away. In Always My Girl we meet Quinn and he’s a former NASCAR driver. What research did you do to prepare for that book? Not only did he drive cars he’s super handy fixing up cars too! The way Anna is with learning about cars reminds me of the time I changed the oil in my car when I was in college. I used metal ramps – my Dad was super cool about it! He was the one who told me to use them. My mom, not so thrilled. It was such a rush knowing that I could fix something with the car. Have you ever tinkered on a car?
Samantha: Cars are sooooo not my thing! At all! I’m lucky that my husband is handy and for years he did all the maintenance on our cars. But for Quinn, it was a lot of online research about auto restoration – which is really quite fascinating. My younger son is a little bit of a car enthusiast and every once in a while we’ll find ourselves watching some sort of show about them like Top Gear or ones where they actually do restorations. I don’t jump up and leave the room most of the time!
I didn’t do any research on Quinn’s NASCAR past BUT…I’m going to the Charlotte Motor Speedway in August as part of my Roadtripping with Romance book tour with Sara Humphreys! We’re going to tour the speedway and be sharing pictures and videos from it on social media! I think it’s going to be awesome!
Rae: We also have on the blog today The Shaughnessy crew and it’s so nice to see everyone again 🙂 let’s just start this party off with a bit of music. What was your favorite musical clip on the Tony’s? I LOVED James Corden – Riley you need to get on Carpool Karaoke! Imagine the fun!
Quinn – Every time you’re stuck in the car with Riley it’s like Carpool Karaoke!
Riley – Hey!
Hugh – Don’t even bother denying it. You know it’s true.
Riley – I’m a singer – it’s what I do. Sing!
Aidan – And talk about yourself. Let’s not forget about that.
Riley – I’m a fascinating guy. (Shrugs) You’re all just jealous.
Darcy – Hardly. (Cracks herself up) But we all missed the Tony’s because we were all at Hilton Head at the resort and Riley put on a private concert. It was very cool.
Riley – Sure…when I’m on stage singing it’s cool. But in the car, it’s…
Quinn – Annoying. The word you’re looking for is annoying.
(They all laugh at that one)
Rae: Anna – what is your favorite drink to mix up at the bar? Everyone says you’re a whiz in the kitchen…any inside secrets into what goes in your burgers?
Anna – The burgers are a family secret. I can’t share it.
Quinn – (Dramatic eye roll) And I keep telling you that your mom’s burgers never tasted like that. So the only person who knows the recipe is you! C’mon…tell us.
Anna – (Shakes her head) Not gonna happen. And besides, why are you pushing me to give the recipe away? You’re the envy of the masses.
Quinn – (Grinning) Oh, yeah. Never mind.
Anna – And as for the drink? Hmm…you know, I never spend much time behind the bar. I was always at the pub in more of a waitress and cook and manager capacity. But I can pour a perfect glass of beer!
Quinn – She sure as hell can!
Rae: What is it like to grow up next to Quinn? Were the brothers ever over hanging out with Bobby?
(Aidan, Hugh, Riley, Owen and Darcy all collectively groan)
Anna – I loved growing up next to Quinn! (smiles adoringly at him)
Quinn – That’s because I’m a great guy
Hugh – (coughs) Humble too
Quinn – Damn straight
Anna – He was always doing something…it was never boring. Growing up it was like every day was an adventure.
Quinn – Remember the time you got stuck up in that tree in your yard? (Laughs) You were so mad!
Anna – That’s only because you dared me to climb up and that lower limb broke! And you laughed!
Quinn – Because you were so mad! You yelled and screamed and carried on!
Aidan – Didn’t Bobby threaten to beat you with that tree limb if you didn’t shut up?
Quinn – Um…maybe.
Aidan – Hugh and I hung out with Bobby a lot because we were closer in age. (Looks over at the twins and Darcy) Anna and Quinn were the same age but there weren’t any Hannigans for Riley, Owen or Darcy.
Rae: Now that two of you are married, what can we expect from you Quinn (wink 😉 – big wedding or perhaps at a baseball park?
Anna – (Grinning) Yeah, Quinn…what can we expect from you?
Quinn – Is it hot in here?
Aidan – Come on…don’t be shy…
Hugh – I picture you being the guy that cries at the altar when he sees the bride. We all know how sensitive you are.
Quinn – Shut up
Riley – Personally, I imagine Quinn and Anna’s wedding being at the pub. A big Irish wedding, lots of drinking and singing
Quinn – Ugh…figures you’d bring up singing
Riley – What? What’s wrong with singing? People do have music at their weddings!
Owen – All weddings have music. It’s just the type of music that varies. Even now, it’s no longer the norm to play the Wedding March. Now it’s not uncommon to hear…
Quinn – I swear if you start spouting statistics, I’ll kick you out of the interview!
Darcy – (Stands and punches Quinn in the arm. Hard)
Quinn – OW! What was that for?
Darcy – For being a jerk! Owen was simply talking about music. (Leans forward and looks at Anna) Are you sure you want to marry this moron? He really is a jerk sometimes.
Anna – (Blushes and then kisses Quinn on the cheek). Yeah, but he’s my moron.
(Collective eye rolls and groans from the entire family)
Rae: Quinn- if you could restore any car what would it be?
Quinn – Wow…There really are a few that are on my restoration bucket list. But if I had to choose one it would be…hmmm…a 69 Chevy Camaro. I love a good American muscle car! It’s just a cool car. I know that sounds like a lame thing to say, but…damn. It’s just a cool damn car!
Rae: Riley thanks for being here I know you’re busy working on your next album – how’s that goin?
Hugh – Oh no…
Aidan – (Shakes his head)
Owen – (reaches over and pats Riley on the back)
Riley – I don’t want to talk about it. Why? What have you heard? Are people saying stuff about the music so far? Are they hating it? Dammit! (Jumps to his feet) I need to go and call Mick!
(Everyone just stares as Riley walks out the door)
Darcy – So um…yeah. That pretty much explains how the album is going.
Rae: Any summer plans?
Aidan – Zoe and I are sticking close to home this summer and doing some work on the house.
Hugh – Same for Aubrey and I. (Grins) And sleeping. Definitely trying to get some sleep.
Aidan – Smooth, Bro. Why not just say ‘spoiler alert’?
Owen – I’m going to be doing some speaking engagements back in D.C. We’ve gotten some amazing pictures from space and I’m hoping to analyze and share…
Darcy – BORED!
Quinn – Oh, so it’s okay for you to interrupt him but not me? How is that fair?
Darcy – Will you be planning your wedding this summer, Quinn?
Quinn – (Noticeable paler) Um…
Darcy – That’s what I thought
Rae: Again guys, thanks so much for hanging out and I hope you all have a fabulous weekend celebrating this weekend. I can’t wait to hang out again with you soon. 🙂
Samantha thanks again. If fans are looking to find you over the summer, where can they catch up with you?
Samantha: Okay, I am going to be all over the place this summer! July 9th I’ll be in Boonsboro, MD at Turn the Page Bookstore (Nora Roberts’ place!) for a signing and then Sara Humphreys and I will be hitting the road in August for our Roadtripping with Romance book tour! We’ll be in Wake Forest, NC on August 16th (exactly location TBA), then we’ll be at the B&N in Raleigh, NC at Brier Creek at 7 pm on Wednesday, August 17th. After that we’re going to be signing in Charlotte, NC at Park Roads Books at 7 pm (after touring the Charlotte Motor Speedway to celebrate Quinn Shaughnessy!). and the next day we’ll be in Greenville, SC at 5:30 pm at Fiction Addiction (after going to a K-9 training facility for Sara’s hero in Trouble Walks In!). Our last day has us in several locations but we’ll be doing a signing at the B&N Forum at Ashley Park in Newnan, GA at 2 pm and we’re working on two more possible events in the area for that night!
Thanks for having me!! And Happy Reading, Everyone!!
Discover for yourself The Shaughnessy Family
Samantha Chase has generously donated ONE autographed
book set of Made for Us (The Shaughnessy Brothers) and Love Walks In for the Blitz giveaway.
Answer the following question in the comments below for a chance to win – When you are on vacation do you pack a suitcase full of books or an e-reader loaded to the max with e-books?
One winner will be randomly selected.
Be sure to follow Books I Love A Latte on the blog, FB and Twitter so you don’t miss the posting of the winner!
Contest ends on 6/28/16 at 11:59PM
The lucky winner must comment within 24 hours on the blog post to claim their prize or a new winner will be randomly selected.
Author Info:

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40’s to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.
When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
For more information, please visit Samantha’s website – www.chasing-romance.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/SamanthaChaseFanClub
Twitter – https://twitter.com/SamanthaChase3
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/samanthachase31/
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Samantha-Chase/e/B006CZWRGC/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
Instagram – https://instagram.com/samanthachaseromance/
Jun 27, 2016 | Blog, June 2016, Samantha Chase
It’s almost time to meet Quinn, the next brother in The Shaughnessy Brothers series from Samantha Chase. I’m re-posting my reviews from Made for Us and Love Walks In, along with an excerpt from each book that was provided by Samantha for an earlier blitz. In addition Samantha has generously donated an autographed copy of Made for Us and Love Walks in for one lucky reader.
I’m thrilled to have Samantha on the blog this week as we celebrate the release of Always My Girl that will release on July 5, 2016. You won’t want to miss it!
Sit back, grab a cup of coffee and be prepared to fall in love with a few amazing characters and of course, Samantha Chase!
Made For Us by Samantha Chase is the first book in the Shaughnessy Brothers series. For those who have read The Montgomery Brothers series you’ll recognize Aidan from Meant for You. This cutie deserved his own book and I’m thrilled he has it. No worries if you haven’t read The Montgomery Brothers series, this story stands on it’s own. However, I highly recommend at some point you do.
Aidan Shaughnessy is bossy, arrogant and a huge control freak when it comes to his construction company. Zoey Dalton is an interior designer that’s about to turn this builder’s life inside out. Will she be able to handle the dominating and perfectionist boss? Can she survive his demands?
Zoey can’t stand being barked at and ordered around. What will happen when she pushes back? It’s not too often that Aidan finds a woman willing to dive in and get dirty to finish a job. What other surprises await these two?
When mother nature interferes they discover just how fast life moves and how quickly things can change. Forced to spend time with each other, Aidan and Zoey will soon find out what happens when the past collides with the present.
Both have experienced unimaginable loss. When Aidan leaves without any explanation can she forgive him? Can he finally deal with his family and forgive himself? Will he make room in his heart?
Discover two strong souls as they collide in this sexy story that’s full of adventure, heartache and adversity. Oh yeah, there’s also tension, chemistry and an extraordinary story that engages us so that you dear reader, will keep reading until the very last page.
Another great start for this new must read series and yeah, I’m totally in love with the Shaughnessy family too. This contemporary romance series will take you on a journey of the heart with stellar writing, new characters to love, sprinkled in with favorites from the past. If you are wondering if there will be a happily ever after then you MUST download this book now and find out.
Hurry over to your favorite e-book/book retailer and download or purchase your copies now! Click here to get your copy – Made for Us (The Shaughnessy Brothers)
I received this book from the publisher for a fair and honest review.
This review was originally published August 4, 2015 and has been edited now that the book is published.
Excerpt:Aidan had been watching this woman since her arrival. It hadn’t been intentional, but he had been in one of the upstairs bedrooms when he saw her car pull up, and had watched in fascination as she inspected the yard. While he felt mildly guilty for causing the other decorator to lose her job, he couldn’t help but be intrigued by her replacement. From what he’d observed so far, this woman was somebody who took notice of details. It wasn’t hard to see the appreciation in her eyes as she looked at the house.
And he couldn’t help but look at her with appreciation. The woman before him had fiery red curly hair and a body with the kind of curves that made a man want to…scratch an itch. Damn it. This was so not the time for that thought to come to mind. As she straightened before him, he had to admit she was even more stunning up close. Tall. In heels, she was maybe only four inches shorter than he and that was saying something. Most women didn’t come close to his six-foot-two-inch height.
Aidan’s mouth went dry when she took off her sunglasses and he caught sight of the greenest eyes he had ever seen. She smiled and held out her hand in greeting. “Mr. Shaughnessy, hello,” she said, her voice was just a bit husky. “I’m Zoe Dalton.”
For a moment, Aidan couldn’t speak. He reached out and took her hand in his, fully intending to give her a business-like handshake, but as soon as he felt her soft skin, he pretty much forgot his own name.
You really have been without a woman for too long, he admonished himself. “Miss Dalton,” he murmured, forcing himself to focus. He shook her hand a little too roughly and released it as if she’d burned him.
Zoe was equally speechless. Why did no one mention that this man was the sexiest thing on two legs? His rock star brother may have been nominated one of the sexiest men alive, but Riley had nothing on his older brother. Dark hair, blue eyes, and hands rough enough that Zoe wanted to feel them all over her. It was rare for a man to make Zoe feel small and delicate, but Aidan was built like a linebacker and managed to make her feel it now.
Zoe fanned herself briefly as Aidan turned and walked away.
And the view was just as spectacular from behind.
She almost groaned.
Her gaze was lingering on how fine he looked in those faded jeans when he cleared his throat. “I want you to look around this house, Miss Dalton, and tell me everything you see that’s wrong.”
She swallowed hard and stepped forward. “Everything?”
Aidan turned to face her, crossing his large arms across his chest. “I want you to start at the front door and walk through the entire house.”
There was the potential here for things to go south very quickly. Beyond what she’d read in Sarah’s files, Zoe wasn’t familiar with his work, so she didn’t want to risk offending him, but Martha did tell her to do whatever Mr. Shaughnessy wanted done without argument. With a brief nod of her head, Zoe placed her soft leather briefcase on the granite countertop, pulled out her tablet and began to type furiously, creating her own document on the house.
Walking to the front door, she stepped out onto the porch and swung the door closed before opening it again. “The door sticks a little,” she began as she walked back inside. “There’s some paint on the hardware on both the interior and exterior sides.” She closed the door and looked around the entryway. Stepping to the right, she opened a closet door and looked inside. “There should be electrical in here. It’s a deep closet so I’m pretty sure people would appreciate having a light inside.” She closed that door and noticed that Aidan hadn’t moved from his spot in the living area.
Pretending not to be bothered by him watching her like that, she stopped and made some notes on her tablet. There was a fabulous cubby unit across from the closet. It had coat hooks and plenty of compartments to house baskets and all kinds of decorative items. She ran her hand over the built-in bench and frowned. “This needs to be sanded down more and another coat of paint added.” Turning to face him, she said, “Chances are, a homeowner would cover this area with a cushion, but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be smooth.”
If she wasn’t mistaken, he actually smirked.
Next to the entryway closet, she found a half bathroom and turned on the light inside. Unimpressive. “The paint is sloppy in there. It’s not plumb, either. The dark paint on the walls against the white ceiling accentuates that. There’s a wave going on in there that almost makes me seasick.”
Zoe crossed the entryway and opened the door to the two-car garage. She peeked her head in to look around quickly and shut the door before turning back to Aidan. “There’s a crack in the concrete floor by the electrical box. Sometimes concrete does that but if you’re going to patch it, make sure that it doesn’t look like a patch.”
The smirk broadened slightly.
Zoe typed a couple more notes and walked into the living area until she was standing about three feet away from Aidan. She met his eyes briefly before turning around and facing the entryway from this angle. With a tilt of her head she stopped and frowned. “It’s out of plumb on the garage side of the entryway. If you stand here you can see the curve in the wall.” She didn’t wait to see if he’d look; she had a feeling he was already well aware of all of the problems.
Doing a slow three-sixty turn, she stopped and typed, then faced the living area. “The color is wrong in here.” Lifting her head, she looked directly at him. “Granted, I don’t know what color you were going for but this is too yellow. You can see those beautiful, dark chocolate-colored cabinets in the kitchen from here. Between those and the dark floors, the walls are all wrong.”
“Tell me why,” he said deeply.
“You’ve got some amazing colors going between the floors, the cabinets and the stone in the fireplace. This color on the walls doesn’t do any of it justice. It’s a yellowish beige, and it’s boring. You want something that is going to complement everything that you’ve done. You want a color that people are going to walk in here and go ‘wow’.” Looking around again, Zoe shrugged. “This doesn’t inspire. This is the weekend-warrior-handyman special.”
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Zoe regretted them. Maybe he liked that yellow. Maybe he’d chosen it and it was the one color Sarah hadn’t substituted. Why couldn’t she just keep it professional? She’d never had trouble focusing with any of her other clients.
She turned and looked at him and noticed that the smirk was gone. He looked pissed. Okay, there were two ways she could play this. She could immediately apologize and grovel a bit or she could move on and hope she was just blowing it out of proportion.
“I think we can do something better with the furniture.” And option two it is! “The sectional is fine but we can jazz it up once we change the colors in here.” Moving to the kitchen she went on for about five minutes about the things she saw that weren’t quite right—brush strokes in the paint, crooked glass tile in the backsplash—and decided to stop there. His silence was killing her. She typed a few last notes on her tablet before putting it down and leaning against the countertop.
“Do I pass?” she asked.
“Excuse me?”
“I take it that this is a test to determine if I can see that the problem is in the details. Let me assure you, Mr. Shaughnessy, that I do. I have a real problem with craftsmen who rush through a job and put out shoddy work. I think the homeowner deserves a house that has been put together perfectly. And as for the finishes and decorating,” she said as she stood a bit taller, “we want potential buyers to come in here and not only want to buy this house, but to want their own to look as perfect as the model. If not better.” She paused and shrugged. “Not that it will be possible because the model will be perfect on steroids.” There, Zoe thought, he can’t be pissed at me if he knows that I’m a perfectionist too.
He quirked a dark brow at her. As much as Aidan hated to admit it, he was impressed. And he wasn’t impressed easily. Zoe Dalton had not only seen everything that he wanted her to see, but she had even picked up on an issue or two that had escaped him.
Not an easy thing to do.
Aidan continued to stand there and look at her, so Zoe figured she’d better nudge him along. “Are we ready to hit the upstairs? I have a list of problems with that staircase.”
And in that moment Aidan Shaughnessy thought that he just may have met his match.
Full Name: Aidan Shaughnessy
Nickname (if applicable):
Occupation: Building Contractor
Height: 6’2
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Age: 34
Originally from: Coastal North Carolina
What makes you the perfect date? (50 words or less): No one – including myself – has ever said that! But if I had to say something, it would be that I like to take care of all the details so that my date doesn’t have to worry about a thing.
What do you look for in a woman? (50 words or less) Typically someone strong and independent but also enjoys being taken care of.
Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I’m a bit of a control freak – or so I’ve been told! I’m hard working and know exactly what I want out of life. I can be quiet and observant – a bit of a people watcher. I don’t enjoy crowds very much. I prefer if I’m out, to be out in a small group or with one person.
Love Walks In by Samantha Chase is the second installment in The Shaughnessy series. Every time I read a book from Samantha I’m surprised and absolutely engaged in her story.
Hugh Shaughnessy has always had a plan and been in total control, it’s the only way he can guard his heart. Never in his wildest dreams could he imagine what unfolds at work. When Hugh meets Aubrey, its memorable and laugh out loud hysterical! This might just be what Hugh needs to shake him up, if that’s even possible.
For a man who has money and an amazing career, yes I am jealous ;), he’s still not fulfilled. There is something magical about Aubrey. Will she be the one to loosen him up? It’s going to take letting himself go out of his comfort zone, off the scheduled and predictable path, to discover what he needs.
Aubrey Burke is hiding from a huge mistake and unintentionally falls into a temporary life of parties, wine, and a lot of great food. Will she find a happy-ever-after or will she push Hugh away? Will Hugh be the one to stop her from running?
Both have reasons for hesitation when love is involved. Will they be able to trust each other? When they wind up working together they will discover that not everything can be planed out. That theory that opposites attract is put to the test and it will be amazing. It will take a village of family and friends to get these two together.
I love the setting of this novel, it’s the perfect escape from the hectic work week. Sit back with a glass of wine, a decadent cheese plate and a few chocolate truffles and discover how yummy love can be.
Another must read sexy story that has amazing characters – each one has a purpose and there are a few that have become my new favorites! The Shaughnessy Bachelors are interesting, compelling and can handle the unexpected. Oh, did I mention super sexy too? This time the destination is a resort and a vineyard. Two places I would love to be right now!
Samantha, it sounds like we have much to look forward to for the Shaughnessy family. I can’t wait to see whose story is next and where we go!
I received this book from the publisher for a fair and honest review.
Aubrey woke up the next morning and instantly groaned when she realized last night wasn’t a dream. She had cried all over Hugh until she had practically collapsed. Then he had carried her to her bed and gently put her down, kissing her forehead. And just when she thought he had taken his chance to escape, he was back with a glass of water for her. He made sure she was comfortable, kissed her gently again, and then he was gone.
Ugh. The poor man must be wishing he had just let her rob his office and not interfered. She was a mess. A stinking hot mess. How in the world was she supposed to face him this morning, knowing he must think the same thing of her? Aubrey eyed the balcony, but it was too high to escape that way.
“No more running,” she murmured as she climbed from the bed, still wearing last night’s clothes. It wasn’t particularly early—eight a.m.—but she wasn’t sure if Hugh was an early riser or not. Hopefully he was already down at the office. She’d shower and get herself feeling human again before seeking him out.
Thirty minutes later, dressed in one of her new outfits—black capris and a sky blue sleeveless blouse—Aubrey stepped out into the living room. And froze.
Hugh was sitting at the breakfast bar drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper. “Good morning,” he said. “I wasn’t sure if you were big on breakfast, so I had them send up an assortment of food—fruit, cereal, muffins, that sort of thing. If you’d like something hot like eggs or pancakes, we can have them sent up, too.”
He wasn’t asking her to leave.
He was offering her breakfast like everything was completely normal.
Nervously tucking her hair behind her ear, she straightened in her spot. “Listen… Hugh, about last night…”
He waved her off. “Today is a new day,” he said with a sincere smile. “Okay?”
There were so many things Aubrey wanted to say, but she took the lifeline he extended, returning his smile. “Okay.” She walked over to where the breakfast tray was. Her practical side told her to have some of the fresh fruit, but the other side urged her to have one of the giant muffins.
“There’s banana nut, blueberry, and chocolate chip,” Hugh said as he watched her.
“As much as I would love the chocolate chip one, I don’t think it’s quite right for breakfast,” Aubrey said, sighing as she picked up the plate of fruit. Before she knew it, Hugh was beside her, taking the plate from her hands. “What are you doing?”
He leaned in and spoke to her in an exaggerated whisper. “You’re technically on vacation. It’s okay to have chocolate for breakfast. Besides, I won’t tell.”
She looked at him and couldn’t help but giggle. “It just feels so wrong.”
Now it was Hugh’s turn to chuckle. “It’s okay. Live a little.” Without a word, Hugh put the muffin on a plate, handed it to Aubrey, and took her by the shoulders, directing her to the breakfast bar. “Sit. Eat.”
And she did. It was quite possibly the best muffin—or breakfast—she’d ever eaten. It felt completely decadent, and it wasn’t until she was halfway through it that she realized Hugh was staring at her. Swallowing the last bite, she looked at him. “What?”
His face was resting in his hand and he was smiling—he seemed to do that a lot. At least, he always seemed to be smiling at her.
“It’s good to see you enjoying a meal.”
Aubrey looked at him quizzically. “What are you talking about? I always enjoy my meals.”
Hugh shook his head. “I know I can’t speak for how you normally eat, but since you’ve been here, you’ve been very reserved while you ate. This muffin? It was a completely different experience.”
She wanted to be a little bit offended by his observation, but couldn’t. “If you can believe it, that’s the first time I’ve ever eaten baked goods for breakfast. It was never allowed.”
Hugh’s shocked expression was almost comical. “How is that possible? What about bagels?”
Aubrey shook her head.
“Definitely not.”
She laughed. “That’s not a baked good.”
“Technically, it is. Bread is baked, therefore toast is a baked good.”
Aubrey rolled her eyes. “Okay, then to be clear, I’ve never eaten the kind of baked goods one would find in an actual bakery for breakfast.”
“That borders on child abuse.”
Full Name: Hugh Shaughnessy
Nickname (if applicable):
Occupation: Luxury Resort Owner/Designer
Height: 6’3
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Age: 32
Originally from: Coastal North Carolina
What makes you the perfect date? (50 words or less): I am extremely attentive. I believe in taking a woman out for a romantic dinner with dancing and candlelight and making her feel like she is the most important thing in the world.
What do you look for in a woman? (50 words or less) She’s intelligent and easy to talk to but who isn’t looking for forever. I travel a lot and she would need to be understanding of that.
Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I’m a really regimented man. I mean really. I like things done a certain way and I’m a stickler for routines and schedules. Some say I’m overly cautious – in every aspect of my life – but that doesn’t mean that I’m boring. I have an appreciation for the finer things and I’m outgoing and enjoy being around people and making new friends.
Samantha Chase has generously donated ONE autographed
book set of Made for Us (The Shaughnessy Brothers) and Love Walks In for the Blitz giveaway.
Answer the following question in the comments below for a chance to win – When you are on vacation do you pack a suitcase full of books or an e-reader loaded to the max with e-books?
One winner will be randomly selected.
Be sure to follow Books I Love A Latte on the blog, FB and Twitter so you don’t miss the posting of the winner!
Contest ends on 6/28/16 at 11:59PM
The lucky winner must comment within 24 hours on the blog post to claim their prize or a new winner will be randomly selected.
Author Info:

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40’s to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.
When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
For more information, please visit Samantha’s website – www.chasing-romance.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/SamanthaChaseFanClub
Twitter – https://twitter.com/SamanthaChase3
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/samanthachase31/
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Samantha-Chase/e/B006CZWRGC/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
Instagram – https://instagram.com/samanthachaseromance/
Jun 23, 2016 | Blog, June 2016, Roni Loren

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte with Coconut Milk and a drizzle of caramel and chocolate 🙂What would you order?
Roni: Ooh, yours sounds delish. I’d be drinking a cold brew coffee with light vanilla almond milk and one Sweet ‘n’ Low.
Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today.
Congratulations on your RITA nomination in the Erotic category for Break Me Down and Novella category for Nice Girls Don’t Ride. A DOUBLE nomination – OMG super exciting and what an honor. Where were you when you got the call?
Roni: Thank you! Yes, I’m beyond thrilled. I was at my desk trying to write (but completely distracted by people celebrating their nominations on Twitter, lol). When the call came in, I didn’t realize what it was because it was a New Orleans area code (where I grew up) and figured it was just some random family member. But it was author Farrah Rochon calling to tell me I was nominated! And she told me about one and didn’t tell me about the second nomination until halfway through the call—“Oh, you’ve got two!” Lol. So I was doubly excited.
Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work can you tell us a little bit about your books, there are so many to choose from! By the way – the covers are fab!
Roni: Aw, thanks. I’ve been very blessed by the cover gods (via the Berkley art department.) My work is primarily contemporary erotic romance. I have two series in that genre, and Break Me Down is a part of one of those, the Loving on the Edge series. So, super steamy romances with lots of emotion, some kink, and a dose of humor. But Nice Girls Don’t Ride is actually something a little different. It could be classified as New Adult because the characters are in college, but I think it falls more solidly in the contemporary romance category. So that one is lighter in tone and has more humor but still has the sexiness. : )
Rae: What was the inspiration for Break Me Down and Nice Girls Don’t Ride?
Roni: The inspiration for Break Me Down came from me wanting to write a heroine who was a female dominant (in BDSM terms) but still an every day kind of girl who was relatable. Someone who you could imagine being your BFF. And I wanted to write a submissive hero who was alpha and dominant in every other part of his life but secretly craved the submissive role in the bedroom. Basically, I wanted to upend the stereotypes. That’s always fun.
For Nice Girls Don’t Ride, it was completely a one off. An author friend suggested I write a biker story for a separate project, but I was a little on the fence because I have trouble connecting to those Sons of Anarchy type heroes who are typically in biker romances. I don’t mind reading them, but it’s not something I felt called to write. But then I started thinking—what if my biker hero was a nice guy? Sexy. Sarcastic. But not in your face with his macho, I’m-a-badass-biker attitude. And that’s when Monroe, the hero, was created. Now that I’m writing this, I realize that once again, it was about upending a stereotype, lol. I guess I have a thing for that. 😉
Rae: How many books can we expect from the Loving on the Edge series?
Roni: As for how many books in Loving on the Edge, that’s open ended. The next book, Loving You Easy, will be out in September. That will be the ninth full length book in the series, but the good news is that you can jump in wherever. They’re all connected through a place and group of friends, but each book is a standalone story for that couple or triad.
Rae: What can we expect from your next release(s)?
Roni: The next release is Wanderlust in July, which is a standalone story about Lex Logan, lead singer of a rock band, who’s trying to keep his band’s problems out of the public eye, and Aubrey Bordelon, the determined reporter trying to get the scoop.
Then, Loving You Easy in September, is a ménage romance. The heroine is a white hat computer hacker who has given up on the dating world and has restricted her love life to a sexy online game. But when her information is hacked and she tracks down the owners of the game (best friends Ren and Hayes), she finds out things are much better in person.
Rae: A quick little plug – readers should run to Amazon right now, many of your e-books are $1.99 on Amazon. A few perfectly priced books to start your collection dear readers or add to it! 🙂
Roni: Thanks! Yep, Nice Girls Don’t Ride is 1.99 and Break Me Down is 2.99 so both RITA nominated novellas can be bought for 5 bucks.
Rae: Love your website and how user friendly it is. For the reader who isn’t quite sure what he/she is in the mood for you make it super easy. Just select what your desire and suggestions pop up. By the way, fabulous web design!
Roni: Aw, thanks! I’m a little obsessive about my website and am constantly playing around with it. And yes, if you want to pick out a book by your favorite trope, I have them all divided up into categories like Friends-to-Lovers, Geek Hero, Fake Relationship, Hero in a Suit.
Rae: I enjoy reading your blog too – you have a lot of information that is helpful to readers. Great suggestions for organizers and helpful tips and tidbits!
Roni: Yay, thank you. I’m crazy about planners and office supplies and organization, so I end up talking about that a lot along with books I’ve read and loved. I like blogging and didn’t want to have a blog where it was just news about my own books all the time. Yawn. So it can be a bit of a mishmash over there.
Rae: Can you tell us when and where you will be in the upcoming months?
Roni: I’ll be at RWA in San Diego in July for the big book signing. And then next after that is Apollycon in Orlando, Florida in March of next year.
***** 8 Tantalizing Tidbits *****
1. What is a must read book and why?
That’s so tough! I guess it would depend on the genre someone prefers. If it’s erotic romance, I’d say you must read Tiffany Reisz’s Original Sinners series because the characters are so fascinating. If it’s historical romance, I’d say you must read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon because Jamie is one of my favorite heroes ever. If it’s horror/thriller, I’d say you must read Stephen King’s 11/22/63 because it’s such a great mix of intrigue, time travel, history, and suspense. If it’s children’s literature, I’d say you must read A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle because that’s the book that made me want to be a writer.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?
I live in Dallas now, but I consider New Orleans my hometown, so I’ll say you have to see the French Quarter. It’s the iconic, can’t-miss spot if you visit. Then, you need to eat your way through it. 🙂
3. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist?
Hard Rock, hands down. I’m a concert junkie. Favorite Band: Foo Fighters (but the list is long).
4. What is your guilty pleasure?
I honestly try not to have “guilty” pleasures. If I like something and it’s not hurting anyone, why should I feel guilty about it? Life’s tough. The books/interests/TV shows/whatever that make you happy are gifts. Having said that, I have indulgences or treats. Almost always, that is some kind of dessert—cheesecake, fresh baked cookies, a great piece of pie.
5. Organized or Free Floating?
Well, you’ve seen my planner addiction, so in a lot of ways, I’m hyper organized. I have paper planners, I meal plan, the books on my shelves have a certain system. But when it comes to writing, I’m a pantser (fly by the seat of my pants.) I’ve tried and tried to outline or do a detailed plot ahead of time, but the creative part of my brain absolutely doesn’t work that way. So maybe I have to organize everything else in my life so that I have room to go creatively willy-nilly with my writing.
6. What’s your favorite TV show and why?
I actually don’t get to watch much TV. But since summer is about to start, I’ll say the show I look forward to the most in the summer is Big Brother. It’s a tradition with me and the hubs to watch it, and because it comes on so many times a week, you feel fully invested in it. Plus, it’s like the ultimate people watching—crack for a writer.
7. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why?
Dirty Dancing. I think that may be what made me fall in love with romantic stories early on because I saw it when I was young (age ten or so) and it imprinted on me. It has everything—sexy hero, dancing, first love, beautiful setting, angst. Love. It.
8. Do you love to cook or go out to eat?
I love both. I have a cookbook addiction and I cook throughout the week. But on weekends, we go out. Basically, I just love to eat!
Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another Latte 🙂
Happy Reading Dear Readers.
Happy Writing Roni!
Get your copy here of Roni’s RITA nominated books:

Break Me Down (Loving on the Edge Series)

Nice Girls Don’t Ride
To find out who wins the 2016 RITA in each category head over to Romance Writers of America on July 16 at 8PM PT. Winners will be announced and be sure to follow #RITAGH and #RWA16 for all the news that night!
Author Bio:

Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. After earning a master’s degree in social work from LSU, she worked in a mental health hospital, counseled birthmothers as an adoption coordinator, and did management recruiting in her PJs. But she always returned to writing.
Though she’ll forever be a New Orleans girl at heart, she now lives in Dallas with her husband and son. If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her cooking, watching reality television, or picking up another hobby she doesn’t need–in other words, procrastinating like a boss. She is a three-time RITA award nominee and is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author.
Jun 21, 2016 | Blog, June 2016, M.L. Buchman

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte with Coconut Milk and a drizzle of caramel and chocolate:) What would you order?
MLB: Hot chocolate, no whip, no marshmallows. I’m a purist about my hot chocolate.
Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today.
MLB: Thanks for having me.
Rae: Congratulations on your RITA nomination in the Romantic
Suspense category for Target Engaged. Super exciting and what an honor. Where were you when you got the call?
MLB: I was just wandering around the house doing my usual, “how long can I avoid it before I start writing” thing. An RWA board member calls and, since I wasn’t quite awake yet, I may have appeared a touch blasé about it. “Oh, that’s great. Thank you very much.” It was only after I hung up that it struck that this was indeed a very cool moment. I wanted to call back the poor board member and be a bit more enthusiastic for her benefit.
Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work can you tell us a little bit about your books. You have written over 40!
MLB: I’m a bit of a lunatic about series…I love them! I’m best known for my military romantic suspense series (that’s plural). “The Night Stalkers,” “Firehawks,” and my latest, “Delta Force” are all going concerns with more books coming in each on. I have a complete “Angelo’s Hearth” contemporary romance series set in Seattle’s Pike Place Market in the world of food, fashion, and sailboats. I just launched a four-book contemp. rom. set in the small Oregon Coast town of Eagle Cove. I also have a fantasy series “Deities Anonymous” and a foodie thriller series “Dead Chef” going as well. Did I mention that I love series?
Rae: Which series can we expect to see more of?
MLB: What’s immediate?
- June: A new Night Stalkers’ romance, tentatively titled: Roy’s Independence Day.
- June: Longing for Eagle Cove -the third installment in my small-town Oregon romances.
- July: Keepsake for Eagle Cove -the conclusion of the 4-book series
- August: Heart Strike -the next book in my RITA-finalist Delta Force series
- From the 14th-20th of every month: a free short story on my website at www.mlbuchman.com
Rae: What was the motivation to jump out of an airplane? I admire anyone who can throw themselves out of a plane! What job have you not had that you’d like to try?
MLB: The hardest thing about jumping out of a plane (which a friend talked me into doing) was that I’ve also been a pilot. It was against all of my instincts to jump out of a perfectly safe plane. Now, as I believe in attacking what I fear rather than letting it control me, I freaked out the jumpmaster a bit when I threw myself out of the plane on “1” while he was counting to “3.” Of course once I hit the air, it was pure adrenal joy! As to a different job? I’d love to fly as a pilot for a job, but I’m a bit colorblind. I’d love to work as a chef, if I was way younger and much more masochistic. A professional sailor I think would be about the best life other than being a writer. In a different life, I’d be writing this on my fifty-foot sloop bobbing in the South Pacific seas.
Rae: Where do you draw your inspiration?
MLB: Inspiration comes from everything, even from my own writing. The more I write, the more ideas I have. “Hey, that little side thing there is such a cool idea for my next novel…”
Rae: Do you get to travel to any fun places in the name of research?
MLB: As to research, I have just completed a major research trip as a writer. I’ve had the idea for a contemporary romance series idea set in Italy since forever. We just spent two weeks in Italy researching setting, culture, and (oooh yeah!) food. Then my wife wanted to go on a knitting cruise through the North Sea (Denmark, Norway, Shetlands, Scotland) which is ringing a whole other set of writer’s bells for me. Can’t wait to write that either!
Rae: Can you tell us when and where you will be in the upcoming months?
MLB: Having just come back from spending the month of May in Italy and the North Sea, I’ll be hitting a couple of conferences next. In July I’ll be attending the Romance Writer’s of America National Conference in San Diego where my Delta Force romantic suspense Target Engaged is a finalist for the RITA. I will also be attending the writer’s only conference called NINC in September. I’ll be teaching at a few professional workshops here on the Oregon coast over the winter. Other than that, I intend to be curled up with my writing computer.
Rae: Congratulations again and I’ll be watching the #RITAGHs award ceremony via computer this summer.
****** 8 Tantalizing Tidbits ******
1. Rae: What is a must read book and why?
MLB: Susan Wiggs The Charm School. Like Eloisa James, that woman just makes me laugh while telling a great story!
2. Rae: What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?
MLB: The beach. Seriously. The Oregon Coast is a line of small towns filled with tourist shops and motels that sit empty half the year and are packed to the gills the other half. But the beach faces between 5 & 10,000 miles of the Pacific (depending on which direction you look) and it is an ever-changing wonder. Most people visit and think, “Sand. Ocean.” But I have walked it almost daily for over three years and it is never twice the same, not even minute to minute.
3. Rae: What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you?
MLB: One?!? I spent 18 months riding my bicycle around the world (mostly solo). I call it my Mid-Life Crisis on Wheels. Also, I’m was a private pilot, a Taekwondo black belt, and I quilt whenever I get a chance.
4. Rae: Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist?
MLB: Yes. I was raised on Broadway musicals, folk, and rock. I spent years studying operatic vocal production and found jazz in a small nightclub in Budapest in my 30s. I listen to all of them while writing. Favorite artist? I love so many, but Barbara Thompson’s Songs From the Center of the Earth album is a stunner. It is just her jazz sax and an ancient cathedral. My kid provides much of my playlist and my newest favorite there is Avicii.
5. Rae: If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go?
MLB: I’m a pretty cheap date, as is my wife. I’d love to cross the Australian Outback again (though not on a bicycle this time). Or rent a small caravan (what we call an RV) and putter around New Zealand for a couple of months. Actually, I’d love to winter over at the South Pole. I screwed up an opportunity to go there as a researcher when I was twenty and I’ve always regretted it. A month aboard the International Space Station would also be very high on my bucket list.
6. Rae: What is your favorite movie of all time and why?
MLB: Notting Hill. I’ve always been a total mush of a guy, and that one just rings all of my bells, even better than the Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice. It’s right up there with my rather expansive collection of “B” science fiction movies headed by Forbidden Plant and When Worlds Collide.
7. Would you rather see a movie in the theatre or at home on DVD and why?
MLB: Both. First in theater for its grand, expansive quality, then at home (if it was good enough) for the details and the dialog (I’m hard of hearing and I hate missing even a word of what the writers and the actors did).
8. Rae: Do you love to cook or go out to eat?
MLB: I love to cook. I don’t have enough time to get really good, between my old corporate job and becoming a full-time writer three years ago, but I do love to cook.
Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another Latte 🙂
Happy Reading Dear Readers.
Happy Writing M.L!
To find out who wins the 2016 RITA in each category head over to Romance Writers of America on July 16 at 8PM PT. Winners will be announced and be sure to follow #RITAGH and #RWA16 for all the news that night!
Author Info:
M.L. Buchman has over 40 novels in print. His military romantic suspense books have been named Barnes & Noble and NPR “Top 5 of the year” and twice Booklist “Top 10 of the Year,” placing two titles on their “Top 101 Romances of the Last 10 Years” list. He has been nominated for the Reviewer’s Choice Award for “Top 10 Romantic Suspense of 2014” by RT Book Reviews and is a 2016 RWA RITA finalist. In addition to romance, he also writes thrillers, fantasy, and science fiction.
In among his career as a corporate project manager he has: rebuilt and single-handed a fifty-foot sailboat, both flown and jumped out of airplanes, designed and built two houses, and bicycled solo around the world.
He is now making his living as a full-time writer on the Oregon Coast with his beloved wife and is constantly amazed at what you can do with a degree in Geophysics. You may keep up with his writing and receive exclusive content by subscribing to his newsletter at www.mlbuchman.com.